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Updated: 1 week 4 days ago

Cañete: EU ‘de facto’ upping carbon reduction pledge to -45%

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 07:10
The EU's top energy and climate official revealed on Wednesday (20 June) that the bloc is now in a position to increase its emissions reduction pledge from -40% to -45% by 2030, after EU negotiators sealed deals on three clean energy laws in the past fortnight.
Categories: European Union

Turkish opposition mobilises to ensure fair play in tight poll

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:45
One hundred people listen to presentations crammed into a room in Istanbul, defying the oppressive summer heat and attentively taking notes. Their aim -- to ensure Sunday's elections in Turkey are not marred by election fraud.
Categories: European Union

‘New GMOs’ are not progress, but another tool of industrial farming

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:32
The EU Court of Justice will soon publish its ruling concerning the legal statute of a group of biotechnologies, which have been called “new plant breeding techniques” by the industry.
Categories: European Union

The Future of Cooling: Implications for Energy and the Environment

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:13
The demand for space cooling in buildings is expected to grow exponentially in the coming decades.
Categories: European Union

Italian region shows two sides to the immigration story

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:13
Images of distressed refugees arriving on Italian shores have become increasingly familiar in recent years. EURACTIV reports on the situation on the ground in Italy.
Categories: European Union

Victor Negrescu: The Romanian Presidency will build consensus around the citizens

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:13
In a wide-ranging interview, Victor Negrescu, the Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs, presents the priorities of the upcoming Romanian Presidency (1 January-30 June 2019), during which the European elections will be held, as well as the first post-Brexit EU summit.
Categories: European Union

Dacian Ciolos: ‘We need to show Romanians that politics is not the mafia’

Thu, 06/21/2018 - 06:08
As Romania prepares to hold the rotating EU presidency at the start of 2019, EURACTIV met with Dacian Cioloș. The former prime minister and agriculture Commissioner has just set up a party in Romania similar to Emmanuel Macron's En Marche, with one eye on the European elections.
Categories: European Union

NGOs demand asylum reform on World Refugee Day

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 20:34
68.5 million people in the world are displaced due to wars, conflict and persecution - a new high in 2017 for the fifth year in a row, an UNHCR report published on World Refugee Day revealed.
Categories: European Union

Negotiators reach quick agreement on law banning data localisation

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 19:55
EU negotiators sealed an agreement that will allow non-personal data to move freely across the bloc and ban national laws that require companies to store data within a country’s borders.
Categories: European Union

Controversial copyright overhaul passes Parliament committee, still faces political fight

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 18:13
A sweeping and controversial copyright reform bill passed through the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) on Wednesday (20 June), but the legislation could still be toppled during a make-or-break vote in the full house’s plenary session next month.
Categories: European Union

No trade deal before the end of Brexit transition, Verhofstadt warns UK

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 16:56
A new EU-UK trade deal will not be concluded before the end of a post-Brexit transition period, Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator, told UK MPs on Wednesday (20 June).
Categories: European Union

The Brief – The price of a hollow eurozone budget

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 16:44
More than a year after Emmanuel Macron won the presidential elections in France, and following three months of arduous negotiations between Paris and Berlin, the French president finally got his trophy: a specific budget for the eurozone.
Categories: European Union

Unravelling the Macron-Merkel agreement

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 16:01
A meeting between Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron was meant to foster a breakthrough on possible eurozone reforms. But the declaration brokered on Tuesday (19 June) is full of language that leaves a lot of room for interpretation. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Categories: European Union

World Refugee Day, a reminder for EU leaders that reforming the migration system is urgent

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 14:59
Millions are fleeing war or persecution worldwide. As we commemorate their strength and courage on World Refugee Day, we try to be calm quoting the record high number of 68.5 million displaced people – 3 million higher than the total population of the UK – 25.4 million refugees, 40 million internally displaced and 3.1 million asylum seekers, writes Luca Jahier.
Categories: European Union

EU leaders to hold crisis talks on migration this Sunday in Brussels

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 14:03
The European Commission will hold an informal working meeting with EU leaders on migration and asylum issues on 24 June in a bid to find a European solution to the refugees crisis at the EU summit on 28 and 29 June.
Categories: European Union

Quo vadis, EU evidence-based policy making? Addressing the “evidence – policy” gap

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 13:39
In theory, the EU policy decision-making process is based on the principal that excellence, independence, accountability and efficiency in science or evidence-based advice should inform political choices.
Categories: European Union

EBRD ‘excited’ about Kazakhstan’s modernisation

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 12:40
Europe's reconstruction and development bank is excited about investing in Kazakhstan under the announced third stage of the country’s modernisation, always looking to combine investment with policy reform and technical advice, the head of the bank’s Brussels office said on Tuesday (19 June).
Categories: European Union

French energy giant Engie hit with €120 million ‘illegal’ state aid ruling

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 11:39
Luxembourg will have to recover about €120 million in unpaid tax from French energy giant Engie, after the European Commission found the Grand Duchy guilty of breaching strict state aid rules.
Categories: European Union

‘Natural solutions’ in focus as EU hosts climate summit with China, Canada

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 11:09
The Nature4Climate Initiative is officially being launched in Brussels on Wednesday (20 June) by a coalition of conservation organisations, business groups, the UNDP and other major environmental NGOs.
Categories: European Union

Modernisation of Kazakhstan: What role for the European Union?

Wed, 06/20/2018 - 10:03
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s 2017 address to the nation focused on what he termed a new, third stage of the country’s modernisation. The EU is not only monitoring progress closely, but has an interest to see Kazakhstan as a prosperous, politically-balanced, democratic country in the region.  
Categories: European Union


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