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Safran : 250ème commande de systèmes optroniques Vigy Observer

Thu, 20/10/2016 - 19:01

Safran Electronics & Defense, leader européen des systèmes optroniques pour bâtiments de surface, enregistre un volume record de commandes pour le système optronique naval Vigy Observer, soit un total de 250 unités.

Ce chiffre a été atteint grâce à la récente commande à l'export d'une marine qui souhaite équiper de cette technologie plusieurs dizaines de ses embarcations rapides pour commandos. Cela porte ainsi à dix le nombre de forces navales dans le monde dotées du Vigy Observer.

Categories: Défense

Guerre des mines : Ocea, ECA et DCI présentent une offre commune

Thu, 20/10/2016 - 06:01

Cette offre consiste à proposer aux Marines une solution composée :

- D’un navire conçu par OCEA qui préserve mieux la vie des équipages, la valeur des actifs navires et des systèmes embarqués grâce à une amélioration des prédispositions naturelles de l’aluminium ; il délivre ainsi un « potentiel augmenté de survie ».

Categories: Défense

STX : Les juges coréens laissent ouverte l'option d'une vente séparée

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 19:01

La Justice sud-coréenne a mis en vente STX Offshore & Shipbuilding ce mercredi.

Categories: Défense

Surveillance maritime : Diginext présente le radar transhorizon Stardivarius

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 16:23

DIGINEXT, filiale du Groupe CS, présentera le radar transhorizon Stardivarius, nouveau type de radar innovant destiné à la surveillance des frontières maritimes et l'appui aux opérations de recherche et de sauvetage, bien au-delà de la portée des systèmes existants.

Une solution adaptée aux problématiques et menaces actuelles

Categories: Défense

Unmanned systems join mine warfare fray

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:47

Mine countermeasures is undergoing an operational and technological revolution. Fully automated robotic systems and unmanned vehicles are changing deployment doctrines and making MCM more accessible than ever.

Already acknowledged leaders in mine warfare, the French Navy and its contractors are pioneering the development of a new generation of fully automated robotic solutions. The prime aim is to keep personnel clear of the danger zone. To this end, unmanned vehicles are being designed to detect, classify, locate, identify, and then neutralise underwater threats.

Categories: Défense

STX France unveils multimission concept for ocean research and mine warfare

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:45

STX France has unveiled DeviceSeas, a multimission concept for mine warfare, ocean research and more. Following a preliminary study phase and discussions with experts at Ifremer (French institute of marine research & exploration), SHOM (French Naval Hydrographic & Oceanographic Service) and Navy mine clearance specialists, STX France has developed a concept for a multi-role platform offering a vast modular work deck with space for survey boats, autonomous underwater vehicles, RHIBs and containers.

Categories: Défense

DCNS: Using submarines to deploy UUVs

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:44

Submarines can now deploy unmanned underwater vehicles as offboard sensor platforms. UUVs are ideal for covert reconnaissance and intelligence gathering missions and for maintaining situation awareness while the host submarine remains at a safe standoff distance.

Categories: Défense

CMN expands range of interceptors

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:43

CMN is developing a new range of interceptors featuring planing, all-aluminium deep-V hulls and offering top speeds in excess of 40kts thanks to their low weight. Six of the larger HSI 32 model were delivered to Mozambique in 2016. CMN has also booked orders for several dozen boats for a Middle Eastern navy.

Categories: Défense

Socarenam now selling more naval vessels

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:42

Socarenam, based in northern France, has developed a range of offshore patrol vessels in collaboration with naval architecture firm Bureau Mauric. The designs use steel hulls and aluminium superstructures and are tailored for extended offshore patrols. Drawing on their long experience in commercial and general shipbuilding, Socarenam and Bureau Mauric offer a family of platforms that are user-friendly, rugged, economical and easy to maintain, with hulls optimised for good seakeeping and low fuel consumption.

Categories: Défense

Inertial platforms: Safran’s RLD & HRG technologies

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 15:41

Safran Electronics & Defense is a world leader in inertial navigation systems. In this particularly advanced technology, the group’s Electronics & Defense company offers navies around the world high-performance solutions for demanding situations in the harshest environments.

