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Council conclusions on the sustainability of public finances in light of ageing populations

European Council - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 13:44

The Council adopted the following conclusions:  

  1. The economic and financial crisis has put a significant burden on public finances and has led to rising deficits and debt levels. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of public finances is therefore particularly important at the current juncture. The Council STRESSES the need for appropriate growth friendly fiscal consolidation and for further implementation of structural reforms in order to enhance the sustainability of public finances.
  2. Against this background, the Council ENDORSES the 2015 Ageing Report: economic and budgetary projections for the 28 EU Member States and Norway (2013-2060) prepared by the Economic Policy Committee (Ageing Working Group) and the Commission (DG ECFIN) on the basis of commonly agreed methodologies and assumptions. In line with previous editions, the projections in the 2015 Ageing Report cover public expenditures on pensions, health care, long-term care, education and unemployment benefits.
  3. The Council HIGHLIGHTS the main findings of the 2015 Ageing Report:  
    - Over the whole period 2013-2060, average annual GDP growth in the EU is projected to be 1.4%, unchanged compared to the 2012 Ageing Report. However, there are significant differences in the growth potential across Member States.
    - Total age-related public expenditures are projected to increase by 1.4 p.p. of GDP between 2013 and 2060 in the EU, to reach 27% in 2060, with large differences across countries. Excluding unemployment benefits (strictly-age-related expenditure), an increase of 1.8 p.p. of GDP between 2013 and 2060 is projected in the EU, to reach 26.3% in 2060.
    - Taking into account possible more adverse macroeconomic assumptions, such as the TFP risk scenario, strictly ageing-related public expenditures could increase by 2.1 p.p. of GDP between 2013 and 2060. As a result of recent reforms and more benign demographic developments projected for the EU as a whole in EUROPOP2013, the projected increase in the total age-related expenditure over 2013-60 is now significantly lower than projected in 2012 (3.3 pp. of GDP).
    - After a projected increase up to 2040, also related to the baby boom generation reaching the retirement age, public pension expenditure is projected to return close to its 2013 level by 2060 (11.3 % of GDP for the EU). The diversity across Member States is very large, depending on the degree and timing of population ageing, the specific features of national pension systems and, notably, countries' progress with structural reforms. In most countries, recent pension reforms have had a visible positive impact by containing public expenditure dynamics. Pension reforms have also contributed to an increase in the effective retirement age and thus labour input. The scale of reforms in some Member States is however still insufficient to curb the increase in public pension expenditure.
    - Public expenditure on health care and long-term care is projected to increase by 2 p.p. of GDP between 2013 and 2060 in the EU in the AWG reference scenario with considerable differences across countries, reaching 10.6 % of GDP in 2060, which is mainly due to demographic developments. Taking into account possible future developments in non-demographic cost drivers in health care and long-term care spending, as foreseen in the AWG risk scenario, the projected increase in care-related spending could even reach 4 p.p. of GDP between 2013 and 2060.
  4. In light of the updated age-related expenditure projections and the current economic situation, the Council, while welcoming recent reforms in many Member States, REAFFIRMS that there is a need to continue appropriate policy action in the EU in all age-related areas, notably pension, health and long-term care reforms while taking into account country specificities, and to avoid measures resulting in the reversal of sustainability enhancing reforms already undertaken. This entails a prompt implementation of the Country Specific Recommendations issued under the European Semester and of the three-pronged strategy for addressing the economic and budgetary consequences of ageing, i.e. by reducing government debt, raising employment rates and productivity, and reforming pension, health care and long-term care systems.
  5. The Council HIGHLIGHTS specifically that further steps still need to be taken by Member States, though to varying degrees, to raise the effective retirement age, including by avoiding early exit from the labour market and by linking the retirement age or pension benefits to life expectancy. Moreover, the Council, recalling its Conclusions of 7 December 2010, INVITES Member States to balance the need to provide universal health care and long-term care, meet an increasing demand related to an ageing population, as well as growing patient expectations due to technological development in the coming decades with the need to reduce high public debt levels. This highlights the need to assess the performance of health and long term care systems and implement sound and necessary reforms in order to achieve a more efficient use of public resources as well as the provision of high quality health and long term care.
  6. The Council INVITES the Commission to factor these findings related to ageing challenges and other relevant information including updated estimates of nearer-term potential GDP growth[1] into its analysis and surveillance under the European Semester, and to take account of its implications in all relevant fields of economic policy coordination in the EU.
  7. The Council INVITES the Commission to undertake its regular in-depth overall assessment of the sustainability of public finances by the end of 2015 using this set of comprehensive and comparable updated projections. The Economic Policy Committee should on the basis of the assessment report back to the Council.
  8. The Council INVITES the Economic Policy Committee to update, on the basis of new population projections to be provided by Eurostat, in close cooperation with the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs), its analysis of the economic and budgetary implications of population ageing by the autumn of 2018. Moreover, the Council INVITES Eurostat to systematically provide annual updates of their population projections, in particular as regards migration flows, to be used over the short to medium term forecast horizon.


