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Des lendemains qui déchantent ? Ce que la France attend de la présidence Biden

Institut Montaigne - Thu, 26/11/2020 - 09:44

Donald Trump devrait manquer à peu de monde en France. Si l’on en croit un sondage du Pew Research Center de janvier dernier, seulement 20 % de la population française fait confiance au Président américain, moins qu’au Royaume-Uni (32 %) mais plus qu’en Allemagne (13 %), et si les efforts importants réalisés par le Président Emmanuel Macron afin de séduire son homologue américain ont fourni des rencontres mémorables, ils ont aussi le plus souvent…

Agricultura inclusiva y sostenible en Costa Rica: un sello para promover el comercio solidario

Compared to other Latin American countries, Costa Rica has good indicators of economic growth and social development. Historically, it has managed to combine inward growth with intelligent use of the options offered by international markets. In recent decades, the country has undergone a strong structural change, with new export activities generating well-paying jobs and accelerated urbanization. While this has allowed for solid economic growth rates, it has also meant an increase in social inequality and greater territorial disparities. A considerable part of the population living in Costa Rica's rural areas feels decoupled from the dynamics and has lost confidence in the political system. This puts the country's governance in jeopardy.
The document proposes a seal for the country's family agriculture as an instrument for promoting social and territorial cohesion. A seal that highlights the peasant origin of agricultural and agroindustrial products can enable producers to compete with imported products and ensure attractive sales channels with good prices. It can also have an important symbolic value, transmitting the message of solidarity and shared identity between the urban population and rural areas. In order for producers to perceive positive changes in the near future, several sales channels should be served simultaneously, namely supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, e-commerce and tourism. The certification process should be robust and at the same time simple, to avoid delays and high costs.

Agricultura inclusiva y sostenible en Costa Rica: un sello para promover el comercio solidario

Compared to other Latin American countries, Costa Rica has good indicators of economic growth and social development. Historically, it has managed to combine inward growth with intelligent use of the options offered by international markets. In recent decades, the country has undergone a strong structural change, with new export activities generating well-paying jobs and accelerated urbanization. While this has allowed for solid economic growth rates, it has also meant an increase in social inequality and greater territorial disparities. A considerable part of the population living in Costa Rica's rural areas feels decoupled from the dynamics and has lost confidence in the political system. This puts the country's governance in jeopardy.
The document proposes a seal for the country's family agriculture as an instrument for promoting social and territorial cohesion. A seal that highlights the peasant origin of agricultural and agroindustrial products can enable producers to compete with imported products and ensure attractive sales channels with good prices. It can also have an important symbolic value, transmitting the message of solidarity and shared identity between the urban population and rural areas. In order for producers to perceive positive changes in the near future, several sales channels should be served simultaneously, namely supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, e-commerce and tourism. The certification process should be robust and at the same time simple, to avoid delays and high costs.

Agricultura inclusiva y sostenible en Costa Rica: un sello para promover el comercio solidario

Compared to other Latin American countries, Costa Rica has good indicators of economic growth and social development. Historically, it has managed to combine inward growth with intelligent use of the options offered by international markets. In recent decades, the country has undergone a strong structural change, with new export activities generating well-paying jobs and accelerated urbanization. While this has allowed for solid economic growth rates, it has also meant an increase in social inequality and greater territorial disparities. A considerable part of the population living in Costa Rica's rural areas feels decoupled from the dynamics and has lost confidence in the political system. This puts the country's governance in jeopardy.
The document proposes a seal for the country's family agriculture as an instrument for promoting social and territorial cohesion. A seal that highlights the peasant origin of agricultural and agroindustrial products can enable producers to compete with imported products and ensure attractive sales channels with good prices. It can also have an important symbolic value, transmitting the message of solidarity and shared identity between the urban population and rural areas. In order for producers to perceive positive changes in the near future, several sales channels should be served simultaneously, namely supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, e-commerce and tourism. The certification process should be robust and at the same time simple, to avoid delays and high costs.

España en el sistema multilateral de ayuda

Real Instituto Elcano - Thu, 26/11/2020 - 09:00
Iliana Olivié, Emma Carrasco y María Moreno. DT 23/2020 - 26/11/2020

En términos generales, y coincidiendo con trabajos previos sobre la ayuda multilateral de la cooperación española, se observa una débil correspondencia entre los fines estratégicos declarados y el patrón de asignación de la ayuda y un comportamiento cambiante de los flujos de ayuda. Asimismo, las importantes transformaciones de los últimos años en el contexto internacional requieren de una reflexión en profundidad acerca del papel de España en el sistema multilateral de ayuda.

Russia’s Arctic Strategy through 2035

SWP - Thu, 26/11/2020 - 00:10

Russia has adopted a development strategy for the Arctic for the period from October 2020 to 2035. Reflecting hopes and perceived threats associated with the successive warm­ing of the Arctic, it aims to advance development of the region’s abundant re­sources, first and foremost oil and gas, and improve living conditions for the popu­lation. In the longer term, the Kremlin hopes to establish the Northern Sea Route as a new global shipping artery. Moscow also worries that an increasingly ice-free Arctic could create new territorial vulnerabilities in its Far North, and is responding by re­building its military presence there. Finally, Moscow also wants to preserve the region’s ecological balance. The indications are, however, that the interests of the energy sec­tor and the military will be served, while funding to improve environmental protections and living conditions will remain inadequate.

