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Kenya’s National Peacebuilding and Prevention Strategy

Thu, 03/21/2024 - 22:45
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IPI in partnership with the Life & Peace Institute and the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Kenya, Norway, and Sweden to the UN, cohosted a policy forum on March 21st assessing lessons learned from Kenya’s Peacebuilding Architecture Review.

The pursuit of peace, a foundational goal at the establishment of the UN in 1945, requires member states to assume primary responsibility for conflict prevention through initiatives that are nationally owned and people-centered, respect human rights, and enhance inclusivity and social cohesion. Its implementation requires a constant refreshing of peacebuilding and conflict prevention and resolution methods. This year, determining a way forward on these issues will be key to the impact hoped for in the Pact for the Future.

In 2023, in line with the push for national governments to take the lead in “identifying, driving and directing priorities, strategies, and activities for peacebuilding and sustaining peace,” the Government of Kenya commissioned a review of its national peacebuilding architecture. The initiative was spearheaded by the National Steering Committee on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management and assisted by an Independent Panel of Advisors (IPA), with support from the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office and other partners. Resulting from the highly consultative process involving Kenyans from diverse backgrounds, the IPA submitted to Kenya’s political leadership a report with a comprehensive set of observations and recommendations, structured around four pillars: (1) defining a national agenda for peace, (2) promoting political inclusion, (3) enhancing conflict prevention and resolution, and (4) proposing a new institutional architecture for peacebuilding. By pursuing an independent assessment that values the insights and contributions of local peacebuilders and civil society, Kenya demonstrates national ownership and leadership.

The audience heard from the IPA reflecting on its experiences on the review journey and the key findings and recommendations, with a particular emphasis on partnership opportunities in the implementation phase.

Opening Remarks:
H.E. Andreas Løvold, Chargé d’affaires and Deputy Permanent Representative of Norway to the UN
Elizabeth Mary Spehar, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)
Shamsa Abubakar, Deputy Chair for the Independent Panel of Advisors for the Peacebuilding Review

Raymond Omollo, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Interior and National Administration, Government of Kenya
Lesley Connolly, Team Leader, Global Policy, Life & Peace Institute
Rana Taha, Peace and Development Advisor, United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office, Kenya
Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, Independent Panel of Advisors for the Peacebuilding Review

Jenna Russo, Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

Closing remarks:
H.E. Martin Kimani, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the UN
H.E. Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN

Assessing the Role of Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations

Wed, 03/20/2024 - 15:35
Event Video 

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IPI together with the Permanent Missions of Finland and The Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN cohosted a policy forum on March 20th on the topic of “Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations: A Survey of Progress and Challenges.”

United Nations police (UNPOL) efforts to support peace and security around the world have evolved significantly in the past decade. As the roles and responsibilities of UNPOL have become increasingly multifaceted, specialized police teams (SPTs) have emerged as a useful complement to individual police officers (IPOs) and formed police units (FPUs). SPTs provide specific policing expertise and deliver project-based programming in line with their skill sets. For UNPOL, they also allow for more flexible, nimble, and agile responses to specific police development requests under the umbrella of existing field missions and arrangements.

SPTs are still described by many around UN policing as “new,” but more than thirteen years after their formal conceptualization, SPTs are now an established tool of UN policing in peace operations. Given the potential promise related to using SPTs, a more detailed assessment reflecting on these accumulated experiences is warranted. The event examined how SPTs have been used in a range of UN peace operations environments as well as the comparative advantages that SPTs offer in complement to IPOs and FPUs, including some of the challenges that need to be overcome to harness SPTs’ full potential in future deployments.

This policy forum launched an IPI publication on “Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations: A Survey of Progress and Challenges,” written by Charles T. Hunt. The event and publication were made possible with generous support from the governments of Finland and the Kingdom of the Netherlands as part of IPI’s broader workstream on A4P+.

Opening remarks:
H.E. Lauri Voionmaa, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN
Jenna Russo, Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

Charles Hunt, Professor of International Relations, RMIT University and Senior Fellow (Non-Resident) at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
Dmitri Alechkevitch, Policy Adviser, Strategic Policy and Development, United Nations Police Division
Christine Fossen, Police Commissioner, UNMISS
Jon Christian Møller, Director, KPMG Advisory, Former Specialized Police Team Leader for Haiti

Closing remarks:
Peter Slort, Police Advisor, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN

Jenna Russo, Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

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Gender Inclusion in the Pandemic Agreement: A Growing Gap?

Wed, 03/20/2024 - 05:00

There is increasing evidence of the gendered outcomes and secondary effects of epidemics and pandemics. Women make up a disproportionate share of the healthcare workforce, absorb much of the additional unpaid labor during health crises, and are exposed to increased gender-based violence and insecurity around sexual and reproductive healthcare during pandemics, among other effects. A gender-sensitive approach to health emergencies is essential for pandemic preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery.

Despite the World Health Organization’s (WHO) awareness of these impacts, it does not systematically consider them in its pandemic preparedness and response. WHO’s historical “add women and stir” approach is evident in the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), whose attention to gender focuses primarily on committee representation. Gender sensitivity is also limited in the drafts of the WHO Convention, Agreement or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (CA+), currently in development. Gender-inclusive language in the CA+ is essential for effective international coordination to prepare, prevent, respond to, and recover from health emergencies.

This paper examines the extent to which gender has been included in the zero-draft CA+ process through a desk review of the drafts that have been published (as of March 2024), focusing on explicit mentions of gender and women. The report documents the progress to date on integrating gender equality into the CA+ and offers the following recommendations for CA+ negotiators, WHO, and member states.

  • Future drafts of the CA+ should have provisions that address a wider range of the gendered impacts of pandemics;
  • WHO should develop an IHR/CA+ repository;
  • INB negotiators should directly engage relevant UN entities to recommend methods of integrating gender into the CA+;
  • States that claim to have a principled stance on gender equity should transparently champion gender-inclusive language; and
  • The CA+ should consider and incorporate initial lessons learned from the implementation of the gender-inclusive language in the IHR’s Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of states.


Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations: A Survey of Progress and Challenges

Tue, 03/19/2024 - 15:17

Over the past decade and a half, specialized police teams (SPTs) have emerged as an innovative complement to individual police officers (IPOs) and formed police units (FPUs) in UN police peacekeeping. In general, SPTs are comprised of police officers and civilian policing experts focused on “skills transfer” and capacity building through technical assistance and advice, training, and mentoring to host-state police in a specific area of police operations or administration.

This paper provides an overview of the benefits and challenges of SPTs as compared to IPOs. Some of the benefits include that SPTs are generally highly capable and meet high standards in specialized areas of policing, provide a more coherent and cohesive approach, and focus on objectives within a specific area. They also maximize capabilities by matching the work of officers to their skill sets, can be quick to deploy and adaptable, and maintain continuity by implementing longer projects. Moreover, SPTs facilitate relationship building with host-state police, use sustainable capacity-building approaches such as training of trainers, provide broader benefits to missions, and are more attractive to some police-contributing countries.

