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OSCE Presence organizes meeting to discuss findings of baseline assessment on inspection, investigation and punishment of environmental violations in Albania

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 10:24

Representatives of national institutions responsible for environmental inspection, enforcement and prosecution came together in a technical workshop on 2 February 2023. The event was organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania that has taken the lead in conducting a baseline assessment on the inspection, investigation and punishment of environmental violations, in close co-operation with national institutions.

The workshop discussed the preliminary findings of the baseline assessment. The outcomes and inputs gathered from the institutions during the meeting will be elaborated by the Presence’s contracted experts, and incorporated in the final baseline assessment that will be delivered to the national authorities.

“Environmental violations pose a great threat to the economy, nature and tourism development and they are intricate to be addressed in terms of legal, inter-institutional and technical dimensions,” said Aleksandar Maskovic, Head of the OSCE Presence’s Department on Governance in Economic and Environmental Issues.

Anila Leka, a prosecutor from the General Prosecution Office, said: “Environmental violations must be seen in their complexity, both in the administrative aspect and then in the criminal aspect. We must be clear that the criminalization of violations should only come as a last resort as this is associated with economic costs”.

Josif Shtëmbari from the Albanian State Police said: “Environmental enforcement has become a priority of the State Police and this is also noticed by the increase in the number of cases identified and referred to the Prosecutor".

The workshop provided a platform for the stakeholders to come together and discuss how to work collaboratively and effectively on environmental issues ranging from legal and institutional framework to capacity, infrastructure and more.

The event was part of the “Enhance environmental governance and security in Albania” project, which is implemented by the OSCE Presence in Albania and funded by France and Norway.

Categories: Central Europe

Bosnia and Herzegovina general elections 2022: ODIHR election observation mission final report

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 09:54
Information for Google Short description:  Bosnia and Herzegovina general elections 2022: ODIHR election observation mission final report 537008 Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz

The October 2022 general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina were well organized and competitive. Nevertheless, universal and equal suffrage is still not guaranteed. Increasing segmentation along ethnic lines and the corresponding divergent views on the future of the country remain a concern for the functioning of democratic institutions. While negotiations among political parties to introduce needed legal reforms failed, recently introduced amendments strengthened some aspects of the electoral process.

Fundamental freedoms were respected during the campaign, but lack of public debate, the use of divisive rhetoric and the limited and biased media coverage reduced voters’ opportunity to make an informed choice.

Election day was overall orderly, but observers noted compromises to the secrecy of the vote due to the layout of polling stations and an inconsistent application of procedural safeguards mainly during the counting process. The observed control count was conducted in an open and transparent manner.

These are some of the main conclusions on the 2 October 2022 general elections, as detailed in the final report published by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The report offers recommendations to bring elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina closer in line with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections.

Key recommendations include:

  • Reviewing the legal framework and eliminating discriminatory ethnicity- and residency-based restrictions on the right to stand for elections through an open and inclusive consultation process;
  • Ensuring the Central Election Commission is properly resourced and funded to fully implement its mandate, including in non-election years;
  • Revising the way polling station commissions are formed to ensure their impartiality and professionalism as well as their timely formation;
  • Guaranteeing that members of the election administration are not recalled for arbitrary reasons and are able to conduct their duties without fear of retribution, administrative action or intimidation;
  • Encouraging contestants and public officials to refrain from exercising pressure on voters;
  • Investigating and deterring practices of pressure and misuse of administrative resources;
  • Enhancing efforts aimed at facilitating women’s active participation in public and political life;
  • Reinforcing effective protection of journalists from threats and intimidation and ensuring swift investigation of cases of pressure against journalists and media outlets;
  • Further educating voters and election officials on how the voters’ right to vote in secrecy in a free atmosphere can be protected.

The ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the 2 October 2022 general elections commenced its work on 22 August and remained in the country until 20 October.

