The Informal Meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers is held on 12 and 13 July 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria. The meeting starts on 12 July with the home affairs working sessions. On 13 July there is a working breakfast, attended by the justice and home affairs ministers of the current EU Trio Presidency, namely of Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria, and those of the Eastern Partnership, namely of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The informal meeting of EU justice ministers, dedicated to the topics of e-evidence, enhancing judicial cooperation in civil matters and mutual recognition in criminal matters, follows this working breakfast.
The outcome of EDA’s project on Additive Manufacturing (AM, better known as 3D printing), launched in 2016, is now available: a report on the impact of AM on the defence and a video covering the various project activities.
The main objectives of EDA’s ’Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration’ project were to assess the areas where AM technologies can have a positive impact on defence capabilities and to demonstrate their feasibility.
The project, initiated in the framework of the CapTech Materials & Structures within the EDA Research & Technology domain, was organized around three work-strands: (i) a desktop study to place AM and its potential in a defence context, (ii) a technology demonstration of the feasibility of deploying these technologies in support of a military operation, (iii) an exhibition to senior military staff which took place in Spain in September 2017.
The ’Additive Manufacturing: State of the Art and Strategic Report’ describes the different additive manufacturing technologies and identifies existing capabilities in Europe. Issues related to a potential use of AM in defence, such as gaps in the value chain, IPRs (Intellectual/Industrial Property Rights), standardization and certification, test and evaluation, skills and education are also addressed, as well as an analysis of the future needs in these areas. Three value chains for implementation of AM in the most promising defence areas were developed, identifying the main limitations for AM implementation and providing solutions to overcome the existing barriers. EDA’s contractors for this project, the research centre Fundación Prodintec and defence company MBDA France, worked together to support the activities described and helped to strengthen the links between research activities, industrial development, and the armed forces.
The EDA Additive Manufacturing in Defence final video, also published today, summarizes the three work-strands of this innovative project.
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