At the same time, several obstacles to greater effectiveness have emerged, including that SPTs confront high-level tensions over their development and administration, experience supply-side issues due to their reliance on voluntary contributions and shortages of specially trained officers and civilian experts, and are dominated by countries in the Global North. They also have inconsistent composition, plans, and modalities across and even within missions and phases; lack sufficient guidance on key operational aspects; and lack consistent and sufficient funding. Moreover, SPTs are disconnected from broader efforts, sometimes implement unsustainable programming that focuses on “quick wins,” and often lack adequate frameworks for monitoring and evaluation.

The lessons emerging from the experience of SPTs to date emphasize the need for innovation around deployment and implementation modalities for this specialized approach to capacity building. At the same time, they highlight the need for greater organizational flexibility and adaptability to empower and maximize the potential of SPTs.

A High-Level Panel Discussion on Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan

Fri, 03/08/2024 - 18:21

IPI together with the Atlantic Council and the Malala Fund cohosted a high-level panel discussion on March 8th, addressing the deteriorating rights of girls, women, and individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities in Afghanistan while also highlighting ongoing efforts to ensure justice and accountability for these abuses—in particular, the momentum around efforts to recognize and codify the crime of gender apartheid. This event was co-sponsored by the Global Justice Center, Rawadari, Georgetown Institute of Women, Peace & Security, Malta, and Mexico.

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, they have implemented a range of laws, policies, and practices that systematically oppress women, girls, and LGBTQI+ persons, including 85 decrees focused on curtailing girls’ and women’s rights. Under an increasingly entrenched, institutionalized legal system that curtails freedom, stifles potential, and erodes dignity, victims and survivors have endured and resisted. Reflecting on the lived experiences of Afghan women, girls, and LGBTQI+ persons, the event promoted discussion on avenues for accountability for the crimes being perpetrated. One such avenue is the codification of the crime of gender apartheid under international and domestic law.

At the event, the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center publicly launched its initiative “Inside Afghanistan’s Gender Apartheid,” an interactive audio timeline that allows listeners to hear directly from Afghan women and girls about the profound and harrowing impacts of the escalating gender apartheid in Afghanistan.

Full coverage of the event is forthcoming.

Opening/Closing Remarks:
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, President and Chief Executive Officer, International Peace Institute
H.E. Vanessa Frazier, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Malta to the UN
H.E. Alicia Buenrostro Massieu, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN

Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Laureate
Nayera Kohistani, Afghan Activist and Expert
Penelope Andrews, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law & Director, Racial Justice Project, New York Law School
Dorothy Estrada-Tanck, Chair, UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls

Jomana Karadsheh, International Correspondent, CNN

Shattering Glass: The United Nations Security Council, its Elected Ten, and Women, Peace and Security

Wed, 03/06/2024 - 18:44

Event Video 

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In a timely discussion ahead of the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women on March 6th, IPI, in partnership with the Nordic Africa Institute, cohosted a hybrid policy forum. Panelists assessed the role of the Elected 10 (E10) member states in influencing UN Security Council policy outcomes and outlined strategies and challenges for these non-permanent states to advance the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda within the council. Researchers, policymakers, and former and current members of the E10 highlighted successful efforts and opportunities for growth alike to promote the WPS agenda in the face of an increasingly challenging global context. The discussion was anchored in the principles of Resolution 1325 as speakers offered their insights around the themes of centering women’s participation in peace processes, the importance of national and regional context, and the need for innovative tactics to advance the WPS agenda.

Ireland and Norway shared their best practices and lessons learned as former E10 members, emphasizing the importance of implementation beyond rhetoric. Reflecting on Norway’s recent tenure on the Security Council, Permanent Representative of Norway Merete Fjeld Brattested identified three key ways that Norway worked on Women, Peace, and Security including mainstreaming WPS language into all Security Council products, supporting and strengthening cross-regional collaboration, and prioritizing the safe and meaningful participation of women civil society briefers in formal and informal meetings.

Permanent Representative of Ireland Fergal Mythen spoke from his experience as an initiating member of the Presidency Trio of Ireland, Kenya, and Mexico: “Shoehorning women, peace, and security into one week in October is tokenizing—there needs to be more implementation, more meaningful and sustained participation of women.” He highlighted the elements of a cross-regional approach and a commitment to action as essential to the successes of the Trio, but noted the inclusion of women in peace processes as an area with much more room for improvement.

Representing the perspective of current elected member of the E10 and newly elected co-chair of the Informal Expert Group on Women, Peace, and Security, Sierra Leone, First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone Roselynn Finda Senesi offered a lucid set of objectives and actionable items. Working from the foundational idea that, “women on the frontlines don’t want good rhetoric, they need action, accountability, and change,” her objectives include: an improved collaborative link between the African Union and WPS actors in the region; processes of accountability to increase the representation of women in peace processes; clear, specific, and decisive language on WPS; and strong support and protection of women civil society briefers.

The event provided an opportunity to share the findings of the Nordic Africa Institute’s multi-year research project, “Shattering Glass: How Elected Members of the UN Security Council Fight for Women, Peace and Security,” undertaken with the Peace Research Institute Oslo. The project assessed the dynamics, politics, and processes that affect the WPS agenda in the UN Security Council, posing the question: How do the members of the E10 advance the WPS agenda within the council?

Based on this research, Louise Olsson, Research Director, Global Norms, Politics and Society, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), commented on the examples provided by other panelists and presented insights on the broader structure of the Security Council and the opportunities therein to influence WPS outcomes. One of her conclusions was that as the WPS agenda becomes further integrated into the council, the individual profile, including the position, credibility, history, and interests, of an elected member state as they come into the Security Council is an important factor in their ability to advance WPS objectives. Another factor to consider in the further incorporation of WPS is the resulting parallel rise in resource demands.

Independent Consultant and former Director of Programmes, Futurelect, Sithembile Mbete, reflected on the role of South Africa as a three-time elected member of the Security Council. Illustrating the geographic and regional significance of an E10 member articulated by many panelists, she spoke of how the nexus between domestic and foreign policy concerns, the implication of South Africa’s national interests with the interests of the African continent, and its unique history has shaped its approach to foreign policy and the advancement of WPS in its terms within the Council. One of the innovations of the E10 that Dr. Mbete highlighted was the “reform by stealth” of the Security Council.

The event concluded with a question-and-answer session open to audience members and closing remarks from Angela Muvumba Sellström, Senior Researcher of the Nordic Africa Institute and Project Lead of “E10, WPS, and the UN Security Council.”