All 57 countries across the OSCE region have formally committed to follow up promptly on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE trains Kazakh law enforcement officers on handling digital evidence

Fri, 02/03/2023 - 09:50
537002 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

From 30 January to 3 February, the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, organized a training course for first responders on handling digital evidence at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Almaty Academy is the only law enforcement educational institution in Kazakhstan that provides not only legal education but also technically-oriented professional development and training in the sphere of ICT. We look forward to working with the OSCE on strengthening our capacities to educate police officers on various aspects of conducting criminal investigations in the digital age,“ Zhanat Dilbarkhanova, Deputy Head of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said in her opening remarks.

“The widespread use of digital technologies means that data can be important evidence in any crime, whether conducted through a computer system or not. Understanding the unique features of digital evidence and being able to identify and properly handle various sources of digital evidence is becoming an essential skill of every police officer,” she added.

Twenty-four representatives of various police units and law enforcement educational institutions from Almaty, Astana, and Karaganda took part in the training course delivered by two expert trainers from Moldova and North Macedonia. The participants learned how to identify, seize and secure potential sources of digital evidence at a crime scene, use open-source forensic tools for first responders, and conduct basic live data forensics and handle volatile data. They were also introduced to the basics of computer networking, online open-source investigations, and anonymity and criminality on the Internet.

The training was delivered under the extra-budgetary project “Capacity Building on Combating Cybercrime in Central Asia”, which is funded by the United States of America, Germany, and the Republic of Korea.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE brings together women activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine to discuss effective strategies to combat violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings

Thu, 02/02/2023 - 18:32

From 31 January to 2 February, 20 women human rights activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine, and renowned international experts, gathered in Vienna to provide concrete recommendations for enhancing protection and response to violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings.

OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues Lara Scarpitta stressed the importance of women-led civil society organizations in her opening remarks. “Women should not be invisible. Women take an active part in addressing the consequences of war, are at the forefront of humanitarian responses and support the survivors of the violence like we see today in Ukraine and we saw many years ago in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are and must be regarded as key counterparts and involved in decision-making processes,” she said.

The participants discussed accountability and the role of civil society organizations in supporting survivors of gender-based violence in armed conflict, based on the experience of participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and other global practices.

Participants also discussed the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in the context of conflict and post-conflict settings and the role of the civil society organizations in this process.

Simona Lanzoni, Vice-President of the Council of Europe Expert Group on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), stressed that: "Istanbul Convention should be implemented by the state that ratified it in peacetime and also - as recalled in article 2 paragraph 3 - in situation of armed conflict. The provisions set a number of essential tools to enable women victims and survivors of all form of violence to get full protection and support in a safe and secure environment that should be provided by a multiagency work and continuos dialogue done between the state and the women civil society.”

The event, the second of its kind, is a part of the multi-year project WIN for Women and Men on strengthening comprehensive security through innovating and networking for gender equality.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Media Freedom Representative discussed with local counterparts challenges and steps forward in Greek media freedom situation

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 17:30

VIENNA, 1 February 2023 — OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, made an official visit to Greece from 25 to 26 January 2023. She met with several counterparts, including Secretary General for Communication and Information Dimitris Galamatis, Adviser to the Prime Minister Konstantinos Koutras, Member of Parliament Dimitris Markopolous, President of the Journalists' Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers Maria Antoniadou, as well as journalists from the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation ERT and representatives of the media community.

Ribeiro and her counterparts discussed current challenges to media freedom in Greece, and specifically the issue of surveillance of journalists, such as spyware, which has a negative impact on the work of individual journalists and the overall media landscape. Ribeiro highlighted the 2018 OSCE Ministerial Council Decision on the Safety of Journalists where OSCE participating States committed to addressing the impact of unlawful and arbitrary surveillance of journalists and its undermining of their right to freedom of expression and right to be free from unlawful and arbitrary interference of their privacy.

