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Defence`s Feeds

US Navy configures MUOS-5 payload to support UHF satellite communications

Naval Technology - Tue, 25/04/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy has collaborated with Army Forces Strategic Command to configure one of the Mobile User Objective System's (MUOS-5) two communications payloads, the ultra-high frequency (UHF), to offer additional support to the navy's UHF satellite commu…
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy receives eighth EPF vessel USNS Yuma

Naval Technology - Tue, 25/04/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy has taken delivery of its eighth expeditionary fast transport (EPF) vessel USNS Yuma (EPF 8) from shipbuilder Austal USA.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MBDA to deliver in-service support for British Navy Type 45 destroyers' Sea Viper

Naval Technology - Tue, 25/04/2017 - 01:00
MBDA has received a new £175m contract from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to provide further in-service support for the British Royal Navy's Daring-class Type 45 destroyers' Sea Viper weapon system.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Un manuel sur l’Europe de la défense (PSDC)

CSDP blog - Tue, 25/04/2017 - 00:00

La politique européenne de sécurité et de défense commune : "Parce que l'Europe vaut bien une défense"
par André Dumoulin et Nicolas Gros-Verheyde
Editions du Villard (3 avril 2017)

Pour tout comprendre à l’Europe de la défense, il y a enfin une solution. Un manuel complet sur la « politique européenne de sécurité et de défense commune », le premier d’une longue série, publié aux éditions du Villard.

Une vraie « bible » sur l’Europe de la défense

C’est une première car il n’existe aujourd’hui, aucun ouvrage en français, à jour, faisant le tour de toutes les questions que pose l’Europe de la Défense, de façon claire et pédagogique. Ce qu’on appelle la « Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense commune » (PSDC) reste encore un no man’s land, bourré de fantasmes et largement méconnu.

Une politique encore méconnue

Née dans les Balkans, cette politique européenne devenue commune a évolué par à-coups. Certains la rêvent comme une « armée européenne » ou une alternative à l’OTAN. D’autres vilipendent sa faiblesse ou sa lenteur. La PESD devenue PSDC n’a ni ces ambitions ni ces tares. Au contraire ! Et elle recèle des avantages, mal connus. C’est tout l’enjeu de cet ouvrage : savoir comment fonctionne réellement l’Europe de la Défense.

Un ouvrage à quatre mains

Cet ouvrage est rédigé à quatre mains, par un universitaire et un journaliste, qui ont allié leur commune expertise : André Dumoulin (chargé de cours à l’université de Liège et professeur à l’Institut royal militaire – belge) et Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (rédacteur en chef de B2, ancien auditeur à l’IHEDN, correspondant de Sud-Ouest auprès de l’UE et de l’OTAN). Le premier apporte le recul historique pour comprendre, le second donne une mise en relief de l’actualité.

En savoir plus

Tag: PSDCAndré DumoulinNicolas Gros-Verheyde

Defence Energy Managers' Course Holds First Session

EDA News - Mon, 24/04/2017 - 16:12

On 24 April, EDA welcomed 20 students from nine Member States to the opening session of a 16-month course aimed specifically  at reducing the energy usage within military installations.  The ‘Defence Energy Managers’ Course (DEMC)’ is the first of its kind to be run at the multi-national level and will deliver both theoretical and practical energy management system  training to facility managers from the navies, armies and air forces of Europe.  

Beginning with a 5-day classroom session covering the fundamentals of energy management, the students will receive project specific mentoring to deliver energy savings within their own national sites  and will benefit from one-on-one instruction from market leading experts.  The course is split into 5 distinct modules (3 classroom and two practical) and is based on the ISO 50001 standard but with specific applicability to the defence sector.    

The course marks another important milestone in EDA’s approach to sustainability in defence and runs in parallel with the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector sponsored by the European Commission and EDA’s own Energy and Environmental Working Group, which looks to mainstream sustainability concepts within the military as enablers for improved military capability and to reduce the negative environmental effects of military operations.


In January 2017 EDA launched a new specialised Defence Energy Managers’ Course (DEMC), which aims to enhance MoD capabilities through the establishment and implementation of the EDA’s Energy & Environment Working Group (EnE WG) within their organisations.  The participants of the new DEMC will reinforce their understanding of the complexities of managing energy within a defence organisation or sub-organisation and will acquire the capacity to structure, implement and improve effective Energy Management Systems (EnMS).

Through the attendance of the course, MoD/Armed Forces personnel will be trained to the required technical standard to deliver practical, cost-effective solutions and, uniquely, will benefit from case-specific mentoring support to their first project delivered within the context of their normal work activities. After the course, the trainees will have sufficient knowledge to continue to develop their skills in a continuous cycle of self-improvement through on-going mentoring, alumni relations and as members of the European Defence Energy Network (EDEN) with permanent access to its established on-line resources. 

More information:
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
