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A Bíróság pontosítja a nemzeti szanálási hatóság függetlenségére és a csődhelyzetben lévő pénzügyi intézmények tekintetében hozott határozataival szemben benyújtott jogorvoslatokra vonatkozó szabályokat
Council agrees on a negotiating mandate on a proposal revising the EU framework as regards non-EU countries allowing non-sustainable fishing.
Press briefings ahead of the upcoming Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy) of 16 December 2024 and Environment Council of 17 December 2024 will take place on 13 December 2024 at 11.00.
Press briefing ahead of the upcoming Foreign Affairs Council will take place on 13 December 2024 at 14.30.
Council approves fishing opportunities for 2025 in the Atlantic, North Sea, Mediterranean and Black Seas.
The Council approved the Commission’s positive assessment of the amended recovery and resilience plans submitted by Sweden, Slovenia, Denmark and Belgium.
The Council reached a political agreement on a new directive paving the way for the introduction of an electronic tax certificate for VAT exemptions.
The Council today adopted the FASTER directive, which sets out safer and faster procedures to obtain double taxation relief. This will encourage cross-border investment and help fight tax abuse.
Remarks by Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup meeting of 9 December 2024.
Eurogroup issued a statement on the draft budgetary plans for 2025.
Remarks by Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup meeting in inclusive format with the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves.
The Council renewed restrictive measures in view of the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo until 12 December 2025.
Council approves an agreement reached with the United Kingdom which secures the fishing rights of EU fishers in the Atlantic and the North Sea for 2025.
Az EU nyilatkozatot adott ki az emberi jogok világnapja alkalmából, amelyben újólag megerősítette rendíthetetlen elkötelezettségét az emberi jogok egyetemes tiszteletben tartása, védelme és érvényesítése mellett.
The Council adopted an implementing decision authorising the second regular payment of grants and loans under the Ukraine Plan of the Ukraine Facility.
The EU issued a statement on the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, expressing its support for the Syrian people and urging all actors to avoid any further violence, to ensure the protection of civilians, and uphold international law.
A Tanács következtetéseket hagyott jóvá a jövőbeli közös agrárpolitikáról, megnyitva ezzel az utat egy versenyképes, reziliens, fenntartható és a mezőgazdasági termelőket támogató ágazat megteremtése előtt.
President of the European Council, António Costa, spoke at the event commemorating the Centenary of Mário Soares, in Lisbon, on 7 December 2024.
EU’s support to Ukraine as well how the EU can best consolidate its role on the international stage will take center stage at the discussions of this European Council meeting, as outlined by President Costa in his invitation letter to EU leaders.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.