Opening remarks:
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, President and CEO, International Peace Institute
Therese Sjömander Magnusson, Director, Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

H.E. Merete Fjeld Brattested, Permanent Representative of Norway to the UN
H.E. Fergal Mythen, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the UN
Roselynn Finda Senesi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the UN
Louise Olsson, Research Director, Global Norms, Politics and Society, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Sithembile Mbete, Independent Consultant, former Director of Programmes, Futurelect
Pablo Castillo Díaz, Policy Specialist on Peace and Security, UN Women (virtual)

Phoebe Donnelly, Senior Fellow and Head of WPS, International Peace Institute

Closing remarks:
Angela Muvumba Sellström, Senior Researcher and Project Lead, “E10, WPS and the UN Security Council,” Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Decoding the Global Goal on Adaptation at COP28

Mon, 03/04/2024 - 21:02

Although adaptation has historically received less attention than mitigation, finance, and more recently loss and damage, it remains a key aspect of climate action as we near the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C threshold. This paper discusses the agreement on a framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) as one of the most important outcomes of the twenty-eighth UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, providing an overview of and key takeaways from the document.

The final decision text contains language on long-term transformational adaptation, which was seen as a success by many developing countries. It also sets targets for a finalized list of thematic areas—a contentious subject and another success for many developing countries. These targets explain what success looks like, ultimately aiming for the high-level objective of well-being for people and planet, while leaving the details of achieving this objective to countries. The text also includes targets for the iterative adaptation cycle. In addition, there were a number of paragraphs on means of implementation, though many developing countries saw these as a failure, as they provide little new or significant language.

The next step will be to develop indicators for the targets in the GGA framework. Ideally, the negotiators should set the strategic direction of this process while leaving the selection of indicators to experts. It will be important to keep the list of indicators short, account for data gaps, and draw on existing indicators to the extent possible. While there is much work to be done to give life to the GGA framework adopted at COP28, it has the potential to be the new guiding light for climate action.


Prioritizing and Sequencing Security Council Mandates in 2024: The Case of UNMISS

Fri, 03/01/2024 - 17:03

The UN Security Council is expected to renew the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in March 2024. The upcoming negotiations among council members will unfold as South Sudan prepares to hold national elections in December 2024. Intercommunal violence remains pervasive across the country. Significant humanitarian concerns, further aggravated by the ongoing conflict in Sudan, pose multifaceted threats to civilians, and the limited presence of state institutions to provide basic services or security amplifies the magnitude of the challenges confronting South Sudan. The humanitarian situation is further exacerbated by the impact of climate change and the influx of refugees and returnees fleeing the conflict in Sudan.

In this context, the International Peace Institute (IPI), the Stimson Center, and Security Council Report cohosted a roundtable discussion on February 6, 2024, to discuss UNMISS’s mandate renewal. This roundtable offered a platform for member-state representatives, UN officials, civil society stakeholders, and independent experts to share their assessments of the situation in South Sudan in a candid and collaborative manner. The discussion was intended to help the Security Council make more informed decisions on prioritizing and sequencing UNMISS’s mandate, as well as the mission’s strategic orientation and actions on the ground.

Participants urged council members to consider the following issues in mandate renewal discussions on UNMISS.

  • Calling for the full implementation of the 2018 peace agreement (R-ARCSS) without delay;
  • Emphasizing the importance of implementing Chapter V of the R-ARCSS to enhance transitional justice and accountability, including through the establishment of the Hybrid Court;
  • Reaffirming the four main pillars of UNMISS’s mandate, with the protection of civilians (POC) to remain a top priority;
  • Strengthening national capacity and reinforcing UNMISS’s protection mechanisms and support for women at risk of and who have been victims of sexual and gender-based violence;
  • Requesting that UNMISS monitor and report on the state of civic space and continue promoting inclusive political dialogue and civic engagement, including but not limited to the participation of women; and
  • Encouraging international partners to scale up technical assistance, capacity building, and financial support to South Sudan.


IPI Highlights to Iraqi Leadership and Think Tanks the Need for MENA Regional Connectivity and Integration To End Conflicts

Thu, 02/29/2024 - 00:48


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During a three-day conference in Baghdad entitled “Baghdad Dialogue: Exploring Regional Connectivity” organized by the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue and the Centre for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO, Germany), IPI MENA Senior Director Nejib Friji emphasized the strong need for regional cooperation towards building peace and security.

During the participants’ discussions with Iraqi President H.E Abdul Latif Rashid and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani, Mr. Friji highlighted the role of Iraq in bringing together neighboring countries to reinforce regional integration which in turn will ensure a more stable, prosperous, and interconnected region, building up on the Development Road project that would boost trade and exchanges between Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and other Mideast Countries.

He stressed a home-grown framework in which conflict would be handled from a preventive approach as a logical result of interconnectedness and melding of countries’ political, economic, and social domains.

In a bilateral meeting with Sheikh Humam Hammoudi, Leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, former First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and Chairman of the Constitutional Drafting Committee, Mr. Friji stressed the critical importance of regional development projects that would cement ties of interdependence cooperation. The Development Road Project qualifies to bolster connectivity via economic and infrastructure linkages between Asia and Europe.

Building on the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Mr. Friji highlighted Iraq’s opportunities in partnering with the GCC, Levant, North Africa, and beyond for long-term regional integration based on human development strategy.

Mr. Friji also met with the Climate Envoy of Iraq and Advisor to the Prime Minister on Climate Change & Sustainable Development, Fareed Yasseen, to explore future opportunities for cooperation and build-up following COP27 in Cairo and COP28 in the United Arab Emirates.

He also underlined the need to tap into the technological developments of the twenty-first century during discussions with the CEO of Earthlink, Alaa Jasim Moussa, stressing the role of communications and tele-corporations in bringing nations together in the region via interlinkage of networks.

Speaking on a panel entitled “Regional Approaches Towards Human Security, Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation” during the second day of the conference, Mr. Friji pointed to water as a critical tool for regional peace and stressed the importance of the water-climate-agriculture nexus.

“Climate change poses additional pressures to an evolving context. The MENA region has the most expected economic losses from climate-related water scarcity, projected at 14% of its GDP by 2050,” he stated.

He also highlighted energy as a cornerstone of any regional integration project. “The transition of renewable energy will bring together the oil-producing and non-oil-producing; it will consolidate the interdependence that will boost the economy, trade, and infrastructure ties across countries in the region,” he underlined.

He concluded his remarks by pointing to mechanisms for conflict prevention: “Within each academic and higher education institution, we must have think tanks and research centers in place that would groom the future generations on management, good governance, and law frameworks,” he stressed. “Planting the seeds for critically aware youth means that we can better equip judiciary systems which contribute to fair dispute resolution, upholding rights, and further building citizen-state trust, social stability, and peace.”

Summit of the Future: Advancing African Perspectives for a Networked and Inclusive Multilateralism

Wed, 02/28/2024 - 18:03

In September 2024, the UN will hold the Summit of the Future in New York, bringing together world leaders to “forge a new international consensus” on how to “deliver a better present and safeguard the future.” One of the outcomes of the summit will be a Pact for the Future covering five key areas: sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology and innovation, and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance. While the intergovernmental negotiations on the Pact for the Future are meant to be consultative, they could include a broader cross-section of perspectives, including from the African continent.