[1]           On April 1st 2015 the EPC endorsed a revised approach to projecting population growth for the purposes of potential GDP estimation for Ireland, Latvia and Lithuania. 


Categories: European Union

Council conclusions on in-depth reviews

European Council - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 13:44

The Council (ECOFIN):  

  1. WELCOMES the publication of the Commission's single integrated country reports analysing the economic policies for each of the Member States and the euro area, including the in-depth reviews (IDRs) in the context of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure (MIP), as well as the accompanying Communication summarising the main results of the IDRs.
  2. CONSIDERS that this way of streamlining of the European Semester has proven to be a useful first step to better examine and discuss the economic policies of Member States, thus allowing for improved transparency and feedback on the Commission's analysis. For the future, further enhancing ownership, as well as multilateral surveillance, aimed at strengthening the process will be needed.
  3. CONSIDERS that the IDRs are structured in an appropriate way and present a thorough analysis of the imbalances in each of the Member States under review, taking country-specific circumstances and qualitative information into account. Relevant analytical tools are also applied in view of the specific challenges of each economy. I - IN-DEPTH REVIEWS
  4. AGREES that 16 of the examined Member States which are identified in Alert Mechanism Report 2015 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and the UK) are experiencing macroeconomic imbalances of various natures and magnitudes. CONSIDERS that enhanced transparency on the criteria for the categorisation of macroeconomic imbalances as well as greater stability and predictability of the procedure itself would be welcome. AGREES that, since last year, the imbalances in Slovenia should no longer be considered as excessive, although high corporate leverage and persistent financial sector fragilities continue to warrant specific monitoring. This is based on the fact that decisive policy actions have been taken on the restructuring of the banking system. Furthermore, improved export performance and growth conditions have reduced risks compared to last year, in particular those linked to the external sustainability.
  5. AGREES with the view of the Commission that excessive imbalances exist in 5 Member States (Bulgaria, France, Croatia, Italy, and Portugal), and the Commission's intention to consider in May the policy measures of France and Croatia, taking into account the level of ambition of the National Reform Programme and other commitments presented by that date, and to decide whether further steps are needed under the corrective arm of the MIP.
  6. UNDERLINES the need for policy action and strong commitment to structural reforms in all Member States, in particular when they face macroeconomic imbalances, especially if affecting the smooth functioning of EMU. Imbalances should be addressed in a durable manner, reducing risks, facilitating the rebalancing of the EU economies and creating conditions for sustainable growth and jobs; and INVITES the Commission to come forward with well-focused and consistent recommendations to the Member States addressing macroeconomic imbalances in the context of the European Semester.
  7. WELCOMES the Commission's plans with regard to specific monitoring of the recommendations by the Council to the Member States with excessive imbalances (Bulgaria France, Croatia, Italy and Portugal). Specific monitoring will also apply to a number of euro area Member States with imbalances requiring decisive policy action (Ireland, Spain and Slovenia), and INVITES the Commission to outline the concrete timing and content of such monitoring. In line with established practice, the monitoring for Ireland, Spain and Portugal will rely on post programme surveillance to avoid duplication.
  8. RECOGNISES that a number of macro-economic imbalances are being corrected, but UNDERLINES that there are still sizeable risks in certain Member States. In particular, large external liabilities make debtor countries vulnerable, and improvements in current account are not always sufficient to diminish the stock of external debt. Although losses in price competitiveness compared to pre-crisis levels have been partly corrected in a number of debtor countries, strengthening export growth through further structural efforts remains a priority in order to achieve a sustainable and growth-friendly rebalancing. At the same time, current account surpluses remain high in some Member States: these reflect to some extent weak domestic demand, which can be  partially linked to low levels of private and public sector investment. In addition, UNDERLINES that high levels of private and government debt remain an important challenge in some countries, also in the context of low inflation and moderate growth rates. Structural reforms are needed to enhance the growth potential and to tackle high unenemployment, in particular among the youth and long-term unemployed. II - IMPLEMENTATION OF COUNTRY SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS
  9. WELCOMES the overall progress made in addressing the 2014-15 Country Specific and the euro area Recommendations. TAKES note that reform implementation has been uneven over policy areas and across countries and AGREES that reform implementation needs to be stepped up to  address the individual policy challenges confronting each Member States and to ensure swift and sustainable economic recovery.
  10. RECOGNISES that further structural reforms in the services, product and labour markets and responsible fiscal policies are needed in all Member States to strengthen and sustain the economic recovery, correct harmful imbalances, achieve fiscal sustainability, improve the conditions for investment and reinforce the single market, unleashing the growth potential of Member States' economies.
  11. LOOKS FORWARD to the Commission's publication of the 2015-16 Country Specific Recommendations in mid-May to ensure the necessary in-depth multilateral discussions before their adoption by the Ecofin council. INVITES the Commission to take into account the discussion on Country Reports as well as the National Reform Programmes when drafting the country-specific recommendations 2015.
  12. STRESSES that country-specific recommendations should focus on areas of macroeconomic significance where there is an urgent need for action, in order to give these issues more visibility in the Member State's national political debate. At the same time, common challenges for the euro area and the EU as a whole will continue to be identified and monitored. CONSIDERS it important to continue to ensure a sound and transparent analytical basis for the CSRs, safeguarding equal treatment through consistency over time and across countries. 
Categories: European Union

