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Modernization of customs mechanisms in focus of OSCE seminar in Turkmenistan

Thu, 10/05/2023 - 14:06
554347 OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

An OSCE-organized seminar on the modernization of customs mechanisms and strengthening export procedures took place in Ashgabat from 3 to 5 October 2023.

Held in a blended format, the three-day event brought together representatives of the State Customs Service, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, the Central Bank and commercial banks, Turkmenbashi International Sea Port, and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as well as other relevant institutions.

The seminar presented best practices of the OSCE participating States in aligning customs mechanisms with relevant international standards, and facilitated discussions on advancing regulatory mechanisms governing export procedures.

The agenda included topics ranging from the digitalization of customs procedures to the development of the system of port communities and WTO tariff policy.

“The OSCE attaches great importance to addressing the growing need to maintain and further develop regional and international economic ties, including by facilitating trade, accelerating economic development and growth, diversifying value-added exports, and ultimately building regionally diversified economies,” said John MacGregor, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.

  Participants emphasized the importance of a strong regulatory framework in international trade, and shared their views on customs oversight in free economic zones and free trade zones. The seminar also addressed export documentation, trade facilitation and single window measures.

Over the past several years, the OSCE Center in Ashgabat has been increasingly active in co-operating with the Government of Turkmenistan in the area of economic connectivity, trade facilitation, advancing customs procedures and improving export mechanisms.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE supports visit to an air base and military facility in Kazakhstan under Vienna Document 2011

Thu, 10/05/2023 - 13:19
554329 For Media inquires

On 3 and 4 October 2023, the OSCE Programme Office in Astana together with the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan supported a visit of representatives from the verification centres of 25 OSCE participating States to the 604th Air Base and 37th Air Assault Brigade in Taldykorgan city. The visit aims to support the implementation of Kazakhstan’s commitment in fulfilling international obligations under Section 4 “Contacts” of the Vienna Document 2011 on confidence- and security-building measures, according to which an OSCE participating State invites and organizes visits to one of its conventional air bases and military facilities in any five-year period. Additionally, the event gave opportunity to verify information in accordance with the data exchanged during the annual exchange of military information, provided by the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 2023.

Among over 50 participants were military officers, officials of the OSCE Secretariat Conflict Prevention Centre and the OSCE Programme Office in Astana. During the visit, participants familiarized themselves with daily and long-term activities of the military facilities, including training and maintenance operations, observe the presentation and demonstration of military hardware, including weaponry, as well as verify provided information and foster its exchange.

“The planned visit to the Taldykorgan air base and military facility is not only a demonstration of the technical aspects of Kazakhstan’s armed forces, but also a symbol of its efforts to build trust and co-operation. It emphasizes transparency and openness in the country’s actions, which is important for developing mutual understanding among OSCE participating States,” said Dr. Volker Frobarth, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana during the opening ceremony of this event.

On behalf of the visitors’ group, its spokesperson German Brigadier General Michael Shoy noted full compliance of Kazakhstan’s Air Defence Forces with the specific verification requirements under Vienna Document 2011. Overall, the visit marked a significant milestone in advancing confidence and security-building measures within the framework of the Vienna Document 2011.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Presence concludes three-year project to strengthen capacities and increase transparency of public procurement system in Albania

Thu, 10/05/2023 - 13:03

Strengthening the capacities, increasing transparency and promoting good governance in the public procurement in Albania was the aim of a project run from the OSCE Presence from 1 September 2020 until 30 September 2023. The three-year project was financed by the governments of Italy, France and Slovakia.

In close co-operation with the Albanian Public Procurement Agency and the Albanian School of Public Administration, the Presence supported the drafting of a new comprehensive multi-module curriculum on public procurement. The document covered the legislative framework and various aspects of public procurement procedures, with an enhanced focus on integrity and risk management tools, which are essential for an efficient and effective use of public funds.

As part of the project, 19 experts participated in a 10-day training-of-trainers intensive capacity development programme. They are now part of the ASPA pool of trainers that will provide continues training to about 2,000 public procurement officials across the country. The first training for 120 public procurement officials was piloted from June to September 2023.

The Presence also partnered with Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and the Albanian Institute of Science to facilitate technical discussions and independent research to identify risks and prevent corruption in targeted public procurement sectors, providing relevant recommendations to the stakeholders to improve the operational and policy framework.

Additionally, with the active involvement of civil society, the project focused on increasing awareness on transparent procurement and need for effective anti-corruption measures. This was done through different fora, which promoted the idea of data transparency as a cornerstone for independent oversight.