In this context, IPI and KAS New York hosted a hybrid workshop on February 1, 2024, to gather the perspectives of African states, multilateral institutions, and African civil society organizations on the summit and its outcome. This workshop provided a platform for exchange between member states, the African Union (AU), the UN, civil society organizations, and experts based in Addis Ababa and New York. The workshop was held in Addis Ababa in recognition of the important role of African multilateral institutions such as the AU in contributing to the reform of the international system and reinvigorating global cooperation. The convening aimed to foster a more inclusive and networked multilateralism by providing a platform for African stakeholders and by generating momentum around the summit outside the New York policy space.

The following points emerged as key considerations to ensure that the summit and pact deliver on revitalizing inclusive multilateral cooperation.

  • Reform of the multilateral system is critical to restore its credibility and legitimacy and will require, at the very least, renewed commitment by member states to the foundational principles of the UN Charter
  • Reform of the international financial architecture needs to include increasing Africa’s representation in international financial institutions and ensuring that Africa benefits from its own resources.
  • International peace and security need to be underpinned by a broader toolbox for responding to conflicts and crises, a deeper AU–UN partnership, and greater representation for Africa on the Security Council.
  • Reparations and historical justice should be the foundation of efforts to advance peace and development and meaningful reform of the multilateral system.
  • Africa’s engagement in the summit should include active participation by African civil society organizations and academics in support of member states to advance key priorities for the continent.
  • Monitoring and evaluation will be needed after the summit to hold member states accountable for delivering on their commitments and implementing outcomes.


National Action and the New Agenda for Peace: IPI VP Adam Lupel Speaks at the 2024 Parliamentary Hearing at the UN

Thu, 02/08/2024 - 23:35

Event Video 

The UN Secretary General’s New Agenda for Peace places a strong emphasis on national action to prevent conflict and achieve sustainable development. As a result, national parliaments have an important role to play in the pursuit of a strengthened system of global governance and a more effective approach to collective security.

From February 8th-9th, over 200 parliamentarians from around the world convened for the 2024 edition of the annual Parliamentary Hearing between the UN and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The hearing took place as negotiations are ongoing for the Pact of the Future and in anticipation of a Summit of the Future that UNGA President Dennis Francis describes as a “once in a generation opportunity” to fast-track transformative solutions for improved multilateralism. This year’s theme, “Putting an end to conflicts: Prescriptions for a peaceful future,” shaped two days of wide-ranging conversations.

IPI Vice President and COO Adam Lupel spoke at the first meeting of the 2024 Parliamentary Hearing on the panel “The Future of Peace and Security: From good intentions to a renewed collective action.” Dr. Lupel identified the decay of universal commitments to international law and normative constraints on the use of force as the principal strategic threats to peace and security. Building on the New Agenda for Peace’s three core principles of trust, solidarity, and universality, he discussed the corrosive effect that geopolitical divisions and interests have had. Commenting on parliaments’ place in promoting universality, Dr. Lupel said “If we want to rebuild our capacity for collective security, we must demand that our leaders are morally and practically consistent in the application of international norms and the protection of civilians so that all countries, all peoples, feel that the system is there for them. And I think parliaments are well placed to make that demand.” Dr. Lupel also stressed that parliaments need to take a long-term view of cultivating the positive conditions of peace and that they have several tools of conflict prevention, such as preventive diplomacy, accountability mechanisms against excessive use of force, and the integration of a diverse range of actors at all levels of decision making. Similarly, he placed extra emphasis on the pursuit of gender equality and the eradication of gender-based violence as a core goal of the New Agenda for Peace that Parliaments are well-placed to effectively champion and achieve.

Safeguarding Humanitarian Action in UN Sanctions and Counterterrorism Regimes: The Impact and Implementation of Resolution 2664

Tue, 12/12/2023 - 17:41

Humanitarian organizations have repeatedly called attention to the challenges that counterterrorism resolutions and UN sanctions regimes can pose to humanitarian action. In response, the council has progressively incorporated language that better takes into consideration international humanitarian law (IHL), international human rights law (IHRL), humanitarian principles, and the need to protect principled humanitarian action from the potential negative consequences of sanctions and counterterrorism measures. Most notably, in December 2022, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2664, which provides a cross-cutting humanitarian exemption to asset freezes under all its sanctions regimes, including the 1267 counterterrorism regime against ISIL/al-Qaida, to safeguard the timely and effective conduct of humanitarian activities.

In this context, IPI and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Office in New York hosted a closed-door, hybrid roundtable on November 14, 2023, to assess the implementation and impact of Resolution 2664, including its potential application to counterterrorism measures. This roundtable provided a platform for exchanges between humanitarian organizations, member states, the UN Secretariat, civil society organizations, and independent experts, including those based in Geneva and New York.

There was broad agreement among participants that Resolution 2664 is a milestone achievement representing a fundamental policy shift within the Security Council. However, the resolution does not resolve all obstacles facing humanitarian actors seeking to provide aid in contexts where sanctions from the UN and autonomous regimes, as well as counterterrorism measures, apply. Participants thus provided the following recommendations on how to continue to safeguard principled humanitarian action:

  • Member states should incorporate the obligations of Resolution 2664 into national and regional frameworks;
  • Member states should take steps to apply the humanitarian exemption to autonomous sanctions regimes and counterterrorism measures;
  • Donors should streamline reporting requirements for humanitarian actors;
  • UN entities, humanitarian actors, and member states should invest in greater guidance and capacity building on the implementation of Resolution 2664; and
  • UN entities, international and local humanitarian actors, member states, and the private sector should continue to engage in inclusive, multi-stakeholder dialogue at the national and global levels on the implementation of Resolution 2664 and risk-mitigation measures.


Prioritizing and Sequencing Security Council Mandates in 2023: The Case of MONUSCO

Mon, 12/11/2023 - 18:28

The UN Security Council is expected to renew MONUSCO’s mandate on December 20, 2023. The upcoming negotiations will unfold against the backdrop of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) request to the Security Council on September 1, 2023, for the mission’s accelerated withdrawal to commence at the end of 2023; the government and the mission’s signing in November of a disengagement plan to implement this accelerated withdrawal; and the general elections, slated for December 20, 2023. The past two months have also seen renewed fighting between the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC), the M23 rebel group, and other armed groups. The Nairobi and Luanda peace processes were disrupted by the resumption of hostilities and heightened tension between the DRC and Rwanda. The security and humanitarian conditions continue to worsen in the eastern provinces of the DRC, with persistent threats to human rights and the protection of civilians.

In this context, the International Peace Institute (IPI), Security Council Report, and the Stimson Center cohosted a roundtable discussion on November 21, 2023, to reflect on MONUSCO’s mandate renewal. This roundtable offered a platform for member states, UN officials, civil society stakeholders, and independent experts to share their assessments of the situation in the DRC in a frank and collaborative manner. The discussion was intended to help the Security Council make more informed decisions with respect to the prioritization and sequencing of MONUSCO’s mandate, as well as the mission’s strategic orientation and actions on the ground as it prepares for a drawdown.