Videó: Putyin nyolcszor talált a kapuba egy jégkorong gálán Szocsiban

Orosz Hírek - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 13:00

Nyolcszor talált a kapuba Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnök a Szocsiban rendezett jégkorong gálán, melyet a II. világháború befejezésének 70. évfordulója alkalmából rendeztek. Az egykori NHL játékosok elleni mérkőzésen 18:6 arányban nyer az orosz elnök csapata.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Rómeó Vérzik: 20 éves jubileumi nagykoncert Somorján

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 13:00
Húszéves jubileumi nagykoncertet ad május 30-án 21 órától a somorjai Rómeó Vérzik zenekar Somorján, a Pomléban.

Une fillette d'une douzaine d'années commet un attentat meurtrier au Nigeria

France24 / Afrique - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 12:30
Une jeune kamikaze s'est fait exploser samedi à Damaturu, dans le nord-est du Nigeria, tuant au moins sept personnes et en blessant 31 autres. L'attentat n'a pas été revendiqué, mais le mode opératoire porte la marque de Boko Haram.
Categories: Afrique

The US, the EU and IUU – Part 2

Ideas on Europe Blog - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 12:28

Nobody can tackle IUU fishing alone: Will opportunities for global leadership be grasped?

IUU fishing activity detected by Google Earth Images

Those who doubted the potential of the European Union’s Council Regulation 1005/2008 (the IUU Regulation) to change the laissez faire culture that has been prevalent for too long in respect of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities inside and outside EU borders have had plenty of food for thought over the past four and a half years. In the time since the IUU Regulation came into force, the yellow card warning system, followed up on occasion by a trade-suspending red card, have seen a significant change in the administrative practices of a number of fish producing countries.  Most importantly, the IUU Regulation has placed IUU fishing high in the agendas of nations that had previously not been predisposed to delve into the issue.

