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Mit jelent számodra a véradás?! - fotópályázat

PAFI - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 23:18
A kiíró "Mit jelent számodra a véradás?!" címmel fotópályázatot hirdet három kategóriában.
Categories: Pályázatok

1997. Le traité d’Amsterdam donne naissance à la PESC

Bruxelles2 - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 23:14
(B2) Signé à Amsterdam le 2 octobre 1997 par les ministres des Affaires étrangères des quinze États membres de l’Union européenne, le Traité d'Amsterdam entre en vigueur le 1er mai 1999. Il prévoit une évolution notable de la PESC avec la mise en place d'un Haut représentant pour la PESC, d'une unité de planification et […]
Categories: Défense

Utcaművészek produkciói az XTRAX Shorts fesztiválra

PAFI - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 23:11
A 2016 szeptemberében megrendezendő XTRAX Shorts fesztiválon való részvételre hirdetnek pályázatot utcaművészeknek.
Categories: Pályázatok

The Roadmap, 'What all this fuss is about'?

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:59

By Hafiz Mohamed

After the acceptance of Sudan Call Alliance to sign the Road Map each of the four parties to the alliance came out with a scenario trying to sell that out to their constituency, instead of putting brave face for their retreat from their first position which denouncing it, and try to get the best out of it.

In the build up to the 8th August 2016 the date in which they supposed to sign there are many activities and moves to give the signing some sort of inclusivity and portrayed it as a national event, such as the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) on the 9th January 2005, as everyone knows there is no comparison.

I don't understand why all this fuss is about, it is just a signing of a road map not a framework agreement or an agreement which is going to immediately end Sudan multiple crises and elevate the suffering of millions of Sudanese people as life become untenable due to the failed policies of the National Congress Party (NCP).

The opposition groups with their two components civilian and military still have a long way to go in terms of negotiating the terms of their engagement in the National dialogue, the interim security arrangements and the terms of delivery of humanitarian assistances, for Darfur and the two areas, the political arrangement which supposed to lead to the final status of those areas.

Sudan call alliance wanted to turn its signing of the road map into a victory with big signing ceremony by inviting some national Sudanese figures to make it look as a national agreement but I don't think the signing deserve all that row, and doesn't worse it to spend all these amount of resources now, they better wait until they reach a final agreement and if it put Sudan in a pave to genuine peace and democratic transformation all Sudanese will celebrate with them.

The signing will take place on the 8th August but the hard work will start on the 9th with the negotiations of the terms of cessations of hostilities, delivery of humanitarian assistance and the monitoring mechanism between the government of Sudan (GoS)and Sudan People Liberation Army – North (SPLM-N), and that will not be an easy task taking into consideration their five years negotiations for delivery of humanitarian assistance and cessation of hostilities , many rounds of talks regarding the terms of the ceasefire failed that include the implementation of the tripartite agreement ( UN, AU and the Arab League) and the UN resolution 2046, disagreement over from where the assistance supposed to be delivered , as that prevented the two parties from reaching agreements denying millions of people from humanitarian assistance at the same time denying children the high needed vaccination.

The remaining question will still be, will the government accept an agreement in line with the terms of Switzerland 19th January 2002 cease fire agreement which managed to opened access for delivery of humanitarian assistance, allowed freedom of movement, people and trade at the same time established a joint monitoring mechanism (JMC) headed by Norwegian General.

The parallel tracks of the negotiations for the two areas and Darfur, will not be the easiest parts as GoS will insist on not giving any ground for a new negotiation on Darfur because according to them the Darfur Doha Peace Document (DDPD) has achieved its objectives and concluded the only offers they have for Darfuri armed movements is allocation of ministerial posts and some others positions, and that will not be acceptable for them.

