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OSCE-UNODC expert meeting addresses financial flows linked to illicit Afghan opiates

Thu, 06/02/2022 - 16:07

Countering the illicit financial flows linked with Afghan opiates trafficking was at the centre of a meeting by the Expert Working Group of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Paris Pact Initiative hosted by the OSCE on 30 May 2022.  

Among other topics, participants discussed the security situation in Afghanistan, opiate trafficking, money and service transfer services (Hawala), inter-agency and international co-operation. They also examined challenges and developments to counter money laundering and asset recovery initiatives. Moreover, participants considered technical assistance needs and new capabilities, which can enhance the understanding and disruption of illicit financial flows.

“Afghanistan’s economy has been deteriorating over the past nine months. Illegal narcotic cultivation, production, and trafficking are further fueling corrosive and destructive effects, such as generation and utilization of illicit financial flows into and out of Afghanistan and the broader region” said Alexandre Schmidt, Chief, Regional Section for Europe, West and Central Asia at the UNODC.

“Working together, Paris Pact partners have delivered to the partnership through co-ordinated, prioritized operational recommendations on all four thematic Pillars of the Paris Pact, including on tackling financial flows linked to Afghan opiates” said Riku Lehtovuori, Paris Pact Initiative Coordinator at the UNODC. “Just recently, Paris Pact Initiative partners have launched the discussion of methamphetamine production and trafficking originating in Afghanistan, thus highlighting the added value of the Paris Pact as a unique platform promoting a comprehensive approach to addressing new and emerging threats” he concluded.

“The Afghan drug trade is linked with the insurgency, corruption, financing terrorism and illegal economies. As we know, drug traffickers rely on the services of financial professionals to manage their assets. No country or international organization can effectively address this threat singlehandedly. To tackle it we should work together to increase our collective capacities, build strategic partnerships and strengthen operational impact,” said Dennis Cosgrove, on behalf of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department (TNTD).

The event was organized in line with the OSCE-UNODC Joint Action Plan for 2020-2022, as well as following the practice of co-operation at policy and expert level in the framework of the Paris Pact Initiative with regards to combating the trafficking in illicit opiates originating in Afghanistan.

The Paris Pact Initiative is a broad international coalition made up today of 58 partner countries and 23 organizations, for combatting illicit traffic in opiates originating in Afghanistan.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina urges the adoption of the new BiH Justice Sector Reform Strategy

Thu, 06/02/2022 - 16:04
519438 Željka Šulc

Sarajevo, 2 June 2022 - The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Mission), in the period from March to May 2022, supported the Ministry of Justice of BiH in the organization of five consultative meetings across the country on the Draft Justice Sector Reform Strategy 2021-2027 (Strategy). These meetings were part of the wider process designed to resolve stagnation around justice sector reform and advance the adoption of the Strategy, while also enabling more inclusive and informed participation of relevant actors. These also aimed to encourage key authorities to support the implementation of the Strategy, including in providing the required financial resources.

Crucially, the Strategy ensures ownership by local institutions over the delivery of concrete inputs and results in relation to justice sector reform in BiH.

The Mission urges authorities to swiftly adopt and then effectively implement the Strategy, which provides the institutional framework that is an essential component of wider, much-needed justice sector reform in BiH.

The Delegation of the European Union to BiH/ European Union Special Representative to BiH (EU Office to BiH) also follows this process closely. In its 2021 Country Report on BiH, the European Commission urged BiH to adopt a new Justice Sector Reform Strategy and the related action plan in the coming year, to replace those that expired in 2018, as part of the authorities’ commitment to the citizens of BiH, who deserve an independent, accountable, and efficient justice sector. Judicial reform is further a crucial component of the EU accession process.

The OSCE Mission to BiH, in partnership with the EU Office to BiH, will continue supporting this process.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE holds seminar on confiscation and re-use of criminal assets

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 15:00

Following national awareness raising workshops on social re-use of confiscated assets in 2020 and 2021, government officials and civil society representatives from South-Eastern Europe gathered in Rome on 30 and 31 May for a seminar on the re-use, including re-use for social purposes, of criminal assets. 

Participants discussed the importance of asset recovery as a key mechanism in the fight against organized crime and corruption and addressed the challenges encountered in different jurisdictions for asset recovery. Experts from OSCE participating States also shared some of their country's best practices.