True, the regime is not perfect and there is yet much work to do to make a true dent in the global IUU trade. IUU fishing practices continue to cause vast losses to the worldwide economy (Eur. 10 Bn, according to the European Directorate for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries – DG Mare- which is equivalent to 19% of the reported value of catches worldwide). In addition, the destructive and insidious nature of IUU operations cause important harm not only to fish stocks and the marine environment, but also undermines every seafood producing fleet that plays by the rules. The ungovernable nature of covert IUU activities means that administrations that are keen to ensure sustainable exploitation have their work systematically undermined by the covert, dishonest nature of unreported captures.

Millions of people depend on seafood for nutrition as well as work and income, not just in producing countries, but also through the processing, importation and distribution and retail of seafood products. Further, many of those involved in fisheries have close, even ancestral, cultural ties to the activity. In many regions of the world (including of course the EU) domestic fishery production cannot match internal demand, and imports from third countries have become a necessity.

What this means, of course, is that the conservation and sustainable management of fishery resources is a collective, thoroughly intertwined effort of many actors and of very diverse nationalities. Nobody can tackle IUU fishing alone, irrespective of how much they may want to.

Yet, not everyone wants to. Routine commercial narratives evidence attitudes where business as usual, and turning a blind eye to stock erosion and illegality creep, are rife. A good illustration of such attitudes was a recent comment made to the Thai press by the head from a national fishery association, asserting his view that the yellow card presented to Thailand over IUU fishing by the EU must have more to do with protectionism and political intervention rather than with the relevance of Thailand’s mismanagement of the considerable presence of IUU activity in their production chains (not to mention the serious mistreatment of people, including their trafficking and abuse, marring the Thai seafood industry). If a comment ever represented a lack of consciousness as well as conscience, then this is it.

The interviewee’s suggestion that Thailand should seek to export to the Middle East, rather than put in an effort to clean up its act is sadly representative of a type of viewpoint that prioritises short-term, entrenched approaches that are not only ultimately doomed to failure, but which also represent a real risk for all administrations working toward long term, rational and fair approaches to seafood production and trade.

It is clear that a sustained collective effort is needed in order to address and change such attitudes and get to the root of IUU activity. With this in mind, the Presidential Task Force on Combating IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud has recently presented its Action Plan for Implementing the Task Force Recommendations has caused some degree of concern at House of Ocean. Whilst much of what is contained here is ambitious and commendable, it is striking that no mention is made anywhere in the report with regard to trade measure compatibility with existing programmes and regimes. In particular, coordination with the EU is only mentioned in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) agreement, the negotiations of which are still ongoing. No mention is made anywhere in the Action Plan of the specific measures adopted by the EU to combat IUU fishing to date, nor those adopted by Regional Fishery Management Organisations since the onset of the 21st Century. Perhaps the Task Force is reluctant to admit that the US has lagged behind in the development of IUU-specific trade measures?

However, it now has a golden opportunity to seek convergence with existing regimes, to make a substantial contribution to their improvement and expansion, and to become a formidable co-architect and a leading engineer in the fight against IUU operations. To sacrifice such an important global role for the sake of more self-serving solutions may yet become a tragedy of similar proportions to the uncooperative disease that has for far too long affected our ocean commons.




The post The US, the EU and IUU – Part 2 appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

Burundi : le président Nkurunziza réapparaît en public

France24 / Afrique - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 12:07
Le président du Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, est apparu en public dimanche pour la première fois depuis le coup d’État manqué, sans toutefois évoquer les récents événements. De nouvelles manifestations contre sa candidature sont prévues lundi.
Categories: Afrique

Attentat à Kaboul. Un membre de la mission EUPOL Afghanistan tué (maj2)

Bruxelles2 - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 11:56

Deux des véhicules atteints dans l’attaque (Crédit : BBC)

(BRUXELLES2) Un attentat suicide, à la voiture piégée près de l’aéroport international de Kaboul, a tué, ce dimanche (17 mai) matin, un membre de la mission européenne de soutien à la police afghane (EUPOL Afghanistan). Bilan confirmé par EUPOL Afghanistan. « Trois autres membres de la mission qui se trouvaient à bord du véhicule visé ont été conduits en lieu sûr. Mais leurs blessures ne sont pas mortelles. » indique un communiqué de la mission. La personne tuée serait, selon nos informations, un membre de l’équipe de sécurité rapprochée. Un Britannique a confirmé le ministère britannique des Affaires étrangères (Foreign Office).