“The use of wiretapping software is very concerning. It endangers the principle that journalists must be able to work without fear for their own safety and to protect their sources so they can carry out their important democratic function. I encouraged the authorities to ensure a swift and thorough investigation into the issue of spyware surveillance of media workers, as this constitutes a major interference with fundamental rights,” Ribeiro said.

Related to safety of journalists, the Representative stressed the need to make progress on investigating the murder of journalist, Giorgos Karaivaz, and to hold all those responsible to account.

Several government counterparts mentioned recent steps to improve the media freedom situation in the country. These included establishing a task force and the launching of a training centre on safety of journalists; support for the costs of paper, distribution of newspapers, and insurance for journalists; and a recent amendment of Article 191 of the Criminal Code regarding “false information”.

The Representative also reiterated her Office’s readiness to continue providing necessary assistance to the Greek authorities in order to promote an environment that is conducive to media freedom and is in line with international standards and OSCE commitments.

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

Categories: Central Europe

Better Education for Children — OSCE Mission to Skopje and Ministry of Education and Science sign agreements to improve integrated education

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 15:15

SKOPJE, 1 February 2023 — The Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Kilian Wahl, and North Macedonia’s Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri, signed two agreements today to improve integrated education for children of different communities within the country.

“We are creating a framework for co-operation in integrated education and inter-culturalism as part of our joint efforts to improve quality education for all,” said Wahl. “Our joint projects with the Ministry provide a unique opportunity for school communities of different languages to work together, improving social cohesion throughout North Macedonia.”

The activities in the Memoranda of Understanding agreements are expected to include grants to schools across the country for curricular classes jointly conducted between partner schools using different languages of instruction, as well as continuing the Mission’s support for bilingual classes for high school students in Skopje, which is also part of an initiative by the City of Skopje in select schools.

“The Ministry of Education and Science is determined to promote quality education and necessary reforms at all levels: primary, secondary and higher. A crucial aspect in our context is the multicultural and multilingual background of our students and communities. We must nurture and promote this as a value, which it truly is. We appreciate the co-operation with the OSCE, from which many students have benefited directly,” said Minister Shaqiri.

The agreements signed today build on two programmes the Mission has supported for almost a decade to assist North Macedonia with strengthening social cohesion and integrated education. The first is a pilot programme initiated by the city of Skopje in 2018 for bilingual classes for high schools students. The second is the ‘Building New Bridges’ project that initially provided grants for joint extracurricular activities for students in different languages and now will be providing grants to schools for joint classes for students in different languages. These programmes have already helped more than 35,000 students and teachers across different communities in North Macedonia.

Categories: Central Europe

Joint statement of Personal Representatives of OSCE Chairman-in-Office on Tolerance and Non-discrimination on recent public burnings of the Quran

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 19:59

SKOPJE/VIENNA, 31 January 2023 - Rabbi Andrew Baker, Personal Representative on Combating Anti-Semitism, Associate Professor Dr. Regina Polak, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions, and Ambassador Dr. Ismail Hakki Musa, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims made the following statement:

“Recent public burnings of the Quran have drawn international attention and condemnation. We add our voices to others who have rightly criticized these acts, intended as an expression of hatred toward Muslims but an offence to all who believe in tolerance, pluralism, and respect for diversity.

As the Personal Representatives of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, we know that collective security also depends on adherence to human rights and democratic values. Hateful acts such as these incite hostility toward Muslims and could lead to greater conflict and even violence. Thus, we remind OSCE participating States that cultural and religious diversity enriches our individual lives and our respective societies. This diversity should be protected and promoted and more dedicated resources and efforts are needed to promote tolerance and non-discrimination to foster a stronger sense of security in our participating States.

We would also like to commend the relevant authorities for their strong public rejection and condemnation of these manifestations of racism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance, including against Muslims while continuing to respect freedom of expression.”

Categories: Central Europe

Press statement by the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 18:23

GENEVA/BRUSSELS/VIENNA, 31 January 2023 - The Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions (GID), United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions Cihan Sultanoğlu, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus Viorel Moșanu and European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar, reiterate the full commitment of their respective organizations to the GID process. 