Arnaldo Minuti, Head of the Transnational Threats Office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation welcomed the participants by highlighting that “the very idea that the criminal assets can be given back to the communities for their own good embraces indeed a whole of society paradigm, where civil society organizations are entitled to play a significant role”.

In his opening remarks, Giuseppe Busia, President of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), highlighted the importance of international co-operation and enhanced relationships between government institutions and civil society organizations for an effective asset recovery process.

During the event, the OSCE presented a draft paper on policy options for re-use and social re-use of confiscated assets, compiled after interviews with government representatives, civil society organizations, and experts. This document served as the basis for focus group discussions among government and civil society representatives on how the procedures and practices of re-use, notably for social purposes, can be enhanced in their jurisdictions.

The workshop was organized as part of an extra-budgetary project on asset recovery in South-Eastern Europe, a joint initiative of the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department (TNTD) and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA). The project is funded by the United States, Italy, Germany and United Kingdom.

Categories: Central Europe

International experience of accession to and implementation of the Espoo Convention focus of an OSCE-organized seminar in Turkmenistan

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 14:27
519369 OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

A two-day online seminar on international experiences and best practices of the OSCE participating States in accession to and implementation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Espoo Convention was held from 30 to 31 May 2022. 

The seminar brought together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and other relevant ministries, agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGO) of Turkmenistan.

International experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Tajikistan elaborated on technical aspects and procedural requirements of the Espoo Convention, its provisions, and practical recommendations for its implementation at the national level.

They also emphasized the importance of the implementation of the Espoo Convention as an important tool for improving environmental cooperation in Central Asia, and the role of NGOs in the exchange of environmental information, taking into account the provisions of the UNECE Convention.

“The Espoo Convention is interrelated with the provisions of the Aarhus Convention and serves as an important tool in achieving good environmental governance and environmental democracy at the national and regional levels,” said Rune Castberg, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.

The representative of the Office of the Co-ordinator of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities in Vienna focused on the role of the OSCE in the implementation of the UNECE Espoo Convention, while an Environmental Specialist from the UNECE Aarhus Convention Secretariat in Geneva presented the links between the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and the Espoo Convention/ Protocol on SEA.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE and IPER launch first women in port management training for Caspian and Black Sea ports

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 17:00
519309 SDGs SDGs:  5 - Gender equality 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure 14 - Life below water

On 30 May 2022, women professionals from Black and Caspian Sea ports joined the first online session of the OSCE-IPER Women in Port Management training course to strengthen their professional skills and advance their careers in the logistics and maritime sectors.

The training provides mid-level female professionals from the ports of Baku,  Azerbaijan; Constantza,  Romania; Aktau, Kazakhstan; Kuryk, Kazakhstan; Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan; and the Maritime Agency of Georgia with the knowledge tools and network to reduce their ports’ carbon footprints, increase operational efficiency and competitiveness, and foster women’s representation at the managerial level.

“The transport sector has been a male-dominated industry since its inception and the port industry is no exception,” said Giulia Manconi, Co-Project Manager and Associate Energy Security Officer at the OSCE Secretariat. “Providing education and training opportunities is essential to accelerate the careers of women professionals in junior and middle management positions in the port industry and support their pathways to leadership positions.”

This was the first of the Women in Port Management Training series launched by the OSCE in partnership with the Institute for Teaching and Port Research of the Normandy Business School (IPER) within the framework of the Green Ports and Connectivity Project. The training will be delivered in a hybrid format: a two-week online course and a one-week in-person training in Le Havre, France in September 2022.

Categories: Central Europe

Series of OSCE-supported round table discussions on gender equality conclude in Turkmenistan

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 13:47
519294 OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, in partnership with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan, conducted a series of hybrid roundtable meetings in five provinces of Turkmenistan on the implementation of the National Action Plan for Gender Equality for 2021-2025. The events also aimed to provide support to Turkmenistan in the preparation of the 6th National Periodic Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) as well as implementation of international obligations on gender equality.

The objective of five one-day roundtable discussions, organized from 16 to 30 May 2022, was to provide further assistance in strengthening the participants' knowledge of national and international commitments on gender issues and support the implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality for 2021-2025.