The project concluded in September 2023 with a consultative meeting with the main stakeholders and beneficiaries. The participants discussed lessons learned during the project implementation and concrete suggestions and recommendations for the institutions on how to sustain the project results.

The OSCE Presence remains committed to support the Albanian institutions and civil society with technical assistance and expertise to advance the anti-corruption reform in the country and strengthen economic governance.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Media Freedom Representative launches new guidelines for monitoring online violence against female journalists

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 15:34

WARSAW 4 October 2023 – Today, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro launched the new Guidelines for monitoring online violence against female journalists at the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. The Guidelines provide a systematic monitoring and reporting system aiming to better protect women journalists and prevent online violence from escalating.

“Gender-based online attacks against women journalists are to the detriment of us all, to every individual’s right to information, and to the very fabric of our democratic societies,” Teresa Ribeiro stated in her opening remarks. “I am convinced that these Monitoring Guidelines will become a key mechanism in the prevention and protection of such terrible attacks.”

The President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Pia Kauma, stressed the importance of collective action in tackling gender-based online attacks.

"[The guidelines] are an important tool to identify an escalation of online violence targeting women journalists. This is an issue of high interest for OSCE Parliamentarians, as we strive to advance gender equality within our countries and the OSCE region as a whole.But effective solutions require strong co-operation at multiple levels. I am glad that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media have developed over the years an excellent partnership on this topic. Actively sharing new tools, experiences, and lessons learned, is what can bring us closer to gender equality in the OSCE,” President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Pia Kauma said.

During the event, the lead author, Julie Posetti, Deputy Vice President and Global Director of Research at ICFJ and Professor of Journalism at City University in London, presented the new Guidelines together with the two other authors, Nabeelah Shabbir, freelance journalist and a Senior Research Associate at ICFJ, and Diana Maynard, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield. The tool includes a set of 15 research-derived indicators for online violence escalation, a gendered online violence typology, and examples of violations mapped to international codes and standards.  

“Our research has confirmed a causal relationship between online violence towards female journalists and offline harm, and it is essential that we work to stem the escalation of digital threats before they morph into physical violence. Online violence needs to be understood as both a serious threat to the safety of female journalists and a potential trigger for, and predictor of, broader attacks,” Posetti said.

The award-winning investigative journalist Inga Springe, founder of The Baltic Center for Investigative Journalism Re:Baltica, shared her personal experiences of online harassment, echoing the importance and urgency of countering online violence against women, as an important step to safeguarding democracy.

The event brought together a diverse group of participants, including government, media, and civil society, for a discussion on countering online violence against female journalists.

More information about the event can be found here:

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE PCUz conducted a training on «Enhancing Media Literacy for Prosecutors»

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 10:51

The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan jointly with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the NGO “In-service Training Centre for Journalists” is conducting a series of training courses on media literacy for prosecutors. The activity is organized within the framework of the "Promoting Rule of Law, Human Rights and Media Development” project.

Twenty six (nine female and seventeen male) officers of the Prosecutor's Office, including senior public relations and legal information assistants of the Prosecutor's Office Departments and senior inspectors of the Compulsory Enforcement Bureau under the General Prosecutor’s Office participated in the first training course held on 3-4 October 2023. In the course of the training, the participants discussed the challenges taking place in the contemporary media space, basic concepts and principles of media and information literacy, as well as explored methods of critical thinking in assessing the reliability and accuracy of information, cybersecurity issues and social networking algorithms. Much attention was also paid to the gender aspect of media literacy and the use of fact-checking platforms to counter fakes.

During the sessions, prosecutors shared their experience of co-operation with the media, discussed matters of malicious content on the Internet as well as considered issues related to the use of Artificial Intelligence, its positive and negative effects on the media. The Acting OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan Sergei Sizov, noted that "The most important of various media literacy projects and initiatives throughout the OSCE region are those related to the development of mechanisms and platforms for close co-operation among all stakeholders, including government agencies, media organizations, business structures, academic institutions and NGOs".

Categories: Central Europe

1.5 million young people in Kyrgyzstan reached with OSCE campaign on youth crime prevention and integrity

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 09:42

The OSCE awareness campaign on youth crime prevention and integrity, launched in June 2023, achieved the milestone of reaching one and a half million young people across Kyrgyzstan on 29 September 2023.

