Council agrees its position on Erasmus+
Council agrees on the European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027.
Council adopts new and improved rules on veterinary medicines and medicated feed.
The Council adopted conclusions on education in emergencies and protracted crises.
The Council adopted conclusions on the global food and nutrition security.
The Council adopted conclusions on the implementation of the EU gender action plan II in 2017.
Shindler és társai kontra Tanács
Intézményi jog
Brexit: az Egyesült Királyságtól eltérő uniós államokban lakóhellyel rendelkező tizenhárom brit állampolgárnak a Brexittárgyalások megkezdésére felhatalmazó határozat megsemmisítése iránti kérelme elfogadhatatlan
At the press conference after the special European Council (Art.50) on Brexit and the meeting of the EU 27 leaders with UK Prime Minister May, President Donald Tusk presented the outcome of the meetings.
The European Council (Art. 50) adopted conclusions on the state of play of Brexit negotiations.
Az Európai Unió vezetői áldásukat adták a brexit feltételeire. A brit parlamenten a világ szeme, hogy ők is jóváhagyják-e.
Donald Tusk sent the invitation letter for the special meeting of the European Council (Art. 50). EU27 leaders will meet to endorse the Brexit withdrawal agreement.
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 24 November - 2 December 2018
The EU is introducing new rules which will ensure that products placed on the EU market comply with EU safety and environmental protection rules. Ambassadors today agreed on the Council's position on a new regulation which enhances the enforcement of EU rules for non-compliant products, while offering businesses incentives for compliance.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Ragaszkodnak hozzá, hogy csak a jóváhagyásukkal születhet bármilyen jövőbeli döntés Gibraltárról.
Meeting of Judges of the Member States at the Court of Justice of the European Union
The Austrian presidency of the Council today reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on measures which will facilitate the circulation of goods across the EU. The new rules improve and expand the application of the mutual recognition principle.
En vue des élections prévues le 23 décembre 2018, L’UE a publié une déclaration réitérant son soutien à l’organisation d’un scrutin qui doit se tenir de manière inclusive, transparente, crédible et pacifique, dans le plein respect des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales.
European Council President Donald Tusk has today sent the EU27 Member States the draft Political Declaration setting out the Framework for the Future Relationship between the EU and the UK.