Turkey's central bank has reacted to the drop in the value of the lira by raising key interest rates. The Turkish currency had already lost roughly a quarter of its value since the start of the year when it came under additional pressure on Wednesday morning after Japanese investors divested en masse. What are the factors behind the slump?
Pablo Iglesias, head of the left-wing Spanish party Podemos, is under fire for buying a country house that costs over 600,000 euros for his family. The party's grassroots will now vote on whether he and his wife Irene Montero will be allowed to keep their leading posts in the party. Should a man in Iglesias' position own such a property?
The European farming sector today faces a number of challenges: producing better food for a growing population while respecting the environment and ensuring good living standards to farmers.
Cancer biomarkers are molecules that can be detected in bodily fluids or tissues. Cancer biomarkers can identify people who have cancer or who are at risk of getting cancer.
Multicomponent or combined vaccines are an indispensable tool to address the current public health challenges and Europe should, therefore, help unlock their potential, said Swedish MEP Christofer Fjellner.
The rise of anti-vaccination campaigns has in recent years had a detrimental effect on EU public health as “forgotten” diseases such as measles re-appeared in Europe, raising eyebrows among policymakers.
If the EU truly wants to be the global progressive trading power, it needs to make sure its trade policy does not promote ill-health, and instead makes a real contribution to the SDGs, writes George Thurley.
The decarbonisation of electric power, and the electrification of energy, is unstoppable. Whether it will be rapid enough to prevent the coming climate crisis is uncertain and will demand vision from politicians, industry leaders and energy providers, writes Andrew Steer.
Profit is not the only reason to start a business. There are enterprises in Europe whose aim is to help other people, usually the less fortunate ones, with their career.
Giovanni Buttarelli, the European data protection supervisor, says the EU-US data sharing pact known as Privacy Shield will play an increasingly minor role given the general data protection regulation.