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Poland might weigh up EU membership in referendum - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 14:51
Polish president keen to ask big questions in November, but ruling party could turn the project into a damp squib.
Categories: European Union

Commission to hike EU investment in defence innovation - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 14:28
The European Commission proposed on Wednesday (June 13) to hike from €90 million to €13 billion the budgetary funds earmarked for strengthening the EU's strategic autonomy in collective security by boosting cross-border research and innovation in the field of defence.
Categories: European Union

Industry and Member States debate Impact of REACH on Defence

EDA News - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 14:28

On 13th of June, during the 10th EDA REACH Plenary Meeting, experts from Member States’ Ministries of Defence exchanged views with the European Commission (DG GROW) and representatives of the European defence industry on current developments concerning the European Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and its interaction with defence. 

The aim of the meeting was to jointly explore ways and means to meet REACH’s objectives and ensure a coherent application of the Regulation in the defence sector while, at the same time, minimise its possible impact on the operational capabilities of Member States’ Armed Forces and the EU defence industry’s competitiveness and innovation as an important stakeholder in support of European defence capabilities, including through the implementation of the EDA REACH Roadmap 2018-2020 activities.

The defence industry was represented by the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) / REACH Working Group, National Defence Industry Associations (NDIAs) and individual EU defence industries. REACH experts from the European Space Agency also attended the meeting as observers. 


EDA is addressing REACH and its defence implications since 2009, at the request of its participating Member States and in close coordination with the European Commission. 
The Agency’s current work in this field is guided by the EDA REACH Roadmap 2018-2020 adopted by Member States in October 2017. The roadmap encapsulates a wide spectrum of activities and tasks aiming to support in a structured approach the main purpose of REACH, which is to protect human health and the environment, while taking into account the defence specificities. 

EDA regularly invites the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency and the EU defence industry to EDA REACH meetings, in order to facilitate a closer and more transparent interaction on REACH issues affecting defence, which is considered an important success factor for EDA’s work in this field. 

More information:  

Performance-based Budgeting: A means to improve EU spending in the 2021-2027 MFF?

Written by Magdalena Sapala and Nurseli Ulvieva,

Following the publication of the study on ‘Performance budgeting: A means to improve EU spending‘, an EPRS roundtable discussion was held in the European Parliament library on 5 June 2018. Speakers, including Martina DLABAJOVÁ (ALDE, Czech Republic, Vice-President of EP Committee on Budgetary Control), Maria Rosa ALDEA BUSQUETS (Deputy Director-General, DG Budget, European Commission), Joël COSTANTZER (Principal Auditor, Financing and Administering the Union, European Court of Auditors) and Magdalena SAPAŁA (Policy Analyst, Budgetary Policies Unit, EPRS), contributed to the lively discussion. EPRS Director Etienne BASSOT delivered a welcoming speech, while the event was moderated by Fabia JONES, acting head of the EPRS Budgetary Policies Unit.

Magdalena SAPAŁA – (Policy Analyst, Budgetary Policies Unit, EPRS)

The roundtable discussion was opened by Magdalena SAPAŁA, an author of the study on performance budgeting, who defined performance budgeting and the main challenges to its implementation. Performance budgeting is a way of allocating resources where the goals can be best achieved, as well as a way of managing public finances based on three main elements: budget, information on performance, and decisions on learning from results. However, highlighting that challenges might be attributed to all three elements of performance budgeting, SAPAŁA noted that a crucial point in performance budgeting is the link between information on performance and decision-making process. Moreover, effective and successful implementation of the method requires a change in thinking about public budgets, based on performance culture and performance ethos.

Martina DLABAJOVÁ (ALDE, Czech Republic)

The next panellist, Martina DLABAJOVÁ focused on her experience of dealing with the topic as a member of the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) of the European Parliament and the Rapporteur in the discharge procedure for the EU general budget 2014. DLABAJOVÁ pointed out the need to change thinking around budgetary control, from focusing on errors and mistakes to results, performance, and lessons learned. DLABAJOVÁ noted ‘the biggest failure is that we are very good in highlighting errors, mistakes and frauds that form less than 5 % of the EU budget, instead of focusing on promoting the successful stories that form 95 % of the Union’s tax payers contributions’. She continued by adding that performance and results make it easier for citizens and stakeholders to understand the objectives and impacts of the EU budget. Informing citizens of EU achievements is crucial, as the EU future and its budget are based solely on their trust.

Maria Rosa ALDEA BUSQUETS (Deputy Director-General, DG Budget, European Commission)

The floor was then taken by Maria Rosa ALDEA BUSQUETS, who presented the Budget Focused on Results Initiative and emphasised the European Commission’s commitment to implementing performance budgeting. Continuing with actions taken, ALDEA BUSQUETS pointed out the improved reporting with the Integrated Financial Reporting Package (including the Annual Management and Performance Report), simplification of the Commission’s financial rules, and the execution of a Spending Review. ALDEA BUSQUETS also emphasised that the proposal for the next MFF has an increased focus on EU added value and includes further measures to improve the performance framework such as: drastically reducing the number of ‘corporate’ indicators embedded in the spending programmes, decreasing the number of programmes, and creating more flexibility. However, she also noted that creating a full performance culture is a time-consuming process. Furthermore, she highlighted that many challenges remain in this process, specifically for the EU budget with regards to shared management with Member States, and called for the support of the Parliament, Council, Court of Auditors, as well as other stakeholders in the implementation of performance budgeting.