Attentat à la voiture bélier

Les premiers éléments de l’enquête montrent que les assaillants ont utilisé une voiture bélier bourré d’explosifs pour commettre leur forfait. Selon un porte-parole de la police, Ebadullah Karimi, cité par les agences, un « kamikaze » dans une Toyota Corolla a percuté le véhicule d’EUPOL sur la route de l’aéroport principal de Kaboul, à environ 200 mètres de l’entrée de l’aéroport principal, le long de la route menant à la base militaire toute proche de l’OTAN. Deux civils, deux jeunes filles afghanes, selon l’AFP, ont également été tuées dans cette attaque revendiquée par les talibans. Et 18 autres personnes blessées, dont plusieurs enfants. Plusieurs autres véhicules (civils) présents sur place ont été détruits.

Un engagement nécessaire des autorités afghanes

La Haute représentante de l’UE pour les Affaires étrangères a rapidement réagi ce matin, apportant sa « plus profonde sympathie aux familles, amis et proches de notre collègue et de toutes les autres victimes innocentes ». Mais Federica Mogherini a tenu aussi à tenir un langage plus politique en guise d’avertissement aux autorités afghanes. « Le gouvernement afghan doit veiller à ce que les responsables de cette attaque soient traduits en justice » a-t-elle déclaré. « Le chemin de la paix et de la stabilité en Afghanistan est long. Il nécessite un engagement fort du gouvernement afghan, l’unité du peuple afghan et tout le soutien international dont les Afghans ont besoin. En tant qu’Union européenne (…), (nous allons) continuer notre engagement pour la sécurité, le développement et le respect et l’amélioration des droits de tous, à commencer par celui des enfants et des femmes ».

Une mission déjà touchée dans le passé

Il semble bien cette fois que ce soit la mission EUPOL qui ait été visée en tant que telle. Un véhicule de la mission EUPOL Afghanistan avait été « impliqué » dans un attentat suicide, début janvier 2015 à Kaboul, a confirmé la mission européenne de soutien à la police afghane (Lire : Un véhicule européen (EUPOL Afghanistan) visé par un attentat suicide à Kaboul). Deux autres membres de la mission étaient décédés en janvier 2014 dans un attentat qui visait un restaurant fréquenté par les étrangers de la capitale afghane (Lire : 2 morts à EUPOL Afghanistan dans un attentat d’un restaurant à Kaboul).

NB : C’est la 54e personne à décéder dans le cadre d’une mission ou délégation européenne, depuis la mise en place de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (PESC) de l’Union euroépenne. Lire mémoriam


(Maj) dim. 12h45. Mis à jour avec précisions sur le mode opératoire, nationalité et fonction de la victime, le bilan plus complet de l’attentat + déclaration de Federica Mogherini

Categories: Défense

Zaviri u moj život ! Have a look into my life !

Courrier des Balkans / Bosnie-Herzégovine - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 11:41

European Rroma Art Exhibition.
Self-representation of Roma in Contemporay Art.
With artists : Robert Olaf Gabris (AT/SK), Gabi Jiménez (FR), Damian Le Bas (GB), Delaine Le Bas (GB), Mihails Kokarevics (LV/GB), Kiba Lumberg (FI), Lidija Mirković (RS/DE), Denis Mustafa (KO), Sami Mustafa (KO/FR), Nihad Nino Pušija (DE/BA), Roma Kale Panthera (CZ), Věra Duždová (CZ), Tamara Moyzes (CZ/IL), Marina Rosselle (FR), George Mihai Vasilescu (RO) curated by Astrid Cury, Ursula Glaeser, Delaine Le Bas. (...)

