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President Obama Hosts Gulf Summit Today

Foreign Policy - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 13:05

President Obama is convening delegations from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations at Camp David today to discuss pressing security issues across the Middle East. The summit is foremost an opportunity for the president to make assurances to the Gulf about their security if a nuclear agreement is reached with Iran, but will also include discussions about the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, the continuing Syrian civil war, and the fight against the Islamic State.

President Obama met with Saudi delegates yesterday, including Interior Minister Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef and Defense Minister Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa are skipping the summit in what has largely been perceived as a snub of the Obama Administration. President Obama is expected to offer the Gulf states a large package of defense systems to ensure the GCC’s security but has already quashed the idea of a NATO-like defense pact advocated by some Gulf diplomats.

Islamic State Deputy Reportedly Killed

The Iraqi Defence Ministry reported yesterday that Abu Alaa al-Afri, the Islamic State’s top deputy to the organization’s self-appointed caliph, has been killed in an airstrike in the city of Tal Afar. They also released video of a strike and photos of his body. The U.S. government has cast doubt on the Iraqi government’s report, saying it did not conduct a strike on the mosque in Tal Afar, where Afri was reportedly killed, and some have noted that the video released by the Iraqi government may be the same as one released by the United States depicting a May 4 strike in Mosul.


  • The Vatican announced it is preparing to sign its first treaty with the Palestinian leadership, days before a visit from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas; the Vatican has recognized Palestine as a state since 2013.


  • Iranian parliamentarians are backing away from a bill that would halt nuclear negotiations with the United States until Washington apologizes for perceived threats; some said that they were not aware of plans to fast-track the legislation, while others said they were duped into signing what they didn’t even realize was a bill.


  • The Yemeni government warned Iran yesterday that it “bears complete responsibility for any incident that arises from their attempt to enter Yemeni waters” if it does not allow the search of a cargo ship purportedly carrying humanitarian aid; the United States has urged Iran to direct aid through the U.N. hub in Djibouti.


  • Syrian opposition groups have declined to meet with U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura for preliminary peace talks, citing his comments supporting a role for Assad in a potential political transition.


  • The British government said it would opt-out of any quota system approved by the European Union for a burden-sharing redistribution of migrants fleeing to Europe from Libyan ports.

-J. Dana Stuster


The Name Game: Ukrainian Parliament Renames Russia’s 'Simferopol' Airport

RIA Novosty / Russia - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:49
The Ukrainian Parliament has renamed the Russian airport "Simferopol" after Amet-Khan Sultan, a national hero for the Crimean Tatars. The decision was supported by 240 MPs, with the minimum of 226 required votes.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Oroszország újabb humanitárius segélyszállítmányt küld Donbasszba

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:33

Oroszország újabb, szám szerint a 26. humanitárius segélyeket szállító konvojt indított csütörtökön Donbasszba - értesült az Interfax orosz hírügynökség.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

OSCE/ODIHR observers to hold press conference in Tirana on Friday

OSCE - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:12

TIRANA, 13 May 2015 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will hold a press conference in Tirana on Friday, 15 May for the formal opening of the election observation mission for the 21 June 2015 local elections in Albania.

Ambassador Audrey Glover, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission, will introduce the role of the mission and its upcoming activities. The press conference will also provide an opportunity for questions from journalists.

The OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission will partner with a delegation from the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities for observation and the release of a preliminary statement of findings and conclusions on the day after the elections.

The mission's deployment follows an invitation from the Albanian government.

The OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission and the OSCE Presence in Albania operate separately and independently under their own mandates.

Journalists are invited to attend the press conference at 13:00, Friday, 15 May, in the Teuta Room of the Tirana International Hotel, Scanderbeg Square, Tirana, Albania.

For further information, please contact Elma Sehalic, Media Analyst with the election observation mission, at +355 69 257 5055 or at


Thomas Rymer, ODIHR Spokesperson, at + 48 609 522 266 or

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Categories: Central Europe

Csúcson a magyarok idegen-ellenessége

Lengyelnet - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:07
Az idegenellenesség még soha ilyen magas szinten nem állt Magyarországon.
Categories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

Az USA elismerte, hogy Kijev megszegi a minszki egyezményeket

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:04

Az Egyesült Államok először ismerte el, hogy Kijev nem tartja be a minszki egyezményeket – idézi a TASS Alekszej Puskov, az orosz Állami Duma nemzetközi ügyekért felelős képviselőjének szavait, aki kommentálta John Kerry, az USA külügyminiszterének nyilatkozatát. „Úgy gondolom, hogy Kerry látogatásának célja nem az USA álláspontjának előremozdításáról szól, hanem a megszakadt párbeszédek helyreállításáról. Ha az USA helyreakarja állítani a párbeszédet, akkor legalább valahol tiszteletben kell tartania az orosz álláspontot” – mondta Puskov, aki szerint ez abból állt, hogy Kerry beismerte - Kijev nem tartja be a minszki egyezményeket.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

OSCE/ODIHR opens limited observation mission for local elections in Moldova

OSCE - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 12:03

CHISINAU, 14 May 2015 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today formally opened a limited election observation mission for the 14 June local elections in Moldova. The mission’s deployment follows an official invitation from the authorities of Moldova.