With regards to the two areas negotiations in the last 5 years the chief negotiator of SPLM-N has wasted great opportunities to address the roots causes of the conflicts in the two areas instead he insisted on focusing the discussion on national issues, by signing the Road Map all the National Issues will be address through the National Dialogue, at the same time the road map already stated the ceilings for the negotiations of the two areas and I don't thinks that up to the expectations of the people of the Nuba mountains at least I can't tell about Blue Nile because I simply don't know.

The problem which has been deliberately created by SPLM-N leadership and led to the current state of mayhem because they insist on not consulting the people and trying to impose settlement through military orders that can only work temporary with the army but not with the people, ignoring other sectors of communities and trying to force through settlement which is not acceptable will not lead to sustainable peace. They are ignoring SPLM own practice, immediately after the signing of Machakos Protocol in July 2002, an all Nuba conference was held in Kuda South Kordofan state in October 2002 , attended not only by members of SPLM by civil society activists and communities leaders at the same time attended by the late Dr John Grang , at that conference people gave SPLM a mandate to negotiate on their behalf , but when it came to the two areas negotiations Dr John delegated the political leaders of the areas to negotiate the terms of the two areas protocols and promised to accept any outcome of that negotiation,, I think the process which SPLM leaders adopted in 2002-2004 regarding the two areas was correct and look more democratic even though many people from the Nuba mountains were not happy about the outcome. But since the start of the current war no single consultation is carried to the people of affected areas but even with senior members of the movement, everything is run by Arman selecting the majority of his advisers from outside these areas, and when senior members of the movement such as Ramdan Hassan, Ahmed Balga others voiced their concerns the got the sack.

I do understand that there is national dimension to the conflicts in Sudan peripheries, as the conflicts are centre-peripheries mainly created by the central political elites through deliberate policies of marginalisation, but SPLM-N policies of not allowing even leaders from these areas to voice their concern on issues which they carry arms to fight for will replicate and deepen the same problem instead of working towards resolving it.

The negotiations for the two areas within the road map must be assigned to SPLM-N leaders originate from the two areas with consultation with others people from their areas because at the end they supposed to oversee the implementation of any agreement in partnership with others in these states, and must not allow Arman to run the show, dictating his views on the people of these areas as that will waste other golden opportunity to address some of the concerns of these people , he can lead SPLM- N negotiations with others members of Sudan Call Alliance on issues related to national dialogue and its process. But insisting in imposing Arman on people specially from South Kordofan/ Nuba Mountains will be an insult to these people as they are well aware that the majority of the people in the Nuba mountains don't want him and that will have very serious ramification in the future.

The voice of the people of the Nuba mountains must be heard in this very critical juncture of their history at the time when half of the population either Internal Displaced People (IDPs) or refugees, collective effort is needed to rebuild the region from the shattered, destitution, prolong wars, marginalisation and discrimination.

The war has run its course and the case of fighting Khartoum from the Nuba mountains and making the people of these areas pay the price of change in national level is neither fair nor moral, as they need tenth of years to overcome the impacts of the last two wars. We hope the two parties to war sign a cessation of hostilities agreement at least to stop the killing, immediately after that we need to mobilise the people to build a wide civic coalition for activists, communities/tribal leaders, women, youth so they work together through civic struggle to restore their rights and rebuild the region from the ruins of the wars, learning from the 6 years of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) interim period (2005-11) which ended with more destructive war.

Hafiz Ismail Mohamed is CSOs activist and can be reach at:

Categories: Africa

Rio 2016 - Úszás - Kapás döntős 400 gyorson, Hosszú elődöntős 100 háton

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:55
RIO DE JANEIRO. Kapás Boglárka a vasárnapi előfutamokból a 7. legjobb idővel a döntőbe jutott 400 méter gyorson a riói olimpián, míg az immár olimpiai bajnok Hosszú Katinka a 4. legjobb idővel jutott be a 100 méter hát elődöntőjébe. A 12. idővel 200 méter gyorson Kozma Dominik is elődöntős.

