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55/2015 : 2015. május 13. - a Bíróság C-392/13. sz. ügyben hozott ítélete

Rabal Cañas
The definition of collective redundancy under Spanish law is contrary to EU law

55/2015 : 13 May 2015 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-392/13

European Court of Justice (News) - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 09:52
Rabal Cañas
The definition of collective redundancy under Spanish law is contrary to EU law

Categories: European Union

55/2015 : 13 mai 2015 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-392/13

Cour de Justice de l'UE (Nouvelles) - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 09:52
Rabal Cañas
La définition de licenciement collectif, retenue par la loi espagnole, est contraire au droit de l’Union

Categories: Union européenne

OSCE supports seminar on water-metering technologies in Kazakhstan

OSCE - Wed, 13/05/2015 - 09:49

KYZYLORDA, 13 May 2015An OSCE-supported training seminar on the use of advanced devices and technologies for water metering began today in Kyzylorda, southern Kazakhstan.

The OSCE Programme Office in Astana co-organized the two-day event in partnership with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea for some 30 representatives of the Aral-Syrdaya Water Basin Council, local authorities, the business community and civil society who will discuss best practices and methodologies applied in water resources governance.

The seminar aims to enhance participants'  knowledge and improve their skills of  effective water management practices, in particular in water metering in irrigation systems, water control automation process and water accounting methods. On the second day, participants will take part in a site visit to the Kyzylorda and Baikadam water facilities where they will see the water-metering equipment and systems in use.

“In view of the priorities placed by Kazakhstan and the OSCE on water governance, one of the main tasks is to promote efficient use of available water resources because the situation with the water supply in Central Asia will hardly improve in the foreseeable future,” noted Ambassador Natalia Zarudna, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana. “Integrated water resources management, most notably the accounting and control of water use and equal access to water resources builds up trust and is of paramount importance for preventing water-related conflicts including at the local community level.”

Erdos Kulzhanbekov, Head of the Programme of Reclamation and Development at the State Programme of Water Resources Management in Kazakhstan at the Committee for Water Resources Ministry of Agriculture said: “Within the framework of the State Programme of Water Resources Management in Kazakhstan there are plans to supply up to 80% of water management systems with modern facilities and equipment to monitor the intake and use of water resources. Doing so is a basic condition for achieving the target goals of the State Programme until 2020.”

The event is part of the Office’s long-term activities to promote integrated water resources management and to support the host country’s efforts to introduce green growth and sustainable development principles and to rehabilitate the Kazakhstan’s part of the Aral Sea by modernizing water infrastructure in the region.

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