Representatives of the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, the Halk Maslahaty (People's Council), the Mejlis (lower chamber), of the Milli Gengesh (National Council), local and provincial municipalities, law enforcement agencies, the Women’s and Youth Union of Turkmenistan and other relevant ministries and state organizations took part in the event.

Rune Castberg, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, stated: "Recognizing that equal rights and opportunities for women and men are essential to peace, democracy and sustainable economic and environmental development, the OSCE mainstreams gender into all of its activities across three dimensions.”

“The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat attaches special significance to projects promoting gender equality and these meetings mark a successful continuation of the Centre’s co-operation with the host country and UNFPA in this important area,” added Castberg.

The representatives of the OSCE Programme for Gender Issues presented best practices in the implementation of international obligations in the field of gender equality. Participants also discussed the implementation of the final recommendations of the 5th CEDAW report, and elaborated on the process of collecting, analyzing and systematizing information for the preparation of the 6th National Periodic Report on CEDAW.

Categories: Central Europe

ODIHR experts present final report on Czech Republic’s 2021 parliamentary elections in Prague

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 11:29
Information for Google Short description:  ODIHR experts present final report on Czech Republic’s 2021 parliamentary elections in Prague Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz

Elections experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) presented the final report of ODIHR’s Election Expert Team to the 2021 October parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic on 30 May 2022.

The experts discussed the report’s findings and recommendations with government officials. Discussions focused on introducing a centralized voter register, the participation of women, including introduction of special measures to increase the number of women in elected positions, and the need to improve campaign- and media-related regulations.

“It is encouraging to see that the authorities have started consultations with various government agencies, including on the introduction of a central voter register, and expect to submit draft amendments to electoral law later this year,” said Armin Rabitsch, Leader of the ODIHR Election Expert Team for the 8 and 9 October parliamentary elections. 

ODIHR experts discussed with authorities potential assistance in bringing the Czech Republic’s elections closer in line with international standards and commitments by implementing these recommendations. The ODIHR assistance offered includes expert discussions, thematic workshops and legal reviews related to potential changes to the electoral legislation.

All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to promptly follow up on ODIHR election assessments and recommendations.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau to visit Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan this week

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 09:26

VIENNA/WARSAW, 31 May 2022 — The OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Poland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau will visit Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from 31 May to 6 June for meetings with high-level officials.

During his visit to Mongolia, Minister Rau will meet with President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene, and Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunkh.

In Kazakhstan, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office will meet with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Chairpersons of the two parliamentary chambers—Maulen Ashimbayev and Yerlan Koshanov—and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Akan Rakhmetullin, in charge of the Kazakh MFA. A meeting with members of civil society is also planned.

During his visit to Uzbekistan, Rau will meet with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Norov and the Chairpersons of the two chambers of the Parliament Tanzila Narbayeva and Nurdinjan Ismailov.

The trip will focus on strengthening the links with the OSCE and highlighting commitment to the Organization’s goals and activities, as well as expressing support for ongoing reforms in visited countries.

For more information about Poland's 2022 OSCE Chairmanship, please visit the OSCE website:

Categories: Central Europe

Press communiqué of the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 17:43
BRUSSELS / GENEVA / VIENNA, 30 May 2022 - The Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions (GID), UN Representative Cihan Sultanoğlu, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Viorel Moșanu, and EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar are currently undertaking a round of consultations with all GID participants starting on 30 May. These consultations are primarily aimed at exchanging views on recent developments related to security and humanitarian issues on the ground and to permit the Co-Chairs to gain a comprehensive understanding of the positions of the participants. They will focus as well on the timing and modalities of the next GID round.
Categories: Central Europe

Strengthening border security to combat trafficking of cultural property in Lithuania

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 17:01

Countering emerging threats posed by the illicit trafficking of cultural property was the focus of a three-day national workshop, organized by the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, Border Security and Management Unit, in close co-ordination with national customs officials in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Thirty participants from multiple operational units within the Lithuanian border police, customs forces and the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture gained in-depth knowledge, tools and practical investigation skills in the workshop. This allows them to enhance the customs’ overall capacity to stop, interdict and investigate cultural property trafficking and its linkages to terrorism and organized crime financing.