Airbus visé par une enquête pour corruption en Grande-Bretagne

La Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:54
L'organe britannique chargé de la lutte contre les délits et crimes économiques a indiqué avoir ouvert une enquête visant Airbus portant sur l'utilisation d'intermédiaires à l'étranger.
Categories: France

African leaders warn South Sudan conflict represents regional security threat

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:48

August 7, 2016 (JUBA) - African leaders of the East African regional bloc, IGAD, have issued a strong worded communiqué, calling on the United Nations and global community to extend support to end conflict in South Sudan. The also warned that a delay to act to avert a deteriorating humanitarian situation represents a security threat to countries in the region.

In the communiqué released in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, IGAD said its member states have been shouldering heavy burden.

“Underlines once again that the situation in South Sudan is a serious threat to regional peace, security and stability, and recognizes that the neighbouring countries have been shouldering the heavy burden of the conflict since its outbreak in December 2013, including continued and intensive flow of refugees, as well as proliferation of illicit small arms and weapons and instability,” reads the communique of the outcome of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the IGAD Plus held on 5th August 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The leaders pointed out the international community, particularly the UN Security Council, has the duty and moral responsibility to act decisively and swiftly in support of the IGAD and AU efforts with a view to bringing to an end the suffering of the people.

The meeting also condemned the "continuing obstruction of Ceasefire and Transitional
Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism - Monitoring and Verification
Teams (CTSAMM-MVTs) and UNMISS from implementing their tasks and

It further called upon the Transitional Government of National Unity
(TGoNU) to issue the necessary orders to guarantee CTSAMM and UNMISS
freedom of movement and to respect the Status of Forces Agreement
between the Republic of South Sudan and UNMISS.

The South Sudanese government delegation was chaired by First Vice President Taban Deng Gai who informed the meet of his decision to resign in favour of the former FVP Riek Machar.

The meeting ''welcomes the gesture of H.E. General Taban Deng Ghai to step down with a view of returning to the status quo ante in line with the ARCSS for the sake of peace and stability in the Republic of South Sudan," said the statement.

The meeting was chaired by Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and current Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government, and was attended by Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti; . Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya; Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia; Omar Hassan al-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan; Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda.

Other prominent African leaders and personalities at the summit include Rwandan president Paul Kagame, Rachid Benlounes, representing the President of Algeria, Kettong Doradji, representing the President of Chad, Godfrey A.E. Odudigbo, representing the President of Nigeria and Ndumiso N. Ntshinga, representing the President of South Africa. Ellen Margrethe Loej, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General and the Head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Festus G. Mogae, Chairperson of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC); and Mahboub Maalim, IGAD Executive Secretary were among those who attended the high level summit on the situation in South Sudan.


Categories: Africa

Sudan says keen to carry out smooth UNAMID exit from Darfur

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:48

August 7, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese government on Sunday has renewed its keenness to implement a gradual and smooth exit for the hybrid peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

A UNAMID peacekeeper from from Burkina Fasso and based in Forobaranga, West Darfur, checks a map during a patrol to Tamar village. (Photo UNAMID/Albert González Farran)

Foreign Ministry Under-Secretary Abdel-Ghani al-Naem on Sunday has discussed with the Deputy Joint AU-UN Special Representative Jeremiah Mamabolo cooperation between Sudanese government and UNAMID.

In a press statement extended to Sudan Tribune, al-Naem expressed his government's keenness to continue to cooperate with UNAMID in all aspects including the implantation of a smooth and gradual exit strategy according to the mechanisms agreed upon.

For his part, Mamabolo has praised the continued cooperation between his mission and the Sudanese government particularly with regard to facilitating UNAMID's imports clearance procedures and visa issuance.

He expressed hope that peace will prevail in Darfur in light of the signing of the Roadmap Agreement for peace and dialogue brokered by the African Union.

Sudan, African Union and the United Nations since two years hold discussions on the UNAMID's exit from western Sudan. Khartoum says the security situation is stable and its efforts to curb the tribal violence have been successful.