Featuring some of Kyrgyzstan’s leading influencers, bloggers, artists, youth activists and athletes, the campaign showcases the stories of these local celebrities and how they pursued their passions, built successful businesses and gave back to their communities, all while adhering to the values of lawfulness and integrity.

The campaign features Aigerim Akylbekova, a Kyrgyz journalist and activist, who reflects on her upbringing and the challenges of her childhood marked by high levels of unemployment. Aigerim shares how in the pursuit of a better life, some people opted for shortcuts, relying on bribery and corrupt activities.

“Since childhood I believed that I could achieve everything on my own without resorting to nepotism or bribes,” Aigerim says. “Often, people choose unjust ways to excel in life. Many do this out of desperation – coming from a life of difficulty. Still, this sets us all back. Change can only begin with zero tolerance for dishonesty and corruption,” she adds.

Meerim Tolepbergen, a Kyrgyz blogger with over one million Instagram followers, is also actively involved in the campaign. She discusses the key factors contributing to youth crime, drawing from her own experience as child of migrants. Children separated from their parents often grapple with self-doubt and may seek support from potentially harmful peer groups, she says, leading to possible involvement in organized crime. Meerim underscores the significance of addressing this issue and choosing a different path.

“I pursed arts and creativity, successfully auditioning and becoming the host of a musical TV programme. I believe in a bright future for all of us in Kyrgyzstan through education, honest work, and talent,” Meerim says.

The stories of Meerim and Aigerim, alongside the others in the campaign, aim to inspire and guide young people in Kyrgyzstan by offering real-life positive examples of those who have achieved their goals through legal, ethical, and productive methods.

The awareness campaign, organized by the OSCE’s Transnational Threat Department and Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, is part of the OSCE-wide multi-year project, “Enhancing Youth Crime and Drug Use Prevention through Education on Legality and Awareness Campaigns Addressing Threats of Organized Crime and Corruption”, funded by Germany. Other donors supporting this project are Andorra, Italy and Poland.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE strengthens the capacities of media professionals on open data journalism

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 09:23

On 28 and 29 September, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz) delivered a capacity-building programme on open data for media professionals. The training, which was co-organized with the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and took place at the PCUz office in Tashkent, gathered 23 journalists and bloggers.

The growing availability of open data in the country, including via the online publication of data-sets by government agencies, creates new opportunities for journalism and contributes to an increasing demand for data-based information.

The two-day training organized by the PCUz aimed to improve the skills of media community representatives in using open data. It also focused on developing practical skills in the collection, treatment and presentation of compelling and appealing media materials. In this regard, the participants were also trained on the use of modern tools for multimedia journalism and visualization.

By promoting a wider use of open data in journalism, the PCUz supports the production and distribution of fact-based, accurate and verifiable information. The PCUz also encourages citizens to critically engage with the content they consume.

The training is part of the project “Support to Good Governance Reforms”. In this framework, the PCUz assists national stakeholders in the development of an open data ecosystem in Uzbekistan in order to increase the transparency of public institutions and demonstrate the practical applicability of open data. 

Categories: Central Europe

Head of OSCE Mission to Montenegro visits Brezovik military facility

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 08:34
554203 Marina Živaljević

In the framework of the OSCE project “Mitigation of Safety and Security Risks related to small arms and light weapons and stockpiles of conventional ammunition in Montenegro”, the Head of the Mission to Montenegro, Dominique Waag, visited Brezovik military facility on 3 October, to see first-hand the results of the support provided by the Mission since 2007.

Major Dragan Rašković, Commander of Brezovik and Taraš ammunition sites, welcomed Ambassador Waag to the facility where she observed an ammunition inspection course conducted by the Austrian Armed Forces through the OSCE project.  The visit included a tour through an ammunition storage house.

“The OSCE appreciates the results of its long-term partnership with the Ministry of Defence, focused on reducing the risk of unplanned explosion at munitions sites and ensuring safe storage of small arms and light weapons and stockpiles of conventional ammunition,” said Ambassador Waag.

She also met with Andreas Bloderer, representing the Austrian Military, the provider of capacity building training courses.

Through this project, 78 participants were trained on ammunition management. In addition, a further ten specialists from the Army, Air Force and Navy were trained on the handling and transportation of explosives, as well as the development of a rulebook to support Ministries of Defence and Interior establish a system to classify ammunition in Montenegro.

The Head of Mission concluded the visit by reemphasising the commitment from the Mission to assist in lifecycle management of ammunition for the benefit of all stakeholders.