“The operational partnerships and practical investigative skills developed during this workshop are critical in combatting the trafficking of art, antiquities and cultural heritage in the region, the OSCE area and globally. We will continue to work with customs, border security and law enforcement organizations to combat the illicit cross-border movement of the world’s heritage and the criminal and terrorist networks that are profiting greatly from these crimes,” said Cameron Walter, Associate Programme Officer of the OSCE Border Security Management Unit.

The training course was conducted within the frames of a project established by the Border Security Management Unit in 2021, aimed at raising awareness about illicit trafficking of cultural property and its impact on security and stability in the OSCE area.

Categories: Central Europe

Improving co-operation on climate change critical to advance common security - OSCE Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation Group meeting

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 16:10

VIENNA, 30 May 2022 – Participants emphasised the essential need for co-operation to tackle rapidly intensifying climate-related challenges and risks, and build a more resilient and sustainable future at the OSCE Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation Group meeting that took place in Vienna today.

Chaired by North Macedonia, the first 2022 meeting of the OSCE Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation focused on the most pressing climate change challenges in the Mediterranean region and their implications for prosperity, security and stability.

"This unique partnership format, which dates back to the origins of our Organization, is of great importance to the OSCE. Worryingly, conflict in one region can often spark unrest in another as food insecurity and inflation exacerbate poverty and social instability," said Igor Djundev, Ambassador and Head of the Permanent Mission of North Macedonia to the OSCE. “North Macedonia’s ambition in 2022 is to actively engage the participating States and Partners in a pragmatic and forward-looking conversation to turn existing common challenges into opportunities for strengthened co-operation across the OSCE and Mediterranean region.”

The OSCE officials, a panel of experts, and practitioners highlighted the need for enhanced co-operation and partnership to build greater resilience to climate change and to take joint adaptation and mitigation measures. 

“The war in Ukraine has multiple economic and environmental impacts beyond its devastating humanitarian consequences. Many of these impacts go beyond borders, putting food and energy security at stake and creating risk to lives and livelihoods elsewhere. Climate change will exacerbate many of these challenges,“ said OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid.

“We are currently facing another critical issue for the stability of the security architecture in our region, which demands our immediate attention. The impacts of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine cause far-reaching economic and environmental consequences in and beyond the OSCE area, including in the Mediterranean region: raising global food prices, disrupting energy markets, weakening supply chain resilience and triggering migration movements,” underlined Ambassador Adam Hałaciński, Permanent Representative of Poland to the OSCE and Chair of the Permanent Council.

“Together with our field operations we are assisting our participating States to identify and map potential security risks stemming from climate change and take joint measures to reduce such risks,” said Igli Hasani, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities. “In line with the spirit of the 2021 OSCE Ministerial Council Decision on climate change, we are looking forward to replicating this work in the Mediterranean together with our partners,” he added.

Categories: Central Europe

The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina focused on promotion of dialogue and reconciliation with youth

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 15:26
519180 Željka Šulc

The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bihać Chapter of BiH Interreligious Council organized a series of activities for young people to promote dialogue, good practice and reconciliation.

On 24 May 2022, young people, gathered around different religious communities, visited several religious sites: the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua, the Orthodox Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Fethija Mosque.

Coming across various historic, cultural and religious topics initiated a vivid discussion with participants elaborating on value and importance of prejudice-free society and tolerance for all citizens regardless of their origin both locally and across the country. It was a unique opportunity to learn more about rich traditions and customs of the Krajina inhabitants.

We continue to support and promote positive examples of trust building and reconciliation.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE builds capacity of Tajikistan’s Defence Ministry on safe disposal of explosives ordnance

Sun, 05/29/2022 - 11:03
519153 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe Farhod Nabiyulloev

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe strengthened the skills of the officers of Tajikistan’s Defence Ministry (MoD) on explosive ordnance disposal. Train-the-trainer course on Explosive Ordnance Disposal (level 3) allowed the participants to acquired new knowledge and refresh their skills on how to detect, identify, recover, disarm and dispose unsafe explosive ordnance in minefields and battlefields.

The course took place in the Regional Explosive Hazards Training Centre of the MoD from 3 to 27 May 2022 in the outskirts of Dushanbe. The course, hosted by the MoD and facilitated by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, brought together eight officers from the MoD and Tajikistan National Mine Action Centre. The representatives from the MoD, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, OSCE and Tajikistan National Mine Action Centre participated at closing ceremony of the course.