Categories: Défense

STX France dévoile un bâtiment hydrographique et de guerre des mines

Wed, 19/10/2016 - 02:58

Les chantiers de Saint-Nazaire, en ligne avec leur volonté de se renforcer sur le marché militaire, viennent de dévoiler à l’occasion d’Euronaval un concept de bâtiment multi-missions conçu notamment pour la guerre des mines et les opérations hydro-océanographiques.

Categories: Défense

Vente de STX : L'Etat compte protéger la filiale française

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 19:01

Le tribunal de Séoul chargé de la procédure de redressement a annoncé qu’il cherchait à vendre le groupe coréen STX Offshore & Shipbuilding en bloc. Une annonce qui contrarie fortement le plan du gouvernement quant à l’avenir de la filiale française du groupe, STX France.

Categories: Défense

DCNS unveils new 4000-tonne high-tech frigate

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:13

DCNS has announced outline details of Belharra, its proposed new-generation 4000-tonne frigate. The prime aim is to meet the strong demand for medium-size frigates among international client navies. The type will also serve as a baseline for the French Navy’s proposed FTI medium-size frigate programme. Five ships are scheduled for delivery from 2023 as replacements for La Fayette-class frigates.

Categories: Défense

Shipboard IT architectures

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:12

While big data has been a big issue in the civil sector for some time, it has only come to the surface recently in naval defence. It is already clear, however, that new fighting ships, whether surface combatants or submarines, will soon have to make the step jump to IT architectures designed from the outset to handle more connections and radically larger data flows. The aim is to group together all relevant data and all standalone IT systems — beginning with a ship’s combat and platform management systems (CMS + PMS) and their many subsystems — in fewer ‘boxes’.

Categories: Défense

Naval Cybersecurity

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:11

In an increasingly connected — hence vulnerable — world, enemies see cyber attacks as highly asymmetric stealth weapons offering huge payoffs relative to cost. Such methods have obvious appeal for terrorist groups and even certain countries with designs on their enemies’ vital systems.

Categories: Défense

Inertial platforms: iXBlue’s fibre-optic gyro technology

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:10

Inertial navigation systems are critical items of military hardware, not least because they enable military platforms and weapon systems to determine their position independently. France boasts world-class know-how in fibre-optic gyroscopes and INS technologies.

Categories: Défense

Kership unveils new OPVs

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:09

Since 2013, Piriou and DCNS have been partners in the Kership joint venture set up to market a variety of vessels for maritime security and naval missions. The range includes offshore patrol vessels (OPVs), from 45 to 90 metres in length, suitable for blue water and long range operations. All feature a panoramic (360°) bridge and a Polaris combat management system developed by DCNS to manage the ship’s sensors, display the tactical situation and provide communications resources for missions as part of a multinational force.

Categories: Défense

L-CAT landing catamaran: New shore-to-shore version

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:08

The L-CAT or Landing Catamaran is a fast landing craft developed by CNIM, part of the France-based CNIM Group. The French Navy has had four in operation since 2012 and the Egyptian Navy two since 2016, both navies using them with their Mistral-class force projection vessels.

Categories: Défense

Dassault Aviation launches new Falcon 2000

Tue, 18/10/2016 - 18:07

France is one of the few countries to operate large maritime patrol aircraft (MPAs) like the Atlantique 2, a type now undergoing modernisation. Drawing on its MPA experience, Dassault Aviation has also developed a range of lighter platforms for maritime patrol and surveillance. While the French Navy currently operates eight Falcon 50 MPAs, Dassault now offers a new type based on the Falcon 2000 LXS, a recent twin-engine business jet with a range of 4,200nm.

Categories: Défense

CMN adds new models to Combattante family

Mon, 17/10/2016 - 17:34

With the sale of over 90 Combattante fast attack boats to its credit, Normandy-based shipbuilder CMN has revamped the entire family which now includes models between 46 and 65 metres in length. All feature state-of-the-art equipment, including powerful self-defence, electronic warfare and combat management systems and a panoramic bridge. Nor have the new designs compromised on the qualities that made the family’s reputation, namely overall performance, reliability and competitive acquisition costs.

Categories: Défense
