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Annals of Army generals: ‘penny stock’ Wesley Clark, and who is the new chief?

Foreign Policy - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 16:17

Wesley Clark, once a four star officer, next a failed presidential candidate, and then involved in some kind of reality TV show, has become “a penny stock general,” says Bloomberg News. In an impressive story, Zachary Mider and Zeke Faux write that:

“Since he ran for president in 2004, Clark has joined the boards of at least 18 public companies, 10 of them penny-stock outfits, whose shares trade in the ‘over the counter’ markets, a corner of Wall Street where fraud and manipulation are common.”

All but one of the 10 lost value during Clark’s tenure. Three went bankrupt shortly after he left their boards, and the chief executive officer of one pleaded guilty to fraud.”

In the department of picking Army generals: I have never met the new Army chief of staff, Mark Milley, that I can recall. But I am hearing some very bad vibes about him, real unhappiness with this selection. People wonder how it happened that of all the available candidates, it was Milley, kind of a non-entity, was tapped.

In other officer news, the commander of the Air Force “boneyard” in Arizona got fired.

John Foster/DefenseLink Multimedia/Flickr

T-14 Armata: Russia's new six-zone tank shocks the West / Russia - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 16:17
The appearance of Russia's state-of-the-art Armata tank at Victory Parade on May 9 in Moscow produced a bombshell effect. Indeed, the T-14 Armata has no analogue in the world. Moreover, Armata is the only tank to date that corresponds to the military principle of six zones. Why did the new tank get so much attention?
Categories: Russia & CIS

Mythologie du front républicain

Le Monde Diplomatique - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 15:15
Depuis quelques années, la vie politique française a beaucoup tourné autour de la question du front républicain. Il renaît à chaque succès électoral du FN. Fort confus, il renvoie à une mythologie plutôt qu'à un débat rationnel et factuel. / France, Démocratie, Élections, État, Extrême droite, Histoire, (...) / , , , , , , , , , , - 2015/03

OSCE/ODIHR provides training for prosecutors on hate crime

OSCE - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 15:06
157556 Thomas Rymer, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

The skills and tools required to successfully prosecute hate crimes were at the centre of the first training-of-trainers event organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) as part of its Prosecutors and Hate Crime Training (PAHCT) programme. The training was provided in Warsaw from 13 to 15 May 2015.

"ODIHR is committed to helping participating States end bias-motivated violence, and prosecutors are a central part of our strategy. This training event is essential to help us prepare prosecutors for PAHCT's implementation," said Ales Hanek, Hate Crime Officer with ODIHR's Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department and a trainer at the event. "By bringing together officials with extensive experience in prosecuting hate crimes with other prosecutors who want to strengthen their knowledge of this critical issue, we are able to help them guide their colleagues in the most effective way."

"This event is a natural evolution from the creation of PAHCT and its accompanying guide. Bringing together prosecutors with different backgrounds helps raise awareness of the magnitude of the problem and the ways in which we can challenge it effectively," said Elizabeth Howe, General Counsel to the International Association of Prosecutors. "Recognizing the damaging impacts of hate crimes on both individuals and to the fabric of society is essential if we want to actively counter this scourge."

The accompanying guide – Prosecuting Hate Crimes: A Practical Guide – was written in co-operation with the International Association of Prosecutors to improve the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes across the OSCE region. The guide, which complements ODIHR’s Prosecutors and Hate Crime Training (PAHCT), was released last year and is relevant to different legal systems and legislative frameworks. It aims to explain the impact of hate crimes by highlighting their specific features compared with other crimes.

The training is the latest part of ODIHR efforts to reinforce prosecutor's abilities to prosecute hate crimes effectively. PAHCT aims to expand and hone prosecutors’ abilities to identify hate crimes and bring hate crime cases to trial, to gain convictions and to ensure appropriate sentencing.


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Categories: Central Europe

Egy héttel tovább lehet szankciómentesen benyújtani az egységes kérelmeket!

