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South Sudan army denies shooting UN soldiers in Malakal

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:47

May 29, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudanese army (SPLA) spokesperson dismissed as “lie” report by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) that Juba soldiers fired at UN peacekeeping mission in Malakal, the capital of Upper Nile state.

SPLA soldier stands next to a machine gun mounted on a truck in Malakal town, on December 30, 2013 (Photo Reuters/James Akena)

The UN said one of its peacekeepers was wounded on Thursday in the oil-rich Upper Nile state's capital, Malakal, when SPLA soldiers fired at its civilian protection site on Thursday.

“The mission is deeply concerned that despite reassurances given by both parties, such an incident occurred this afternoon and reiterates its strong call upon all the parties to respect the sanctity of UN installations and staff,” Stephane Dujarric, a UN spokesperson, revealed in New York.

However, SPLA spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer, frustrated by the report said it was a lie, but added that a preliminary investigation only established that soldiers shot randomly in Malakal town on Thursday, several kilometres away from UNMISS base.

“It [the alleged wounding of UN soldier] was later discovered to be a lie,” said Aguer, speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone.

“It [the shooting] was not near the UNMISS camp. It was inside Malakal town,” he said.

But Aguer insisted that there was nobody even injured in Malakal town among the SPLA or civilians.

Civilians sources sheltering at UNMISS base in Malakal however said that eight civilians were injured inside UNMISS camp including two peacekeepers when elements of the SPLA soldiers fired at the civilians sheltered in the UN facility. No death case was reported.

There are 30,410 civilians in Malakal's UN protection of civilians sites (PoCs) according to the UNMISS.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese president receives message over political developments in Libya

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:44

May 29, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese president Omer al-Bashir received a letter from the Libyan Prime minister , Abdullah al-Thani, dealing with the political developments in the neighbouring country.

The Libyan prime minister shakes hands with Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti after his arrival to Khartoum on 27 October 2014 (Photo: AFP/Ashraf Shazly)

The official news agency SUNA said Bashir received Friday evening an special envoy of the Libyan prime minister, Nouri Mohamed Beit Almal, who handed him a message from al-Thani.

The president ''expressed interest in the content of the letter, stressing Sudan's desire to assist and continue cooperation with Libya. He looks forward to meet with all parties in a dialogue to stop the conflict and reach solutions restoring stability in Libya,'' said the agency.

Following a visit of the Libyan prime minister to Khartoum in October 2014, Sudan announced that Libya's rival governments accepted Bashir's initiative for reconciliation and dialogue, announcing that Libya's neighbouring countries meeting will be held in Khartoum.

However, earlier this month, the Sudanese government disclosed that the United Nations (UN) has asked for its help to convince the warring Libyan parties to sign an agreement it drafted to resolve the crisis in the north African nation.

On Thursday 28 May, the United Nations special envoy Bernardino Leon said that the rival governments had agreed on 80 percent of an accord and negotiators were working on the remaining 20 percent,

Since August 2014, Libya has two governments and parliaments since Tripoli was seized in a coalition of Islamist groups while the internationally recognized government is based in Tobruk. Qatar , Sudan and Turkey are accused of supporting this alliance.

There are also Jihadists groups linked to the extremists of The Islamic State based the eastern city of Derna.

In press statements after the meeting, Beit Almal said his government appreciates the growing interest showed by president Bashir to bring security and stability in Libya.

He further said he congratulated the Sudanese president for his re-election on the behave of the Libyan people and government.


Categories: Africa

Ilham Aliyev congratulates President of Nepal

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:23
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has congratulated President of Nepal Ram Baran Jadavu on the Republic Day.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russian Energy Ministry considers necessary to cut crude oil supplies to Belarus

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:15
As TASS reported earlier Belarus is not fully meeting its commitments on oil products supplies to the Russian market due to unfavorable pricing environment
Categories: Russia & CIS

Azerbaijan joins Green Card

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:10
ISB has released information.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Lord Mayor of City of London to visit Baku

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:02
Azerbaijan is an important regional partner of the UK, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Alan Yarrow said on the eve of his visit to Baku.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Official: Progress made over removal of anti-Iran sanctions in Iran N-talks

