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Európai Unió : hírek magyarul

Szijjártó: Riasztó a bolgár menekültügyi javaslat

Eurológus - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 13:20
Vétóval fenyegeti Magyarország a fejlődő országokkal való uniós együttműködést, ha nem kerül bele a szövegbe, hogy a migráció biztonsági kihívás.

Majd megtanítjuk a Nyugatot késsel-villával enni

Eurológus - Mon, 05/28/2018 - 08:46
A lengyel kormány szerint Lengyelország és Magyarország az utolsó igazi európai régió, és tőlünk függ Európa jövője.

Donald Tusk lefutotta a hőségben a 20 kilométert

Eurológus - Sun, 05/27/2018 - 19:30
Könnyebb volt, mint levezetni egy uniós csúcstalálkozót! – posztolta a verseny után.

Copyright rules for the digital environment: Council agrees its position

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Coreper agreed its position on a draft directive aimed at adapting EU copyright rules to the digital environment.

Indicative programme - Competitiveness Council, 28-29 May 2018

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 28 May - 3 June 2018

Economic governance: Conclusions on macroeconomic imbalances

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted on In-depth reviews and implementation of the 2017 country specific recommendations.

Public finances: Conclusions on age-related spending

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 may 2018, the Council adopted conclusions on the sustainability of public finances in the light of ageing populations.

Banking: Council agreement on measures to reduce risk

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council agreed on proposals to reduce risk in the banking industry, implementing reforms agreed internationally after the 2007-08 financial crisis.

Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council of 28 May 2018

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the findings of the Joint Investigation Team on the downing of flight MH17

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The EU adopted a declaration calling on Russia to accept its responsibility in the downing of flight MH17 and to fully cooperate with all efforts to establish accountability.

Corporate tax avoidance: Transparency rules adopted for tax intermediaries

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council adopted a directive aimed at boosting transparency with regard to tax intermediaries that design and promote tax planning schemes.

Tax fraud: Standard provision agreed for agreements with third countries

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted conclusions on the EU standard provision on good governance in tax matters for agreements with third countries.

Taxation: 2 jurisdictions removed from EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
The Council removed Bahamas and St Kitts and Nevis from the list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, bringing the names on the list down to seven.

Western Balkans and Turkey: Joint conclusions of the economic and financial dialogue

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 18:45
On 25 May 2018, the Council adopted Joint conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue between the EU and the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Remarks by President Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 24 May 2018

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 06:44
Remarks by President Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 24 May, on Greece, Spring economic forecast, spending reviews and reforms of the banking union and the ESM.

eu-LISA: agreement between the Council Presidency and the European Parliament

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 06:44
The Council Presidency and the European Parliament reached an informal agreement on a draft regulation on the European agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA).

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain countries concerning restrictive measures against Myanmar/Burma

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 05/25/2018 - 06:44
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/655 of 26 April 2018 amending Decision 2013/184/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Myanmar/Burma

Indicative programme - Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting of 25 May 2018

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 05/24/2018 - 16:50
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.

Joint EU-U.S. statement following the EU-U.S. Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 05/24/2018 - 16:50
On 22 and 23 May 2018, the EU-U.S. Ministerial Meeting on Justice and Home Affairs was hosted by the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council in Sofia, Bulgaria.


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