Given the context of MONUSCO’s transition and withdrawal in the coming months, the mission will likely need to balance the following issues:

  • Prioritizing the protection of civilians and safeguarding humanitarian access to prevent the widening of protection gaps during the mission’s drawdown;
  • Enhancing engagement with local communities and civil society organizations to execute the withdrawal plan in line with specific needs in regions within and outside eastern DRC;
  • Improving coordination between the UN and regional partners that are present in eastern DRC through regular communication, information sharing, and joint planning;
  • Providing a clearer definition of and political guidance on security sector reform to ensure the appropriate and timely transition of security responsibilities to national actors;
  • Reinforcing support to the Congolese government on the implementation of its Demobilization, Disarmament, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (P-DDRCS); and
  • Supporting the revitalization of the Luanda and Nairobi processes following the December 2023 presidential election.


IPI MENA and Top Diplomats Call on the International Community to Reinforce Multilateral System Towards Lasting Peace in Mideast

Thu, 11/30/2023 - 21:40

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Top diplomats, regional experts, academics, private sector actors and media representatives called on governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders to assert the role of the multilateral system and work towards a reformed and fit-for-purpose application of its principles to achieve a comprehensive and lasting peace in the MENA region.

On November 30th, IPI MENA hosted a webinar on “The Deepening Crisis in the Middle East and the Role of the Multilateral System.”

Opening the webinar, IPI MENA Senior Director Nejib Friji referenced the many crises plaguing the region, from Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, to Palestine. He emphasized that these situations have one important thing in common: human suffering on a massive scale costing current generations decades of development delays.

He reminded the audience that the multilateral system emerged from a desire to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, but past decades have dealt major blows to people’s confidence. Multiple internationally-led conflicts have continued with no blessing or intervention by the Security Council.

“In the face of continuing conflicts and suffering, some instinctually reject the multilateral system. But we at IPI MENA believe there is a critical need for the vision it offers of the world – maybe more than ever.”

H.E Taïeb Baccouche, Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Former Minister of Education for the Republic of Tunisia, referred to the Israel-Palestine conflict, focusing on the way out of the current crisis. He said that the situation is defined by grave injustice, highlighting the continual encroachment on Palestinian territory by Israeli settlers.

He reflected on changing attitudes and approaches to the crisis amongst Arab leaders, outlining how they strongly rejected the 1947 partition plan and later accepted peaceful initiatives including the 1991 Madrid Conference and the Oslo Accords.

In terms of solutions, Mr. Taïeb Baccouche suggested a return to the starting point, disregarding all illegally gained territory. He offered two models: either two states or one multiconfessional state. He emphasized that the UN must play a key role in helping both parties move towards a peaceful resolution.

Referring to the situation in his country, Libya, H.E Mohamad Dayri, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs for the State of Libya said: “The outcome of the regime change in 2011 led to serious concerns for Libya, its neighboring countries, and beyond in Africa and Europe.” He noted that the situation has been marred by civil wars and security dysfunctions, allowing terror groups to take sanctuary in Libya. The threat of these groups has since diminished. Nonetheless, Libyans were subjected to multiple unlawful acts at the hands of local militias, including killings, kidnappings, and torture.

Mr. Dayri enumerated the internal and external factors that led to the current state of Libya. Poor governance and the plundering of public funds worsened living conditions for Libyans. In addition, the influence of foreign stakeholders and their conflicting priorities have compounded the complex landscape in the country. He emphasized that, despite an extended finger-pointing exercise, all parties have contributed to the current situation.

Moving to the role of the international community, Mr. Dayri highlighted that, despite the multifaceted nature of the situation, mediation efforts led by the UN have exclusively resulted in power-sharing packages, ignoring other substantial components and priorities for the people of Libya. He concluded with his recommendations, including a national reconciliation process facilitated by the UN.

H.E. Mr. Luis Amado, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Former Minister of Defence for the Portuguese Republic pointed to the wider implications of geopolitical crises in the MENA region and beyond. He outlined the core challenge at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict: how can we address an old, crystallized conflict in a new geopolitical context, with changed regional dynamics and forces?

Taking a step back, he referred to the “dynamic of confrontation” between the great powers – the US, Russia, and China – that shapes and imposes global crises. This dynamic imposes on all the power structures of the world, creating circumstances that expose the weaknesses of all multilateral institutions, e.g., repeated impasses between veto powers in the Security Council.

Mr. Amado emphasized the importance of envisioning a role for the multilateral system, sketching out a long scenario of confrontation between the great powers given the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and a looming cold war. Speaking more optimistically, he suggested a post-Western, multi-polar world emerging.

He concluded by affirming that the Israel-Palestine crisis must be faced on a UN legal basis. “We need to go back to the law. We have no alternative in political terms.” However, he implied that returning to past decisions is easier said than done, especially when it concerns removing 800,000 new settlers – is it possible to go back and undo the negligence of the international community over the past?

In answer to Mr. Friji’s question about the connections between the Libya crisis and the freezing process of the Arab Maghreb Union, Mr. Dayri referred to adverse effects on Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Niger, and Sudan, stating that the disintegration of Libya has negatively impacted the integration of the Maghreb countries.

Mr. Naman, a reporter from the Gulf Daily News asked about how certain Middle Eastern countries’ economic ties to Israel affect their response to the crisis and whether an energy shift could lead to a geopolitical shift in the region.

Mr. Luis Amado responded, pointing to the experience in Europe where only economic integration could solve repeated clashes between France, the UK, and Germany. He said a similar integration could be a path forward for the Middle East. However, he stressed that regional economic integration requires parallel political stability, and this dynamic must be balanced to make a difference.

Ms. Desiree Custers, Project Manager at the Centre for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO), reflected on what channels could be opened to increase communication or capacity for dialogue, especially given a discrepancy in values and ideas for the future.

Anuja Jaiswal, IPI MENA Intern, unpacked an emerging strand in the discussion. She argued that given the various time scales at play, solutions rooted in transitional justice should be placed alongside those rooted in conflict resolution.