The next round of the Discussions, which was due to be held at the end of February 2023, has been postponed to early April 2023 due to timing issues. 

However, the Co-Chairs reaffirm their readiness to engage in consultations in person with all participants, both on the process generally and on the upcoming meeting particularly.

Categories: Central Europe

Common solutions to Europe’s security challenges at the heart of OSCE Chairman-in-Office’s visit to Brussels

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 17:13

BRUSSELS, 31 January 2023 – The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, emphasized the need for comprehensive solutions that put people, their safety and well-being, first to address the security challenges facing Europe during his visit to Brussels today.  

“I came to Brussels as OSCE Chairman-in-Office to explore solutions and offer avenues for co-operation in the light of war of aggression against Ukraine and associated growing tensions across the OSCE region.”

The OSCE Chairman-in-Office Osmani met with Josep Borrell, High Representative/Vice-President of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. He also met with Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, and European Emergency Response Coordinator. The Chairman also met with Miroslav Lajčák, the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues and other high-level officials.

”Both the OSCE and the EU, despite their different raisons d’étre, are founded on strong pillars of values and vision for the future. The EU and OSCE values and roles largely correspond, both in spirit and letter,” he said following the meeting.  

“Today, when our human, collective and cooperative security is at stake, we need to work together, as hard as ever, to demonstrate our resilience and resoluteness to jointly respond to all pressing challenges to our shared principles. Above all, to support the people and stop human suffering.”

During his visit to Brussels, Chairman-in-Office Osmani met with NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană and presented the Chairpersonship’s programme to NATO’s North Atlantic Council.

“Ukraine will remain our top priority. We must do our utmost to restore just peace in Ukraine and alleviate human suffering. And it is not only Ukraine. We are witnessing rising frictions across the OSCE region. Regional instability and the potential for new conflicts are real. It is of utmost importance for us to keep a lid on boiling tensions across the OSCE region and beyond. Other crisis settings need our continued attention and engagement,” added Osmani.

“The OSCE’s toolkit is designed to address such situations. Our Organization has a proven track-record in preventing conflicts, diffusing tensions and supporting peace. It is doing good things in supporting people in need.”

“Despite the different nature and purpose, NATO and OSCE have important role to play in the European security architecture and the future of wider continental stability and the security,” he concluded.

The 2023 Chairpersonship of North Macedonia is focused on contributing to the processes of stability and security in the OSCE region. The Chair aims to ensure the OSCE continues its efforts preventing conflict, restoring peace and security, and promoting co-operation. This includes supporting sustainable economic growth and environmental co-operation, as well as upholding human rights and promoting tolerance and non-discrimination.

Categories: Central Europe

Urgent steps needed to strengthen Bulgaria’s prevention and response to trafficking in human beings, say OSCE and Council of Europe

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 16:44

SOFIA, 31 January 2023 - OSCE Special Representative Valiant Richey and the Executive Secretary to the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) Petya Nestorova called on Bulgaria to take urgent measures to strengthen its prevention and response to trafficking in human beings.

At joint meetings with the National Commission to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings and the Bulgarian Parliament, the OSCE and Council of Europe officials shared the findings from the Special Representative’s country visit and GRETA’s third evaluation report. They urged Bulgaria to take action in several key areas, such as strengthening co-ordination of anti-trafficking efforts, adopting a new anti-trafficking strategy, and ensuring victims’ access to justice.

OSCE Special Representative Richey highlighted the pressing need to prioritize and invest in anti-trafficking efforts, including by raising the profile of the issue within government and pursuing more ambitious policy action , including on technology-facilitated trafficking in Bulgaria.

“As one of the key countries of origin for human trafficking in Europe, Bulgaria needs a robust strategy with a focus on prevention and bringing traffickers to justice,” he said.

Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe’s anti-trafficking expert group, GRETA, highlighted the need for increased political attention to the issue and adequate budgetary funding, which would ensure the sustainability of anti-trafficking measures and the administration of shelters.  “The latest recommendations made by GRETA to Bulgaria focus on guaranteeing access to justice for victims of trafficking. This requires making compensation effectively accessible to victims, and supporting their economic and social inclusion,” she said.

The OSCE Special Representative conducts multiple country visits each year to support OSCE participating States in addressing human trafficking, share recommendations for further action, and collect best practices for fighting this heinous crime. Richey’s report following his 2021 country visit was published in 2022.

The Council of Europe anti-trafficking expert group, GRETA, monitors the implementation of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the 48 states that have ratified it. GRETA has evaluated Bulgaria’s action against human trafficking three times (in 2011, 2015, and 2019). The latest GRETA report on Bulgaria was published in April 2021.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE strengthens the open data ecosystem in Uzbekistan

Mon, 01/30/2023 - 07:03
536554 Hackathon participants are working on the projects, Tashkent city.

The fifth edition of the “Open Data Challenge” hackathon – held from 27 to 29 January 2023 in Tashkent – concludes trainings on open data. More than 280 teams from all over Uzbekistan and abroad competed to develop technological solutions based on open data as a way to increase the interest of citizens in using open data.

The annual competition was organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz) together with the Technological Park of Software Products and Information Technologies (IT-Park Uzbekistan) and the IT company Virtual Group, with the support of the Statistics Agency and the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan.

“The development of open data forms an integral part of the OSCE's programmes to promote economic development and good governance, which is an important prerequisite for peace, sustainable development and security”, said Hans-Ullrich Ihm, Acting Head of the PCUz at the opening of the hackathon. He underscored that increasing transparency and openness of public authorities helps establish public control over their activities and reduce corruption, and has direct economic potential.

Akrom Sultanov, Head of Monitoring and Co-ordination of the Open Data Portal of the Statistics Agency, viewed the hackathon as a tool to realize the social and economic potential of open data from public institutions.

Jahongir Rajabov, Deputy Director for Innovation of the IT Park, emphasized the significance of the event in establishing a professional community on open data and further enhancing expertise of authorities and professionals in this area.

During the three-day competition, the teams created digital solutions in the field of anti-corruption, as well as for public, social or business sectors, using open data. The three winning teams developed IT solutions for monitoring unregistered buildings, assisting victims of domestic violence and developing blockchain technology.

Prior to the contest, representatives from IT start-ups and the business sector participated in four webinars on promising areas of open data, and a workshop with experts on the use of open data took place on 24 January.

Within the framework of its project “Strengthening Good Governance”, the PCUz supports national stakeholders in the development of an open data ecosystem in Uzbekistan by promoting open data-based businesses to demonstrate the practical applicability of open data. 

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Media Freedom Representative condemns Russia’s decision to outlaw independent news outlet Meduza

Fri, 01/27/2023 - 15:57

VIENNA, 27 January 2023 — OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, denounced today the Russian authorities’ decision to outlaw one of the most popular Russian-language news portals, Meduza.

On 26 January, the Prosecutor General’s Office in Russia outlawed Meduza after declaring the media outlet an “undesirable organization” based on claims that the outlet’s activities pose a threat to the foundations of Russia’s constitutional order and security.

Under Russian legislation, an ‘undesirable organization’ is effectively banned from operating in Russian territory under threat of criminal and administrative prosecution. The legislation also broadly extends to alleged affiliation with and providing support to such an organization.

“The outlawing of Meduza shows yet again that the Russian authorities disregard international principles and the OSCE’s media freedom commitments, as well as continue to isolate Russian citizens from independent information. I call on the authorities to repeal this decision and stop intimidation and harassment of media,” Ribeiro said.

Moreover, Ribeiro expressed concern about Russia’s earlier, similar outlawing of investigative media portals — Proekt, Istories, The Insider and Bellingcat — as well as the continued mass designation of media outlets and journalists as “foreign agents”.

