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Defense`s Feeds

USN Testa Aging Equipment On Stingray | Elbit UK Upgraded ICAVS(D) | Ukraine Gets RWS From Australia

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 04/10/2023 - 06:00
Americas The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory won a $73.2 million modification which exercises options to provide design analysis, testing, procurement, and manufacturing of interferometric fiber optic gyros, accelerometers, and associated Trident II Strategic Weapon System guidance subsystem material. Work will be performed in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Pittsfield, Massachusetts; and Clearwater, Florida, with an expected completion date […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USAF Retired Last MH-130H | Elbit Tapped For Precisions Munitions To European Country | Finland Acquires David’s Sling

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 04/07/2023 - 06:00
Americas E-3 Sentry, #75-0560, is the first of the 31 AWACS that will be retired by Tinker Air Force Base. The base hosts veterans who worked on the plane to pay a final visit before it is flown off next week. The US Air Force has retired its last MC-130H Combat Talon II, #89-0280, after […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed Tapped For Hellfire Production | Saudi Arabia Appears To have Deployed K239 Chunmoo | Netherlands To Acquire US And Israeli Made Weapons

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 04/06/2023 - 06:00
Americas The US Army has awarded Lockheed Martin a $439-million contract to produce and deliver the Joint-Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) and Hellfire missile. Lockheed will produce the missiles for the army and Australia, the Czech Republic, France, South Korea, and Thailand. The contract offers three additional follow-on awards of up to $4.5 billion over the next four […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USN Intercepts Ballistic Missile Target | GD Tapped For Abrams Support | Bharat Tapped For Akash Improvement

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 04/05/2023 - 06:00
Americas A US Navy warship intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile using software-upgraded SM-6 missiles in a recent trial. The test, conducted in cooperation with the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA), aimed to demonstrate the capability of the USS Daniel Inouye in detecting, tracking, and engaging a medium-range ballistic missile target. The US Air Force’s 71st […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Marshall Aerospace Launched ARC-Radar | Saab Signs Ground Combat Framework Agreement With NATO | China Unveils New Drone

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 04/04/2023 - 06:00
Americas Marshall Aerospace has launched the ARC-Radar, a modular sensor suite that can transform a tactical transport aircraft for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles using the Leonardo Osprey 30 radar. The Marshall ARC-Radar is a role-fit palletised solution that requires no permanent integration or aircraft modifications, and utilises only existing aircraft power outlets. The […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USAF Will Retire KC-10A | Egypt Buys Akeron MP Missiles | New Battery System For ES-30

Defense Industry Daily - Sun, 04/02/2023 - 10:00
Americas Hamilton won a $23.6 million deal with a firm-fixed-price pricing arrangement for C-130 repair. The total estimated value of all options is $116,760,189. The maximum ceiling value of the contract is $140,383,922. This contract provides repair in support of the NP2000 eight blade propeller and electronic propeller control system of the C-130 for the […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

US Army Tested APKWS Laser | DoS Approves AH-1W Refurbishment | Finland Orders 155-millimeter Ammunition Parts

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 03/31/2023 - 06:00
Americas Lockheed Martin won a $120 million modification, which exercises an option to provide continued engineering, maintenance, logistics, and material support in support of the development, production, and sustainment of software builds, as well as to execute developmental flight tests in support of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft for the Air Force, Marine Corps, […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Canada Considers Poseidon Purchase | Israel Launches Ofek 13 Into Orbit | South Korea To Purchase CH47s

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 03/30/2023 - 06:00
Americas Lockheed Martin has received a US Army contract to develop a future precision strike missile to strike targets more than 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) away. Called the Long-Range Maneuverable Fires missile, the program will become the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) increment 4, being fired from existing army launchers to defeat distant threats. According to […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

ONR Contracted Textron To Develop MAGNUSS | Elbit Reports Revenues Of Over $5.5 billion For 2022 | DSTA And Thales Sign Master Agreement

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 03/29/2023 - 06:00
Americas Boeing won a $30.4 million modification, which exercises an option to procure eight P-8A aircraft mechanisms as ancillary equipment in support of P-8A production aircraft. Work will take place in Washington. Estimated completion will be in January 2026. The US Office of Naval Research (ONR) has contracted Textron to develop a non-towed mine sweeping payload […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed Tapped For F-35 Support | Robot Technology Unveiled AZAB Kamikaze Drone | Rohde & Schwarz To Supply HF Transmitters To Norway

