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European Union

AfD demonstrators outnumbered by opponents in Berlin - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 07:08
Some 5,000 supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) marched through the streets of Berlin on Sunday (27 May), but they were heavily outnumbered by anti-AfD demonstrations.
Categories: European Union

Poland poses as EU-US mediator in Iran nuclear standoff - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 07:06
While the EU seems to have agreed on a united stance in the Iran nuclear dispute with the US, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has highlighted the cracks and put his country forward as an informal mediator. EURACTIV Poland reports.
Categories: European Union

France, Germany push EU funding for tech start-ups - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 07:05
France and Germany are pushing for an EU-wide initiative to fund innovation and research in tech start-up projects across the bloc so that Europe can compete more effectively against the likes of China and the United States.
Categories: European Union

Technocrat PM to take over in Italy as President steps in to protect the euro - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:43
Italy's president is expected to ask a former International Monetary Fund official today (28 May) to head a stopgap government amidst political and constitutional turmoil, with early elections looking inevitable.
Categories: European Union

Solar industry promises ‘jobs bonanza’ if EU lifts China duties - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:41
The European solar industry has urged the EU to end import duties on Chinese photovoltaic cells when anti-dumping measures expire in September, saying they are holding off a “jobs bonanza” in the sector.
Categories: European Union

French law zooms in on solidarity offence - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:25
Helping illegal migrants can come at a cost in France where the notion of solidarity offence is currently under revision. At the European level debates on the issue have only just started. reports.
Categories: European Union

Romania MEP: EU needs proper migration budget in case of new crisis - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:18
As the debate over the future EU budget intensifies in the European Parliament, more questions are being asked about the funds allocated to border security, migration and refugee integration. reports.
Categories: European Union

Migration and security in Europe: Is immigration a threat or an asset? - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:17
The 2015 migrant crisis caught Europe off guard, with little funding, limited manpower and no contingency plans in place. The number of migrants trying to reach Europe has declined significantly since then but migration is back on the EU's radar.
Categories: European Union

Expert: Animal health innovations will benefit both farming and society - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:14
An innovation-driven approach – ranging from vaccination to other health management solutions and appropriate biosecurity measures – will ensure more sustainable future livestock farming and protection of public health, as animal diseases do not recognise borders, Roxane Feller told
Categories: European Union

The role of innovation in Europe’s animal health - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 06:13
In an effort to minimise animal diseases’ outbreaks, the European Commission adopted in 2007 the “Prevention is better than cure” approach when it comes to animal health strategy. According to the executive, the objective was to focus on preventive measures, disease surveillance, controls and research.  
Categories: European Union

Surfers [What Europe does for you]

With European elections coming up in May 2019, you probably want to know how the European Union impacts your daily life, before you think about voting. In the latest in a series of posts on what Europe does for you, your family, your business and your wellbeing, we look at what Europe does for surfers.

The EU makes it easier for you to enjoy riding the waves in several ways.

Most importantly, you can enjoy improved water quality at many EU surfing spots, thanks to EU rules that protect the environment, including against sewage and industrial waste. This reduces your chances of getting sick. The EU also publishes information on bathing water quality online, so that you can easily check the water quality at your favourite surfing spots.

© oneinchpunch / Fotolia

As a surfer, you know how hard it can be to find the best surfing spots. If you love surfing but live inland, there’s nothing to stop you trying out the surf in another EU country, as there are no borders within the EU Schengen Area. The EU has provided financial support to several projects that can help you explore new destinations. One example is ‘SURFINGEUROPE‘, which enables you to discover an entire surfing route, from Bundoran in Ireland to Viana do Castelo in Portugal. Another example of EU funding is ‘Green Room‘, which helps you plan a sustainable surfing experience in six Surf Camps, including in Bornholm in Denmark and Gran Canaria in Spain. Such projects promote local tourism and increase employment, from which you might also benefit.

Finally, a special free app called ‘MeteoSurf‘ uses data from the EU-managed Copernicus earth observation programme to provide surfers with information on sea conditions in the Mediterranean Sea. Once you select a surfing spot, MeteoSurf produces a table with the forecast for wave height, wave direction, wind speed and wind direction. All you need to do is catch the perfect wave!

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Categories: European Union

EU-former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Council lTV - Sun, 05/27/2018 - 09:44

In this section you will find video coverage of events illustrating the relations between the EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Download this video here.

Categories: European Union

Rail passengers [What Europe does for you]

With European elections coming up in May 2019, you probably want to know how the European Union impacts your daily life, before you think about voting. In the latest in a series of posts on what Europe does for you, your family, your business and your wellbeing, we look at what Europe does for rail passengers.