The Hong Kong National Security Law

SWP - Thu, 26/11/2020 - 00:00

The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Security Law) highlights the shortcomings of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration and the inherent conflicts of the “one coun­try, two systems” principle. The arrangement has always been full of contradictions and grey areas. With the Security Law, the Chinese leadership has created facts on the ground. The move comes at the expense of civil liberties and accelerates the spread of socialist legal concepts in Hong Kong. But, on this issue, Beijing is not isolated in­ter­nation­ally. On the contrary, it is supported by economically dependent states in its assess­ment of the Security Law as an internal affair. China’s ambition to gain inter­nation­al discourse power in legal matters is strategically embedded in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Beijing’s course of action in Hong Kong serves as a test balloon in this endeavour. Decision-makers in Germany and Europe are still not sufficiently aware of the problems concerning Chinese legal concepts. More expertise is urgently needed.

Pourquoi l’utopie du revenu universel resurgit face à la crise

Fondapol / Général - Wed, 25/11/2020 - 14:55

ANALYSE – Pour innovant qu’il paraisse, le revenu universel ressemble plutôt à un continuum dans le débat intellectuel, traversant cinq siècles et présentant plusieurs ramifications idéologiques. Thomas More sourirait-il devant les débats politiques de la France en crise ? Cinq cents ans après la publication de son ouvrage L’Utopie, dans lequel l’humaniste anglais imaginait une […]

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Un Président et une nation face au virus : de la vision à l’exécution

Institut Montaigne - Wed, 25/11/2020 - 10:47

Un mois après le début du reconfinement, et comme il l’avait annoncé, le président de la République s’est à nouveau adressé aux Français, le mardi 24 novembre, pour faire le point sur la crise pandémique et donner des perspectives au pays, alors que les fêtes de fin d’année approchent, et que les tensions politiques et sociales s’aiguisent. L’adresse présidentielle a permis de clarifier le cap fixé collectivement à la nation pour tenir face à la pandémie,…

Chaos idéologique

Fondapol / Général - Tue, 24/11/2020 - 17:48

L’actuelle crise sanitaire mondiale aura des conséquences potentiellement explosives dans nombre de sociétés, dont la nôtre. Le Covid-19 se révèle d’ailleurs comme le deus ex machina d’un implacable processus de bouleversement des représentations collectives. À partir du krach de 2008, l’onde de choc des crises financières n’a cessé de se propager, fragilisant d’abord l’économie productive, […]

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Community Engagement in UN Peacekeeping Operations: A People-Centered Approach to Protecting Civilians

European Peace Institute / News - Tue, 24/11/2020 - 17:08

As the practice of the protection of civilians (POC) has evolved in peacekeeping missions, the UN has increasingly focused on “people-centered” approaches. As a result, community engagement has emerged as a core component of POC efforts. By engaging with communities, missions can build trust, gather information, and build a protective environment, ultimately improving their ability to protect civilians.

This paper examines the positive implications and impact of this increased focus on community engagement, as well as the challenges and risks it can pose for communities and missions. It analyzes the community engagement activities of the military, police, and civilian components of the UN missions in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, and South Sudan. The paper concludes with recommendations for these four missions, the UN Secretariat, and UN member states on the Security Council:

  • UN member states should continue to refine the language on community engagement in peacekeeping mandates.
  • The UN Secretariat should develop more in-depth modules on community engagement in relevant training materials.
  • Relevant UN stakeholders should explore how missions’ military personnel can improve their community engagement.
  • The UN Secretariat and missions should optimize their use of community liaison assistants.
  • The UN Department of Peace Operations should continue to explore where the unarmed civilian protection methodology could complement community engagement by UN missions.


Development policy from a systemic perspective: changes, trends and its future role within a broader framework for transnational co-operation

Over the past decade a number of changes can be observed within the development policy system. This paper presents and discusses these changes along three dimensions: narratives, strategies and operational approaches. Changes  are  manifold,  ranging  from  the  application  of  new  narratives,  such as the migration narrative, to alternations in strategic objectives (e.g. developing  countries’  graduation  issues),  new  instruments  (in  the  form  of development finance at the interface with the private sector), and the application  of  new  concepts  for  project  implementation  (e.g.  through  frontier technologies). We discuss the implications and effects of these changes for the current and potential future role of the development policy system, as well as preliminary ideas for a concept of global co-operation for sustainable development (GCSD), spanning beyond the development policy system

Development policy from a systemic perspective: changes, trends and its future role within a broader framework for transnational co-operation

Over the past decade a number of changes can be observed within the development policy system. This paper presents and discusses these changes along three dimensions: narratives, strategies and operational approaches. Changes  are  manifold,  ranging  from  the  application  of  new  narratives,  such as the migration narrative, to alternations in strategic objectives (e.g. developing  countries’  graduation  issues),  new  instruments  (in  the  form  of development finance at the interface with the private sector), and the application  of  new  concepts  for  project  implementation  (e.g.  through  frontier technologies). We discuss the implications and effects of these changes for the current and potential future role of the development policy system, as well as preliminary ideas for a concept of global co-operation for sustainable development (GCSD), spanning beyond the development policy system

Development policy from a systemic perspective: changes, trends and its future role within a broader framework for transnational co-operation

Over the past decade a number of changes can be observed within the development policy system. This paper presents and discusses these changes along three dimensions: narratives, strategies and operational approaches. Changes  are  manifold,  ranging  from  the  application  of  new  narratives,  such as the migration narrative, to alternations in strategic objectives (e.g. developing  countries’  graduation  issues),  new  instruments  (in  the  form  of development finance at the interface with the private sector), and the application  of  new  concepts  for  project  implementation  (e.g.  through  frontier technologies). We discuss the implications and effects of these changes for the current and potential future role of the development policy system, as well as preliminary ideas for a concept of global co-operation for sustainable development (GCSD), spanning beyond the development policy system