EU Pályázati Portál - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 14:52
Megjelent az egységes kérelem benyújtási határidejének meghosszabbításával összefüggésben egyes agrártámogatási tárgyú miniszteri rendeletek módosításáról szóló 22/2015 FM rendelet, melynek alapján az ügyfelek egy héttel tovább, május 22-ig nyújthatják be egységes kérelmeiket szankciómentesen a Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Hivatalhoz.
Categories: Pályázatok

OSCE co-organizes discussion on legislative regulation of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan

OSCE - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 14:46
Colin McCullough, OSCE Programme Office in Astana

An OSCE-supported international roundtable discussion on the legislative aspects of freedom of speech took place on 15 May 2015 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The event was co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz, the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and the international non-governmental organization Article 19 with Norwegian Government’s support.

It brought together some 40 parliamentarians, officials from the Communications, Informatization and Information Committee of the Innovation and Development Ministry, representatives of non-governmental organizations, journalists, national and international media experts.

Michael Unland, a Senior Adviser from the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media presented a review of the situation with freedom of expression in Kazakhstan and the Office’s recommendations in this regard.

Participants discussed and analysed the dynamics of development of Kazakhstan's media legislation, most notably related to criminal and administrative justice reforms and a draft law on access to information. They prepared a list of recommendations for drawing a "road map" for its further improvement in accordance with international standards of freedom of speech.

The event is a part of Office’s multi-year activities in promoting media freedom and access to information.

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Categories: Central Europe

Európa helyett máshol talált partnereket az USA

Eurológus - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 14:45
Egyre több a probléma a transzatlanti szabadkereskedelmi egyezmény körül. Miközben húzódnak a tárgyalások, az EU szépen lemarad.

Európa helyett máshol talált partnereket az USA

EU Pályázati Portál - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 14:45
Egyre több a probléma a transzatlanti szabadkereskedelmi egyezmény körül. Miközben húzódnak a tárgyalások, az EU szépen lemarad.
Categories: Pályázatok

OSCE Representative welcomes legislation aiming to enhance journalists’ safety in Ukraine

OSCE - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 14:26

VIENNA, 15 May 2015 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today welcomed the adoption of a law in Ukraine which increases penalties for crimes committed against journalists and their close relatives.

On 14 May, the Supreme Rada amended the Criminal Code increasing criminal responsibility for hindering journalists’ work. The amendments include sanctions for:

  • threats of murder and violence;
  • deliberate attacks;
  • deliberate destruction or damage to property;
  • murder or attempted murder;
  • abduction and detention.

“I trust that these important legislative changes will contribute to ensuring journalists’ safety in Ukraine,” Mijatović said. “The authorities should spare no efforts in fully investigating the circumstances of all crimes committed against members of the media, including the numerous attacks and killings in recent years. There must be no impunity for crimes committed against journalist.”

In addition, amendments have been adopted to the Law on state support of mass media and social protection of journalists, which enhance support to journalists or their families if a member of the media is killed or injured on the job.

“The security situation for journalists in different regions of Ukraine remains worrying,” Mijatović said. “Unfortunately, members of the media continue to pay a very high price for doing their job.”

Mijatović noted recent cases involving journalists of television channels 112 and ZIK, whose work was obstructed in Zhitomir and suburbs of Kyiv. The journalist with 112 was attacked by a member of the city council, while the ZIK’s crew was attacked by men who seized its recording equipment. Reportedly, the police have launched investigations into both incidents.

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

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Categories: Central Europe

OSCE promoted sectoral legislation development at conference in Astana

OSCE - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 13:35

ASTANA, 15 May 2015 – Current trends, principles and tasks in developing sectoral legislation topped the agenda of an OSCE-supported international conference in the framework of annual ”Shaikenov Readings”, which took place today in Astana.

