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Updated: 2 days 6 hours ago

Andriukaitis: SPC manufacturing waiver does not damage pharma innovation

Tue, 06/12/2018 - 06:13
The European Commission’s proposal to add an SPC manufacturing waiver on exports will not damage innovation, as the pharma industry claims, and only intends to support small and medium generic drug companies, according to EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis.
Categories: European Union

Europe should not forget Iran’s imperialist agenda despite the crumbling of JCPoA

Tue, 06/12/2018 - 06:10
Despite its rich history, traditions and achievements, Iran still considers itself an underdog, a revolutionary, and an active force that wants to reshape its neighbourhood. It feels the deck is stacked against it as it positions itself as the perennial challenger to unfair forces keeping it down, writes Kacper Rekawek.
Categories: European Union

Spain to receive rescue boat with 629 migrants after Italy, Malta refuse

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 17:05
Spain's new prime minister ordered the authorities on Monday (11 June) to receive a rescue vessel carrying 629 migrants that has remained at sea in the Mediterranean after both the Italian and Maltese governments, the two nearest European territories, refused it permission to disembark. EURACTIV’s partner efe-epa reports.
Categories: European Union

The Brief – Trump’s horror show

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 16:51
The “horror” summit finally happened. But contrary to what European Commission top official Martin Selmayr expected two years ago, Donald Trump was enough to throw decades of Western Alliance down the drain.
Categories: European Union

Thorning-Schmidt makes Brussels appearance, promotes conservative social-democracy

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 16:36
Former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, who was also the leader of the Social Democrats in her country from 2005 to 2015, made an appearance in Brussels today (11 June) offering her views how the EU should better makes it case globally and improve internally.
Categories: European Union

Johnson and Davis isolated as key Brexit Tory MPs opt for pragmatism

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 15:42
On the eve of the second anniversary of the Brexit plebiscite, nothing but nothing is clear on what the UK government’s policy is, still less on what the official opposition’s policy is. All the enthusiasm for Brexit has disappeared from political life in Britain, writes Denis MacShane.
Categories: European Union

Germany pours cold water on EU’s clean energy ambitions

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 15:16
Voters across Europe have lost faith in politics partly because of “unachievable targets” on renewable energy, said German Energy Minister Peter Altmaier, rejecting calls from a group of other EU countries to boost the share of renewables to 33-35% of the bloc’s energy mix by 2030.
Categories: European Union

Tax evasion deprives the EU of 20% of corporate taxes

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 13:57
Economists consider, based on tax havens’ statistics such as Bermuda or Ireland, that 40% of multinational companies' profits avoid taxation. The EU would thus be deprived of a fifth of its income from companies. reports.
Categories: European Union

Uber’s European chief: ‘Resetting the moral compass is part of our change’

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 13:00
Following a difficult year that brought a new CEO at the helm, Uber is serious about listening to its drivers and policymakers, Pierre Dimitri Gore-Coty told EURACTIV. Now the company aims at becoming a multimodal mobility platform, integrating bike sharing services or public transports.
Categories: European Union

The summit of the year: US-North Korea

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 12:26
Denuclearisation will be a big subject for discussion between Presidents Trump and Kim Jong-un at the June 12 summit in Singapore. But both leaders have mercurial personalities and vastly different expectations about the outcome, writes Fraser Cameron
Categories: European Union

Time to take fish welfare more seriously

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 11:11
Fish are often seen to be at the bottom of the pile when it comes to how we view animals. The general assumption is that fish are not furry and pettable, and therefore, they fall outside citizens’ scope of moral concern, write Reineke Hameleers and Philip Lymbery.
Categories: European Union

Will Slovak coal giant benefit from EU’s clean energy transition efforts?

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 10:38
The European Commission chose the Trencin region in Slovakia as a pilot for its new initiative to support the transition away from coal in Europe’s regions. Coal company HBP wants to take advantage of the EU initiative – while keeping coal mining in the region.
Categories: European Union

Better use of EU funding is needed to create better jobs, EU experts say

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 10:10
With less than a year before the next European elections, EU stakeholders and MEPs expressed the need for the European Union to create more and better job in a bid to tackle EU citizens’ current rejection of EU institutions.
Categories: European Union

Astana: The City of Peace [Promoted content]

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 09:37
A 7-minute video describes the development of the capital of Kazakhstan in a remarkably short time, and its role on the international stage.
Categories: European Union

Is the Commission credible about preventing plastic pollution?

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 09:33
June 8th was World Oceans Day and the European Commission was quick to point out their contribution to preventing plastic pollution ending up in the ocean.
Categories: European Union

Women entrepreneurs ‘a vast untapped resource’, say development policy-makers

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 09:23
Women and girls are too often forgotten in development policy, despite being in the front-line. A mere 2% of total overseas development aid is spent on policies related to gender equality, panellists heard at the European Development Days in Brussels.
Categories: European Union

Criticism as Kosovo justice mission EULEX closes judicial operations

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 08:31
As an EU judicial mission prepares to leave Kosovo, the assessments of its decade-long mandate are mixed -- hailed by officials but criticised by the public.
Categories: European Union

France and Germany ‘talk throughout the night’ on eurozone reform

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 07:50
France and Germany made "significant progress" towards an agreement on eurozone reforms at marathon talks in Paris this weekend, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said Sunday (10 June), but aides said there was still some work to do.
Categories: European Union

Finns Stubb and Katainen leave door open to EU Commission top job

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 07:46
Former Finnish prime ministers Alexander Stubb and Jyrki Katainen left open the possibility on Saturday (9 June) that they would run to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as the EU executive’s president next year.
Categories: European Union

Merkel open to EU migration reform, cautious on eurozone

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 07:45
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday (10 June) she was more open to French President Emmanuel Macron's plans to reform migration and defence policy in Europe than his hopes to bolster the euro.
Categories: European Union


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