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Griechenland-Krise: Juncker telefonierte mit Merkel

EuroNews (DE) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:40
Die Griechenland-Krise war Thema eines Telefonats zwischen EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker und der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela…
Categories: Europäische Union

Depuis "Charlie", l'image des musulmans s'est améliorée en France

France24 / France - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:36
Si les actes islamophobes se sont multipliés depuis les attentats de janvier à Paris, un sondage américain, publié mercredi, estime que les Français ont néanmoins développé une opinion plus favorable à l’égard des musulmans de France.
Categories: France

Su-34 Fighter-Bomber Skips Off Runway, Turns Over Near Russia's Voronezh

RIA Novosty / Russia - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:34
A Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber skipped off a runway and turned over at an airfield in central Russia on Thursday, a military source told RIA Novosti.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Semjén: egyetlen nemzetrészt sem adunk fel

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:31
BUDAPEST. Egyetlen nemzetrészt sem adunk fel és egyetlen nemzetrésznek a feladásához sem asszisztálunk - jelentette ki Semjén Zsolt nemzetpolitikáért felelős miniszterelnök-helyettes a nemzeti összetartozás napján, csütörtökön a budapesti Magyarság Házában.

EU-Algeria Association Council

European Council - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:20

The ninth EU-Algeria Association Council took place this morning in Brussels.

The Association Council was chaired by Ms Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission. Algeria was represented by H.E. Mr Ramtane Lamamra, Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

This latest meeting of the Association Council enabled the two parties to renew their intention to consolidate the bilateral relationship, not only through the implementation of the Association Agreement, but also through an ambitious political dialogue.

In this connection, the Association Council was an opportunity to reflect on common challenges.  The two parties reviewed the latest developments on Libya, the Malian crisis and combatting terrorism and preventing radicalisation. They also discussed migration and energy cooperation, marked this year by the holding of the first high-level dialogue on energy. The progress of integration in the Maghreb region was also discussed.

The EU and Algeria noted a convergence of views on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy and reiterated their commitment to concluding negotiations on the action plan in 2015. In this context, both parties expressed their interest in the continuation of political, institutional and socio-economic reforms in Algeria aimed at strengthening democracy and good governance, through an inclusive dialogue with all elements of civil society. To that end, the two parties reviewed bilateral cooperation priorities, including the diversification of the economy and the strengthening of citizen participation in public life.

The parties also addressed the subject of the protection and defence of human rights. The EU welcomed the recent reforms adopted on the advancement of women. Concerning the right of association, the right to assembly and the freedom of assembly, the EU encouraged Algeria to strengthen its cooperation with the United Nations system in order to align itself more closely with the international standards in this field.

As regards technical cooperation, the two parties signed a protocol to the Association Agreement allowing Algeria to participate in Euro-Mediterranean programmes. Algeria will consequently be able to take part in 20 EU programmes, such as COSME (SMEs), Horizon 2020 (research) and Creative Europe (culture and media).

Categories: European Union

Cape Verde profile - Overview

BBC Africa - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:17
Key facts, figures and dates
Categories: Africa

Közéleti személyiségek bírálják Fico külpolitikáját

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:15
POZSONY. A társadalmi és kulturális élet hetven neves képviselője írta alá a Nem akarjuk elcserélni az Európai Uniót Oroszországért elnevezésű nyilatkozatot, melyben élesen bírálja Robert Fico miniszterelnök külpolitikai lépéseit.

OSCE election observation leaders in Turkey visit Adana, Diyarbakir ahead of vote

OSCE - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:14

ANKARA, 4 June 2015 – The leaders of the OSCE’s short-term observer mission for Turkey’s upcoming parliamentary vote have completed visits to Adana and Diyarbakir provinces, respectively, while dozens of other OSCE parliamentary observers have arrived in country ahead of the election.

Vilija Aleknaite Abramikiene, a Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly from Lithuania who is serving as Special Co-ordinator of the short-term OSCE observer mission, visited Adana province in south-central Turkey on 3-4 July. 

She met with Governor Mustafa Buyuk; representatives of the Provincial Election Board; representatives of several political parties; representatives of civil society, including a voters’ group; and long-term observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR).

“The bombing of the People’s Democratic Party office here in Adana two weeks ago was a vivid reminder that Turkey has real security challenges. I was therefore pleased to hear from candidates and to personally witness that parties remain very active and engaged in campaigning for votes. I expect the Turkish authorities to continue doing their utmost to guarantee security on election day for all candidates, party representatives, facilities, and of course voters, whom I hope will turn out in large numbers,” said Aleknaite Abramikiene. 

Aleknaite Abramikiene also served as OSCE Special Co-ordinator for the August 2014 presidential election observation mission. 