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 03/28/2023 - 06:00
Americas Lockheed Martin won a $80 million modification, which adds scope to procure additional initial spares in support of F-35 Lightning II Lot 17 deliveries for the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Foreign Military Sales customers, and non-US Department of Defense participants. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas, and is expected to be […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Space Force Asks For 16$B For Spy Satellites | Swiftships Tapped For Additional CPC For Egypt | Russia Can’t Meet Arms Delivery To India

Defense Industry Daily - Sun, 03/26/2023 - 10:00
Americas Raytheon won a $33 million spares delivery order under previously awarded basic ordering agreement N00383-19-G-UX01 for the procurement of two Active Electronically Scanned Array radar system APG-79 weapon repairable assemblies (WRAs), for a total quantity of 54 WRAs in support of the F/A-18 aircraft. The delivery order does not include an option period. All […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

EDA-initiated multinational fleet of tanker transport now deployable worldwide

EDA News - Fri, 03/24/2023 - 15:26

The multinational fleet of Airbus A330 tanker and transport aircraft, which was developed with support from the European Defence Agency (EDA), has been cleared for operations worldwide. First proposed at a NATO summit in 2012, the initiative for a Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport Fleet (MMF) was established by EDA along with the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation and the NATO Support and Procurement Agency.

Now with six participating countries, the fleet performs air-to-air refueling of fighter jets, can carry out medical evacuations and also transport cargo and passengers. MMF reached Initial Operational Capability on March 23 in a ceremony attended by EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, as well as the ministers and senior officials of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Germany, Czechia and the European Commission.

Preparing for take-off: EDA’s role

EDA’s role in getting the project off the ground was crucial, by bringing together contributing Member States, motivating countries to join and negotiating the aircraft acquisition options.

To initiate MMF, EDA set up a project team to work on the harmonisation of requirements towards a future tanker capability. It helped craft the legal framework to establish the programme and smooth the way for the organisational and industrial partners that were to join. 

The Netherlands, where the NATO-owned aircraft are registered, serves as the fleet’s base. Aircraft are also stationed in Cologne, Germany. The Netherlands and Luxembourg launched the programme in July 2016. Germany and Norway joined in 2017. Belgium followed in early 2018 and Czechia joined the MMF programme in October 2019.

Seven aircraft from the fleet are in service. Two more are expected to join in 2024, with the tenth aircraft scheduled for delivery at the end of 2026. 

Flying high

At present, the fleet has already provided six million liters – or about twice the volume of an olympic-size swimming pool - of fuel to NATO allies. MMF aircraft were the first tankers to deploy over Poland in support of NATO air policing following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In total, the fleet has flown more than 500 missions, as well as supported the evacuation of civilians from Afghanistan and deployed for exercises with NATO partners such as Australia. Later this year, MMF aircraft will fly to the Middle East to support operations against ISIS.

EDA’s wider role 

EDA supports all EU Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative capability projects, the Agency has become the hub for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks spanning the whole spectrum of defence capabilities.

Member States use EDA as an intergovernmental expert platform where their  collaborative projects are supported, facilitated, and implemented. For more details, please see here 


EDA News - Thu, 03/23/2023 - 16:30

Bruxelles, den 23. marts 2023. I dag bliver Danmark den 27. medlemsstat i Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur (EDA). Agenturets leder, Josep Borrell, modtog en officiel meddelelse fra fungerende forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen om, at Danmark vil tilslutte sig EDA, der blev oprettet i 2004 for at støtte det europæiske forsvarssamarbejde. Beslutningen er resultatet af Danmarks historiske folkeafstemning om ophævelse af forsvarsforbeholdet i juni 2022 og følger efter afslutningen af behandlingen i Folketinget. Med Danmarks deltagelse er medlemmerne af EDA nu udvidet til at omfatte alle EU's medlemsstater.

Danmarks deltagelse i EDA er en kraftig styrkelse af det europæiske forsvarssamarbejde og giver Danmark mulighed for at deltage fuldt ud i alle agenturets projekter, aktiviteter og arbejdsgrupper.