The Global Stocktake at COP28: Ensuring a Successful Outcome

Tue, 11/21/2023 - 22:26

COP28 marks a pivotal point in the global response to the climate crisis, where countries will have the first opportunity to review and take stock of the Paris Agreement through the Global Stocktake (GST). This presents an opportunity to accelerate climate action and close the gaps needed to keep global warming below 1.5°C. To ensure a successful political outcome from the GST, the parties at COP28 could focus on the following:

  • Keep 1.5°C alive through commitments in nationally determined contributions: Governments, especially major emitters and future major emitters, need to commit to ambitious measures to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The GST outcome should provide specific guidance and actionable suggestions to countries as they prepare to submit their new or updated NDCs in 2025.
  • Phase out fossil-fuel production: Parties should agree to call for a sustained and widespread phase-out of fossil-fuel production, including the elimination of subsidies for domestic and foreign fossil-fuel extraction. The goal should be to achieve net-zero carbon emissions as close as possible to 2040 (for developed countries) and 2050 (for emerging economies). An ambitious GST outcome would also include individual and collective commitments to triple global capacity for renewable energy by 2030.
  • Price emissions: Parties should go beyond making pledges and develop mechanisms and frameworks that incentivize action. Carbon pricing is one such mechanism. A global carbon-pricing floor should differentiate between developed and developing countries, and the price should be set based on the markets rather than on a distinction between high and low emitters. Implementing a global carbon-pricing strategy could foster cooperation between developed and developing countries to safeguard the planet’s climate.
  • Improve the quality and quantity of climate finance: Getting countries out of debt, especially those vulnerable to climate impacts, should be a priority. Donor countries can also explore innovative strategies for utilizing the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights to provide grants instead of putting countries more in debt. Bridgetown 2.0 highlights a path toward reforming the global financial system to better serve developing countries through currency exchange guarantees, disaster clauses for debt deals, and reforms to multilateral development banks to increase lending.
  • Capitalize the Loss and Damage Fund: Now that countries have agreed to establish the Loss and Damage Fund, they should make pledges and pursue innovative finance, including taxes and levies on shipping, air travel, financial transactions, and fossil fuel extraction.


2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial

Thu, 11/16/2023 - 18:17
Event Video 

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The 2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial will be held in Accra, Ghana on December 5-6, making it the first peacekeeping ministerial on the continent of Africa. Ahead of the ministerial, IPI, together with the Republic of Ghana, hosted a policy forum on November 16 to bring together member states and UN officials. The event supported the objective of the fifth UN Peacekeeping Ministerial to strengthen the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations and their impact on the communities they serve. Member states were able to convene outside of the official ministerial meetings and offer key takeaways and opportunities to galvanize member state pledges gathered from the preparatory conferences held in anticipation of the ministerial.

This year’s preparatory conferences represented priority thematic areas for the ministerial. These include the protection of civilians, strategic communications (including addressing mis- and disinformation and hate speech), safety and security, the mental health of peacekeepers, and women in peacekeeping.

Jenna Russo, Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations at IPI, considered these thematic areas in her remarks against the backdrop of an increasingly complex and evolving geopolitical landscape. Noting the mounting challenges that peacekeeping missions face today—namely, protracted conflict, climate change, pandemic, transnational organized crime, and the misuse of emerging technologies—she emphasized, “Effective response requires all of our collective efforts working together for the sake of peace.”

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations of the UN delivered opening remarks. As he looked to the upcoming forum, he highlighted this unique opportunity to revitalize and enhance peace missions in a changing landscape of peacekeeping and security operations.

Harold Adlai Agyeman, as the Permanent Representative of Ghana to the UN, focused his remarks on the expectations that this year’s host holds for the upcoming ministerial. “The aim is to achieve concrete outcomes to improve peacekeeping.” He highlighted member state pledges as the most important element to ensure that peacekeeping remains relevant and responsive.

Other panelists briefed the audience on the individual preparatory conferences for the ministerial. Showeb Abdullah, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh provided an overview of the UN Preparatory Conference on Women in Peacekeeping Operations, co-hosted by Bangladesh, Canada, and Uruguay in Dhaka, earlier this year. He identified as a priority for any consideration of women in peacekeeping the role of peacekeeping partnerships, enhancing accountability, and deploying gender-responsive capabilities.

Adarsh Tiwathia, Principal Medical Officer and Deputy Director, DHMOSH/DOS of the UN, delivered takeaways from the Preparatory Conference on mental health support for uniformed personnel. Detailing how little support is available in peacekeeping contexts for mental health services, she identified telemedicine, technological integration, and a focus on pre-deployment and post-deployment services for personnel members as potential ameliorative measures.

Usman Jadoon, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN spoke about the discussions on ways to improve safety and prevent fatalities of peacekeeping personnel held at the Preparatory Conference on Safety and Security, co-hosted by Japan and Pakistan in Islamabad.

Ed Caelen, Military Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN provided a summary of the Preparatory Conference on Protection of Civilians and Strategic Communications, co-hosted by Indonesia, Netherlands, Rwanda, and the UK in Kigali.

Opening remarks:
Jean-Pierre Lacroix, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations

H.E. Harold Adlai Agyeman, Permanent Representative of Ghana to the UN
Md. Showeb Abdullah, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the UN
Adarsh Tiwathia, UN Principal Medical Officer and Deputy Director, DHMOSH/DOS
H.E. Muhammad Usman Iqbal Jadoon, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN
Ed Caelen, Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN

Jenna Russo, Director of Research and Head of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

Lessons from the Climate Ambition Summit: The Road to COP28

Thu, 11/09/2023 - 21:09
Event Video 

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IPI hosted a policy forum on November 9th, entitled “Lessons from the Climate Ambition Summit: The Road to COP28” to discuss the outcomes from the Climate Ambition Summit held earlier this year and the lessons to carry into COP28.

The Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Just Transition, Selwin Charles Hart, sat down with IPI’s President, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, to provide an updated look at the climate crisis in the current volatile geopolitical context. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein opened the conversation with the question at the center of the climate emergency upon us: “We are weeks away from COP28 and the challenge has never been greater, are our goals still within reach?”

Selwin Hart’s answer focused on both the urgent challenges we face—namely, geopolitical division, a growing trust deficit between developed and developing countries, an ever-narrowing window of opportunity to avert the climate crisis—and the newly available avenues that provide some hope for the future. “We’ve never had this level of clarity on what needs to be done, by whom, and on what timeframe. The solutions to the climate crisis have never been cheaper or more accessible.”

The discussion highlighted one of the core areas for which the Peace‚ Climate‚ and Sustainable Development team at IPI has been able to provide crucial support, the Loss and Damage Fund. The Special Adviser to the Secretary-General detailed what will be needed for the fund in the future: “We need to remain vigilant to ensure that the fund works, that it is well resourced, that innovative sources are explored, & that this fund truly benefits people & communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis.”

Looking ahead, the speakers articulated the need for clear commitment, transparency, and concrete proposals of support from COP28 attendees.

In the lead-up to COP28, the event provided an important forum to discuss the fractured geopolitical environment, the ability of the multilateral system to deliver strong results against a ticking clock, and the possibility of long-term solutions.