As early as 2015, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media warned about Russia’s legislation related to ‘undesirable organizations’ and its negative effects on freedom of expression, media freedom and pluralism of opinions.  

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Representative and Senior Gender Adviser visit Moldova

Fri, 01/27/2023 - 14:24

CHISINAU, 27 January 2023 – Strengthening the effective and meaningful participation of women in peace processes, advancing gender equality, fighting gender-based violence and protecting the rights of women and girls was at the centre of a two-day visit to Chisinau by Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on Gender, Liliana Palihovici, and OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, Lara Scarpitta.

In the course of the visit, Special Representative Palihovici and Senior Adviser Scarpitta met  with women negotiators to discuss gender-inclusive peace-making and building capacity of women mediators and women peacebuilders, in order to promote their political participation.

“In 2022, the OSCE contributed to strengthening the negotiating capacities of women members of the eight working groups established to promote measures to enhance confidence and security in the context of the Transdniestrian settlement. I was pleased to hear from our partners how timely and valuable the training was. This is the first step to ensuring that solutions identified in the negotiation process are suitable and effectively meet the specific needs of women and men living on both sides of the Dniester/Nistru River. This is a concrete step towards building lasting peace, and the OSCE will remain committed to investing in women's meaningful participation in peace negotiations,” Special Representative Palihovici said. 

They also met with representatives of women civil society organizations from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River to enhance support to individuals at risk and survivors of gender-based violence, victims of domestic violence and exploitation.

“Many women-led organizations are at the frontline of protecting survivors of gender-based violence, including domestic violence and online abuse. They are a key partner of the OSCE and they have our full support,” OSCE Senior Adviser Scarpitta said.

In light of the flows of people seeking refuge from the war in Ukraine and strengthening Moldova’s response to these challenges, Special Representative Palihovici and Senior Adviser Scarpitta also visited the FRISPA refugee center.

Safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees and ensuring protection against gender-based violence were focus of discussion with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Daniella Misail – Nichitin, responsible for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, and the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrean. They also met with the Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM), Slawomir Pichor, the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation, Erika Hasznos and the UN Women Country Representative, Dominika Stojanoska.

Categories: Central Europe

Greater efforts to counter Holocaust distortion needed to combat hate and protect democracy, OSCE says on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Fri, 01/27/2023 - 11:51

SKOPJE/WARSAW/WASHINGTON, 27 January 2023 — Greater international co-operation is needed to counter Holocaust denial and distortion, not only to combat hateful ideologies but also to defend democracy, the OSCE said on today’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“Today we honour the memory of the six million Jews and all other victims brutally murdered in the Holocaust for who they were, what they believed or even who they loved. The past year has represented yet another bone-chilling reminder that Europe in the 21st Century is not immune to new mass atrocities when the Holocaust is distorted, the UN Charter violated and the Helsinki Final Act disrespected,” said OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani. “The Holocaust was about millions of men, women and children murdered for not fitting into fascist ideas. Holocaust remembrance and education must continue to focus on people when addressing anti-Semitism in all its forms,” Osmani added, “with the first Chairpersonship event in 2023 devoted to this end.”

The phenomenon of Holocaust distortion seeks to minimize the crimes and impact of the Holocaust. As well as fuelling an increase in anti-Semitism, it threatens our democracies by spreading disinformation and undermining the mutual trust, respect and tolerance that are among their founding principles.

As the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust is marked worldwide, young people’s knowledge of the tragedy of the Holocaust is declining at a time when there are ever fewer survivors left to talk about their experiences. At the same time, Holocaust denial and distortion are increasingly reaching the political mainstream, with social media posts that excuse, minimize or misrepresent the known historical record of the Holocaust spreading online swiftly and often unchecked.