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Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

Zaviri u moj život ! Have a look into my life !

Courrier des Balkans - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 11:41

European Rroma Art Exhibition.
Self-representation of Roma in Contemporay Art.
With artists : Robert Olaf Gabris (AT/SK), Gabi Jiménez (FR), Damian Le Bas (GB), Delaine Le Bas (GB), Mihails Kokarevics (LV/GB), Kiba Lumberg (FI), Lidija Mirković (RS/DE), Denis Mustafa (KO), Sami Mustafa (KO/FR), Nihad Nino Pušija (DE/BA), Roma Kale Panthera (CZ), Věra Duždová (CZ), Tamara Moyzes (CZ/IL), Marina Rosselle (FR), George Mihai Vasilescu (RO) curated by Astrid Cury, Ursula Glaeser, Delaine Le Bas. (...)

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Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

Sikeres volt a magyarországi finnugor diákkonferencia

Melano, a közép-európaiak magazinja - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 11:03

Pécs adott otthont idén április 16-19. között a Nemzetközi Finnugrisztikai Diákkonferenciának (IFUSCO).  A 31. alkalommal megrendezett eseményen magyar, észt, finn, németországi, osztrák, francia egyetemeken tanuló diákok és doktorandusok vettek részt. Emellett sokan utaztak Magyarországra Oroszország finnugorok által lakott területeiről, így Komiföldről, Udmurtiáról, Mariföldről, Mordvinföldről és a Hanti-Mansi Autonóm Körzetből is.

Kapcsolódó hírek:  A finnugor népeknek közös múltja, jelene és jövőve van A MAFUN bemutatta a finnugor népeket az ENSZ-ben A finnugor rokonságot tagadók is mennybe mennek?


Categories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

Ave Imperator Caesar Augustus Vladimir!

GasparusMagnus Blog - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 11:02

Szentpétervártól nem messze, Agalatovo faluban a kozák közösség (община) mellszobrot állított Vlagyimir Putyinnak.


Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Droit de séjour en Europe ? En apparence rien de plus simple et en même temps rien de plus fondamental et pourtant….

EU-Logos Blog - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 09:15

A l’heure où les migrants tentent de bénéficier d’un certain droit de séjour aussi limité et provisoire soit-il, les conclusions de l’Avocat général de la Cour de Justice européenne dans une affaire de droit de séjour sont passées inaperçues. Un paradoxe de plus. Un ressortissant d’un pays tiers perd son droit de séjour, il faut le souligner « perd don droit de séjour » dont il bénéficiait jusqu’alors. Si le conjoint citoyen de l’UE, qui n’est pas de la nationalité de cet Etat membre, a quitté le territoire de celui-ci ! Le ressortissant du pays tiers perd son droit de séjour.

C’est à cette conclusion présentée à la Cour de Justice qu’est parvenue l’Avocat général Juliane Kokott qui a ainsi essayé de trouver une solution à une situation provoquée par deux dispositions qui s’avèrent contradictoires dans des circonstances spécifiques de la directive 2014/38/CE relative au droit des citoyens de l’UE et des membres de leur famille de circuler et séjourner librement sur le territoire des Etats membres .

L’Affaire concerne trois ressortissants de pays tiers (un camerounais, un indien et un égyptien) qui se sont mariés avec des citoyennes de l’Union (une Lettone, une Allemande et une Lithuanienne) et ont résidé avec elles en Irlande. Dans chaque ca, les trois épouses ont quitté leur mari et l’Irlande et ont demandé le divorce dans leur pays respectif ou dans un autre Etat membre.

Le nœud juridique dans cette affaire découle de la combinaison de l’article 12 de la directive, qui stipule que lorsqu’un citoyen de l’UE quitte le territoire d’un Etat membre autre que le sien, les membres de sa famille qui sont ressortissants de pays tiers perdent leur droit de séjour dans cet Etat, et de l’article 13, qui dispose qu’en cas de divorce les membres de la famille qui sont ressortissants de pays tiers gardent leur droit de séjour dès lors que le mariage a duré au moins trois ans dont au moins un an dans l’Etat membre d’accueil.