Considerable growth in passenger transport in the EU and a wider choice of transport operators has led the EU to consider that passengers should benefit from the same standards of treatment, regardless of how and where they travel. It has therefore adopted a common set of 10 basic rights for rail, air, road and waterborne passengers, to provide them with information and assistance and forbid discrimination.

If you are a train passenger, you may know that additional specific rights and obligations have been in force since December 2009. As a passenger, you must be kept informed before and during your journey, for instance on the lowest fares, delays, access conditions and facilities for people with disabilities.

© kasto / Fotolia

In the event of a foreseeable delay of more than one hour you can choose between a refund (full or partial) of your ticket, continuation, or rerouting to your final destination. You can also get assistance: meals, refreshments and, under certain conditions, accommodation. If you continue your journey, you can get 25 % to 50 % delay compensation.

Involvement in a train accident, entitles you to compensation and to advance payment for immediate needs. You are also entitled to compensation if a registered piece of luggage is lost or damaged. Disabled people have the right to assistance in stations and on board trains; and passengers can bring easy-to-handle bicycles onto the train. If you are dissatisfied with the service you receive, you can complain to the railway company. The Commission published a fresh proposal on rail passenger rights in September 2017.

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Categories: European Union

Teachers [What Europe does for you]

With European elections coming up in May 2019, you probably want to know how the European Union impacts your daily life, before you think about voting. In the latest in a series of posts on what Europe does for you, your family, your business and your wellbeing, we look at what Europe does for teachers.

Most people have heard of Erasmus, the EU’s successful student exchange programme, which has enabled millions to study abroad. Less well known is that teachers – from universities, schools, vocational colleges and adult education – can also take part. In 2015, over 100,000 teachers travelled abroad with the help of EU grants.

Erasmus offers teachers opportunities to travel to 33 countries for up to two months. During their trips, some teachers take part in training courses, others join the staff of schools and universities to experience working in a different educational system. Another option is job shadowing to learn how teachers from other countries deal with day-to-day challenges. All of these activities are a great way for teachers to develop professionally, get new ideas and make new contacts.

© johoo / Fotolia

As well as Erasmus, the EU brings together teachers from different countries through networks and online communities. For example, on eTwinning, there are nearly half a million teachers from 180 000 schools all over Europe exchanging ideas on subjects as varied as awareness-raising of smoking health risks to craft activities for school libraries. School Education Gateway offers access to free online training courses and teaching materials.

For teachers who would like to spend more than a few months abroad, the EU has removed some of the barriers to working abroad through mutual recognition of teaching qualifications; this means that, for example, a teacher who qualified in one EU country can teach in another without having to take additional exams.

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Categories: European Union

Early school leavers [What Europe does for you]

With European elections coming up in May 2019, you probably want to know how the European Union impacts your daily life, before you think about voting. In the latest in a series of posts on what Europe does for you, your family, your business and your wellbeing, we look at what Europe does for early school leavers.

Did you leave school early? Or do you know someone who might? Leaving school without qualifications may seem a personal choice, yet around 6.4 million young people in Europe are in the same situation. School can seem too difficult or irrelevant and other problems may make walking out seem like the thing to do. Yet young people who leave school early are less likely to find a job, will probably earn less, might miss out on some benefits of technology, and can have more health problems later on.

© Monkey Business / Fotolia

This is not always the case, but as the risks are high, the EU has made it its business to work on the situation. It brought education ministers together to agree to bring down the share of early school leavers in the EU to less than 10 % by 2020. Member States will need to try different solutions to achieve this result, so the EU offers support by helping them exchange experiences. In this way they can learn from each other which changes are more likely to produce good results. It is also monitoring results so Member States can understand how well they are doing.

You may feel all this is too late for you now, but if you regret not having much to show for your skills, and if you wish to improve them further, it’s never too late to go to your local job office or education authority. The EU developed the Youth Guarantee to help Member States give people a second chance, not necessarily in a classroom, but possibly even in a workplace setting. Tools are also being developed to recognise the skills you might have developed outside school in a way future employers are likely to appreciate.

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Categories: European Union

EU ministers reach key agreement to unlock Banking Union file - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 19:34
Member states have reached an agreement on a package of measures aimed at reducing risk in the banking industry. The political consensus built upon a joint proposal by the French and German Finance ministers paves the way for a deepened reform of the Economic and Monetary Union.
Categories: European Union

Copyright rules for the digital environment: Council agrees its position

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Coreper agreed its position on a draft directive aimed at adapting EU copyright rules to the digital environment.
Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Competitiveness Council, 28-29 May 2018

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 28 May - 3 June 2018
Categories: European Union

Economic governance: Conclusions on macroeconomic imbalances

European Council - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted on In-depth reviews and implementation of the 2017 country specific recommendations.
Categories: European Union


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