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Watch: Bus passengers rescued from flood waters

BBC Africa - mar, 09/04/2024 - 15:26
The bus was travelling to Nairobi when it was swept off the road.
Catégories: Africa

EDA and SESAR Deployment Manager renew strategic partnership

EDA News - mar, 09/04/2024 - 14:19

The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to renew their strategic partnership. The MoU will further enhance the efficiency and collaboration between civil and military stakeholders in the European airspace, ensuring the necessary interoperability between civil and military actors. Today’s signing confirms the shared commitment of both organisations to coordinate efforts where civil and military interests converge. The MoU was signed by EDA’s Chief Executive, Jiří Šedivý, and SDM’s Executive Director, Mariagrazia La Piscopia, at Belgian Air Force Airbase Melsbroek.

Enhancing civil-military collaboration in European airspace

The EDA-SDM MoU sets the framework to further enhance and streamline the joint work between military and civil stakeholders, enhancing their efficiency and collaboration in the European airspace. Addressing concerns and constraints of the military in the journey to modernise air traffic management (ATM) systems, stands as a key priority in the agreement. Supporting military understanding of common projects' regulations and supporting their access to the existing financial instruments for timely implementation is also of utmost importance.

The MoU allows SDM to coordinate with the military through EDA and calls for using the Agency as the Military facilitator for SESAR deployment, fostering efficient coordination at European level. Furthermore, encouraging complementarity among different EU financing programmes is emphasised to optimise resources and expertise while mitigating duplication. The MoU underscores the shared commitment of EDA and SDM to coordinate efforts where civil and military interests converge.

EDA’s Chief Executive, Jiří Šedivý, said; “this year marks the 10th anniversary since the first cooperation between SDM and EDA. During this time, European armed forces have greatly benefitted from our joint work, also via EU funds that several national air forces have received. Civil-military collaboration is at the heart of the Memorandum of Understanding. The military have specific needs, requirements and constrains in their procurement cycles and within the current security and geopolitical context. In that respect, the MoU reflects the unique challenges, environment and airspace use required for European armed forces.”

SDM’s Executive Director, Mariagrazia La Piscopia, said, “Cooperation between civil and military entities is essential to continue building a more integrated, sustainable and efficient airspace in Europe. This will facilitate the growth of the civil aviation industry while also ensuring that European military operations can be accommodated optimally, taking into consideration their needs. The support of EDA is crucial to ensure the engagement of all relevant military authorities. After ten years of successful joint work, I am pleased to renew our partnership today and look forward to continuing our work on air traffic management modernisation as one cohesive team”.

Unique setting, unique partnership

The signing ceremony took place in the Belgian Air Force Airbase Melsbroek, which shares all civil airport infrastructures of the Brussels International Airport, representing European excellence and collaboration in the defence domain in pursuit of shared objectives. The signing ceremony was made possible by cooperation with the Belgian 15th Transport Wing and the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union.


About European Defence Agency

EDA supports all EU Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative capability projects, the Agency has become the hub for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks spanning the whole spectrum of defence capabilities.

Member States use EDA as an intergovernmental expert platform where their collaborative projects are supported, facilitated, and implemented.

More information at: eda.europa.eu  

About SESAR Deployment Manager

The Single European Sky’s ATM Research project, “SESAR”, is one of the most ambitious modernisation projects launched by the European Union, contributing to the implementation of the Digital Single European Sky. SESAR’s goal is to define, develop and deploy the technological solutions needed to increase the performance and digitalisation of Europe’s ATM system in the most cost-, flight-efficient and environmentally friendly conditions. 

The SESAR Deployment Manager is responsible for the Management Level of the SESAR deployment governance, in particular for the coordination of the implementation of the EU’s Common Projects, based on SESAR Solutions to be deployed in a synchronised and timely manner across Europe according to the SESAR Deployment Programme. 

Today, almost 10 years after the beginning of this deployment phase in 2014, the modernisation of the European ATM systems and infrastructure is an operational reality, with already 293 projects in operation and 55 ongoing (March 2024). More importantly, it is delivering its expected performance benefits to the aviation community, its stakeholders and in turn to European passengers, citizens, economy and environment benefitting the #EUGreenDeal. 

For more information visit our website at www.sesardeploymentmanager.eu

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Video of a committee meeting - Tuesday, 9 April 2024 - 10:11 - Committee on Budgets - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Length of video : 29'

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Video einer Ausschusssitzung - Dienstag, 9. April 2024 - 10:11 - Haushaltsausschuss - Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Dauer des Videos : 29'

Haftungsausschluss : Die Verdolmetschung der Debatten soll die Kommunikation erleichtern, sie stellt jedoch keine authentische Aufzeichnung der Debatten dar. Authentisch sind nur die Originalfassungen der Reden bzw. ihre überprüften schriftlichen Übersetzungen.
Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

Croatie : avec Sandra Benčić, Možemo porte haut les couleurs de la gauche écolo

Courrier des Balkans / Croatie - mar, 09/04/2024 - 11:07

C'est la figure montante de la gauche croate. La députée Sandra Benčić mène les listes rouge et verte de Možemo, espérant bien capitaliser tant sur le rejet des conservateurs du HDZ au pouvoir que sur les sorties du président Milanović, devenu un repoussoir pour beaucoup d'électeurs de gauche. Portrait.