Joël COSTANTZER – (Principal Auditor, Financing and Administering the Union, European Court of Auditors)

The final speaker, Joël COSTANTZER presented the Court of Auditor’s view on the EU performance framework. He highlighted the Court’s overall support for all initiatives that make the EU more performance-oriented and gave examples of the Court’s special reports published recently and focused on the different aspects of performance and results. COSTANTZER described some limitations to implementation of the method to the EU budget, namely the MFF’s limited flexibility as compared to national budgets, the coexistence of different performance frameworks, the use of a large number of sometimes non-relevant objectives and indicators by the Commission. He added that, for the EU, the discussion on the new MFF is a major opportunity to improve implementation of performance budgeting. Therefore, although the negotiations on the 2021-2027 MFF are still in the initial phase, the Court has already noted the positive changes included in the Commission’s proposal, in particular the strong focus on the European added value and performance. In the future, the Court of Auditors will analyse the proposal in detail and the actual steps taken to improve performance orientation of the EU budget.

The roundtable discussion was followed by a lively Q&A session.

Click to view slideshow.
Categories: European Union

Rutte rejects Commission’s new funds for monetary union - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 13:17
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Wednesday (13 June) the EU should use the tools that are already available to support reforms and protect the euro, in his latest criticism of proposals to deepen the bloc's integration.
Categories: European Union

Video highlights: Spain and Italy may stoke clean energy shakeup today - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 12:55
The degree to which member state positions on the EU’s clean energy package have shifted was on display on Monday (11 June) when energy ministers met for a council meeting in Luxembourg. EURACTIV brings you a video compilation from the public debate.
Categories: European Union

EU should protect its brands and legislate to reinforce them, Italian MEP says - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 12:52
The EU should protect its brands as they have a great potential to make Europe competitive worldwide, right-wing MEP Stefano Maullu told in the context of the continuing 'branding versus consumer welfare' debate.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Following Austria's Kurz will not save German conservatives - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 11:43
The departure of Merkel by 2021 will offer the opportunity for a credible reorientation of German conservative politics. This must not be squandered by pandering to a regressive right-wing.
Categories: European Union

EU issues encouraging messages ahead of 10th anniversary of Russia-Georgia war - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 10:46
EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini assured Georgia on Tuesday (12 June) that ten years after Russia's occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the EU has not given up seeking a “true solution” to the conflict.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Europe could lose out in North Korean bonanza - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 10:08
South Korean businesses including Hyundai and Samsung are already scoping investment opportunities. Will North Korea become a 'new Vietnam' opportunity - or more like Myanmar, where slow Brussels policy-making meant EU exporters lost out.
Categories: European Union

Macedonia name deal opens doors to Western expansion - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 09:27
Breakthrough likely to see EU leaders open accession talks with Macedonia at summit in June and Nato invite Macedonia to join in July.
Categories: European Union

Macron buts heads with Italian populists on migration - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 09:17
France has butted heads with Italy's populists on migration, as the EU commission watches from the sidelines.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] All eyes on the FIFA World Cup - and on Russia - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 09:09
The Putin regime has dissolved democracy and rule of law in Russia - we need to realise that we are operating in a long-term non-military conflict.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Merkel's migration policy under growing pressure from within - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:59
Pressure from German chancellor Angela Merkel's CSU sister party over migration policies is growing and spreading into her own CDU party. At the centre of the dispute are interior minister Horst Seehofer's plans to turn away asylum-seekers registered in another EU country at the German border. A planned press conference by Seehofer was cancelled as it emerged Merkel had blocked his plans.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Merkel: update trade balances to include services, in US trade war - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:57
Accounting methods for international trade are outdated and need to be revised, German chancellor Angela Merkel told the Christian Democratic Union's Economic Council Conference in Berlin on Tuesday. "If services are included in the trade balance, then the US runs a big surplus with Europe," she said.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Poland's president includes EU membership in referendum plan - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:52
Poland's president Andrzej Duda on Tuesday included two EU-related questions in a list of issues that citizens should be consulted on in a constitutional referendum this year. One question would be if Poland's EU membership should be guaranteed in the constitution and a second whether the Polish constitution should rank over international and EU law. Duda suggested the referendum take place on 10 and 11 November.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] May manoeuvres Brexit bill through UK parliament - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:51
UK prime minister Theresa May avoided defeat on a Brexit bill on Tuesday, when it was backed by a majority of 324 votes to 298 in the House of Commons. The majority was secured after she agreed to address ongoing concerns about the parliament's role in the final Brexit negotiations. The votes continue on Wednesday.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Bulgaria pushes to enter eurozone - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:50
Bulgaria wants to join the EU's banking union and the forerunner for euro-area membership, the ERM, within the next year. "We'll insist for both to happen on the same day," finance minister Vladislav Goranov said in Sofia on Tuesday. Bulgaria currently meets the criteria to adopt the euro, with Goranov urging euro-area members to refrain from coming up with new demands for Bulgaria to become its 20th member.
Categories: European Union

Italian PM Conte slams French ‘hypocrisy’ in migrant convoy clash - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 08:10
Italy forged ahead with plans to send hundreds of migrants to Spain in a small naval convoy on Tuesday (12 June) after shutting its own ports to them, sparking a war of words with France that exposed EU tensions over immigration.
Categories: European Union

May avoids Commons defeat after offering rebels concession on ‘no deal’ Brexit - Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:58
Theresa May avoided a humiliating parliamentary defeat to her government’s EU withdrawal bill, but only after appearing to promise rebel MPs an effective block on a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
Categories: European Union


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