Ignacio Sanchez Amor (MP, Spain), who is serving as Head of the OSCE PA Delegation of observers, traveled to Diyarbakir province in southeastern Turkey on 3-4 July. 

There he met with Governor Huseyin Aksoy; representatives of the Provincial Election Board; representatives of several political parties, including human rights and women’s groups; and long-term observers from the OSCE/ODIHR.

“I have certainly taken note of security considerations in Diyarbakir and other Turkish provinces near the Syrian border and have followed the situation in these areas carefully. I have been particularly impressed by the great amount of solidarity demonstrated by the local population vis-à-vis the tragedy of the Syrian refugees, whom the people here call their ‘Syrian guests,’” said Sanchez Amor, who is also the OSCE PA’s Special Representative on OSCE Border Issues.

“But my meetings have also addressed the many other facets of this election, including the media environment and other aspects of the campaign period. These will all factor into the OSCE’s assessment of this vote,” he added.

The observer mission will assess the elections against democratic commitments contained in the OSCE’s 1990 Copenhagen Document.

Aleknaite Abramikiene and Sanchez Amor also underscored the high level of international interest in the 7 July vote.

The OSCE’s short-term observer mission comprises nearly 50 OSCE parliamentarians from 20 countries. 

The parliamentarians, who have begun arriving in Ankara, will participate in two days of briefings ahead of election day. The briefings will include representatives of the Supreme Board of Elections, party representatives, members of the media and civil society, representatives of the Radio and Television Supreme Council and long-term observers from the OSCE/ODIHR.

On 7 June, the OSCE parliamentary observers will deploy to polling stations across Turkey.

Aleknaite Abramikiene and Sanchez Amor, in conjunction with other appropriate officials, will deliver the mission’s statement of preliminary findings and conclusions at a press conference in Ankara on 8 June.

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Categories: Central Europe

Article - President of UN General Assembly: Environment vital for sustainable development

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:13
General : "We cannot have sustainable development without addressing social, development and environmental issues," said Sam Kahamba Kutesa, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, during his visit to the Parliament on 3 June. He was there do discuss new Sustainable Development Goals with the foreign affairs committee. We talked to him about issues such as climate change and migration.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - President of UN General Assembly: Environment vital for sustainable development

European Parliament - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:13
General : "We cannot have sustainable development without addressing social, development and environmental issues," said Sam Kahamba Kutesa, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, during his visit to the Parliament on 3 June. He was there do discuss new Sustainable Development Goals with the foreign affairs committee. We talked to him about issues such as climate change and migration.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

RDC : la Mission de l’ONU fête ses quinze ans dans un climat tendu

LeMonde / Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:10
La Mission de l’ONU en République démocratique du Congo organise, jusqu’au 6 juin à l’Institut français de Kinshasa, le vernissage d’une exposition de photos retraçant l’action des Casques bleus. Mais après quinze années, leur bilan est contesté.
Categories: Afrique

A magyarországi nemzetpolitika legfőbb üzenete a szülőföldön maradás és boldogulás, Pánczél Károly szerint

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:06

A magyar országgyűlés Nemzeti Összetartozás Bizottságának elnöke a nemzeti összetartozás napján Marosvásárhelyre látogatott az RMDSZ és a Magyar Polgári Párt közös meghívására. Pánczél Károly képviselő a mai sajtótájékoztatón azt emelte ki, hogy a nemzeti összetartozás napján fontos az emlékezés a 95 évvel ezelőtti trianoni békediktátumra, hiszen az összefogást, a határokon átívelő összetartozást kell erősíteni a mindennapi életben és a politikában is.

„A nemzetpolitikában Magyarországon, 2010-től  gyökeres változás állt be. Azt is mondhatjuk, az előző időszak jégkorszakához képest, hogy egy kegyelmi állapot van 2010-től. Olyan új törvények születtek, mint az új alaptörvény, az új alkotmány, amelyben egy nagyon fontos mondat, hogy Magyarország felelősséget visel a határon túli magyarokért. Ez hatja át egyébként egész nemzetpolitikánkat.”

- hangsúlyozta Pánczél Károly

Székely István, az RMDSZ társadalomszervezésért felelős ügyvezető alelnöke a sajtótájékoztatón arra mutatott rá, hogy az erdélyi magyarságnak nem csak az anyaországból érkező anyagi támogatásokra van szüksége.

„A magyarországi odafigyelés nem elsősorban anyagi szempontok szerint kellene megvalósuljon, hanem tudástranszferre tartunk leginkább igényt. Arra a tudásra, amivel a magyar intézményeinket, a megmaradással, a kultúránk ápolásával kapcsolatos programokat tartalommal tudjuk feltölteni”

- mondta Székely István.