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:59
A senior Iranian nuclear negotiator says good progress has been made on the issue of the removal of the anti-Iran sanctions during nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1, Press TV reports.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Azerbaijan and Czech Republic to prepare memo of mutual understanding

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:57
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Azerbaijan Vitseslav Pivonka visited the Ministry of Energy.
Categories: Russia & CIS

OSCE Chairperson to visit Azerbaijan on May 31

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:55
OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić will pay a visit to Azerbaijan on May 31 – June 1, the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan told APA.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Hollande: France to remain committed to its obligation as MG co-chair country

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:52
French President François Hollande has sent a letter of congratulations to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of May 28 – Republic Day, APA reports.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Azerbaijani President issues order on conscription

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:49
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has today signed an order on conscription of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan into the active military service and transfer of the servicemen from active military service to reserve units on July 1-30, 2015, APA reports.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Kétezer esztendő

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 05:19
Nagymamám, Nagy Zsuzsánna, 1911. január 16-án látta meg a napvilágot Somlyóújlakon. (Szinte teljesen magyarlakta kistelepülés, mondhatni istenhátamögötti, ha leszámítjuk, hogy Árpád-kori temploma van.) Szülőfaluját csak nagyritkán hagyta el, bevallása szerint, ha Kínában született volna, akkor is „e...

South Darfur suffers from increasing numbers of orphans

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:48

May 29, 2015 (NYALA) - Aid groups in South Darfur state have warned against increasing numbers of orphans and displaced persons due to tribal conflicts and the ongoing war between the government army and the rebel groups since 2003.

A UNAMID peacekeeper is approached by playful children inside Abu Shouk IDPs Camp during his routine patrol on 23 December 2009 (UN Photo)

The national aid group Solidarity for Relief and Development (SRD) on Thursday has launched the first festival for adopting 5000 orphans and providing their families with the basic means of production.

SRD secretary general, Amir Hussein Abdel-Rigal, said they aim to increase the number to reach 10,000 adopted orphans by the end of the year, noting his group continued to offer other services including drinking water projects and building of mosques.

He pointed out that they provide services in various Sudanese states, adding that orphans festival is being launched for the first time in South Darfur.

Abdel-Rigal said they also launched the “Million Subscriber” initiative to support orphans across the country, pointing that subscribers only contribute a monthly donation of one Sudanese pound (SDG).

He called for renouncing tribal violence in Darfur in order to reduce the number of orphans in the restive region, saying that tribal fighting is the major source of orphanhood in South Darfur.

“We want Darfur to enjoy stability, peace and prosperity instead of tribal conflicts and fighting which [are the main cause] for the existence of vast numbers of orphans,” he added.

The humanitarian aid commissioner in South Darfur, Jamal Yousif, for his part, praised efforts of the SRD, pointing the great confidence won by the latter from the donors would enable it to provide valuable services for the orphans.

A source within the social welfare ministry in South Darfur told Sudan Tribune that the state was unable to determine the total number of orphans due to limited financial resources, saying that tribal fighting and the armed struggle are the main causes responsible for existence of thousands of orphans.

The same source pointed that a preliminary study showed that the state is a home for more than 4,000 orphans, stressing that numbers of the homeless is constantly growing which requires finding solutions to prevent further exacerbation of the situation.

The government forces conducted a brutal counter-insurgency campaign following the start of a rebellion in Darfur 2003.

UN agencies estimate as many as 300,000 people have been killed and almost 3 million were displaced.

Also tribal fighting has intensified in four of Darfur's five states during the past two years leading to thousands of deaths and injuries and forcing over 300,000 people to flee their homes.


Categories: Africa

Président malgache: la Haute Cour de justice pourrait trancher

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:45
A Madagascar, les yeux sont tournés vers la HCC, la Haute Cour constitutionnelle qui a reçu la requête de 121 députés pour la destitution du président de la République. Mais est-ce vraiment à la HCC de traiter cet épineux dossier ? Oui, selon les députés frondeurs car selon eux la Haute Cour de justice n'est pas installée. C'est d'ailleurs un des motifs de déchéance du président. C'est donc à la Haute Cour constitutionnelle de prendre le relai. Mais la question fait débat.
Categories: Afrique

N. Bahr el Ghazal calm, S. Sudan presidency assures citizens

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:18

May 29, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudan's presidency has downplayed reports of insecurity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, dismissing claims of rebel presence in the region.

