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European Court of Justice (News)

133/2023 : 6 September 2023 - Judgment of the General Court in case T-600/21

Wed, 09/06/2023 - 10:03
WS and Others v Frontex
Law governing the institutions
Return operations: the action for damages brought by a number of Syrian refugees against Frontex after they were returned from Greece to Türkiye is dismissed

Categories: European Union

132/2023 : 6 September 2023 - Judgments of the General Court in Cases T-270/22, T-272/22

Wed, 09/06/2023 - 10:02
Pumpyanskiy v Council
External relations
War in Ukraine: the General Court dismisses the actions brought by Mr Dmitry Alexandrovich Pumpyanskiy and Ms Galina Evgenyevna Pumpyanskaya against the restrictive measures adopted by the Council

Categories: European Union

131/2023 : 5 September 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-689/21

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 09:51
Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet
Citizenship of the Union
Denmark may make the retention of Danish nationality dependent on the existence of a genuine connection with that country

Categories: European Union

130/2023 : 5 September 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-137/21

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 09:48
Parliament v Commission
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
The Commission was not required to suspend the exemption from the visa requirement for US nationals due to a lack of reciprocity in this matter

Categories: European Union

129/2023 : 24 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-107/23

Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:20
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Combating fraud against the European Union’s financial interests: national rules on limitation periods for criminal liability must allow effective prevention and punishment

Categories: European Union

129/2023 : 24 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-107/23

Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:20
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Lutte contre la fraude aux intérêts financiers de l’Union européenne : les règles nationales de prescription pénale doivent permettre une prévention et une répression effectives

Categories: European Union

127/2023 : 14 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-87/22

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 12:45
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Wrongful removal of a child: although the court of the Member State in which the child was habitually resident has jurisdiction to rule on rights of custody, it may exceptionally request the transfer of the case to a court of the Member State to which the child has been removed

Categories: European Union

127/2023 : 14 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-87/22

Fri, 07/14/2023 - 18:44
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Déplacement illicite d’un enfant : bien que compétente pour se prononcer sur le droit de garde, la juridiction de l’État membre dans lequel l’enfant résidait habituellement peut exceptionnellement demander le renvoi du litige à une juridiction de l’État membre dans lequel il a été déplacé

Categories: European Union

128/2023 : 14 July 2023 - Information

Fri, 07/14/2023 - 16:54

The Court’s videoconference system complies with data protection rules, says EDPS

Categories: European Union

126/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-615/20, C-671/20

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 13:38
YP and Others
National courts are required to disapply an act ordering, in breach of EU law, a judge’s suspension from his or her duties

Categories: European Union

125/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-265/22

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 13:35
Banco Santander
Approximation of laws
Variable interest rates based on Mortgage Loan Reference Indices (IRPHs) in Spain: consumers must be sufficiently informed of the method for calculating such indices

Categories: European Union

124/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-106/22

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 13:34
Xella Magyarország
Free movement of capital
The objective of ensuring the supply of gravel, sand and clay to the construction sector at the regional level cannot justify a restriction on the freedom of establishment

Categories: European Union

123/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-261/22

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 13:33
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Advocate General Ćapeta: the execution of a European Arrest Warrant issued against a mother of small children may be refused when that is in the best interest of the child

Categories: European Union

122/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-382/21 P

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 11:54
Intellectual and industrial property
Advocate General Ćapeta: An international agreement that is denied direct effect due to its specific nature cannot have interpretative effect either
Advocate General Ćapeta: An international agreement that is denied direct effect due to its specific nature cannot have interpretative effect either

Categories: European Union

121/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-134/22

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 09:58
G GmbH
Approximation of laws
Collective redundancies: the employer’s obligation to communicate information to the authorities at an early stage of such a project is not intended to confer individual protection on workers

Categories: European Union

120/2023 : 13 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-376/20

Thu, 07/13/2023 - 09:37
Commission v CK Telecoms UK Investments
The General Court must rule once more on the lawfulness of the Commission’s prohibition of the acquisition of Telefónica Europe (‘O2’) by Hutchison 3G UK (‘Three’)

Categories: European Union

119/2023 : 12 July 2023 - Judgment of the General Court in case T-8/21

Wed, 07/12/2023 - 09:56
IFIC Holding v Commission
Commercial policy
The General Court confirms the Commission's decisions authorising Clearstream Banking AG to comply with US sanctions imposed on Iran

Categories: European Union

118/2023 : 12 July 2023 - Judgment of the General Court in case T-34/22

Wed, 07/12/2023 - 09:53
Cunsorziu di i Salamaghji Corsi - Consortium des Charcutiers Corses and Others v Commission
Agriculture and fisheries
Applications for registration of names as PGIs: the Commission is not bound by the prior assessment of the national authorities

Categories: European Union

117/2023 : 6 July 2023 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-122/22 P

Thu, 07/06/2023 - 10:07
Dyson and Others v Commission
Law governing the institutions
Advocate General Ćapeta: The Commission’s breach of the Energy Labelling Directive by adopting the empty bag test for vacuum cleaners is sufficiently serious

Categories: European Union

116/2023 : 6 July 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-510/21

Thu, 07/06/2023 - 09:54
Austrian Airlines
Accidents on board an aircraft: the strict liability of airlines under the Montreal convention extends to inadequate first aid administered on board an aircraft

Categories: European Union


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