But the UN proposed a limited and gradual withdrawal from some sectors saying the full exit should intervene after the signing of peace agreement with all the rebel groups and to ensure the protection of displaced civilians.

The hybrid mission has been deployed in Darfur since December 2007 with a mandate to stem violence against civilians in the western Sudan's region.

It is the world's second largest international peacekeeping force with an annual budget of $1.35 billion and almost 20,000 troops.

UN agencies say there are nearly 2.5 million displaced persons in Darfur, despite the signing of peace agreement in Doha in July 2011.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese Communist Party reelects Al-Khatib as political secretary

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:47

August 7, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) on Saturday has elected its Politburo besides the secretariat of the Central Committee and reelected Mohamed Mukhtar al-Khatib as political secretary.

Sudanese Communist Party Political Secretary Mohamed Mokhtar al-Khatib (ST Photo)

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday, SCP said the Central Committee has elected Mukhtar Abdalla as organizational secretary, al-Harith al-Toum as financial secretary, Al-Sir Babo as cultural secretary, Fathi al-Fadl as information secretary and official spokesperson and Mohi al-Din al-Galad as administrative secretary.

The statement added that the Central Committee also elected Siddig Youssef as political communication official, Salih Mahmoud as foreign relations official, Faiza Nugud as trade unions official, Hanadi al-Fadl as students official, Kamal al-Gizouli as writers bureau official, Sidgi Kaballo as economic bureau official and Masoud Ahmed al-Hassan as political secretary for Khartoum.

Sudanese Communist Party Political Secretary Mohamed Mokhtar al-Khatib (ST Photo)

It pointed that the Central Committee has unanimously approved the final communiqué of the sixth convention following extensive discussions.

Last week, SCP held its sixth convention and elected a 41-member Central Committee besides 10 reserve members.

The statement further said the Central Committee will hold its next meeting early September.

The SCP was established in 1946 under the name of the “Anti Colonialism Front” and it was later known as the “Sudanese Movement for National Liberation” before its final name was adopted in 1956.


Categories: Africa

SPLM-IO says IGAD summit outcome “encouraging”, calls on government to comply

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 22:47

August 7, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – The outcome of the Addis Ababa summit of the heads of state and government of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is “encouraging”, said the official spokesperson of the leader of the opposition faction of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO).

Riek Machar, left, first vice president of the Republic of South Sudan, and Salva Kiir, the president, at the first meeting of the new transitional coalition government in Juba, South Sudan, in April, 2016 (Jason Patinkin/AP)

James Gatdet Dak, spokesperson for Riek Machar, Former First Vice President who was replaced two weeks ago in a controversial process rejected by IGAD, said the resolutions of the East African regional body could revive the “collapsing” peace agreement if implemented with speed.

“We welcome the fact that IGAD has not supported the illegal transitional leadership changes in Juba. Their resolution, although weak, expects Taban Deng Gai to step down. Whatever process that took place in the temporary absence of the legitimate First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, will be undone before he returns to Juba,” said James Gatdet Dak.

He also said all their ministers who were replaced illegally will be reinstated to their ministerial portfolios and the new ministers who were “sneaked in” will be removed.

He condemned the action by President Salva Kiir to replace SPLM-IO ministers “unilaterally per the recommendation of a defector, Gai, who is no longer a member of the SPLM-IO”, saying it was a serious violation of the Article 6.5 of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS).

The opposition leader's spokesman however commended the IGAD heads of state and government for resolving to deploy a third party force in the capital, Juba, saying this has been the position of the SPLM-IO leadership but which “President Kiir's faction was reluctant to accept it.”


While the government under President Kiir said it would accept a protection force, but not an intervention force, Machar's spokesperson, Dak, said there is no reason to quarrel over the terminologies as the two words mean the same thing.

He said as long as the government accepted a third party force whether by protection or intervention, adding the two practically carry out the same task.

“Protection force also means intervention force. You cannot protect leaders, officials, citizens or government's key installations without intervening. The two are interchangeable words where one cannot be applied without doing the other militarily,” Dak said.