This project is funded by the government of Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Norway, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Categories: Central Europe

Election administration as a key to ensuring the rights of voters and candidates the focus of new ODIHR handbook for election observers

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 16:16
Illustration from the cover of ODIHR's Handbook for the Observation of Election Administration. Illustration from the cover of ODIHR's Handbook for the Observation of Election Administration. Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz

As part of its ongoing efforts to develop and refine its election observation methodology, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) launched a new handbook on observing election administration on 3 October 2023, during the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference.

Election management bodies are one of the main guardians of democratic elections, and their activities are central to fostering public confidence in the election process. ODIHR election observation missions pay close attention to the work of election administration bodies, how they ensure transparency, accountability, independence and integrity in their work and how they help voters understand the process.

“We hope this new publication will be a valuable resource not only for election observers, but also for a wider audience, including election practitioners, in understanding how the activities of the election administration comply with cornerstone principles of democratic elections, from integrity and legality through effectiveness and transparency to accountability and inclusivity,” said ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci.

The aim of the Handbook for the Observation of Election Administration is to guide ODIHR election observation missions on how to assess the administration of elections, and to provide those managing elections with a useful reference tool on the main principles, standards and commitments they should be upholding. These key measures ODIHR uses to assess the work of election management bodies across the OSCE region were the focus of today’s discussion. Participants benefited from the perspectives of election management practitioners and citizen observers who frequently work together to identify areas where the administration of the election can be improved.

The handbook is the latest in ODIHR’s continued efforts to assist States in fulfilling their commitment to democratic elections through the sharing of good practices.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE empowers grassroot initiatives in Ukraine on developing open data-based solutions

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 13:02

On 30 September, the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) concluded a three-month-long, nation-wide small grants programme in Ukraine with the aim of supporting civil society organizations and the private sector in creating digital solutions addressing challenges related to the war. The programme, titled Open Data Unbroken, supports the use of open data to encourage civic participation through innovative technology approaches and tools, establish partnerships among various sectors, and enhance information exchange and networking among local authorities, grassroots initiatives, and public activists.

The programme, which aims to promote the development of a culture of innovation, transparency, and cooperation, included the provision of financial support, a mentoring programme, and access to a community of experts, thereby enabling IT specialists and developers to transform their innovative ideas into tangible solutions that drive positive change in Ukraine.

The three teams selected among 70 applicants each focused on some of the most pressing challenges in the country.  The first project, chatbot “Where is the shelter?”, aims to help citizens find the nearest air-raid shelter in Ukraine. Another chatbot, “Nazar”, assists internally displaced persons in integrating into new environments by searching for employment opportunities across different regions of Ukraine and by introducing a function to simplify and speed up the process of receiving compensation for destroyed housing. The third project, information aggregator “Plant varieties”, supports farmers in making informed decisions with the aim of recovering and revitalizing the agricultural sector.

“The successful conclusion of the programme highlights the crucial role of open data in empowering civil society and the private sector as a means towards tackling the most pressing challenges. Through the implementation of innovative digital solutions at the grassroots level, this initiative serves as a compelling demonstration of the transformative potential of technology in enhancing transparency, efficiency, and cooperation in the digital ecosystem of Ukraine, and underscores the OSCE’s commitment to assisting Ukraine in its digitalization objectives,” said Ralf Ernst, Deputy Co-Ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities /Head, Economic Activities.

“Open data is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, driving innovation, transparency, and trust,” said Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science & Technology and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. “Ukraine has showcased its significant development in this regard, as shown by ranking second place in the Open Data Maturity Index in 2022. During the full-scale invasion, we’ve faced new challenges within the open data sphere, so projects like ‘Open Data. Unbroken’ help the Government and civil society keep on track with previous commitments on expanding dataset access. Our team is grateful to the OSCE for supporting this endeavour and our dedication to Ukraine's digitalization goals,” he added.

This activity is implemented together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in co-operation with 1991 Accelerator and Social Boost in the framework of the cross-regional ExB project Promoting good governance and a positive business climate in the OSCE region through digitalization and the use of open data, funded by the United States. Poland is the second donor supporting this project.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media urges respect for and protection of media during election period

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 12:05

VIENNA, 3 October 2023 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, issued today a communiqué underscoring the pivotal role of media freedom during elections. She urged authorities of all OSCE participating States and electoral contenders to uphold their democratic duty by respecting and safeguarding the crucial democratic role of the media, especially during election periods.

