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Updated: 1 week 6 days ago

Italy cannot be ‘Europe’s refugee camp’, Salvini says

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 08:30
Italy's new hardline interior minister Matteo Salvini said Sunday that "common sense" was needed to stop the country from being "Europe's refugee camp" as he visited a migrant centre in the south.
Categories: European Union

G7 countries pour $100bn a year into oil, gas and coal: study

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:49
Each year, at least US$100 billion goes to support the production and consumption of oil, gas and coal, according to a major new study published on Monday (4 June). That is despite a promise from all G7 and G20 members to stop subsidising fossil fuels by 2025.
Categories: European Union

Formula One at risk from new EU insurance rules?

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:37
Motorsport’s governing body, the FIA, is concerned that a European Commission update to rules on motor insurance could be “highly detrimental” to sports like Formula One, as it could leave race events dependent on the whims of insurance companies.
Categories: European Union

Merkel offers Macron concessions on eurozone reforms

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:33
German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered a long-awaited answer to French President Emmanuel Macron's call for ambitious European Union reforms on Sunday (3 June), offering olive branches on investment and help for debt-mired eurozone member states.
Categories: European Union

EU, Mercosur trade talks resume with renewed optimism

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:25
The European Union and South America's Mercosur bloc begin a fresh round of trade talks this week with renewed optimism that negotiators may be nearing an accord after almost two decades of talks.
Categories: European Union

Denmark, Russia lost in translation in the Baltic

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:13
Denmark and Russia had a diplomatic clash earlier this year over a report by the Russian public TV channel, NTV. looks into the issue as part of the “Fact or Fake” series, in partnership with France 24.
Categories: European Union

Orbán hails attempts to derail solution to Macedonian name dispute

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:13
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán produced a video message on Saturday (2 June) supporting the efforts of Macedonia’s main opposition party to block a solution to the long-standing name dispute with Greece. He praised its refusal to bend "under pressure from foreign powers".
Categories: European Union

Why Europe needs more electricity interconnectors, public and private

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 07:04
Europe's underdeveloped power grid infrastructure means that a surplus of electricity cannot be traded across borders, wasting renewable energy in countries that produce more than they consume, write Jo Leinen and Werner Langen.
Categories: European Union

Brussels calls for closer monitoring of fishing rules… on paper

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 06:17
The European Commission presented its proposal for revised fishing rules last week (30 May). But while the proposals have good intentions, they provide no real guarantees of efficiency. EURACTIV’s partner Le Journal de l’Environnement reports.
Categories: European Union

Italy’s new leaders to ‘review’ Renzi labour reforms

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 06:15
Italy's new anti-establishment government will change the labour reform introduced by the previous administration, Labour and Industry Minister Luigi di Maio said.
Categories: European Union

GDPR: Time to walk the talk

Mon, 06/04/2018 - 06:07
The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is good news for consumers. But its promise will only materialise if industry changes its mindset about data protection and if the law is supported by a strong compliance and enforcement culture, writes Ursula Pachl.
Categories: European Union

EU to respond to US measures within weeks

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 21:12
The EU's Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström warned at a press conference on Friday (1 June) that "the US is playing a dangerous game" and announced measures the EU will launch in "a matter of weeks" against US trade restrictions on steel and aluminium. But she admitted it was a "very difficult, dangerous situation".
Categories: European Union

The Brief, powered by 2025AD -The unglamourous victory of the institutions

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 16:54
Europeans, especially Spaniards and Italians, must be wrapping up this working week with a sense of dizziness.
Categories: European Union

Davis draws up Irish ‘buffer zone’ plan to square Brexit customs circle

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 16:23
Brexit Secretary David Davis is drawing up plans for a 10-mile area around the 310-mile border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, in the UK government’s latest bid to square the circle on its future customs relations with the EU and avoid a ‘hard border’.
Categories: European Union

European Commission under fire after new CAP proposals unveiled

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 15:58
The European Commission unveiled on Friday (1 June) its plans for the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy, triggering a strong reaction from EU farmers and the environmental community for cutting the budget, giving member states too much leeway and fudging environmental and climate issues.
Categories: European Union

Rajoy ousted from Spanish government, replaced by socialist Sánchez

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 15:04
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, plagued by corruption scandals, lost a confidence vote in the Spanish parliament on Friday (1 June) and will be replaced by opposition leader Pedro Sánchez, a socialist who vowed to call elections soon.
Categories: European Union

MEPs want to revive the Schengen area

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 14:36
The European Parliament calls for the accession of Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria to the passport-free Schengen area, which has suffered setbacks with the reintroduction of internal border checks since 2015. reports.
Categories: European Union

EU and China pledge to deepen relationship despite trade tensions

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 14:20
The EU and China said on Friday (1 June) they would expand trade and investment cooperation amid the global trade dispute triggered by US tariffs. But as part of the efforts to address outstanding trade disputes, Europe will present a complaint before the World Trade Organisation against China’s intellectual property practices.
Categories: European Union

Romania breaks up alleged €25m illegal logging ring

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 13:21
Romania’s security forces have mounted a series of raids to break up an alleged €25m illegal logging ring, in what is believed to be the largest operation of its kind yet seen in Europe. EURACTIV's partner The Guardian reports.
Categories: European Union

Leaked: Germany’s planned coal commission shows little interest for the climate

Fri, 06/01/2018 - 11:57
While Berlin has postponed for a third time the launch of the highly anticipated coal commission, a leaked document obtained by shows that the roadmap focuses more on the restructuring coal-dependent German regions than on reducing CO2.
Categories: European Union


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