“Holocaust denial and distortion have dire consequences for our societies and our democracy,” said Matteo Mecacci, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). “Trivializing, diminishing and misappropriating the Holocaust not only diminishes the suffering of its victims, but also hampers our ability to understand the causes of genocide and prevent it from happening again. By spreading disinformation, it undermines trust and respect between people and therefore also the quality of democratic participation.”

ODIHR recently joined other international organizations including the United Nations and the European Commission in #ProtectTheFacts, a global awareness-raising campaign created by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance that focuses on countering Holocaust distortion.

“Today we face the dual challenge of politicians who distort the reality of the Holocaust to fit nationalist and populist narratives and a growing number of young adults who are ignorant of the most basic facts of the Jewish genocide,” said Rabbi Andrew Baker, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Anti-Semitism. “On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, we must redouble our education efforts as the very future of democracy depends on an informed electorate.”

All OSCE countries have unequivocally condemned intolerance and anti-Semitism, and have committed to promoting effective measures aimed at their eradication. Current challenges to combating anti-Semitism across the OSCE region will be discussed at an OSCE-wide conference on 6 and 7 February organized by the North Macedonia OSCE Chair-in-Office in consultation with ODIHR.

Categories: Central Europe

Decision to close Russia’s oldest human rights organization should be reconsidered and reversed, OSCE Human Rights Office says

Wed, 01/25/2023 - 18:20

WARSAW, 25 January 2023 – Today’s decision by the Moscow City Court to liquidate Russia’s oldest human rights organization, the Moscow Helsinki Group, is contrary to the commitments made by all OSCE countries to respect the freedom to form and join associations, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) said.

Ever since its establishment in 1976 to monitor implementation of the OSCE Helsinki Final Act and its human rights and democracy principles, the Moscow Helsinki Group has been active in protecting human rights across the country.

All OSCE states have explicitly acknowledged the importance of freedom of association for democracies, as well as the vital role of civil society to improve respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, and democracy.

ODIHR believes that this move further undermines freedom of association in the Russian Federation, and calls on the Russian authorities to reconsider and reverse the decision, while reiterating its offer to assist them in ensuring a safe and enabling space for civil society.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Osmani visits OSCE Mission to Skopje

Wed, 01/25/2023 - 16:56

SKOPJE, 25 January 2023 — OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani visited the OSCE Mission to Skopje today.

Chairman Osmani met with the OSCE Head of Mission, Kilian Wahl, and mission staff who updated him on the Mission’s ongoing and future activities in support of North Macedonia. This includes work in areas such as the rule of law, democratic governance, the fight against organized crime and corruption, promoting media freedom, and fostering social cohesion.

“The field missions are the focus of our Chairpersonship. The projects implemented by the OSCE Mission to Skopje are of great benefit for our country and its citizens. They are in concordance with the priorities of the Government’s agenda. With the Mission we have a partnership that lasts for years, in support of the reforms we are undertaking, but moreover in supporting the people in different ways.”

During a visit to the Gjorce Petrov Police Barracks, the Chairman had a first-hand look at the Mission’s work supporting police reforms including activities related to small arms and light weapons.

He also had the opportunity to meet graduates of the Mission’s Mentoring Programme for Women in Police. The Programme is designed to support women police officers with personal career development and increase gender equity in policing. Since 2017, over 100 female police mentors and mentees have been trained through the Programme.

The motto of the OSCE Chairpersonship of North Macedonia is, ‘It’s about People’, and that includes women and underrepresented groups. Empowering these groups helps to strengthen the safety, security and equal rights for all people.

Taking part in an anti-hate speech event, Chairman Osmani spoke with groups of police officers and local students about the students’ art projects on preventing hate speech. The event was part of the Mission’s efforts to engage youth, strengthen community-based policing, and enhance social cohesion.

Chairman Osmani also underlined the OSCE’s contribution to the rule of law, development of resilient democratic institutions and socio-economic growth, showcasing concrete results from the OSCE’s engagement in North Macedonia.

