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European Court of Justice (News)

192/2023 : 14 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-109/22

Thu, 12/14/2023 - 10:00
Commission v Romania
Environment and consumers
Waste: the Court imposes financial penalties on Romania for having failed to close down unauthorised landfills

Categories: European Union

191/2023 : 14 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-340/21

Thu, 12/14/2023 - 09:49
Natsionalna agentsia za prihodite
Principles of Community law
Cybercrime: the fear of a possible misuse of personal data is capable, in itself, of constituting non-material damage

Categories: European Union

190/2023 : 14 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-457/21

Thu, 12/14/2023 - 09:48
Commission v and Others
State aid
The Court of Justice confirms that the Commission has not established that the tax ruling given to Amazon by Luxembourg was a State aid that was incompatible with the internal market

Categories: European Union

189/2023 : 14 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-206/22

Thu, 12/14/2023 - 09:47
Sparkasse Südpfalz
Freedom of movement for persons
Covid-19 pandemic: EU law does not require that an employee who is placed under quarantine during paid annual leave be able to carry over that leave

Categories: European Union

188/2023 : 13 December 2023 - Order of the General Court in case T-136/22

Wed, 12/13/2023 - 18:15
Hamoudi v Frontex
Law governing the institutions
The action for damages against Frontex brought by a Syrian national, allegedly sent back out to sea from Greece in the direction of Turkey, is dismissed

Categories: European Union

187/2023 : 7 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-518/22

Thu, 12/07/2023 - 09:48
AP Assistenzprofis
The hiring of a personal assistant to help a disabled person in everyday life may be limited to persons within the same age range

Categories: European Union

186/2023 : 7 December 2023 - Judgments of the Court of Justice in Cases C-634/21

Thu, 12/07/2023 - 09:47
SCHUFA Holding (Scoring)
Principles of Community law
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) opposes two data processing practices by credit information agencies

Categories: European Union

185/2023 : 5 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-128/22

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 09:55
Citizenship of the Union
COVID-19: the Court validates certain travel bans and testing and quarantine obligations during the health crisis

Categories: European Union

184/2023 : 5 December 2023 - Judgments of the Court of Justice in Cases C-683/21, C-807/21

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 09:53
Nacionalinis visuomenės sveikatos centras
Only a wrongful infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation may result in an administrative fine being imposed

Categories: European Union

183/2023 : 5 December 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-451/21 P, C-454/21 P

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 09:40
Luxembourg v Commission
State aid
The European Commission’s review of the tax rulings granted by Luxembourg to the Engie group infringed EU law

Categories: European Union

182/2023 : 30 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-228/21, C-254/21, C-297/21, C-315/21, C-328/21

Thu, 11/30/2023 - 09:57
Ministero dell’Interno
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Asylum procedures: the obligation to provide the common information leaflet and to conduct a personal interview concerns all Member States; the risk of indirect refoulement is not, as a rule, examined by the second Member State seised

Categories: European Union

181/2023 : 28 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-148/22

Tue, 11/28/2023 - 09:52
Commune d'Ans
Wearing of religious symbols in the workplace: a public administration may decide to prohibit all of its employees from wearing such signs

Categories: European Union

180/2023 : 23 November 2023 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-351/22

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 10:09
Neves 77 Solutions
External relations
Advocate General Ćapeta: The Court does not have jurisdiction to interpret general provisions of an EU Common Foreign and Security Policy measure merely in order to clarify their meaning

Categories: European Union

179/2023 : 23 November 2023 - Opinions of the Advocate General in joined cases C-29/22 P, C-44/22 P

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 10:06
KS and KD v Conseil e. a.
External relations
Advocate General Ćapeta: Individuals may bring an action for damages against the EU before the EU Courts based on alleged breaches of fundamental rights by EU Common Foreign and Security Policy measures

Categories: European Union

178/2023 : 23 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-354/22

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 10:03
Weingut A
Agriculture and fisheries
Winemaking and wine labelling: A wine-grower may indicate its own wine-growing holding even if pressing takes place on the premises of another wine-grower

Categories: European Union

177/2023 : 23 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-321/22

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 09:52
Provident Polska
Environment and consumers
Consumer protection: a requirement that a consumer pay excessive non-interest credit costs can constitute an unfair term

Categories: European Union

176/2023 : 23 November 2023 - Judgments of the Court of Justice in Cases C-209/21 P, C-210/21 P

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 09:50
Ryanair v Commission
State aid
State aid during the Covid-19 pandemic: the Court definitively dismisses the appeals brought by Ryanair concerning the support measures put in place by France and Sweden in the spring of 2020

Categories: European Union

175/2023 : 22 November 2023 - Judgment of the General Court in joined cases T-302/20, T-303/20, T-307/20, T-304/20, T-330/20

Wed, 11/22/2023 - 09:49
Del Valle Ruíz and Others v SRB
Economic policy
Resolution of Banco Popular: affected shareholders and creditors were not entitled to compensation from the Single Resolution Fund

Categories: European Union

174/2023 : 16 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-333/22

Thu, 11/16/2023 - 09:56
Ligue des droits humains
Processing of personal data: decisions taken by a supervisory authority in the context of the indirect exercise of the rights of the data subject are legally binding

Categories: European Union

173/2023 : 16 November 2023 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-583/21, C-584/21, C586/21

Thu, 11/16/2023 - 09:54
A change in the holder of a Spanish notarial practice may constitute a transfer of an undertaking

Categories: European Union


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