“Foreign troops separating two rival national armies, even bodyguards, or protecting leaders and citizens by itself is an intervention,” he added.

He said officials of the government delegation who were “lectured” about the outcome of the summit did not tell the truth to the public in Juba about what actually transpired at the IGAD summit in Addis Ababa, adding that the chiefs of general staff of the armies in the region will visit Juba soon to make ground preparations for the deployment of the at least 14,000 strong force to take control.

He said President Kiir should now reverse his recent decrees by reinstating Machar and his ministers to their rightful positions per the peace agreement.

Dak also said the opposition forces will “optionally” be in a position to take control of Juba if President Kiir's faction will not comply with the IGAD resolutions.

He accused the government's forces of continuing with “suicide mission” offensives against their forces around Juba, saying the SPLA-IO forces have been moving closer to Juba “slowly but surely” from different directions as they defeat forces loyal to President Kiir.

He further claimed that Juba-Yei road and Juba-Mundri road as well as northwest of Juba around Terekeka have remained closed as their forces are in control on all these routes.


Categories: Africa

Aleppo: Die Untätigkeit von Obama und Merkel versus syrischer und russischer Kriegsverbrechen und dem Machtanspruch der Jihadisten in Syrien

Strategische Studien - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 21:59

Noch 2013 verkündete US-Präsident Obama grossspurig eine rote Linie für den Fall, dass das Assad-Regime weitere Gasangriffe gegen die Opposition führen würde, und drohte mit dem Einsatz seiner Luftstreitkräfte gegen die Militärmacht von Assad. Dank der schlauen Diplomatie des russischen Präsidenten Putin bezüglich einer überwachten Vernichtung der chemischen Waffen von Assad konnte Obama von seinem angedrohten Luftkrieg Abstand nehmen. Anstelle von C-Waffeneinsätzen werden nun aber gemäss Dokumentationen von Human Rights Watch seit 2015 von russischen und syrischen Jagdbombern immer mehr Streu- und Brandbomben über die Stellungen der Opposition, so vor allem über Aleppo abgeworfen. Dabei sollen nicht nur die Stellungen der Aufständischen bombardiert werden, sondern auch Marktplätze, Bäckereien und Krankenhäuser.[1]

Im Kessel von Aleppo harren neben den Kampftruppen der Opposition vermutlich noch bis zu 300‘000 Zivilisten aus.[2] Sollte der Kessel von Aleppo durch die libanesischen, iranischen, kurdischen und afghanischen Söldner von Assad, unterstützt von russischen und syrischen Jagdbombern, eingenommen werden, dann müsste mit einer weiteren Fluchtbewegung sunnitischer Araber gerechnet werden. Am Ende würden diese Flüchtlinge vermutlich ihr Heil in Europa suchen wollen.

Neben Assad dürften die Jihadisten die eigentlichen Profiteure der Schlacht um Aleppo sein. Zu diesen gehört die al-Nusrah-Front, die sich jetzt durch einen taktischen Schachzug von Al-Kaida als unabhängig erklärt hat und sich neu als „Jabhat Fatah al-Sham“ (Front zur Eroberung Gross-Syriens) bezeichnet. Ihre Waffen werden durch gläubige Geldgeber aus den Golfstaaten finanziert.[3] In Konkurrenz zum Islamischen Staat (IS) könnten diese Jihadisten sich aufgrund ihrer militärischen Erfolge, so durch den Abschuss syrischer Kampfpanzer und russischer Helikopter in der Schlacht um Aleppo durch waffentechnisch einfache Waffen wie Raketenrohre RPG-7, als die eigentliche Opposition zum Regime von Assad und seiner Alliierten profilieren. Am Ende könnte die „Jabhat Fatah al-Sham“ ihren Machtanspruch über ganz Syrien ausdehnen und einen Jihadisten-Staat errichten, der sogar jenen des Islamischen Staates überdauern könnte.