General Dau Aturjong (ST)

This comes a day after renegade Gen. Dau Atorjong told Sudan Tribune his forces had captured strategic areas in the state, citing Aweil West and Aweil North counties, Nyinboli and other key areas.

But the presidency, in a statement issued Friday, said the rebels' claim aimed at misleading citizens and the international community

“We want to inform our citizens and to whom it may concerns that Northern Bahr El Ghazal State did not concede any territory to the rebels, nor did it experience any serious fight with the rebels,” it said.

“What has transpired, however, was the column of rebels' intelligent reconnaissance moving to explore targets in NBGS [Northern Bahr el Ghazal state], but it felt into government ambush and two of the rebel officers were taken captive,” added the release.

According to the presidency, the prisoners of war taken by the government forces from the rebel forces of Gen. Atorjong were 2nd Lt. Mou Garang Diing and Sgt. Major Kerbino Bol Marik Ken and they the duo were now in the Division 3 Infantry headquarters' custody.

“The Division 3 Commander's Major General Santino Deng Wol is now arranging with the Chief of General Staff to bring the two captives to the SPLA General Headquarters for further investigation,” stressed the statement issued by the country's presidency.

It further said the rebels who escaped capture were currently on the run, but they are being pursued by the national army attached to Division 3.

“We therefore would like to appeal to our citizens in NBGS to remain calm and focused while the SPLA forces are doing their national duty. Rumors of the utopian rebel advances must be discarded, if rebels are to be deprived of the ability to manufacture lies,” it noted.


Categories: Africa

Burundi: l'ONU suspend le dialogue politique, sans accord définitif

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:13
Depuis le 5 mai, pouvoir, opposition et société civile se sont retrouvés dans le cadre d'un dialogue politique, sous l’égide de l’ONU, qui s’est clôturé vendredi 29 mai sans accord définitif. L’ONU et les différentes parties de la crise burundaises se raccrochent désormais au sommet de la Communauté des pays de l’Afrique de l’Est qui se tient dans deux jours à Dar es Salaam.
Categories: Afrique

Ethiopie: l'opposition remet en cause le déroulement des élections

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:11
En Ethiopie, les résultats des élections législatives annoncées il y a deux jours avaient confirmé la mainmise du parti au pouvoir, qui a obtenu la totalité des sièges déjà distribués. Vendredi 29 mai, le principal parti d’opposition, le Parti bleu, a tenu une conférence de presse. Même si le scrutin majoritaire à un tour ne lui laissait que peu d’espoir de remporter des sièges, le parti a surtout une nouvelle fois dénoncé les conditions dans lesquelles s’est déroulée la campagne et le scrutin.
Categories: Afrique

Maurice: démission du président Kailash Purryag

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:09
La scientifique Ameenah Gurib-Fakim s'apprête à accéder à la présidence de l'île Maurice. Les évènements se sont accélérés dans l'île avec le départ prématuré, vendredi 29 mai, de Kailash Purryag de son poste. Il laisse ainsi le champ libre au gouvernement élu l'année dernière, avec qui ses relations étaient tendues.
Categories: Afrique

Visite du Premier ministre marocain en France

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 04:07
C'est bel et bien le printemps entre Paris et Rabat. La visite du Premier ministre marocain à Paris Abdelilah Benkirane s'est déroulé dans un climat « absolument amical » à commenté ce dernier. Au sortir de son entretien avec le chef de l'Etat français, le chef du gouvernement marocain a eu cette formule : « Maintenant tout reprend comme si de rien n'était ». La brouille de 2014 déjà enterrée avec la visite en France du roi Mohamed VI en février dernier est donc définitivement reléguée aux accidents de l'histoire.
Categories: Afrique

Mali : ‘Baobab Group’ : le premier album bientôt sur le marché

Maliactu - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 03:24
Baobab Group regroupe des jeunes artistes maliens. Lesquels vont bientôt mettre sur le marché discographique leur 1er album, le 17 juin 2015, et la dédicace est prévue à partir de 21h le même jour à l’institut français de Bamako.   Les principaux ténors de Baobab Group sont Mady Diakité dit Diaki-lolo et Moctar Bah, fils […]
Categories: Afrique