Geneva Peace Week Meets New York: Building Trust, Building Peace

Thu, 11/09/2023 - 04:25

Program Tuesday, November 28th High-Level Opening Plenary on the theme “Building Trust for a New Agenda For Peace” Panel Discussion 1: From Proposals to Commitments – The New Agenda for Peace and the Summit of the Future Panel Discussion 2: Harnessing Technologies to Build a Better Future Panel Discussion 3: Addressing Climate Change through Just Transitions Wednesday, November 29th Panel Discussion 4: Promoting Human Rights and Inclusive Societies Panel Discussion 5: AI for Peace – Harnessing the Complementarities between New York and Geneva Watch #GenevaPeaceWeekxIPI Geneva Peace Week Meets New York: Building Trust, Building Peace

During a 1.5-day event in New York to be held at IPI, peacebuilders from Geneva, New York, and from the field will engage in discussions on current and emerging challenges to building sustainable peace. As a contribution to the preparations for the Summit of the Future in 2024 and the Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture in 2025, Geneva Peace Week Meets New York will provide an opportunity for the broader community of peacebuilders to discuss and expand the proposals for a New Agenda for Peace and generate ideas for its effective implementation.

The event will draw on the deliberations and findings of the 10th Annual Geneva Peace Week that was held earlier in the month in Geneva (30 October-3 November 2023) and the ministerial meeting on the Summit of the Future held during High-Level Week in September in New York.

The overall theme for the event, “Building Trust, Building Peace” will frame an interactive exchange centered on Revitalizing Prevention. In particular, the sessions will address the workstreams of the policy brief on the New Agenda for Peace, on which Geneva has specific expertise i.e.

  1. Prevention at the global level: addressing strategic risks and geopolitical divisions (boost preventive diplomacy and mediation in an era of global divisions – and address nuclear and armament risks)
  2. Preventing conflicts and violence, and sustaining peace (strengthen the role of human rights, the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, and address climate and security risks);
  3. New approaches to peace and potential domains of conflict (i.e. prevent the weaponization of emerging domains and promote responsible innovation – with a focus on technologies, regulation requirements of AI, Cyber, LAWS, etc. and reflections on future peace operations).

The event is organized by the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and the International Peace Institute with support from the Swiss FDFA.

Tuesday, November 28th

High-Level Opening Plenary on the theme “Building Trust for a New Agenda For Peace”

The post-Cold War period is over, and we are moving towards a new global order and a multipolar world. Over the past decade, progress in science, technology, and economic development has greatly benefitted peacebuilding work. Nevertheless, our world remains fragile and plagued by internal violence and armed conflicts of far-reaching geopolitical dimensions. They increase its fragmentation and polarization. As U.N. member states are preparing for the Summit of the Future, guided by a New Agenda for Peace, it is crucial to ask how we can restore trust between Member States in our institutions and the multilateral system, and how to counter divisive narratives.

Predictable State behavior can build a solid foundation for peace. In this regard, ensuring the application of existing common norms based on international law is critical. The meaningful inclusion of women, youth, and marginalized groups in peace processes is another way to promote sustainable peace. Trusted knowledge, based on accurate data and scientific evidence, can also contribute to better understanding and decision-making. Speakers will highlight the ways trust can be a critical enabler of sustaining peace.

There will also be a presentation of the deliberations and outcomes of Geneva Peace week by Rapporteur Dr. Adam Day (UNU).

H.E. Pascale Baeriswyl, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, President and CEO, International Peace Institute
H.E. Ivan Šimonović, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the UN
Ambassador Nathalie Chuard, Director of DCAF

Annyssa Bellal, Executive Director of Geneva Peacebuilding Platform

Panel Discussion 1: From Proposals to Commitments – The New Agenda for Peace and the Summit of the Future

The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform through the 2023 Geneva Peace Week and the Geneva Consultations on the New Agenda for Peace generated a range of ideas and initiatives aimed at contributing to the development of the New Agenda for Peace and the preparations for the Summit of the Future. This panel will begin with a reflection on the New Agenda for Peace and an update on preparations for the Summit of the Future from the senior UN Secretariat Perspective. Speakers will share reflections on topics of particular relevance for prevention and peacebuilding in turbulent times, on which Geneva-based organizations can share firsthand experience. These topics include mediation, regional prevention efforts, governance, and national prevention strategies.

Helena Ndapewa Kuzee, Deputy Permanent Representative of Namibia to the UN
Alexandra Fong, Chief of Policy Planning at DPPA
David Lanz, Deputy Director, Policy and Mediation Support, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (Mediation)
Hiba Qasas, Executive Director, Principles for Peace Foundation

Annika Hilding Norberg, Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding, Geneva Center for Security Policy

Panel Discussion 2: Harnessing Technologies to Build a Better Future

New technologies, like social media, which were meant to bring the world closer together, are being weaponized to further create divisions and sow distrust. But new technologies and fresh ideas can and should be brought to the peacebuilding sector to counter the harmful effects of many of these new technologies. How can the risks linked to new technologies, including AI, be better regulated? And how can these new tools be regulated for good in peacebuilding and sustaining peace? What are the implications of different technologies on the future of peacebuilding?

Maria Victoria (Mavic) Cabrera Balleza, CEO of Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
Anne Marie Buzatu, Executive Director, Information and Communication Technology for Peace (ICT4P)
Howard Wachtel, Senior Director and Head of Policy, UN and International Organizations at Microsoft

Adam Lupel, Vice President and COO, International Peace Institute

Panel Discussion 3: Addressing Climate Change through Just Transitions

Climate impacts affect all areas of human life and ecosystems. As temperatures rise, resources will become scarce, environmental thresholds will be surpassed, and extreme weather events will become more frequent and intense. As the SG has pinpointed, climate is a threat multiplier. Climate change compounds challenges such as food and livelihood insecurity, poverty, and displacement, themselves drivers of conflict. Immediate action is needed to adapt to the wide range of adverse impacts of climate change impacts. Early warning systems, new technologies, accurate data, and evidence can help build trust, prevent possible escalations of violence, and face these risks. What lessons can be learned to create more justice and equity in the face of climate change?

H.E. Domingos Estêvao Fernandes, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mozambique to the UN
Christophe Hodder, UN Climate Security and Environmental Advisor to Somalia (Virtual)
Catherine-Lune Grayson, Head of Policy Team – Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy Division, International Committee of the Red Cross (Virtual)

Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives and Head of IPI’s Peace, Climate, and Sustainable Development Program

Wednesday, November 29th

Panel Discussion 4: Promoting Human Rights and Inclusive Societies

The social contract between governments and their people and between groups in society is eroding. Sustainable development and human rights are cornerstones for sustainable peace, to guarantee inclusion, and protect against marginalization and discrimination. In the year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 75th anniversary, and in order to ensure a solid foundation for the NA4P, the following questions need to be looked at: How to strengthen the role of human rights in building trust towards peaceful and inclusive societies? How can human rights in their entirety – economic, social, and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – be at the heart of prevention strategies? What role for the UN, Member States, donors, and civil society in overcoming fragmentation across sectors and pillars in the UN system?