The communiqué highlights that a robust, free, and independent media is foundational to democratic societies, serving as a key catalyst for informed citizenry and fair elections. The electoral period, being a central part of democratic governance, necessitates a media landscape thriving on diverse, accurate information that allows voters to make informed decisions.

“In recent years, we have witnessed a drastic increase in verbal assaults against the media by politicians and candidates, thereby eroding journalistic credibility and public trust in media. Such undermining actions, especially by those who themselves play a key role in the democratic process, are unacceptable as they escalate the risk of assaults on journalists and foment distrust in media,” Ribeiro said.

“In the contemporary fast-paced information ecosystem, safeguarding the media's central democratic role is increasingly challenging. Although this has resulted in new opportunities to access information, it has also generated new threats for the integrity of free and fair democratic elections,” Ribeiro stressed.

At the same time, she underlined the positive potential of new technologies in reinforcing democratic processes. “Social media platforms could significantly contribute to fostering an active and well-informed citizenry. In order to create the right conditions and define the parameters, a collaborative endeavor involving lawmakers, tech companies, civil society, and international organizations is essential,” Ribeiro stated.

The Representative concluded by noting the important role that public service media and media regulators have, especially during election periods. “They need to ensure that candidates and parties in the political process have equitable access to the public, so that the public has access to impartial, accurate and diverse information on election-related issues. In order to do so, public authorities should ensure the impartiality of public service media and the media regulators, with independent board members and independent oversight mechanisms.”

See the Communiqué on Media Freedom during Elections here:

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

Categories: Central Europe

Correction: OSCE Chairman-in-Office Osmani visit to Kyrgyzstan postponed

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 09:20

VIENNA/SKOPJE, 3 October 2023 — The visit of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, to Kyrgyzstan due to take place on 3 October has been postponed. New dates for the visit will be communicated in due course.

For more information about the 2023 OSCE Chairmanship of North Macedonia, please visit the OSCE website:

Categories: Central Europe

Democracy and human rights must be at the heart of renewed dialogue, OSCE leaders say

Mon, 10/02/2023 - 19:23

WARSAW, 2 October 2023 – Building on strong partnerships and returning to genuine dialogue are key to overcoming challenges to human rights and democracy. This was the main message from OSCE leaders today at the opening of a major human rights conference to discuss the condition of human rights and freedoms across the 57 states of the region.

The ten day Warsaw Human Dimension Conference is organized by the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship of North Macedonia with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The Conference brings together almost 1,500 registered participants from across the OSCE region, representing governments, international organisations, civil society, media, academia, and more.

"The Warsaw Human Dimension Conference is a vital human rights event.  At the heart of any human rights movement is the fundamental belief that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, possesses inherent rights and dignity. These rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent. They are not mere abstractions, but are the bedrock upon which peaceful, functioning, inclusive societies are built. This conference forms part and parcel of the OSCE’s ongoing work in the human rights arena," said the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani.

The OSCE’s work to achieve sustainable security throughout the 57 states of the region is only possible on the basis of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, and in co-operation with civil society. But the work of civil society activists, whose determination to shed light on human rights abuses is so important for their societies to develop and flourish, is becoming more dangerous in the many places in which they are treated not as partners but as a political and security risk.

“The brave work of civil society activists and human rights defenders lies at the very heart of our democracies,” said ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci. “At the OSCE we are deeply grateful for their courageous work, especially in fragile humanitarian situations resulting from conflicts across our region. We continue to learn from their experience, and we look forward to hearing proposals to improve respect for human rights, as well as their ideas for a better future. In this way, we create a unique platform for genuine dialogue between national authorities and civil society across the entire region.”

The scale of the challenges ahead is clear. As this conference begins, the war against Ukraine continues to rage following Russia’s military attack 20 months ago, with its tragic loss of life and ongoing humanitarian crisis. At the same time, the uncertain security situation in Stepanakert/Khankendi reminds us of the need to respect international law and ensure the protection of civilians. In addition to armed conflicts, there are also growing manifestations of hatred and discrimination in some parts of the OSCE, as well as the all too frequent backsliding on commitment to democratic standards and the rule of law.

“In every region of the OSCE I have heard civil society views on how to respond to the challenges we face. Your views have helped to inform our approach in Vienna, and to guide the work of our field missions. All of our work in the Secretariat and field missions is done based on a human rights centred approach, and the OSCE is committed to working with civil society every step of the way as we advance our efforts in the human dimension. The human dimension is fundamental to the OSCE comprehensive concept of security,” OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid said.