A délelőtt folyamán a történelmi egyházak marosvásárhelyi vezetőivel tanácskozott a küldöttség az egyházi ingatlanok visszaszolgáltatásáról, délután a Sapientia és a MOGYE magyar intézményvezetőivel tárgyalnak. A Sapientia kapcsán újabb támogatási lehetőségekről egyeztetnek.

Infographies : comment Facebook est devenu hégémonique au Maghreb

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:05
Plus de quatre ans apr�s les d�buts du Printemps arabe, qui a largement contribu� � asseoir Facebook au Maghreb, le r�seau social y est plus que jamais incontournable.
Categories: Afrique

A romániai magyar közösséget ért jogsértésekről számolt be Washingtonban Kelemen Hunor

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 16:03

Az RMDSZ elnöke arról tájékoztatta az Egyesült Államok külügyminisztériumának európai és eurázsiai ügyekért felelős helyettes államtitkárát,  hogy stagnál Romániában az ingatlan-visszaszolgáltatás folyamata és a magyar közösség szimbólumhasználatát is korlátozzák. A szövetségi elnök a New York-i székhelyű Magyar Emberi Jogok Alapítvány meghívására látogatott Washingtonba. A Magyar Emberi Jogok Alapítvány hónapok óta dolgozik azon, hogy Markó Attila számára lehetőséget biztosítson arra, hogy az Egyesült Államokban ismertesse a romániai restitúciós folyamatok visszásságait. A korábbi időpontra előkészített látogatást azonban el kellett elhalasztani, mert időközben a román hatóságok nemzetközi elfogatóparancsot adtak ki Markó Attila ellen. Andy Harris, Maryland állam republikánus képviselője, illetve Marcy Kaptur, Ohio állam demokrata képviselője is fogadta az RMDSZ küldöttségét. A politikusok tavaly a Mikó-ügy kapcsán levelet fogalmaztak meg John Kerry külügyminiszternek, amelyhez több tucat kongresszusi képviselő csatlakozott. Ezt a figyelmet és támogatást köszönte meg Kelemen Hunor RMDSZ-elnök, akit a két képviselő arról biztosított: az amerikai külügynek címzett újabb megkeresést terveznek azért, hogy a kétoldali megbeszélések napirendjére ismét felkerüljön a romániai ingatlan-visszaszolgáltatás ügye.

OSCE brings together Aarhus Centres from 14 countries to discuss environmental challenges and opportunities for co-operation

OSCE - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 15:54

VIENNA, 4 June 2015 – Environmental co-operation, networking and partnerships were the focus of the two-day Aarhus Centres Annual Meeting, organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, which concluded in Vienna today.

Aarhus Centre Managers and Aarhus Convention National Focal Points from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine together with representatives of international and regional organizations and OSCE Field Operations discussed the contribution of Aarhus Centres to environmental democracy, transparency and accountability.

“During our OSCE Chairmanship, within the Economic and Environmental Dimension, we fully support the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and the work of the Aarhus Centres by putting it high on our agenda this year, and we will continue to do so in the future”, said Mr. Jovica Cekic, the representative of the Serbian Chairmanship.

Referring to the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security, Halil Yurdakul Yiğitgüden, the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, said: “Aarhus Centres are an important tool for us in addressing environment and security challenges, especially at the community level.”

The Director of Environmental Division of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Marco Keiner emphasized that “Aarhus Centres have been at the forefront of the practical implementation of the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers on the ground.”

Ambassador Tomislav Leko, Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chair of the OSCE’s Economic and Environmental Committee drew attention to the three pillars of the Aarhus Convention: “By facilitating access to information and public participation in decision-making and by promoting access to justice in environmental matters, the Aarhus Centres provide the OSCE with an exceptional tool to promote environmental democracy.”

Aarhus Centre stakeholders showcased their activities in the field of water management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, shared best practices and lessons learnt, and explored opportunities for enhanced co-operation and partnership.

An Aarhus Centre representative from Tajikistan, Dimitry Prudtskikh, emphasized that environmental problems can only be solved through dialogue and close co-operation among local communities, civil society and local authorities. “A clean environment and fair sharing of natural resources are prerequisites for healthy, peaceful and prosperous communities.”

The meeting featured the signing of a Joint Declaration for co-operation among the Aarhus Centres in the South-Eastern European region.

The OSCE has been supporting the establishment and operation of Aarhus Centres since 2002 mostly through the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) Initiative. To date a network of 59 Aarhus Centres is operating in 14 countries. The Governments of Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States are currently among the major supporters of the Aarhus Centres’ activities.

An infographic on the Arhus Centres and the environmental challenges they address can be found here.


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Categories: Central Europe