Les autorités irlandaises ont considéré que les trois époux n’avaient plus droit de séjour en Irlande, même si les mariages ont duré plus de quatre ans, dont plus d’un an en Irlande, parce que les citoyennes de l’UE ont cessé d’exercé leur droit de séjour dans ce pays et que les divorces ont été obtenus après qu’elles ont quitté l’Irlande.

L‘Avocat général a considéré que, pris séparément, les deux articles sont contradictoires lorsqu’on cherche à les appliquer à une telle situation. Mais l’application combinée des deux a, finalement, pour effet de déchoir les ressortissants étrangers de leur droit de séjour, selon l’Avocat général Juliane Kokott.

L’Avocat général argue en effet que le départ du citoyen de l’UE entraîne la perte du droit de séjour du conjoint restant en Irlande (Art 12). La demande de divorce ultérieure ne peut pas faire renaître ce droit, car l’article 13 de la directive parle « du maintien » d’un droit de séjour existaant et non de la renaissance d’un droit de séjour éteint.

Maintenant, soyons pratique, la Cour va-t-elle suivre les conclusions de son Avocat général comme c’est généralement le cas, les trois qui ont perdu leur droit seront-ils expulsé ? Peuvent-ils travailler ? Existent-ils d’autres argumentations leur permettant de séjourner en Irlande, pays dans lequel ils ont séjourné relativement longtemps. Bref quel va être leur sort ? C’est donc une affaire à suivre car les conséquences vont bien au-delà du cas lui-même.


Pour en savoir plus

     -. Conclusions de l’Avocat général dans l’Affaire C-218/14Demande de décision préjudicielle présentée par la HIGH Court of Ireland, le 5 mai,-Kuldip Singh,Denzel Njume,Khaled Aly/Minister for Justice anD Equality (JO C223/7)(FR) (EN)

     -. Directive 2004/38 (FR) (EN)

     -. Vivre et travailler dans l’Union synthèse de la législation (FR) (EN)






Classé dans:LIBRE CIRCULATION DES PERSONNES, Questions institutionnelles, Ressortissants de pays tiers
Categories: Union européenne

Russia Unveils Its First-Ever 'Tankodrome' at Legendary WWII Site

RIA Novosty / Russia - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 09:11
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has opened his country's first-ever tank park, or tankodrome, on the territory of the village of Prokhorovka in southwestern Russia, the site of an iconic tank battle in World War II.

Categories: Russia & CIS

„Az egyesületi eszme az emberek között a legnagyobb és egyben legszelídebb erő és hatalom”

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 08:21
Ezen Széchenyi István mottó alatt, "Az önkéntes polgári együttműködés erkölcsi kötelezettsége és felelőssége" címmel rendezett a hétvégén konferenciát Budapesten a Gellért Szálló Tea Szalonjában a budapesti székhelyű Széchenyi Társaság és a Professzorok Batthyány Köre.

Deux juges et un procureur égyptiens tués par balle dans le Sinaï

France24 / Afrique - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 07:38
Deux juges et un procureur égyptiens ont été tués par balle samedi dans le nord du Sinaï. Cette attaque intervient quelques heures à peine après la condamnation à mort de l'ex-président islamiste Mohamed Morsi par un tribunal égyptien.
Categories: Afrique

Cambodia Extradites Fugitive Tycoon Polonsky to Russia – Interior Ministry

RIA Novosty / Russia - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 05:32
Former real estate tycoon Sergei Polonsky is being transferred to Russia from Cambodia, the Russian Interior Ministry said Sunday.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Successful U.S. Raid Into Syria Could Lead to More Missions There

Foreign Policy - Sun, 17/05/2015 - 02:30
Delta Force operators killed a senior Islamic State leader inside Syria, but the intelligence they collected could be just as important -- and might open the door to new raids in the future.