“Media freedom is deeply rooted in the concept and principles of democracy. It is what enables and sustains democratic societies – by providing people with the information they need to be free and self-determined. Quality information and a shared sense of reality are a prerequisite for all citizens to be able to express their will and positions, to take control of their lives, to be part of the glue that holds our societies together. There can be no democracy without media freedom, as much as there can be no security without media freedom,” said Teresa Ribeiro, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.

The full programme and other information about the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference are available here. Other high-level speakers at the conference include Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Zbigniew Rau, Finnish Foreign Affairs Minister Elina Maria Valtonen, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Pia Kauma,  and OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov, as well as EU Fundamental Rights Agency Director Michael O’Flaherty as keynote speaker.

In addition to plenary sessions dedicated to democratic institutions, fundamental freedoms, tolerance and non-discrimination, the rule of law, and humanitarian issues, as well as media freedom, a range of specific topics will be discussed at close to 80 side events hosted by OSCE states, civil society organizations, ODIHR, and other OSCE institutions. The conference can be followed on social media at #WarsawHDC.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports development of e-learning platform for Ministry of Interior

Mon, 10/02/2023 - 13:17
554062 Marina Živaljević

Fifteen officials from the Ministry of Interior are equipped with the knowledge and skills to create and upload training content to the police e-learning platform, developed with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. This was the outcome of two training cycles the Mission organized this year - from 3 to 7 July and from 25 to 29 September.

These training sessions will be followed by a six-week mentorship process led by the Mission’s experts, where each participant will develop a course within their own field of expertise, to be posted on the platform or further developed by the Ministry’s Directorate for police training and development.

These training sessions and accompanying technical equipment, provided by the Mission, increases the Ministry of Interior and its Police Directorate to provide skills training for law enforcement agencies, while reducing the government’s expenses for training and education.

This activity was implemented under the Mission’s project on fostering professionalization, integrity and gender mainstreaming in the police.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE provides training on legal support to survivors of domestic violence

Mon, 10/02/2023 - 08:36
554029 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe

From 25 to 29 September, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe (the Office) organized a five-day training course for lawyers from the OSCE-supported Women’s Resource Centres (WRCs) and local authorities.  The event was held in Dushanbe and brought together a total of 23 lawyers from the Sughd, Khatlon, Rasht Valley regions, and the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan. The course aimed to train participants on how to provide legal advice and legal assistance to victims of domestic violence and people at risk of experiencing domestic violence.

During the course, participants were familiarized with national and international legal acts in the field of combating domestic violence; grounds and methods of appealing to international courts; research and analysis of innovations of Tajikistan’s Civil Code, and study and analysis of innovations of Tajikistan’s Housing Code. Other topics covered were the study and analysis of the Istanbul Convention; identification (definition) of types of domestic violence based on real cases (analysis of complex cases) and methods of filing applications for claims for shared ownership. Participants engaged in hands-on exercises and group work, which helped them to discuss issues and find solutions.

“The most interesting part of the training, which I liked, was the analysis of the Civil and Housing Codes of the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition, there were practical works on complicated cases of citizens,” said Khursheda Mumin-zade, a lawyer from WRC “ASTI” in Khujand.

The training courses are being implemented within the OSCE’s Women’s Resource Centres project funded by the United States of America, Finland, Norway, Germany, and Andorra.  The training is part of the Office’s ongoing support to the Government of Tajikistan and civil society organizations in preventing and combatting domestic violence including by improving professional support services to survivors. 

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE provides training on psychological support to survivors of domestic violence

Mon, 10/02/2023 - 08:30
554026 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe

From 25 to 29 September, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in Dushanbe (the Office) organized a five-day training course for psychologists from the OSCE-supported Women’s Resource Centres and local authorities. The event brought together 23 female psychologists from the Sughd, Khatlon, Rasht Valley regions, and Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan. 

Participants learned about strategies for coping with traumatic stress, sources of stress; emotional depression; adolescent suicidal and self-destructive behaviour, and a projective test to identify suicidal ideation. Other main topics covered at the event included clinical assessment and screening; the use of psychological tests to determine the psychological characteristics of adolescents; "crisis" situations in adolescence and communication skills.

