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Paroles de soldats

A travers un documentaire interactif, des militaires, hommes et femmes, militaires du rang, sous-officiers, officiers, se dévoilent devant la caméra pour présenter leur métier et ce qu’il représente pour eux.
Categories: Défense

Budapest Airport: dinamikusan növekvő forgalom

JetFly - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:54
Minden idők legerősebb áprilisi utasforgalmát regisztrálta a Budapest Airport – összesen 840 486 utas érkezett és indult a Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtérről. Ez pontosan 10,8 %-kal magasabb, mint egy évvel ezelőtt és több, mint a kétszerese az EU-tagállamokban mért forgalomnövekedésnek.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Article - Georgian president: Russia better off solving problems by working with Europe - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:52
How should the EU interact with its neighbours to the east? Georgian president Giorgi Margvelashvili shared his views when he joined the foreign affairs committee on 11 May to discuss the Eastern Partnership ahead of the summit in Riga on 21-22 May. We spoke to him afterwards to ask how the partnership is working out for his country and how the EU should deal with Russia.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Georgian president: Russia better off solving problems by working with Europe - Committee on Foreign Affairs

How should the EU interact with its neighbours to the east? Georgian president Giorgi Margvelashvili shared his views when he joined the foreign affairs committee on 11 May to discuss the Eastern Partnership ahead of the summit in Riga on 21-22 May. We spoke to him afterwards to ask how the partnership is working out for his country and how the EU should deal with Russia.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Georgian president: Russia better off solving problems by working with Europe - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:52
How should the EU interact with its neighbours to the east? Georgian president Giorgi Margvelashvili shared his views when he joined the foreign affairs committee on 11 May to discuss the Eastern Partnership ahead of the summit in Riga on 21-22 May. We spoke to him afterwards to ask how the partnership is working out for his country and how the EU should deal with Russia.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Előadó-művészetek a jövőért

Kultúrpont - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:51
2015 júliusában Csehországban Előadó-művészetek a jövőért címmel képzést szerveznek művészeknek.
Categories: Pályázatok

Journée éco-citoyenne pour le DA 204 de Bordeaux-Beauséjour

Pour la deuxième année consécutive, le détachement air (DA) 204 de Bordeaux-Beauséjour a participé, le 6 mai 2015, à une opération éco-citoyenne de nettoyage de plage sur la commune de Grayan-et-l’Hôpital.
Categories: Défense

Report - The impact of developments in European defence markets on the security and defence capabilities in Europe - A8-0159/2015 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

REPORT on the impact of developments in European defence markets on the security and defence capabilities in Europe
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Ana Gomes

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Cecilia Malmström, l'«infirmière» au chevet du TTIP - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:38

« On peut dire merci à nos amis russes », expliquait la semaine dernière le lobbyiste d'un groupe industriel américain à Bruxelles au sujet du TTIP.

Categories: Union européenne

David Cameron veut avancer la date du référendum sur l'UE - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:37

Suite à sa victoire surprenante aux élections britanniques du 7 mai dernier, David Cameron pourrait avancer la date du référendum à l'année prochaine. Le Premier ministre a également nommé un nouveau ministre qui devrait jouer un rôle clé dans les négociations.

Categories: Union européenne

John Kerry in Russia: USA is losing the continent of Eurasia / Russia - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:37
US Secretary of State John Kerry shared his impressions of yesterday's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The May 9 parade showed a very high degree of consolidation of the Russian society around Vladimir Putin as the national leader. Russia is ready for any development of the scenario
Categories: Russia & CIS

54/2015 : 13. Mai 2015 - Urteile des Gerichts in den Rechtssachen T-511/09, T-162/10

Niki Luftfahrt / Kommission
Staatliche Beihilfen
Das Gericht weist die Klagen der Fluggesellschaft Niki Luftfahrt gegen die Übernahme von Austrian Airlines durch Lufthansa und gegen die Austrian Airlines in diesem Zusammenhang von Österreich gewährte Umstrukturierungsbeihilfe ab

Categories: Europäische Union

54/2015 : 2015. május 13. - a Törvényszék T-511/09, T-162/10. sz. ügyekben hozott ítélete

Niki Luftfahrt kontra Bizottság
Állami támogatás
The General Court dismisses the actions brought by the airline Niki Luftfahrt against Lufthansa’s acquisition of Austrian Airlines and the restructuring aid granted by Austria to Austrian in that regard

54/2015 : 13 May 2015 - Judgments of the General Court in Cases T-511/09, T-162/10

European Court of Justice (News) - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:22
Niki Luftfahrt v Commission
State aid
The General Court dismisses the actions brought by the airline Niki Luftfahrt against Lufthansa’s acquisition of Austrian Airlines and the restructuring aid granted by Austria to Austrian in that regard

Categories: European Union

54/2015 : 13 mai 2015 - Arrêts du Tribunal dans les affaires T-511/09, T-162/10

Cour de Justice de l'UE (Nouvelles) - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 10:22
Niki Luftfahrt / Commission
Aide d'État
Le Tribunal rejette les recours de la compagnie aérienne Niki Luftfahrt contre la reprise d'Austrian Airlines par Lufthansa et contre l’aide à la restructuration accordée par l’Autriche à Austrian dans ce contexte

Categories: Union européenne

ODIHR Director Link renews call for international investigation on 10th anniversary of Andijan killings

OSCE - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 09:56

WARSAW, 13 May 2015 – On the 10th anniversary of deaths of hundreds of largely unarmed civilians, shot by security forces in Andijan, Uzbekistan, Michael Georg Link, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), repeated the Office’s call for an international investigation of the killings.

“We must, on this day, not only remember those who lost their lives in the massacre, or their families, still waiting for justice,” Director Link said. “Most importantly, we must renew our call for the establishment of an independent, credible, international investigation into the events in Andijan on 13 May, 2005.”

Although ODIHR officials were not allowed to visit Andijan after the shootings, a report of preliminary findings released by the Office, based on interviews in Kyrgyzstan with refugees from Uzbekistan, put the number killed at from 300 to 500. It also found that Uzbekistan’s security forces fired indiscriminately at unarmed protesters in the town’s Babur Square and that extrajudicial executions may have occurred during and in the wake of the protests at the square.

“Our report established strong grounds from which to conclude that the security forces committed gross human rights violations, including to the most basic right to life, through the unnecessary use of lethal force against the protesters,” the ODIHR Director said. “Until these violations are addressed and the full truth of what happened is established, the shadow of events a decade ago still hangs over the human rights and, as a result, the security situation today.”

The events in Andijan began with protests at the trials of 23 local businessmen. These were followed by the storming of the prison where the businessmen were being held by armed gunmen in the early hours of 13 May. This drew much larger crowds into the square, with the focus of the protest broadening to include issues such as economic policy and poverty. The deaths occurred as security forces reportedly fired indiscriminately on the crowds either in the square or trying to leave it, without warning, on numerous occasions through the day.

Uzbekistan officials put the death toll at 187, with 60 of these listed as protesters killed by the gunmen who stormed the prison and the rest as gunmen killed by government forces. These figures have been contradicted by most other reports of the events, including those by ODIHR and international human rights organizations, which put the number of deaths much higher.

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Categories: Central Europe

55/2015 : 13. Mai 2015 - Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-392/13

Rabal Cañas
Die Definition der Massenentlassung im spanischen Recht verstößt gegen das Unionsrecht

Categories: Europäische Union