- Articles / , , ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Video of a committee meeting - Tuesday, 9 April 2024 - 08:00 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Length of video : 59'

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Video einer Ausschusssitzung - Dienstag, 9. April 2024 - 08:00 - Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Dauer des Videos : 59'

Haftungsausschluss : Die Verdolmetschung der Debatten soll die Kommunikation erleichtern, sie stellt jedoch keine authentische Aufzeichnung der Debatten dar. Authentisch sind nur die Originalfassungen der Reden bzw. ihre überprüften schriftlichen Übersetzungen.
Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

Vučić à Paris : le Kosovo, du nucléaire et des avions Rafale

Courrier des Balkans / Serbie - mar, 09/04/2024 - 08:19

Aleksandar Vučić poursuit sa visite officielle à Paris. Au programme : des entretiens avec Emmanuel Macron sur le Kosovo et l'intégration européenne de la Serbie, mais surtout des négociations commerciales et stratégiques. La Serbie souhaite acquérir des avions Rafale et accéder à l'énergie nucléaire.

- Le fil de l'Info / , , , , ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

ÄNDERUNGSANTRÄGE 1 - Entwurf eines Berichts zu dem Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates über den Abschluss — im Namen der Union — des Protokolls zum Europa-Mittelmeer-Abkommen zur Gründung einer Assoziation zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und...

ÄNDERUNGSANTRÄGE 1 - Entwurf eines Berichts zu dem Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates über den Abschluss — im Namen der Union — des Protokolls zum Europa-Mittelmeer-Abkommen zur Gründung einer Assoziation zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und ihren Mitgliedstaaten einerseits und der Arabischen Republik Ägypten andererseits über ein Rahmenabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Arabischen Republik Ägypten über die allgemeinen Grundsätze für die Teilnahme der Arabischen Republik Ägypten an den Programmen der Union
Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Michael Gahler

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

UAE : Abu Dhabi spymaster puts his stamp on Emirati space sector remodelling

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
Last December's announcement of plans to set up the parastatal space conglomerate, Space42, was just the prelude. According to our information, which is based on internal documents, the Emirates intend to use the new body to develop UAE Space Force,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Saudi Arabia : Abdullah bin Amer Al Swaha, at the heart of the forthcoming Saudi-made 'DARPA'

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
Although usually keen to publicise its every new defence creation, Riyadh is trying to keep a veil of modesty over
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/Ecuador/Serbia/United States : Intel agencies fret over Chinese migrants arriving in US via strange new routes

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
Ecuador, Serbia and the Northern Mariana Islands are just some of the countries and territories that have been visited by
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : New CIA deputy digital innovation lead accelerates shift to AI

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
After five years as the CIA's deputy director for digital innovation, Jennifer Ewbank officially stepped down on 1 April, leaving
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France : Paris premiere of French secret service documentary draws intelligence crème de la crème

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
The head of the French foreign intelligence service DGSE, Nicolas Lerner, and his predecessor, diplomat Bernard Emié, both attended the
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Serbia/United Kingdom : Belgrade-based British sleuths seek to create corporate intelligence hub in Serbia

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
Investigators Jason MacCarthy and Jelena Griffiths are scouting for new researchers to bolster the team of their newly formed association
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia/Ukraine : Kyiv could ban Telegram, a key digital battleground in Russia-Ukraine war

Intelligence Online - mar, 09/04/2024 - 06:00
The Russian-made messaging application Telegram has everyone talking in Kyiv. Intelligence Online understands that the Ukrainian government could soon ban
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Rohstoffversorgung in Zeiten geoökonomischer Fragmentierung

SWP - mar, 09/04/2024 - 02:00

Die politische Einigung auf das Europäische Gesetz zu kritischen Rohstoffen (Critical Raw Materials Act, CRMA) markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung einer gemeinsamen Rohstoffpolitik der Euro­päischen Union (EU). In Anbetracht wachsender geopolitischer Spannungen strebt die EU nach mehr »strategischer Auto­nomie« entlang von Rohstofflieferketten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist eine engere Zusam­menarbeit mit mineralreichen Drittstaaten unerlässlich. Das geopolitische Umfeld erfordert es, dass die EU in der Rohstoffaußenpolitik koordiniert auftritt. Nur so wird sie diplomatisch wie programmatisch ansprechende Rohstoffpartnerschaften umsetzen können.

ÚJ - Megjelent a kertészeti üzemek fejlesztését támogató pályázati felhívás tervezete!

Pályázati Hírek - lun, 08/04/2024 - 22:36

Megjelent társadalmi egyeztetésre a Kertészeti üvegházakhoz, hűtőházakhoz kapcsolódó, és postharvest fejlesztések támogatása című pályázat. A pályázat keretein belül akár 5 milliárd forint 50-70%-os támogatás is igényelhető kertészeti üzemek fejlesztésére július 24-től.

Catégories: Pályázatok

AirPowerNews 133. (2024. ápr.)

Air Power Blog - lun, 08/04/2024 - 22:24


Catégories: Biztonságpolitika
