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Hollande appelle les Français à s'engager

LeParisien / Politique - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 07:00
Ne pas baisser la garde. Au creux du mois d'août, François Hollande tient à montrer qu'il est concentré sur la lutte contre le terrorisme. Hier, après avoir présidé le matin à l'Elysée un Conseil de défense...
Categories: France

Ban announces new initiatives to enhance UN's work with and for world's youth

UN News Centre - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 07:00
Bolstering the commitment of the United Nations to work with and for the world&#39s youth, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced several key initiatives towards that end, including the formation of an expert group on &#39youth, peace and security,&#39 and naming a new envoy on youth employment.

On International Day, UN says youth can lead global drive for a more sustainable future

UN News Centre - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 07:00
The world&#39s young people &#8211 who make up the largest generation of youth in history &#8211 can lead a global drive to break the patterns of the past and set the world on course to a more sustainable future, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said youth, with their creativity and idealism are the key to delivering the goals of the new UN sustainability agenda.

Sévère coup de rabot sur les allocations logement de 80 000 familles

Le Monde / Politique - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 06:36
Une réforme, votée dans le cadre de la loi de finance 2016, introduit un nouveau paramètre dans le mode de calcul de ces prestations.
Categories: France

Top Level Policy Dialogue tackles “Prospects for Peace under the Duterte Administration”

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 05:16
Top Level Policy Dialogue tackles “Prospects for Peace under the Duterte Administration”

US Delivers $50M in Weapons & Munitions to Lebanon | LM & Elbit Sys to Enter UK’s Challenger II Upgrade Program | Sri Lanka Looks to Replace Kfir Fighters

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 02:09

  • A long awaited low-rate initial production decision for the KC-46 tanker is to be made by the end of the month. Secretary of the USAF Deborah Lee James informed the media of the upcoming meeting “We believe that the aircraft has met all of the wickets that are required to meet milestone C, but of course that remains to be seen, so I’ll say stay tuned on that.” Flight testing of the aircraft wound up in July following a number of hardware and software fixes to the plane’s boom following aerial refueling problems.

Middle East North Africa

  • Russian helicopters seeing action in Syria are to be fitted with composite rotor blades to counter against the rapid wear and tear currently experienced on their metal ones. According to the blade’s manufacturer Mil, the composite blades have already been used in the production of multirole Mi-38 and Mi-35M attack helicopters and have also been included on the newly upgraded Mi-28NM. Russia has been supporting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad with air support and logistics since September 2015.

  • In addition to a $1.1 billion Airbus H225M helicopter deal, France is also trying to sell Kuwait anti-ship missiles to help fill a specific Kuwaiti requirement for airborne missiles for use against fast offshore boats. The Gulf nation had a similar requirement on its recent purchase of Eurofight Typhoons. Airbus is conducting similar work on H225Ms operated by the Brazilian Navy, integrating the MBDA Exocet AM39 anti-ship missile.

  • $50 million in weapons has been delivered by the US to Lebanon. Goodies in the shipment include 50 armored Humvees, 40 Howitzer field artillery pieces, 50 MK-19 grenade launchers and 1,000 tons of ammunition, including small, medium and heavy artillery rounds. With Lebanon being the fifth-largest recipient of US military financing, the country has received more than $221 million in funding this year.


  • With just a day to spare, a joint effort by Lockheed Martin UK and Elbit Systems will enter the UK’s Challenger II upgrade program. The duo’s late entry into the $816 million modernization will see them duke it out with a consortium involving General Dynamic and the tank’s original equipment manufacturer BAE Systems as well as bids from Rheinmetall, Swiss defense company Ruag and a CMI Defence-Ricardo UK partnership.

  • The Russian Aerospace Forces are to shortly receive next generation bombs with proximity fuzes. According to state-owned manufacturer Tecmarsh, the fuze has recently passed tests and is being prepared for serial production. Improvements in the new munition aim to decrease the amount of energy lost to crater creation and soil displacement and increasing the radius of damage.