Schliesslich müssten die fehlenden Reaktionen von Obama und einzelnen europäischen Staatschefs wie der Bundeskanzlerin Merkel gegenüber den in Syrien begangenen Kriegsverbrechen und der Zerstörung von Aleppo für diese Entwicklung als verantwortlich bezeichnet werden.

[1] Böhm, A., Im Kessel. In Aleppo tobt die Entscheidungsschlacht um Syrien. Das Ergebnis wird man in Europa spüren. Zeit Online, 4. August 2016, S. 2.

[2] Böhm, A., S. 1.

[3] Böhm, A., S. 1.

Rio 2016 - Babos három játékot nyert Kvitova ellen

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 21:48
RIO DE JANEIRO. Babos Tímea 6:1, 6:2-re kikapott a kétszeres wimbledoni bajnok Petra Kvitovától vasárnap a riói olimpia női tenisztornájának első fordulójában.

Aux sources des violences religieuses .

EU-Logos Blog - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 21:12

Les explications multiples s’affrontent , obscurcissent la compréhension et renforcent les affrontements. Pour les uns c’est le silence religieux(1) dans le quel s’engouffrent les obscurantismes dont l’obscurantisme meurtrier du terrorisme islamique, pour d’autres nous assistons au retour du religieux qui s’accommode mal de la sécularisation triomphante. Pour d’autres encore c’est la détresse humaine qui s’étend sur la planète entière qui génère les formes de religion les plus violentes. Ce serait même le goût pour la violence qui serait à l’origine de ces actes qui font la « une » des journaux plus que la fascination pour l’islam proprement dit.

C’est dans la connaissance des causes profondes que l’on trouvera les remèdes et à cet égard rare sont ceux qui cherchent du côté des causes sociétales. Parmi ceux-ci il convient de signaler les travaux de Tarek Oubrou, iman de Bordeaux, dont la modération, la tolérance et la finesse des observations ont retenu l’attention.

Que nous dit-il ?

Réformer l’islam, oui, mais c’est une illusion de croire que cela va éradiquer la radicalisation des jeunes. C’est même créer une diversion pour ne pas voir les causes profondes de ce phénomène. La radicalisation comme première cause originelle et préliminaire au terrorisme s’explique, nous dit Tarek Oubrou, en tout premier lieu par un mal être de « personnes mal installés » dans la société, mal intégrées. L’allégeance, tout virtuelle, faite à l’Etat islamique n’est qu’un alibi, un faux fuyant pour se venger de la société dans laquelle ils vivent et retrouver ainsi leur amour propre. On leur reproche de ne pas respecter les valeurs de la République ou les valeurs européennes telles qu’elles sont inscrites dans les traités mais ils constatent que ces valeurs sont peu ou mal pratiquées, notamment à leur égard par ceux qui sont censés les défendre ou les incarner. Aujourd’hui c’est l’Etat islamique, demain se pourrait être une toute autre cause, à laquelle ils pourraient adhérer, une cause tout aussi fausse pourvu qu’elles naissent de la société dans laquelle ils vivent.

Cette radicalisation est le résultat d’un échec de l’intégration et la solution passerait donc par plus de « social » et moins de « sécuritaire ». Echec d’intégration par la famille, le scolaire, le travail, démission des parents, manque d’affection à cause de la disparition des liens traditionnels familiaux ou de voisinage. En conséquence, le phénomène concerne tous ceux qui ont des responsabilités éducatives, politiques, médiatiques, religieuses et pas principalement le policier ou le juge..

Les autres sujets du débat ont certes un réel intérêt, mais ils sont d’un deuxième niveau pour ne pas dire secondaire : ajuster les pratiques musulmanes visibles ou invisibles, interdiction des signes religieux dans les écoles, l’université, dans l’espace publique, la perception d’une société sécularisée fortement marquée par l’histoire d’une laïcité à dominante culturelle chrétienne, respect de l’égalité hommes- femmes d’ailleurs souvent mis à mal par les occidentaux eux-mêmes , une égalité et qui reste en occident imparfaite dans la loi et la pratique de tous les jours.

