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European Union

Public finances: Conclusions on age-related spending

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 may 2018, the Council adopted conclusions on the sustainability of public finances in the light of ageing populations.
Categories: European Union

Banking: Council agreement on measures to reduce risk

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council agreed on proposals to reduce risk in the banking industry, implementing reforms agreed internationally after the 2007-08 financial crisis.
Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council of 28 May 2018

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the findings of the Joint Investigation Team on the downing of flight MH17

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The EU adopted a declaration calling on Russia to accept its responsibility in the downing of flight MH17 and to fully cooperate with all efforts to establish accountability.
Categories: European Union

Corporate tax avoidance: Transparency rules adopted for tax intermediaries

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council adopted a directive aimed at boosting transparency with regard to tax intermediaries that design and promote tax planning schemes.
Categories: European Union

Tax fraud: Standard provision agreed for agreements with third countries

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted conclusions on the EU standard provision on good governance in tax matters for agreements with third countries.
Categories: European Union

Taxation: 2 jurisdictions removed from EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council removed Bahamas and St Kitts and Nevis from the list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, bringing the names on the list down to seven.
Categories: European Union

Western Balkans and Turkey: Joint conclusions of the economic and financial dialogue

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted Joint conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue between the EU and the Western Balkans and Turkey.
Categories: European Union

Brexit negotiations [What Think Tanks are thinking]

Written by Marcin Grajewski,

© pixs:sell / Fotolia

European Union officials have warned the United Kingdom that time is running out if definitive agreement on the country’s withdrawal from the Union is to be reached by this autumn. Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Theresa May is struggling to keep her Cabinet and Conservative Party united as the focus of negotiations has shifted to the future customs regime and the accompanying, highly sensitive, issue of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

This note offers links to reports and commentaries from some major international think-tanks and research institutes on Brexit negotiations and related issues. More reports on the topic can be found in a previous edition of ‘What Think Tanks are thinking’, published in January 2018.

Brexit: Next steps in UK’s withdrawal from the EU
House of Commons Library, May 2018

Brexit and EU agencies
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, May 2018

Brexit: What Theresa May’s White Paper must do
European Policy Centre, May 2018

How “special” will the UK-EU security partnership really be?
Open Europe, May 2018

Brexit endgame: Uncertainty mounts in face of deep Tory divides
Scottish Centre for International Relations, May 2018

UK must swallow the unpalatable Irish backstop
Centre for European Reform, May 2018

Theresa May’s Cabinet customs row is irrelevant, it’s the Brexit backstop that really matters
Centre for European Reform, May 2018

Getting over the line: Solutions to the Irish border
Policy Exchange, May 2018

Brexit Brief
Institute of International and European Affairs, May 2018

While May must decide what to do about Northern Ireland and Brexit, here’s what the people themselves think
UK in a Changing Europe, May 2018

Brexit: Implications for cross-border lives
UK in a Changing Europe, May 2018

India and the UK adjust to the realities of Brexit
UK in a Changing World, May 2018

Voting on Brexit: Parliament’s consideration of the withdrawal deal and future framework
Institute for Government, April 2018

Devolution after Brexit: Managing the environment, agriculture and fisheries
Institute for Government, April 2018

The reopening of the Irish question
Carnegie Europe, April 2018

Brexit: What impact on British global power?
Institut Thomas More, April 2018

Plugging in the British: EU defence policy
Centre for European Reform, April 2018

What third-country role is open to the UK in defence?
Centre for European Policy Studies, April 2018

The EU budget after Brexit: Reform not revolution
Centre for European Reform, April 2018

‘Zero-sum’ approach to defence and security during Brexit negotiations risks a less secure UK and EU
Rand Corporation, April 2018

Deepening political divisions and exacerbating peripherality: Scotland, Northern Ireland and Brexit
Scottish Centre for International Relations, April 2018

Brexit roundup series
Scottish Centre for International Relations, April 2018

The bigger EU problems hidden by Brexit
Friends of Europe, April 2018

Who will cope with the post-Brexit resentment?
Notre Europe, April 2018

Wishful Brexiting: Or the complicated transformation of what Britain wants into reality
Fondation Robert Schuman, March 2018

Brexit: Half in, half out or right out?
European Policy Centre, March 2018

Believe it or not, EU doesn’t share Britain’s obsession with Brexit
Friends of Europe, March 2018

Brexit and the financial services industry: The story so far
European Policy Centre, March 2018

Negotiating Brexit: The views of the EU27
Institute for Government, March 2018

Keeping Europe safe after Brexit
European Council on Foreign Relations, March 2018

Rethinking the European Union’s post-Brexit budget priorities
Bruegel, March 2018

The Brexit transition deal
Bruegel, March 2018

Costing Brexit: What is Whitehall spending on exiting the EU?
Institute for Government, March 2018

