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Updated: 2 hours 38 min ago

In Pictures: Greek 'Name' Protesters Scuffle With Police

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 10:51
Greeks opposed to the recent deal with Macedonia over its name clashed with police in the capital, Athens, and in Thessaloniki on Sunday.
Categories: Balkan News

Montenegro Backs Balkan Truth Commission RECOM

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 10:46
Montenegro’s authorities said they will join Serbia and Kosovo in supporting the establishment of the RECOM fact-finding commission on the 1990s wars in the Balkans.
Categories: Balkan News

Moldovans Protest Afresh Over Scrapped Mayoral Election

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 10:28
Over 20,000 people protested in the Great National Assembly Square in the Moldovan capital on Sunday, condeming the invalidation of the recent mayoral election in Chisinau.
Categories: Balkan News

Albanians’ Rights in Serbia Must Not be Ignored

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 06:37
An exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia as part of a final deal between Belgrade and Pristina seems an unlikely outcome, but equal rights should be agreed for Serbia’s Albanians as well as Kosovo’s Serbs.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnia's Politicians Remain Shy of Social Media

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 06:37
Analysis shows many Bosnian politicians still make no use of social media to get their message across – which one expert says is a big mistake in the modern era.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbia Urged To Heed Critics of Constitutional Changes

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 06:36
After the Venice Commission expressed concern that some of the planned changes to Serbia’s constitution could undermine judicial independence, NGOs and judges want to be included in any further amendments – despite the government ignoring their call.
Categories: Balkan News

Brexit Blues for Romania’s Embattled Garment Industry

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 06:36
Romanian factories making clothes for British fashion brands were already struggling with dwindling profit margins, high worker turnover and competition from Asia. Then came Brexit.
Categories: Balkan News

The Turbulent Times of Croatia’s ‘Feral Tribune’

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 06:36
In the first of a two-part series, BIRN looks at the founding 25 years ago of ‘Feral Tribune’, a magazine that fought constant battles with Croatia’s 1990s regime and remains a symbol of independent journalism.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatia Arrests Bosnian Serb for Manjaca Camp Crimes

Sat, 06/30/2018 - 18:17
Police arrested a Bosnian Serb who was crossing the border into Croatia on suspicion of ordering the inhumane treatment of prisoners at the wartime Manjaca prison camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Categories: Balkan News

More Coal Doesn’t Mean More Jobs for the Balkans

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 16:19
While most of Europe has begun phasing out coal, Balkan politicians continue to claim that building new coal plants will bring jobs in the lignite industry. Such rhetoric misleads communities and jeopardises the chances of a just energy transition.
Categories: Balkan News

US to Extradite Alleged Wartime Killer to Bosnia

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 14:55
A US court has ruled that former Bosnian Serb soldier Aleksandar Knjeginjic can be extradited to Bosnia and Herzegovina on suspicion that he participated in the murders of a Bosniak couple in Prijedor in 1994.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbian Capital to Reward Companies Using Cyrillic

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 14:41
Amid worries in Serbia over the declining use of the Cyrillic script, Belgrade city hall is introducing benefits for companies that promote the country's traditional alphabet.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Prosecutors Fly Solo as EU Supervision Ends

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 14:04
From July 1, Kosovo prosecutors will be handling serious corruption and war crimes cases without international supervision as the EU’s rule-of-law mission switches to an advisory role.
Categories: Balkan News

Female Bosnian Croat Ex-Fighter Appeals Conviction

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 13:57
Bosnia’s Constitutional Court will hear an appeal filed by the defence of former Croatian Defence Council fighter Indira Kameric, who was sentenced to four years in prison for crimes against civilian detainees.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbian Law Says Memorials Must Commemorate ‘Liberation Wars’

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 13:09
The Serbian parliament adopted new legislation to regulate the building of war memorials which says that monuments that are not in line with “the tradition of the liberation wars of Serbia” could be demolished.
Categories: Balkan News

EU to Support Bosnia Over New Migrant Centre

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 12:49
The EU has said it will help Bosnia cover the cost of a new centre for migrants and refugees once the authorities in Bosnia have agreed on a suitable location for it.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Arrests Three Terrorist Suspects

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 11:55
Kosovo police have arrested three persons suspected of terrorism in an operation conducted in collaboration with authorities in Germany.
Categories: Balkan News

EU Migration Summit Pledges Cooperation With Balkans

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 11:33
The EU's last-minute compromise statement backs formation of processing centres inside the EU and 'disembarkation platforms' outside EU borders – and promises more financial help for African states and cooperation with Western Balkans.
Categories: Balkan News

US Congress Committee Presses Serbia on Bytyqi Murders

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 09:43
The US Congress’ House Foreign Affairs Committee adopted a resolution urging Belgrade to prosecute the killers of the Albanian-American Bytyqi brothers, murdered in 1999 after being detained by Serbian police.
Categories: Balkan News

Dark Triumphs and Modest Successes

Fri, 06/29/2018 - 09:35
We take a look at the consequences of the Turkish elections, Bulgaria’s stewardship of the EU, the latest turmoil in Moldova and much more.
Categories: Balkan News


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