"Vi bygger et stærkere, mere modstandsdygtigt europæisk forsvar. Danmarks medlemskab af Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur er endnu et skridt på vejen mod et tættere forsvarssamarbejde. I juni sidste år sendte det danske folk et stærkt signal om deres engagement i europæisk sikkerhed og forsvar. Fordelene ved denne beslutning er klare. Som chef for agenturet byder jeg Danmark hjerteligt velkommen til EDA, især i en tid, hvor EU åbner nye veje for forsvarssamarbejde med fælles indkøb af ammunition, kapacitetsudvikling og innovation for fremtiden,” siger EU’s Udenrigsrepræsentant og Chef for Forsvarsagenturet Josep Borell.

”Den internationale orden er under opbrud, og demokratiske værdier er under pres. Ukraine har fortsat brug for massiv støtte fra allierede, herunder ammunition, for at kunne modstå de russiske aggressioner. En del af ammunitionen skal skaffes gennem koordination af indkøb og øget produktion i EU. Det er rigtig positivt, at vi kan være med i disse vigtige initiativer fra dansk side,” siger fungerende forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen.

Jiří Šedivý , EDA's administrerende direktør, udtaler: "I dag bliver Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur en helhed. Det glæder mig at byde Danmark velkommen som medlem af EDA efter folkeafstemningen og folketingsbeslutningen. På et tidspunkt, hvor krigen er vendt tilbage til Europa, er samarbejdet på forsvarsområdet vigtigere end nogensinde. Danmark kan nu drage fordel af EDA's ekspertise og deltage i projekter og programmer for at fremme sine ambitioner på forsvarsområdet."

  • Samarbejde à la carte – Danmark og alle de andre medlemsstater kan selv hver især beslutte, hvilke af EDA's igangværende 100 projekter og programmer, de ønsker at deltage i.
  • Arbejde hos EDA – Danske statsborgere kan søge aktuelle eller fremtidige ledige stillinger hos EDA. Praktikantprogrammet for 2023 åbner for ansøgninger i april og vil også være åbent for nyuddannede med dansk statsborgerskab.
  • Danmark i EDA – Det næste forsvarsministermøde i EDA's styringskomité vil finde sted i maj i Bruxelles, og for første gang deltager 27 forsvarsministre. Repræsentanter fra Forsvarsministeriet vil fra nu af deltage i alle EDA's møder og fora.
  • Muligheder for industrien – Dansk industri vil have mulighed for at deltage i EDA's forskningsaktiviteter inden for forsvarsområdet, innovationsknudepunktet på forsvarsområdet (HEDI) og de generelle aktiviteter med inddragelse af industrien.

EDA hjælper medlemsstaterne med at forbedre deres forsvarskapacitet gennem samarbejde. Forsvarsagenturet fungerer som katalysator og formidler for forsvarsministerier, der er villige til at deltage i samarbejdsbaserede kapacitetsprojekter. Agenturet er dermed blevet knudepunktet for det europæiske forsvarssamarbejde med ekspertise og netværk, der omfatter hele spektret af forsvarskapaciteter.

Medlemsstaterne anvender EDA som en mellemstatslig ekspertplatform, hvor deres samarbejdsprojekter understøttes, faciliteres og gennemføres. Få mere information her

Noter til redaktører

  1. EDA-faktablad på dansk, engelsk og andre sprog.
  2. Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur (EDA), knudepunktet for det europæiske forsvarssamarbejde:
    1. EDA blev oprettet i 2004 for at støtte og fremme forsvarssamarbejdet i Europa og er blevet det sted, hvor lande, der ønsker at udvikle deres forsvarskapaciteter, kan gøre det i fællesskab.
    2. EDA's ekspertise og aktiviteter omfatter hele spektret af samarbejde: fra harmonisering af krav til levering af operationel kapacitet, fra forskning, teknologi og innovation til udvikling af teknologidemonstratorer, fra uddannelse og øvelser til støtte af FSFP-operationer.
    3. EDA arbejder også tæt sammen med den europæiske forsvarsindustri for at styrke det europæiske forsvars teknologiske og industrielle grundlag og bidrage til at gøre industrien stærkere og mere konkurrencedygtig.
    4. Agenturets rolle og betydning er vokset konstant, navnlig med gennemførelsen af EU's globale strategi (2016), som også førte til, at medlemsstaterne udvidede agenturets mandat i 2017.
  3. Følg #EUdefence på de sociale medier, og besøg vores websted


Denmark joins the European Defence Agency

EDA News - Thu, 03/23/2023 - 16:21

Today Denmark becomes the 27th member state of the European Defence Agency (EDA). Head of the Agency, Josep Borrell, received an official notification from acting Minister of Defence, Troels Lund Poulsen, that Denmark will join EDA, which was set up in 2004 to support European defence cooperation. Following the conclusion of a Danish parliamentary process, the decision is the result of Denmark’s historic national referendum to lift its opt-out on European defence in June 2022. Danish participation in EDA broadens membership of the Agency to all EU Member States.