“I received a lot of needed information, especially communication with parents and the behaviour of adolescents during stress and age-related crises. I was particularly interested in the topic of preventing teenage suicide and its causes. Prevention of teenage suicide is a problem in our modern society and a global concern. We must take this seriously and carefully prevent it,” said Farzona Jafarzoda, Head of the Department of Women and Family Affairs of the State Executive Body of Jaloliddin Balkhi district, Khatlon region. 

The training courses are implemented within the OSCE’s Women’s Resource Centres project funded by the United States of America, Finland, Norway, Germany, and Andorra. The training is part of the Office’s ongoing support to the Government of Tajikistan and civil society organizations in preventing and combatting domestic violence including by improving professional support services to survivors.

Categories: Central Europe

Vetting of candidates to Moldova’s Judicial Council objective and professional, but legislation and transparency could still be improved: ODIHR report

Sat, 09/30/2023 - 13:42

WARSAW, 30 September 2023 – Following 14 months of monitoring the evaluation of candidates to the body responsible for the appointment and discipline of judges in Moldova (pre-vetting), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) found that the procedure is generally objective, fair and professional, and in line with international human rights and rule of law principles. However, the transparency and legal certainty of the evaluation process could be further improved, ODIHR said in a new report

“Our long-term monitoring in Moldova has shown that the country is making progress with its judicial reform, and we offer a number of recommendations to further improve the process moving forward,” said ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci. “As an independent judiciary is indispensable for democracy, it is crucial that any intervention and all stages in the selection and appointment of judges are made through a transparent, fair and credible process.”

In its report, ODIHR makes a number of key recommendations to the Moldovan authorities, the evaluation commission, and similar bodies that may serve to inform future external evaluation and vetting processes for judges and prosecutors in the country.

These include increasing the transparency of the selection of members of the commission and other similar bodies, enhancing public communication and access to information about important procedural decisions, and refraining from amending the applicable legislation during the process, unless this is exceptionally required to ensure fairness and credibility. ODIHR also suggests updating the legal framework to guarantee gender equality and diversity in the future among the member of the vetting bodies, establishing realistic deadlines for the process of integrity evaluations, and introducing compensation for candidates whose appeals were not examined prior to the completion of the appointment process.

In addition, ODIHR said vetting should remain an extraordinary measure to select judges and prosecutors who are best placed to make the justice system more credible and accountable towards citizens. The vetting process should be conducted only once, with strict respect for the principles of judicial independence, and in observance of the fairness and transparency of the evaluation process.

Following detailed analysis of the legislation covering the process in September last year, ODIHR monitored the pre-vetting of candidates for the body responsible for the appointment and discipline of judges in Moldova from June 2022 to August 2023 at the invitation of the Moldovan Ombudsman.

The monitoring team observed all 29 hearings of the Superior Council of Magistracy candidates, with all monitors strictly adhering to the well-established ODIHR monitoring principles of impartiality, objectivity, confidentiality and professionalism, at the same time ensuring that they in no way interfered in the process itself. ODIHR will continue monitoring the process of evaluation of integrity by the evaluation commission, and will issue a final report when the process has been completed.

Categories: Central Europe

Albania’s 2023 local elections: ODIHR election observation mission final report

Fri, 09/29/2023 - 16:00
493717 Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz Final Report

The May 2023 local elections in Albania were generally well-administered, competitive and held with the participation of the key political forces, but the process was characterized by continued polarization between the main political parties and deep division within the opposition. Contestants could campaign freely, but cases of misuse of state resources at central and local levels, claims of pressure on public-sector workers and voters, and allegations of vote buying were of concern. While election day was generally peaceful, the process was negatively affected by numerous cases of party interference as well as technical and procedural problems, widespread group voting and problems with the secrecy of the vote.

These are some of the main conclusions from the final report on Albania’s 2023 local elections, published today by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The report offers 27 recommendations to bring elections in Albania closer in line with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections.

Key recommendations include:

  • Identifying and independently investigating all allegations of electoral violations, including vote-buying, pressure on voters and misuse of state resources;
  • Making genuine efforts to raise awareness about the long-standing phenomenon of vote-buying and publicly condemning such practices;
  • Enforcing effective safeguards ensuring the secrecy of the vote and preventing intimidation of voters, group and proxy voting;
  • Committing to meaningful electoral reform and addressing all ODIHR recommendations to ensure a comprehensive and consistent electoral framework;
  • Reviewing legal provisions related to the campaign, including those against misuse of state resources, to remove ambiguities and ensure a level playing field;
  • Ensuring proper implementation of the law on the right to information, decriminalizing defamation and supporting independent journalism;
  • Ensuring stability of the election administration by excluding arbitrary replacements of members of the election administration and reviewing the system of nominating members and secretaries of the lower-level commissions;
  • Avoiding or limiting the use of unattributed materials produced by parties or state authorities in news and information programmes during the election campaign.