The mission is led by Kimmo Kiljunen and consists of a core team of 12 experts based in Chisinau and 14 long-term observers to be deployed in teams of two across the country.

The mission will observe the elections for their compliance with OSCE commitments, with other international obligations and standards for democratic elections and with national legislation. Observers will closely monitor the candidate and voter registration, campaign activities, the work of the election administration and relevant governmental bodies, election-related legislation and its implementation, campaign finance, the media environment and the resolution of election-related disputes. As part of the observation, the mission will also monitor the media coverage of the campaign.

In the course of its observation, the mission will meet with representatives from state authorities, political parties and candidates, and with representatives from civil society, the media and the international community.

While the mission will visit a limited number of polling stations on election day, systematic observation of voting, counting or tabulation of results on election day is not envisaged.

The OSCE/ODIHR limited election observation mission will join with a delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe in issuing a statement of preliminary findings and conclusions on the day after the elections. A final report on the observation of the entire electoral process will be published by ODIHR approximately two months after the completion of the electoral process.

The OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission and the OSCE Mission to Moldova operate separately under their respective mandates.

For further information, please contact Giuseppe Milazzo, Media Analyst with the limited election observation mission, at +373 68 671 251 or at


Thomas Rymer, ODIHR Spokesperson, at + 48 609 522 266 or at


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Categories: Central Europe

Az ukrajnai árak áprilisban 14 százalékkal emelkedtek

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 11:59

A kereskedelmi és a szolgáltatási árak - összehasonlítva a márciusi és április adatokat - 14 százalékkal emelkedtek – írja a TASS az ukrán statisztikai hivatal adatai alapján. Leginkább a közüzemi díjak árai emelkedtek.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Libya’s ungoverned spaces and escalating civil war in focus of OSCE-supported workshop in London

OSCE - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 11:55
Communication and Media Relations Section The New-Med Track II Network

A workshop on a multilateral approach to Libya and ungoverned territories in the Mediterranean region, hosted  by the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (International Affairs Institute), as part of the New Med network, supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, in co-operation with the OSCE, took place on 13 May 2015, in London.

Leading Libyan and regional experts, high-level officials and representatives of the international community, discussed dynamics and policy options, as UN-mediated talks to solve the internal crisis enter their final and critical stage.

The workshop also provided a forum for discussing strategies to counter the many negative regional spillovers of the Libyan conflict, including the resulting humanitarian crisis, as well as rising energy insecurity and the spread of terrorist organizations including the self-proclaimed “Islamic State”.

The New Med network of experts, established in 2014, is analysing the situation in Libya and evolving regional influences in order to assess how multilateral support for the country’s security could look when Libya restores internal security. The network provides forward-looking and complementary input to the discussions about Libya taking place within the OSCE, thus supporting and expanding the political dialogue.  

Libya has applied to become an OSCE Partner for Co-operation in 2013. 

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Categories: Central Europe

Az ukrán hadsereg nem engedte be az EBESZ-megfigyelőket

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 11:29

Az EBESZ május 12-i jelentésében arról van szó, hogy az ukrán hadsereg nem engedte be az EBESZ-megfigyelőket arra a bázisra, ahol az ukrán katonai fegyverzetet kellene tárolniuk – írja Novorosszia hírügynöksége.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

US-Senat erreicht Kompromiss zu TTIP & Co - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 11:06

Einen Tag nach ihrer Abstimmungsniederlage im US-Senat haben die Befürworter von Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU (TTIP) und dem Pazifikraum (TPP) einen Kompromiss mit den Gegnern ausgehandelt.

Categories: Europäische Union

Pollster Reveals That Crimeans Are Satisfied With the New Status Quo

RIA Novosty / Russia - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 10:50
About 80 percent of citizens of Crimea and Sevastopol are satisfied with the current situation on the peninsula, according to a recent poll conducted by the Moscow-based pollster Public Opinion Foundation (FOM).

Categories: Russia & CIS

Santé – Médecins et infirmières se rebiffent en Hongrie

HU-LALA (Hongrie) - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 10:48

Environ 5 000 professionnels de la santé se sont rassemblés à Budapest pour réclamer de meilleures conditions de travail et le doublement des salaires. Le système de santé hongrois est à bout de souffle.

Le système de santé en Hongrie est exsangue. Les médecins et les infirmières travaillent dans des conditions déplorables et doivent enchaîner des heures supplémentaires non-payées. Beaucoup ont recours au système de « gratification » : les patients leur versent des dessous de table pour se voir prodiguer des meilleurs soins. Plusieurs milliers d’entre eux ont déjà quitté la Hongrie et ses salaires de misère (environ 500 euros pour un jeune médecin en hôpital public) pour aller travailler en Allemagne, en Scandinavie… La pénurie guette le pays.