Denmark joining EDA is a strong boost for European defence cooperation and allows full Danish participation in all Agency projects, activities and working groups.

Head of the Agency, HR/VP, Josep Borrell said: “We are building a stronger, more capable European defence. Today, Denmark’s membership of the European Defence Agency is another step on the path to closer defence collaboration. Last June, the Danish people sent a strong message of their commitment to European security and defence. The benefits of that decision are clear. As Head of the Agency, I warmly welcome Denmark to EDA, especially at a time when the EU is opening new avenues for defence cooperation, with the joint procurement of ammunition, capability development and innovation for the future.”

Denmark’s acting Minister of Defence, Troels Lund Poulsen, said: Europe must take greater responsibility for our own security and Denmark must participate fully in the cooperation. We are now a step closer with our membership of the European Defence Agency. The Defence Agency plays a special role in supporting the member states' cooperation and we look forward to contributing to this. The international order is changing rapidly and democratic values are under pressure. Ukraine continues to need massive support from allies, including ammunition, to resist Russian aggression.”

EDA Chief Executive, Jiří Šedivý said: “Today, the European Defence Agency becomes whole. I am delighted to welcome Denmark as a Member State of EDA following its referendum and parliamentary decision. At a time when war has returned to Europe, defence cooperation matters more than ever. Denmark can now benefit from EDA’s expertise and join projects and programmes to further its defence ambitions.”

  • Cooperation à la carte – Denmark, like each Member State, can decide which of EDA’s ongoing 100 projects and programmes they wish to participate in.
  • Work at EDA – Danish nationals can now apply for open and future positions at EDA. The Traineeship 2023 programme which will open for applications in April will also be open to recent graduates of Danish nationality.
  • Denmark at EDA – The next EDA Steering Board of Defence Ministers will take place in May in Brussels, which will take place for the first time with 27 Defence Ministers. Representatives from its Ministry of Defence will now participate in all EDA meetings and fora.
  • Industry avenues – Danish industry will have the possibility to take part in EDA’s defence research activities, its Hub for Defence Innovation (HEDI) and its overall industry engagement related activities.

EDA supports all EU Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative capability projects, the Agency has become the hub for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks spanning the whole spectrum of defence capabilities.

Member States use EDA as an intergovernmental expert platform where their collaborative projects are supported, facilitated, and implemented. For more details, please see here

US To Expedite Abrams Delivery To Ukraine | USN Requested $3.6B For CPS Rounds Production | Ukraine Gets 1st Batch Of Its 11-mm Artillery Shells

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 03/23/2023 - 15:00
Americas The US will accelerate the time it takes to ship Abrams tanks to Ukraine by sending older M1-A1 models of America’s main battle tank instead of the more modern version of the tank, according to two US officials. The switch will allow the tanks to arrive as early as fall of this year, one […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Sikorsky Tapped For H-53 Support | Greece Considers Partnering With Lockheed For SSI Infrastructure Programs For F-35s | DoS Approved Hellfire Sale To Poland

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 03/22/2023 - 15:00
Americas Sikorsky won a $120 million deal to provide logistics, engineering and modification install support for the H-53 helicopter for the Marine Corps, Navy, and Foreign Military Sales customers. Work will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut; and various locations within the continental US, and is expected to be completed in March 2028. No funds will […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed Won A Tomahawk TTWCS Deal | USN Demonstrated Reaper And Hawkeye Long-Range Missile Strikes | DoS Approve AAV Sale To Greece

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 03/21/2023 - 15:00
Americas Lockheed Martin won a $99 million modification, which increases the ceiling to provide continued management and maintenance of the Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS) software product baseline and required system and software documentation. Additionally, this modification provides for system design and development for TTWCS Security and supportability builds and software builds for the […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

EDA brings together 18 countries for Common Procurement of Ammunition

EDA News - Mon, 03/20/2023 - 16:22

Brussels, 20 March 2023. Eighteen states sign on Monday the European Defence Agency (EDA) project arrangement for the collaborative procurement of ammunition to aid Ukraine and replenish Member States’ national stockpiles. The project opens the way for EU Member States and Norway to proceed along two paths: a two-year, fast-track procedure for 155mm artillery rounds and a seven-year project to acquire multiple ammunition types. Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and Norway have signed. More Member States have already expressed their intent to join the initiative soon following national procedures.