ODIHR deployed an Election Observation Mission on 7 April 2023 to observe the local elections. All 57 participating States across the OSCE region have formally committed to following up promptly on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.

Categories: Central Europe

Türkiye’s 2023 general elections: ODIHR election observation mission final report

Fri, 09/29/2023 - 15:30
553969 Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Katya Andrusz Final Report

Türkiye’s 2023 general elections offered voters a choice between genuine political alternatives and voter participation was high, but the incumbent president and the ruling parties enjoyed an unjustified advantage, including through biased media coverage. The continued restrictions on fundamental freedoms of assembly, association and expression hindered the participation of some opposition politicians and parties, civil society and independent media in the election process. Nonetheless, the campaign itself was competitive and largely free for most contestants but characterized by intense polarization, and marred by harsh rhetoric. Election day was generally well-organized and assessed positively, however, instances of deficient implementation of certain procedures were noted by the observers.

These are some of the main conclusions from the final report on the May 2023 general elections published today by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Key recommendations include:

  • Conducting a constitutional reform to ensure broad guarantees for fundamental rights, freedoms, and judicial independence;
  • Revising the legislative framework to ensure a coherent and stable electoral framework, well in advance of the next elections in an inclusive and transparent consultation process;
  • Enhancing transparency and increasing public trust in election administration bodies by holding public sessions and publishing information of public interest;
  • Ensuring full voting rights for students in military schools and conscripts and persons with intellectual disabilities, and guaranteeing that restrictions on prisoners’ voting rights are proportionate to the crime committed;
  • Introducing temporary special legislative measures to promote women candidates;
  • Ensuring a campaign environment free from intimidation and effective oversight of campaign regulations;
  • Aligning campaign finance framework with international standards and introducing proportionate sanctions;
  • Aligning the media legal framework with international standards on freedom of expression;
  • Establishing effective legal redress mechanisms, including review of the election administration decisions by an independent judicial body;
  • Ensuring that any restrictions on access to online content have precise and exhaustive legal grounds and conform to international standards.

The ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the 14 May 2023 general elections commenced its work on 29 March 2023, and remained in country to observe the 28 May 2023 run-off of the presidential election. The mission concluded its work on the ground on 6 June.

All 57 participating States across the OSCE region have formally committed to following up promptly on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE-led Mobile Training Team trains border officers in Tirana

Fri, 09/29/2023 - 14:09
553939 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

From 25 to 29 September, the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, the Mobile Training Team and the OSCE Presence in Albania, conducted an intensive training programme in Tirana, Albania, focusing on behavioural analysis, interviewing techniques, and crisis management. It benefited twenty border and counter-terrorism officers, as well as representatives from the Security and Investigation Academy of the Albanian State Police.

Laureta Spirollari, Director of the Migration Directorate within the Border and Migration Department of the Albanian State Police, endorsed the pilot program. "This training equips us with the tools to successfully detect and identify both perpetrators and victims. I eagerly anticipate the OSCE's continued efforts to organize more of these invaluable training sessions, with the aim of reaching investigators and frontline officers alike. As always, the OSCE has proven to be an exceptional partner in ensuring that the training leaves a lasting impact on the participants, enriching their professional knowledge," she said.

Gertian Brovina, a Senior Investigator from the Counter Terrorism Department of the Albanian State Police, underscored the ever-evolving nature of terrorism. "The dynamic landscape of terrorism necessitates continuous learning, adaptation, and innovation in our counter-terrorism strategies. Therefore, we must promote close cooperation among all frontliners in the fight against terrorism, ultimately contributing to safer communities," he said.  

The participants learned how to assess travelers’ behavior at border crossings and identify suspected foreign terrorist fighters, cross-border crimes, as well as victims of such crimes. Through hands-on and scenario exercises, Albanian police officers practiced how to deploy effective interviewing techniques while upholding human rights and refraining from discriminatory profiling. They also discussed strategies to manage potential crises at borders while taking into account the unique needs of women, men, girls, and boys.

The event received funding support from the United States and Germany, which support deployment of the multi-national OSCE-led Mobile Training Team. The Mobile Training Team currently comprises sixteen border and counter-terrorism experts from OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation.

Categories: Central Europe


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