Mercredi, deux cortèges ont manifesté dans les rues de la capitale hongroise, l’un en blanc, l’autre en noir. Les manifestants ont remis la liste de leurs revendications au secrétaire d’Etat à la Santé, Gabor Zombor. Le gouvernement ne nie pas les graves difficultés et la nécessité d’investir plus dans ce secteur qui reste le parent pauvre, avec l’éducation. Les salaires ont été très légèrement augmentés cette année, mais pas suffisamment pour dissuader les médecins de s’expatrier. Ils réclament le doublement de leurs salaires d’ici 2 ans.

Categories: PECO

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine to hold news briefing in Kyiv tomorrow

OSCE - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 10:46

KYIV, 14 May 2015 – The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) will hold its regular news briefing tomorrow in Kyiv.

Alexander Hug, the SMM’s Deputy Chief Monitor, will talk about the recent Mission’s activities and the general security situation throughout Ukraine.

Journalists are invited to attend the news briefing tomorrow, 15 May, at 13:15 (Kyiv time), at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, at 2 Khreshchatyk street, Ukrainian house.

Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at 

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Categories: Central Europe

Blog • Les « Azilanti » en Croatie : Qui sont-ils, et comment vivent-ils ?

Courrier des Balkans / Croatie - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 10:33

En Croatie, des groupes de migrants originaires d'espaces non balkaniques tels que l'Afrique, l'Asie ou le Proche-Orient sont communément nommés « les azilantis ». Si les dénonciations et préjugés négatifs à leur encontre sont monnaie courante, il est malaisé de trouver des matériaux plus fouillés sur leurs conditions de vie en Croatie. Quelles réalités recouvre ce néologisme ?
Plusieurs initiatives documentaires approfondies tentent d'apporter un éclairage à cette question que bien peu de médias abordent. (...)

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Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

Antibiotika-Resistenz: Bundesregierung sagt Killer-Keimen den Kampf an - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 10:03

Mit der neuen Strategie "DART 2020" will die Bundesregierung die Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Antibiotika-Resistenzen in Medizin und Landwirtschaft eindämmen. Auf dem internationalen Parkett soll Deutschland Vorreiter sein. Doch Kritiker zweifeln an der Durchschlagskraft des Vorhabens – besonders gegen den massenhafte Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Tierhaltung.

Categories: Europäische Union


Centre Thucydide - Thu, 14/05/2015 - 09:58

Le Jury du prix Albert Thibaudet, réuni le 6 mai 2015, a retenu en première sélection pour l'attribution du prix 2015 les ouvrages suivants (classement alphabétique des auteurs) :

1. Thierry Baudet, Indispensables frontières - Pourquoi le supranationalisme et le multiculturalisme détruisent la démocratie Editions du Toucan, mars 2015, 592 p.
2. Jean-Louis Beffa, Les clés de la puissance Editions du Seuil, avril 2015, 168 p.

3. Johann Chapoutot, La loi du sang, Penser et agir en nazi Editions Gallimard, Collection Bibliothèque des Histoires, octobre 2014, 576 p.

4. Georges Corm, Pensée et politique dans le monde arabe - Contextes historiques et problématiques - XIX-XXI siècle, Editions La Découverte, Collection Sciences humaines, avril 2015, 389 p.

5. Jean-Claude Cousseran et Philippe Hayez, Renseigner les démocraties, renseigner en démocratie,Editions Odile Jacob, avril 2015, 384 p.

6. Michel Eltchaninoff, Dans la tête de Vladimir Poutine, Editions Actes Sud, février 2015, 176 p.

7. Patrice Franceschi, Mourir pour Kobané, Editions Des Equateurs, avril 2015, 143 p.

8. Jacques Frémeaux, La question d'Orient, Editions Fayard, novembre 2014, 624 p.

9. Fabrice Monnier, Ataturk, Naissance de la Turquie moderne, CNRS Editions, avril 2015, 350 p.

10. Alain Supiot, La gouvernance par les nombres - Cours au Collège de France (2012-2014), Editions Fayard, mars 2015, 512 p.

Cette liste reste ouverte.

Le prix sera attribué le 8 juin 2015 par le Jury et remis au lauréat le 18 juin à 18 h, à l'appartement décanal du Centre Panthéon, Université Panthéon-Assas.

Le Jury du Prix Albert Thibaudet 2015 est ainsi constitué :
Président : Antoine Compagnon ; Membres : Benoît d'Aboville ; Yves Boyer ; Julian Fernandez ; Jacques Fontanel ; Nicolas Haupais ; Michel Leymarie ; Pierre Morel ; Xavier Pacreau ; Alain-Gérard Slama ; Georges-Henri Soutou ; Serge Sur