The topics of the course focused on instruction and manuals on explosive ordnance disposal and safeties, land service ammunition, equipment, render safe procedures, transportation of explosive ordnance and final disposal during practical classes in demolition range. The course also provided the participants with knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties and tasks during explosive ordnance disposal operations of a qualified Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operator (level 3) in accordance with International Mine Action Standards.

Head of the Engineering Department of Tajikistan’s Defence Ministry Major General Sayyorabek Bachabekzoda noted the importance of cooperation between the MoD, OSCE and the US Department of State and thanked for support and implementation of joint projects on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Integrated Cooperation on Explosive Hazards Programmes. He mentioned that the MoD hopes to continue and expand the cooperation in these priority areas.

“Over many years, and through numerous OSCE-managed projects, we have prepared, developed, and implemented a vision for establishing the first (and only) Regional Explosive Hazards Training Centre here in Tajikistan.  The MoD Officer`s attendance and graduation of the EOD Level 3 train-the-trainer course is a testimony of this achievement, and a confirmation of its success,” said Rodney A. Robideau, SCA Program Manager of US Department of State at the closing ceremony.

The course will sustain the training capacity within the MoD to train its staff on explosive hazards and operational management resources. It will allow the MoD to continue internal capacity development and skills transfer in their respective departments in Tajikistan, Central Asia, Afghanistan and other OSCE participating States in accordance with national and international standards.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE organizes seminar to promote modernization of customs procedures in Turkmenistan

Fri, 05/27/2022 - 13:47
519108 OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

The modernization of customs procedures in accordance with international standards and state commitments was discussed during an online event on 26 and 27 May 2022. The seminar was designed to present best practices from the OSCE participating States in bringing customs mechanisms and related regulations in line with relevant international standards, including the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The event was organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat and facilitated by international experts from Georgia and Italy. Representatives from the State Customs Service, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan attended the event.

Opening the event, Rune Castberg, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat said: “As we are all aware, joining the WTO requires comprehensive alignment of legislative and regulatory framework in several areas. This harmonization has the ultimate goal to increase predictability, competitiveness and transparency of the international trade, reduce trade barriers and create transparent, predictable and attractive investment regime”.

“The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat is committed to supporting this process by assisting Turkmenistan in improving good economic governance standards, which set a clear, transparent and predictable framework of economic policies, institutions and legislation in which business can thrive and the confidence of investors can grow,” he added.

Experts held discussions on relevant national priorities and emphasized the significance of the WTO Tariff Policy and its Agreements on Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin. They also addressed the elimination of non-tariff barriers and implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.   

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Presence holds Youth Talk event on enforced disappearances under the communist regime in Albania and role of youth in transitional justice processes

Fri, 05/27/2022 - 13:09
519096 Enforced and involuntary disappearances in dictatorship and authoritarian past and contemporary settings: A social, legal, and historical appraisal of transitional and transformation polices and mechanisms Disappearance of persons under the communist regime Transitional Justice in Albania

Around 80 students from the University of Korça participated in a Youth Talk session focused on the issue of missing persons during the Communist regime, on 26 May 2022. The event – organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania and its Youth Advisory Group – aimed at increasing youth engagement in the transitional justice processes in the path towards coming to terms with the past, democratic consolidation and peacebuilding.

Following the screening of a documentary on the missing persons, the students heard from Presence-commissioned researchers about their findings in this field, with a particular focus on missing women, legal and sociological aspects of political persecution and international standards. The Youth Advisory Group presented on the role of youth in transitional justice processes and led discussions with students.

The Youth Talk discussed in depth the systematic gross violations of human rights during the communist period in Albania, resulting in more than 6,000 missing individuals. Young discussants noted on how citizens were extra-judicially imprisoned or executed, a number of detained victims lost their lives owing to exhaustion, malnutrition and disease, many children born in forced labour camps were never registered and could not survive in those places. They also dwelled on stories of victims who perished while attempting to escape the regime by leaving the country, and who were executed at border crossing points; prisoners who were executed while attempting to flee from places of detention; and individuals who disappeared during military service.