The ‘Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition’ project was set up in record time by EDA to answer the call to procure ammunition collectively and more quickly by aggregating, coordinating, and agreeing contracts with the European defence industry. EDA’s project provides a solid framework for Member States’ intention to jointly procure urgently needed ammunition for Ukraine. This project sends a clear message to industry and strengthens the EU’s support for Ukraine following Russia’s war of aggression.

Common procurement is the best option to achieve cost reduction from economies of scale, while allowing Member States to purchase ammunition according to their national needs and supporting Ukraine. The arrangement, which is flexible and inclusive in nature, allows all remaining EDA Member States to join the initiative at a later stage.

Head of the Agency, HRVP, Josep Borrell said: “Today, we take a step forward. We are delivering on our promises to provide Ukraine with more artillery ammunition. With today’s signature, 18 countries have signed up to aggregate orders and place them together with the industry through the European Defence Agency. The Ukrainian authorities have been clear about their needs and this EDA project is part of the EU response. By procuring together through the EDA framework and mobilising financial support from the European Peace Facility, we will deliver to Ukraine more and faster. We are again breaking a taboo and unlocking the potential of EU cooperation in joint procurement.”


In the run-up to the informal meeting of the Ministers of Defence Council, which took place in Stockholm on 7 and 8 March, Head of Agency Borrell set out three complementary tracks to deliver more artillery ammunition and to deliver it more quickly: first to help Member States in sending such ammunition from national stockpiles or from pending orders; second to aggregate demand and quickly move to 155mm collaborative procurement; and third to ramp up the manufacturing capacity of the European defence industry.

EDA’s project sets out a path to meet the second track, providing a fast-track procedure, allowing for the tendering process to be simplified and contracts put into place at short notice. Member States can be reimbursed via the European Peace Facility (EPF), the EU’s off-budget instrument in support of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).


EDA has been working since November 2022 on three areas for common procurement: ammunition, soldier systems and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) equipment, based on the work of the Joint Defence Task Force with Member States to identify their most critical shortfalls.

The ‘Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition’ project provides a seven-year framework for Member States to commonly procure multiple types and calibres of ammunition (5.56 mm to 155 mm) to replenish national stocks.

EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý said: This is a significant moment in the EU’s support for Ukraine, European defence cooperation and the EDA. The availability of ammunition, as well as the associated stockpiles, are a critical shortfall which affects the readiness of Member States' armed forces and their ability to fulfil their missions while, at the same time, supporting Ukraine. EDA has created a flexible and open project which allows all Member States to join should they choose and I expect additional countries to come on board within the week. Today we have a framework for delivery – it’s now up to Member States to make use of it and for industry to be able to respond”.  


EDA supports its 26 Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative capability projects, the Agency has become the hub for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks  spanning the whole spectrum of defence capabilities.

Member States use EDA as an intergovernmental expert platform where their collaborative projects are supported, facilitated, and implemented. For more details, please see here.

NG Submitted Mercury Bid | EU Agrees On Ammo Procurement For Ukraine | US Sells 220 Tomahawks To Australia

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 03/20/2023 - 15:00
Americas Northrop Grumman has submitted a bid for the US Navy’s E-6B Mercury command, control, and communications aircraft replacement program. The US defense giant is offering its “weapons system integration and battle management leadership” for the E-6 recapitalization aircraft (E-XX) Take Charge And Move Out (TACAMO) program. The aircraft will be based on the C-130J platform.  […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Boeing Won $1B For Apache | Bahrain Gets 3 Jet Ranger X Helicopters | Slovakia Sends Mig-29 To Ukraine

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 03/20/2023 - 05:00
Americas Boeing won a $1 billion modification for the Apache AH-64E full-rate production. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of December 31, 2027. The Apache attack helicopter is a combat proven aircraft manufactured by American aerospace and defence company Boeing […]
Categories: Defense`s Feeds


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