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Updated: 3 weeks 18 hours ago

China : Secret seminars for Chinese Communist Party future leaders

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
The time has come for Chinese President Xi Jinping to train the next generation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. According to information gathered on the ground, the presidency and the CCP have begun to identify particularly brilliant and "virtuous"
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

France : France developing own recognition AI for navy special forces

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
France's Centre de Développement des Applications de la Défense (CDAD) in Toulon is developing a tool for the automated analysis
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Europe/Malaysia/United States : Malaysian PM's secret list of 'Zionist' defence firms

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's officials engaged in a curious dance when their boss visited the Defense Services Asia trade
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France/Malaysia/United States/Yemen : MEIO left out, Hezbollah ties, changes at Pentagon, purges in Beijing

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
France/Malaysia - Malaysian intelligence feels cold shoulder from ParisThe Malaysian External Intelligence Organisation (IO, 25/07/18) recently voiced its frustration with
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France/United States : French military wants greater insight into US defence technology processes

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Taking some care to be discreet, the French military command opened a small tender in late April in search of
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Afghanistan/Europe : Taliban tightens rules for EU and UN security contractors

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Interested contractors were to have had until 13 May to respond to the call for tenders to secure the European
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Ukraine/United States : Russian diplomatic and commercial pressure to stop Ukraine's secondhand arms purchases

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 06:00
Kazakhstan's sale of 81 disassembled Soviet-era fighter jets to the United States to be sent to Ukraine has triggered an information war. After various Ukrainian news sites announced the sale on 26 April, various Russian-linked sites denied that it had
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Ukraine : Balloon warfare in the skies over Ukraine

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 06:00
The Aerobavovna company, headed by Yuriy Vysoven, is currently deploying aerostats specially developed for intelligence missions en masse on the
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China/France : Le Meilleur: Xi Jinping's security officers' Chinese food of choice in Paris

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 06:00
On the morning of 8 May, Le Meilleur, the Asian delicatessen in Paris's 7th arrondissement, just a stone's throw from
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United Kingdom : Christopher Geidt moves closer to Jonathan Marland, who has strong ties to Kuwait

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 06:00
Christopher Geidt, Baron Geidt, a former private secretary to Queen Elizabeth II, is continuing his professional adventures despite stepping down
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Vietnam : Unit C03 hears from accountants in risky anti-corruption probe

Fri, 10/05/2024 - 06:00
On 14 April, the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security's anti-corruption entity, Unit C03, announced it wants to bring the management
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United States : US Congress seeks new body to channel OSINT resources towards target countries

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
Only a few weeks after the US's intelligence community published its first strategy on the use of open sources (OSINT), the country's legislators have come forward with their own proposals by calling for the creation of a new open source
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European Union/Israel/Spain/United States : Kallisto's decoy tech, Frontex intelligence budget hike, former Claroty VP teaser

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
Washington/Madrid - Trials of Spanish GEOINT decoy techThe United States Army Futures Command (AFC) led by General James Rainey is
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Saudi Arabia : Boston Consulting Group's space sector work at centre of Saudi government turf war

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
Intelligence Online has learned that Boston Consulting Group is close to completing a multi-year project to write Saudi Arabia's official
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China : Xi Jinping's Presidential Research Office, nuclear reactor of geopolitical analysis

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
The Presidential Research Office doesn't figure in the official organisational chart of the president's office, but Intelligence Online can confirm
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United Kingdom : Short-lived UKIP leader moves into private investigations

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
Henry Bolton, who led the Eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP) for several months in 2017 and 20`18, registered the firm
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China/United States : Amentum recruits for Washington's acoustic intelligence battle with China in Pacific

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:00
American defence contractor Amentum is currently busy recruiting naval and acoustic intelligence experts and naval drone specialists. According to our
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

United Kingdom : Intelligence sidelined as British election rivals talk up defence

Wed, 08/05/2024 - 06:00
While the prospect of reduced military spending has provoked strong reactions and commitments from both sides of Britain's political divide, the reduction in the intelligence budget, the drastic scale of which Intelligence Online revealed (IO, 19/03/24), is causing a certain
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Italy : Italian cyber defence champion DEAS goes on the offensive

Wed, 08/05/2024 - 06:00
The Italian company DEAS (Difesa e Analisi Sistemi) is gradually establishing itself as the Italian Ministry of Defence's cyber defence
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Oman/United Kingdom : Muscat favouring UK space-tech providers after energetic lobbying by British embassy

Wed, 08/05/2024 - 06:00
While the biggest spenders in the Gulf space race, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have shown few loyalties
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