“Enquiring about and locating persons unaccounted for constitutes a state’s obligation under national and international legal framework. Since the beginnings of its democratic consolidation in the 1990s, Albania has made continuous attempts to engage in dealing with its past and the fate of the missing. Yet, a lot remains to be achieved,” said Cailean Maclean, Head of the Presence’s Rule of Law and Human Rights Department.

This was the second forum with youth on the issue of missing persons that the Presence organized this year. The first one held with Tirana University students in February. The Presence recognizes the role of younger generations in shaping the democratic future of the country, and works to bring them together to explore the issue of missing persons, their role in transitional justice processes, and the implications it has for public discourse on human rights, rule of law and the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda in the country.

The activity is part of the Presence project “Strengthening human rights protection in Albania” and of “Youth in Focus II” project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, the Greek Embassy in Tirana, and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the OSCE.

Categories: Central Europe

Kyrgyzstan’s 2021 parliamentary elections: OSCE/ODIHR observation mission final report

Thu, 05/26/2022 - 17:01
Information for Google Short description:  Kyrgyzstan’s 2021 parliamentary elections: OSCE/ODIHR observation mission final report 488689 Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz Kyrgyzstan, Parliamentary Elections, 28 November 2021: Final Report

The 2021 parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan were competitive and voters were offered a wide range of political options to choose from, but the overall process was negatively affected by limitations on civil and political rights as well as diminished separation of powers and independence of the judiciary. While fundamental freedoms were generally respected, the stifled campaign and voter disillusionment hindered meaningful engagement with voters. The election administration handled technical aspects of the elections in an efficient way, but significant procedural problems were noted during the vote count and the initial stages of tabulation.

These are the main conclusions from the final report on Kyrgyzstan’s 28 November parliamentary elections, published by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The report offers 22 recommendations to bring elections in Kyrgyzstan closer in line with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections.

Key recommendations include:

  • Reviewing the legal framework to ensure compliance with OSCE commitments and other international obligations and standards for democratic elections through an inclusive, timely, consultative and transparent process;
  • Fostering an environment for unhindered campaign activities and meaningful voter and candidate engagement;
  • Upholding media freedom and creating the conditions for freedom of expression without undue limitations on access to information and interference with journalists’ work;
  • Enhancing the independence and impartiality of the Central Election Commission and amending the law to guarantee more balanced political representation in the election administration;
  • Amending the legal definition of election campaigns to allow for comprehensive reporting on and editorial coverage of contestants’ campaigns by media;
  • Addressing the issue of vote-buying and pressure on voters to promote confidence in the electoral process and a genuine commitment from political parties to combat vote-buying;
  • Not rejecting appeals on formalistic grounds by the courts and enhancing the effectiveness of judicial remedies in election-related disputes.

ODIHR deployed an Election Observation Mission on 19 October 2021 to observe the parliamentary elections. All 57 participating States across the OSCE region have formally committed to following up promptly on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.

Categories: Central Europe

Integrating gender and human rights in border security and management focus of OSCE webinar

Thu, 05/26/2022 - 14:52

The crucial importance of integrating a gender inclusive and human rights-based approach in border security and management in times of crises, especially when dealing with refugees at the borders, was the focus of webinar organized by the Border Security and Management Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department on 25 May 2022.

The webinar brought together 50 representatives from border and customs agencies of 17 OSCE participating States and Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation.

“Gender equality is a priority for the OSCE. In times of conflicts and war, women, girls and boys are at a particularly high risk of being exploited and trafficked. Therefore a gender-inclusive approach is crucial in border security and management,” said Lara Scarpitta, OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, in her opening remarks.

Together with the experts from the International Organization for Migration and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, participants have looked at the connection between gender-inclusive and human rights based border security, and effectively managed borders, in line with the OSCE’s comprehensive approach. They have also explored human rights sensitive and refugee-centered strategies when dealing with sudden and often high numbers of refugees at the borders.

During a practical exercise, conducted by an international expert, participants learned how to avoid unconscious biases, discrimination towards refugees, and how to recognize potential victims of human trafficking at the borders.

According to the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, estimates suggest that less than 1 percent of victims of human trafficking are ever identified. This leaves millions of victims without the support they need to recover and without opportunity to seek legal justice.