A Brexit gentlemen’s agreement
Centre for European Policy Studies, March 2018

The impact of the UK-EU agreement on residence rights for EU families
UK in a Changing Europe, March 2018

There is life for the EU after Brexit
Carnegie Europe, March 2018

Getting accustomed to Brexit: UK and the customs union scenario
Bruegel, March 2018

Will the unity of the 27 crack?
Centre for European Reform, March 2018

Plugging in the British: EU foreign policy
Centre for European Reform, March 2018

Theresa May’s deep and comprehensive free trade agreement
Centre for European Policy Studies, March 2018

Brexit: Promising the impossible
Carnegie Europe, March 2018

Implications of Brexit for food and agriculture in developing countries
Trinity College Dublin, March 2018

Why a good Brexit outcome matters (and it’s not just the economy, stupid!)
Bruegel, February 2018

Ireland-UK relations and Northern Ireland after Brexit
LSE Ideas, February 2018

Global champion: The case for unilateral free trade
Policy Exchange, February 2018

Brexit and beyond: The future of Europe
Dahrendorf Forum, February 2018

Over-the-counter interest rate derivatives: The clock is ticking for the UK and the EU
Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2018

Brexit: The transition period
Fondation Robert Schuman, February 2018

Brexit and human rights
Centre for International Governance Innovation, February 2018

Cross-border insolvencies after Brexit: Views from the United Kingdom and Continental Europe
Centre for International Governance Innovation, February 2018

Failing financial institutions: How will Brexit impact cross-border cooperation in recovery, reconstruction and insolvency processes?
Centre for International Governance Innovation, February 2018

Brexit and environmental law: The rocky road ahead
Centre for International Governance Innovation, February 2018

Leaving the EU, not the European model? New findings on public attitudes to Brexit
Institute for Public Policy Research, February 2018

Have your cake or eat it
Institute for Public Policy Research, February 2018

Theresa May et le bateau ivre du Brexit
Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, February 2018

Brexit and European security
Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, February 2018

UK foreign and security policy post-Brexit: The search for a European Strategy
Swedish Institute of International Affairs, February 2018

Brexit, strategy, and the EU: Britain takes leave
Egmont, January 2018

Read this briefing on ‘Brexit negotiations‘ on the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

Categories: European Union

Europe is about to lose the global AI race – thanks to GDPR - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 17:52
The GDPR, which recently came into force, imposes such tight restrictions on the use of personal data that the EU will be unable to keep up with the rest of the world using AI to streamline their economies, writes Nick Wallace.
Categories: European Union

[Agenda] Budget and Bettel on the EU's agenda This Week - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 17:51
MEPs will have their first chance to discuss the EU Commission's plans for the next long-term EU budget in Strasbourg. At the same time, a court case in Luxembourg may shake up the 'rule of law' debate.
Categories: European Union

The Brief, powered by Yara – The end of Rajoy - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:55
Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy is a natural born survivor, literally. He almost lost his life twice, first in a car accident in 1979, and years later in a helicopter crash in 2005. But in terms of his political career, he may not be so lucky a third time.
Categories: European Union

Finance ministers clear way for eurozone reform - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:53
An agreement on measures to reduce risks in the banking sector will help start discussions on risk-sharing and on Franco-German plans.
Categories: European Union

Spain’s Socialists table no confidence motion against Rajoy’s government - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:45
Spain's main opposition Socialist Party tabled on Friday (25 May) a motion of no confidence in Parliament against the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy after his ruling Popular Party was found guilty of corruption in a court verdict. EURACTIV’s partner efe-epa reports.
Categories: European Union

[Focus] EU accused of 'half-hearted approach' on air quality - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:26
European Commission has taken six EU countries to court over failing to achieve EU air quality standards. But what about the other countries where air quality is equally bad - or worse?
Categories: European Union

Silicon Valley giants hit with first complaints on day one of GDPR - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:26
Big American technology companies were the first to be hit with complaints for how they handle users’ personal information under the new EU data protection regulation known as GDPR.
Categories: European Union

Agenda - The Week Ahead 28 May – 03 June 2018

European Parliament - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:18
Plenary - Strasbourg

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
Categories: European Union

Seize the challenge of Big Data and AI, says Tata boss - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:16
Europe is ahead in the digital game, says Tata's Consultancy Services COO. But businesses and governments will need to utilise Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to improve services and the quality of life of customers.
Categories: European Union

New OECD report shows recycling’s Herculean task - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 16:14
Plastic production is still the go-to option over recycling because of lack of demand, poor collection rates and a fragile market, according to a new report by the OECD, which suggests a number of measures to boost the industry.
Categories: European Union

[Visual Data] EU budget: Biggest cuts and increases - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:54
The European Parliament accused the EU Commission of not providing clear figures for a comparison of the proposed and the current EU budgets. We take a look at the main differences.
Categories: European Union


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