Opening Remarks:
H.E. Leonor Zalabata Torres, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the UN

Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, Special Representative to the UN and Director of the ILO Office for the UN
Dr. Roshni Menon
, Acting Director of the Inequality and Exclusion Program, NYU Center on International Cooperation
Lorna Merekaje, Director of the South Sudan Democratic Engagement Monitoring and Observation Programme (SSuDEMOP) (Virtual)
Graeme Simpson, Interpeace, New York Office

Florence Foster, Quaker United Nations Office

Panel Discussion 5: AI for Peace – Harnessing the Complementarities between New York and Geneva

With its focus on humanitarian action, global governance, and disarmament, the international Geneva ecosystem is well-suited to contribute to the development of robust ethical standards for the use of AI, including in peace-related activities. These standards should ensure transparency, accountability, impartiality, and protection of human rights, while using AI’s data processing power to identify potential conflict patterns and improve both the prevention and the response. With its policy innovation capabilities, the New York ecosystem has a lot to contribute to this field. It can work towards international consensus to ensure that AI’s role in peacekeeping missions and diplomatic initiatives is both effective and ethically sound. The closing panel will examine how this collaboration may look in practice, and how the New Agenda for Peace could foster this collaboration.

Further, addressing the increasingly rapid and far-reaching developments in science and technology constitutes a challenge that the international community must meet in particular with regard to the use of AI in warfare. The elaboration of norms and regulations – whether politically or legally binding – to meet this challenge is needed. The New Agenda for Peace recommends, as a first step, that negotiations on autonomous weapons systems should result in a tangible normative outcome as swiftly as possible over the next few years. To be implemented, it will be important that the work undertaken in Geneva in the past years [within the framework of the Convention on certain Conventional Weapons] be taken forward. For its part, the resolution adopted by the 1st Committee of the UNGA for the first time underlines not only the importance of the work undertaken in Geneva but also that this issue is of importance for the entire UN membership, notably stressing the necessity of a dialogue between Geneva and New York on this issue.

H.E. Maritza Chan Valverde, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the UN
Eleonore Fournier-Tombs, Research Lead for the UN Secretariat of the Advisory Body on AI
Ambassador Amandeep Singh Gill, Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology
Peggy Hicks, Director, Thematic Engagement, Special Procedures, and Right to Development Division, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Virtual)

Annyssa Bellal, Executive Director, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform

Closing Session

Awa Dabo, Director and Deputy Head, UN Peacebuilding Support Office
Itonde Kakoma, Interpeace President
H.E. Pascale Baeriswyl, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN

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New Technologies and UN Peacekeeping Operations: Digital Transformation & Beyond

Tue, 11/07/2023 - 23:01
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IPI, in partnership with the French Ministry of Armed Forces, cohosted the 2023 Peacekeeping Observatory Annual Workshop on November 7, 2023. The full-day workshop examined the interlinkages between peacekeeping operations and new technology. The hybrid event convened over fifty participants, including UN personnel, member-state representatives, and independent experts from civil society organizations.

The purpose of the workshop was to brief member states on developments in the implementation of the UN Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Peacekeeping, discuss opportunities and challenges in utilizing new technologies for mandate implementation, and generate ideas for future uses of technologies in peace operations settings. This workshop also provided an opportunity for member states to learn about and discuss the importance of new technologies in peacekeeping in advance of the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial, which was held in Accra, Ghana, on December 5–6, 2023.

The workshop was divided into three sessions:

Session 1: Taking stock of the implementation of the UN Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Peacekeeping

This session featured UN officials from the Digital Transformation team and provided an update on current areas of work, including digital technologies, data and analysis for early warning, and mis- and disinformation in peacekeeping, among others. In addition to discussing opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the Digital Transformation, the session included an overview of the findings from the issue brief on the “Responsible Management and Use of Data in UN Peace Operations,” authored by Kseniya Oksamytna (linked below).

Session 2: Envisioning the future of integrating new technologies into peacekeeping, balancing innovation and pragmatism

This session provided an opportunity to look ahead toward potential new technologies in peacekeeping, including cybersecurity, AI, and the use of satellite imagery as a source of early warning. In addition to discussing both the opportunities and challenges posed by emerging technologies, the session also included a discussion on how to balance innovation with pragmatism when it comes to integrating technology into UN peacekeeping operations.

Session 3: Looking ahead to the Peacekeeping Ministerial and the importance of new technologies in peacekeeping

The final session served as a bridge between the publications and workshop sessions, and the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial, which was held just weeks after the workshop on December 5-6 in Accra, Ghana. Within this session, a UN official working on the Ministerial preparations briefed member states on how they could translate the focus on technology into concrete pledges. The linkages between the workshop and the Ministerial were particularly apt given the Ministerial’s strong focus on the provision of specialized equipment, training, and capabilities for UN peacekeeping operations.

As part of the 2023 Peacekeeping Observatory Project, IPI is publishing three issue briefs on topics related to UN peace operations and new technology: “Responsible Management and Use of Data in UN Peace Operations,” authored by Kseniya Oksamytna and (2) “New Technologies and the Protection of Civilians in UN Peace Operations,” authored by Agathe Sarfati. The third paper: “Cybersecurity in UN Peace Operations,” authored by Dirk Druet, is forthcoming.

The Peacekeeping Observatory is a multiyear IPI project examining emerging issues and challenges in peace operations. It is funded by the French Ministry of Armed Forces. IPI plans to focus on the topic of implementing the New Agenda for Peace in peace operations for the 2024 cycle of the Peacekeeping Observatory project.

Multipolarity and Universality: IPI VP Adam Lupel Speaks at the World Forum for Democracy

Mon, 11/06/2023 - 23:31

Event Video 

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Economic, political, and rights-based partnerships such as the European Union and the Council of Europe have been instrumental in ensuring peace for their democratic member states. But when conflict rages in so many parts of the world, why hasn’t the multilateral model succeeded more broadly? Should international organizations be redesigned? Is there a model for a multilateral association that is both deep in its mutual obligations and broad in its inclusiveness and scope of action? Might the rise of cross-border communities of other kinds, often citizen-led and facilitated by technology, be another route to preventing conflict? The fact remains that democratic security is today the most decisive factor of peace; how to define it, build it, and defend it?

These were the questions posed by the 11th World Forum for Democracy, which took place in Strasbourg,France, from November 6-8, 2023 on the topic of “Democracy= Peace?” Throughout both days at the Council of Europe, participants debated solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide and encouraged innovations at the grassroots level in order to strengthen the foundations of inclusive democratic societies.

IPI Vice President and COO Adam Lupel participated as a speaker at the forum’s third session on “International Community for a Democratic Security.” Speaking at the European Parliament Hemicycle, his remarks examined the need for global governance reform. International institutions have proven insufficient to address the great challenges of our times at an historical inflection point of intensifying global conflict and heightened geopolitical, environmental, and technological change. Commenting on the moral consistency required to rebuild the capacity of the international system for collective security, Dr. Lupel said, “If we want to build trust and solidarity, universality is the key; there is no trust or solidarity if international rules are applied selectively based upon geopolitical interests rather than universally according to the law.”

Read more about the World Forum for Democracy and watch the full-length video of the session here>>


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