The event, named in honour of Nagashbay Shaikenov, one of the most prominent legal scholars and state figures in the modern history of Kazakhstan, was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Constitution and was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana in partnership with the Justice Ministry’s Legislation Institute.

Some 90 high-level government officials, parliamentarians, representatives of academia, non-governmental and international organizations, legal practitioners and national and international legal experts discussed a wide range of issues related to the theoretical and practical aspects of reforming various sectors of national legislation. They also reviewed progress in legal reform under the 2010-2020 Concept of Legal Policy of Kazakhstan related to criminal, administrative and civil justice modernization with an emphasis on the protection of citizens’ rights. Other topics included strengthening the responsibility of business entities under a draft Commercial Code and the role of labour legislation in the fulfilment of state’s social obligations.

Zauresh Baimoldina, Kazakhstan’s Justice Deputy Minister said: "Ensuring the rule of law is one of the most important tasks of institutional reforms aimed to strengthen statehood and implement national development strategies. It focuses on legislative protection of fundamental rights, improved law-making process and a business-friendly investment climate as a prerequisite to sustainable economic growth and citizens’ well-being."

“Well-balanced and reasonable development of all branches of legislation in line with OSCE principles and commitments is instrumental in reinforcing the rule of law and ensuring the better protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in Kazakhstan’s Constitution,” said Natalia Zarudna, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana.

As a result of the discussions, participants developed a set of recommendations, inter alia, related to further development of legislation on access to information, local self-governance, the green economy, Commercial, Civil and Tax Codes as well as the continuation of administrative, civil and criminal justice reforms.

The conference is part of the Programme Office’s long-term activities in supporting the process of legal system reform in Kazakhstan.

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Categories: Central Europe

Gorbachev Finally Sobers Up Over Disastrous Eighties Anti-Alcohol Campaign

RIA Novosty / Russia - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 12:49
It is now thirty years after the launch of his notorious anti-alcohol campaign, and the first and only President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev admits that it was a mistake the way it was implemented: you can’t make a person give up the bottle "in one fell swoop," they must be taken off it gradually.

Categories: Russia & CIS

High Commissioner Thors in Skopje: stability requires urgent resumption of democratic and political processes

OSCE - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 12:45

SKOPJE, 15 May 2015 – OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors visited Skopje on 14 May together with Ambassador Gérard Stoudmann, Special Representative on the Western Balkans of the OSCE Chairperson in Office, and Ambassador Dejan Šahović, Head of the Chairmanship Task Force. She continued her meetings in Skopje and Tetovo on 15 May in order to conduct an independent assessment of the situation in line with her mandate.

Thors already warned against the possible misuse of the political crisis to trigger inter-ethnic tensions during her February visit. She also emphasized that the failure to fully guarantee good governance and rule of law would leave the society vulnerable to political instrumentalization.

The recent tragic events, yet to be clarified, which occurred in Kumanovo have raised the specter of a return to the violence of the past. The High Commissioner commends the local population, of all ethnicities, for the remarkable unity it has shown, and its commitment to peaceful solutions. She calls on all political parties to refrain from any action that could jeopardize this solidarity.

Citizens have made the call for justice and for a society free of violence. The High Commissioner calls on all political leaders to fulfill their demands. Thors added that the current political crisis in the country must be resolved in a way that ensures that trust in the functioning of democratic institutions is restored, adding that “hasty solutions are not an option, either for justice or for long term stability.” She called on the international community to lend its support to a political process which avoids reopening old inter-ethnic grievances in the country, and safeguards the stability of the region.

During her visit, Thors met with the leaders of the coalition government, as well as with representatives of the opposition and civil society.

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Categories: Central Europe

Europe Weekly: Brüssel plant neue Migrationspolitik

EuroNews (DE) - Fri, 15/05/2015 - 12:36
Die Kommission in Brüssel will, dass die EU-Mitgliedsstaaten zu gleichen Teilen Verantwortung für die Menschen übernehmen, die vor Kriegen,…
Categories: Europäische Union