Asia Pacific

  • Sri Lanka has expressed an interest in replacing its aging Kfir fighters. According to a cabinet spokesperson, the government has approved a new competition and is looking for interested manufacturers to come forward. The service is looking at getting between eight to twelve aircraft which at present is down to only one serviceable fighter.

  • South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has given the second half of 2020 as the date for the first prototype of their indigenous active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. Developed in conjunction with Hanwha Thales, DAPA foresees six years of development, with the new radar to be ready for deployment in 2026. The radar will be integrated on the upcoming KF-X indigenous fighter.

Today’s Video

China sends its Gaofen-3 radar imaging satellite into space:

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The Tiger - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 01:30

The Tiger, Author of Numerous Articles, Published on
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia’s ASC upgrades virtual shipyard system to 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Naval Technology - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 01:00
Australian submarine builder and maintainer ASC has upgraded its virtual shipyard system from the existing Dassault Systèmes ENOVIA application to the next-generation 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy and Evolva to develop resveratrol-based composite materials

Naval Technology - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 01:00
Evolva has collaborated with the US Navy’s NAVAIR research facility, China Lake, California, to develop a new class of structural composite materials developed from a polymer resin matrix derived from Evolva’s resveratrol.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Deals this week: Alion, Bechtel Plant Machinery, Boeing

Naval Technology - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 01:00
Alion Science and Technology Corporation has secured a five-year contract, valued at $145m, from the Naval Sea Systems Command to provide support services for the US Navy’s DDG 51 Shipbuilding programme.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy selects UK steel firm Sheffield Forgemasters for Ohio submarine replacement programme

Naval Technology - Fri, 12/08/2016 - 01:00
The US Navy has reportedly contracted UK steel firm Sheffield Forgemasters to manufacture components for the next-generation nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN(X)), also known as the Ohio replacement programme.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Nigeria reports first polio cases since 2014, highlighting urgency of immunization – UN health agency

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 23:46
After two children were paralyzed by polio in Borno state in north-eastern Nigeria, the first cases of wild poliovirus in more than two years, the United Nations health agency today stressed the need to prioritize immunization of children in hard-to-reach areas such as the Lake Chad region, spanning several countries and often affected by conflict.
Categories: Africa

Nigeria reports first polio cases since 2014, highlighting urgency of immunization – UN health agency

UN News Centre - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 23:46
After two children were paralyzed by polio in Borno state in north-eastern Nigeria, the first cases of wild poliovirus in more than two years, the United Nations health agency today stressed the need to prioritize immunization of children in hard-to-reach areas such as the Lake Chad region, spanning several countries and often affected by conflict.

Les missions d’observation électorale (fiche-mémo)

Bruxelles2 - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 23:27
(B2) Les missions d'observation permettent d'évaluer « dans quelle mesure une élection se déroule conformément aux normes internationales ». L'UE est l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux à fournir et à financer une assistance électorale avec l'OSCE. L'observation d'élections est une « activité essentielle de l'UE qui vise à promouvoir la démocratie, les droits de l'homme […]
Categories: Défense

Burkini : le maire de Cannes interdit les vêtements religieux à la plage

Le Monde / Politique - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 22:26
Faisant valoir que la France est la cible d’attaques terroristes, un arrêté pris le 28 juillet interdit l’accès aux plages et à la baignade aux personnes « n’ayant pas une tenue correcte, respectueuse des bonnes mœurs et de la laïcité ».
Categories: France

« La France est forte », répond François Hollande à Nicolas Sarkozy, dans le contexte des attentats

Le Monde / Politique - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 22:11
Dans un entretien à « Valeurs actuelles », le président des Républicains a dit que la France était visée par des terroristes à cause de sa vulnérabilité. L’exécutif a vertement répliqué jeudi.
Categories: France

With long-term strategy, UN protects civilians in Gaza from threat of unexploded munitions

UN News Centre - Thu, 11/08/2016 - 21:25
Hostilities in the Gaza Strip dating back to 2014 and earlier still pose serious threats to life and physical integrity in the tine enclave as explosive remnants of war (ERW) and other legacy hazards remained littered throughout the strip, said the United Nations humanitarian wing, spotlighting a sustainable strategy to mitigate those risks.