Categories: Central Europe

Enhancing social re-use of confiscated assets in Serbia focus of OSCE workshop

Wed, 01/25/2023 - 14:07
536485 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

On 24 January, the OSCE organized the third national workshop on the social re-use of confiscated assets in Serbia. The event brought together representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime, civil society and other international organizations.

Prosecutors at the workshop emphasized the gravity of fighting organized crime in Serbia and in the region, adding that countries in South-Eastern Europe are highly entrapped from this phenomenon. Participants highlighted that seizing and confiscating criminal assets hurts organized crime groups, and the social re-use of these assets gives back to societies what was stolen from them.

The workshop provided a platform for stakeholders to discuss key legislative and practical challenges for the social re-use of criminal assets, as well as how to tackle these challenges. Civil society representatives stated that the lack of clear procedures to apply and receive assets for re-use from the government is a key issue. Moreover, transparency and overview of available assets is required for effective social re-use.

The workshop highlighted the importance of co-operation between civil society and government in fighting organized crime. This activity was organized as part of the Strengthening the fight against transnational organized crime in South-Eastern Europe through improved regional co-operation in asset seizure, confiscation, management and re-use project, which is financially supported by , Germany, Italy the United Kingdom and the United States.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE facilitates exchange on asset recovery between German Federal Criminal Police Office and Serbian Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime

Wed, 01/25/2023 - 14:00
Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

Prosecutors working on organized crime and asset recovery cases in Serbia and a judge from the Belgrade High Court visited the German Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden for a study visit on 24 and 25 January.

The visit contributed to strengthening cross-border co-operation in the fight against transnational organized crime and corruption between the interested parties by exchange of experience and operational information on asset recovery cases, especially those of transnational nature that involve tracing, seizure and confiscation of criminal assets located in foreign jurisdictions. Participants also discussed their practices on cross-border tracing of illicit financial flows and seizure of cryptocurrencies.

Familiarity with the main legal aspects of the country where criminal assets are located can facilitate the proper submission of requests for international assistance, through both formal and informal channels, and lead to swift feedback.

This activity was facilitated by the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) as part of the Strengthening the fight against transnational organized crime in South-Eastern Europe through improved regional co-operation in asset seizure, confiscation, management and re-use project. Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States financially support this regional initiative.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Montenegro congratulates journalists on the Day of Journalists

Mon, 01/23/2023 - 12:23
Marina Živaljević

In congratulating journalists in Montenegro, noting 23 January commemorates the inaugural publication in 1871, of “Crnogorac” (Montenegrin), the weekly magazine for politics and culture in Cetinje, Dominique Waag, Head of OSCE Mission to Montenegro, said: “Celebrating this day reminds us of the importance of investigative journalism in democracies.”

“Free and independent media are essential elements in democratic societies, journalists are its backbone,  playing a fundamental role in public interest, by informing and holding those in power accountable,” said Waag. She pointed to the OSCE commitments to freedom of information, freedom of the media and the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference.

Governments in making these commitments have a responsibility to ensure that journalists are safe and secure to work independently, investigate stories, and access important public documents.

“The role of the journalists is to uphold the highest professional standards. Professional integrity of journalists is echoed by objective and factual reporting, and adherence to the Montenegrin Code of Ethics”, said Head of Mission Waag.

To support of journalists, and journalism students , the Mission’s programmes are designed to strengthen their knowledge and skills, and to foster objective and ethical reporting, fact-checking, investigative journalism, and cooperation among media professionals.

Categories: Central Europe

Statement by OSCE Mission to Skopje on compromised Facebook page

Sat, 01/21/2023 - 17:47

SKOPJE, 21 January 2023 - The Mission to Skopje’s official Facebook page has been recently hacked. We have already undertaken all necessary steps to report to the Facebook Management Team, and until this is resolved, all posts or messages received from the hacked account are not authored by the OSCE. 

This incident is yet another reminder of cyber threats in today’s digital age, affecting without exception private businesses, government, and international organizations.

Categories: Central Europe


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