The OSCE Gender Equality Platform in Border Security and Management was established in 2016 with the aim to support border agencies of OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation in their efforts towards promoting gender equality in border security and management.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE lecture course supports education of future journalists in Turkmenistan

Thu, 05/26/2022 - 13:25
519069 OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

To support the modernization of journalism education in Turkmenistan, the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized an online lecture course on digital journalism from 24 to 27 May 2022.

The four-day course brought together journalism students and lecturers from the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Magtymguly Turkmen State University and International University for Humanities and Development of Turkmenistan.

An international expert from the United Kingdom explored the nature of digital information space in the 21st century and elaborated on the impact of social media on classical news values and emerging online news values. The students learnt about digital storytelling and the role of visualization in digital journalism.

Referring to the 2013 OSCE conference held in Vienna, "Internet 2013 - Shaping Policies to Advance Media Freedom", Rune Castberg, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat stressed the importance of the recommendations that were developed during this conference, which state that " online media create  conditions for greater diversity and pluralism, and the Internet brings significant benefits, in particular promoting education, economy and human rights, including the freedom to seek, produce, receive and impart information”.

He also added that the OSCE Center in Ashgabat is committed to providing comprehensive support for the modernization of journalism education in Turkmenistan. 

The course also introduced students to data journalism, infographic and mobile journalism. Future journalists discussed ethics in the digital space, defamation and the protection of private life and personal data. Practical exercises enabled them to learn new skills, such as writing digital profiles and online articles.

In addition to the course for students, the activity includes a session on methodological approaches in teaching modern digital journalism for teachers of journalism faculties.

Categories: Central Europe

Limiting unintended harm in preventing and countering violent extremism focus of OSCE-organized workshop

Wed, 05/25/2022 - 18:53

Twenty OSCE staff members from South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia participated in a two-part interactive workshop on limiting unintended harm in preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (P/CVERLT). The workshop was organized by the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department on 18 and 25 May 2022.

The “Do No Harm” workshop had a dual focus of encouraging a practice of self-reflection on one’s position about others while working with community stakeholders (e.g. looking into questions of identity, status, biases) and discussing effective strategies to limit unintended harm when addressing violent extremism.

The workshop has been implemented under the OSCE Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE) Initiative, a flagship training programme that seeks to build the resilience and capacity of communities. LIVE promotes context-specific efforts developed and led by women, youth and community leaders against violent extremism. The programme provided a platform for these active P/CVERLT practitioners to build OSCE internal capacity and encourage an internal expert exchange on the Do No Harm approach in P/CVERLT and harvest the experience and insights of key staff who work in this area.

The OSCE’s LIVE Initiative consists of three different training courses tailored to youth, women and community leaders across the OSCE area. From 2018 to 2021, the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the OSCE field operations, delivered a series of regional LIVE train-the-trainer seminars for South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and supported OSCE field operations in their implementation of national LIVE training courses.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Secretary General condemn intimidation and detention of OSCE staff in Donetsk and Luhansk

Wed, 05/25/2022 - 17:55

VIENNA/WARSAW, 25 May 2022 - OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister of Poland Zbigniew Rau and OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid today reiterated their condemnation of persistent allegations against the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) and called for the immediate release of four national Mission members detained in Donetsk and Luhansk.

“The continuous allegations made against the SMM’s Mission members have become increasingly outrageous,” said the Secretary General. “Our detained colleagues are being held unjustifiably and must be released immediately. This targeted campaign against the SMM and all intimidation or harassment of current or former OSCE staff must immediately stop”.

"The SMM was always providing objective information on the security and humanitarian situation in Ukraine,” said the OSCE Chairman-in-Office. “I highly appreciate the professionalism, dedication and impartiality of the SMM staff. Their protection and integrity are our priority. Acts of intimidation, harassment and hostile public rhetoric including undermining their credibility and impartiality by spreading unfounded claims are unacceptable".

The OSCE’s duty of care towards all of its employees continues after the closure of the SMM. The Secretary General has repeatedly communicated to all OSCE participating States and reassured SMM staff that functional immunity pertaining to acts performed by SMM mission members in their official capacity during their employment with the SMM should continue to be respected following separation, as a principle of international law. The OSCE has and will continue to take steps to pursue all available channels to secure the privileges and immunities of current and former OSCE officials.

Categories: Central Europe


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