Surmontant le tout il ya une mauvaise connaissance et une mauvaise compréhension de cette notion complexe de laïcité : il faut bien faire comprendre que la laïcité a émancipé le fonctionnement de l’Etat de la loi religieuse, mais en contrepartie elle protège les religions de l’ingérence du politique. On a parfaitement le droit de ne pas être d’accord avec une religion aussi longtemps que ses pratiques ne s’opposent pas au droit du pays.

La pensée de Tarek Oubrou rejoint celle de Jürgen Habermas . telle qui l’a exprimée au lendemain des massacres à Paris le 13 novembre 2015. Dans le journal le Monde, le 23 novembre 2015, il écrit : « le djihadisme , réaction moderne au déracinement ». Le fondamentalisme djihadisme n’est en rien une religion souligne le philosophe allemand et il plaide pour que la France s’interroge sur les ratés de l’intégration sociale. « L’absence de perspective et d’espoir en l’avenir qui afflige les jeunes générations de ces pays, avides de mener une vie meilleure, avide aussi de reconnaissance, est en partie le fait de la politique Occidentale. Ces jeunes générations, lorsque échouent toutes les tentatives politiques, se radicalisent. »Parlant des politiques de l’occident Habermas énumère successivement le fait colonial, l’expédition de Suez de 1956, l’intervention américaine de George Bush en Irak…C’est à partir de cette intervention en Iraq que ce sont déchainées les violences du terrorisme. On a tendance à l’oublier trop vite !



Classé dans:Citoyenneté européenne, Dignité humaine, Droit à la liberté et à la sûreté, DROITS FONDAMENTAUX, Egalité entre hommes et femmes, Fonctionnement des institutions, Liberté d'expression et droit à l'information, Liberté de pensée, d'expression, de religion, Lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisation, Protection des minorités
Categories: Union européenne

Bírságolni fognak a kukoricacímerezéses ügyben

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 20:50

Technológiai hibát követett el az a magyarországi vállalkozás, amely július elején rovarirtóval kezelt kukoricatáblába küldte be a székelyudvarhelyi diákmunkásokat címerezni Battonyán.
Kategória: Aktuális/Udvarhelyszék

Mali : un casque bleu tué et quatre autres blessés par une mine près de Kidal

France24 / Afrique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 20:46
L'explosion d'une mine dans la région de Kidal, au Mali, a touché un véhicule de l'ONU et tué un casque bleu tchadien, dimanche. Quatre autres soldats ont été blessés.
Categories: Afrique

Bonne question

L`Humanité - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 19:35

L'éditorial de Michel Guilloux : « Dans quel pays veut-on vivre ? » À elle seule, l’interrogation mérite de figurer en tête lors de chaque grand rendez-vous de la nation avec elle-même. 

Categories: France

Tizenkét éve áll a kereszt a Pricskén

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 19:00

Gyakran mondjuk, de hisszük is, hogy jó nekünk itt lenni? – tette fel a kérdést Kémenes Lóránt plébános a Gyergyói-havasok legtetején, a Pricskén. A búcsús szentmise és az azt követő közös ebéd alkalmat adott a kérdés megválaszolására.
Kategória: Aktuális/Gyergyószék

Le PS se prépare à une rentrée en ordre dispersé

Le Figaro / Politique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 18:35
Le PS aborde la dernière année du quiquennat de François Hollande de manière désunie.
Categories: France

Továbbra is ingyenes a csipezési és ivartalanítási szolgáltatás

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 18:34

Fejlesztik a gyergyószentmiklósi állatmenhelyt. A helyiek ugyanakkor továbbra is ingyenesen ivartalaníthatják, csipeztethetik a házi kedvenceiket.
Kategória: Aktuális/Gyergyószék
