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Updated: 41 min 27 sec ago

A Final Deal on Kosovo: Compromise or Confrontation?

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 18:20
As debate about the potential partition of Kosovo heats up and Belgrade-Pristina negotiations seem to be entering their final stage, BIRN asked seven experts to suggest solutions to the dispute and assess the possible consequences of territorial exchange.
Categories: Balkan News

Vucic Claims Kosovo Won’t Set Up Serb Municipality Association

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 17:20
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claimed that Pristina will not fulfill its obligation to establish an association of mostly-Serb municipalities, and promised Belgrade will protect Kosovo Serbs if they are threatened.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo’s President Insists No Partition Plan Exists

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 15:32
Amid feverish reports of the possible partition of Kosovo, or that Kosovo Serbs may unilaterally declare their autonomy, President Thaci on Friday insisted that partition and 'territorial swaps' were not on the agenda.
Categories: Balkan News

Supermodels and Celeb Couples Holiday in Montenegro and Croatia

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 15:19
Supermodel Naomi Campbell and Colombian singer Maluma were spotted holidaying on Croatia's famous coastline, but its smaller neighbour, Montenegro, drew celebrity couple the Beckhams.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbian NGOs Say Welfare Changes Mean 'Forced Labour'

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 15:10
Serbian NGOs have condemned plans by the government to change the law on social assistance, conditioning the receipt of welfare on beneficiaries' willingness to work.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnian Serbs Seek Same UN Status as Kosovo

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 14:27
Milorad Dodik says Republika Srpska will demand a UN seat if Kosovo gets one – adding that Kosovo’s partition should also be up for discussion.
Categories: Balkan News

Balkan Migrants in Germany Number 2.6 Million

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 11:23
Data from a census show that of the 19.3 million Germans who have roots in another country, 2.6 million come from Balkan countries – with by far the most coming from Romania.
Categories: Balkan News

Balkan Docs Feature in Kosovo Film Festival

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 10:26
Sixteen of the 225 films to be shown at the Kosovo documentary and short film festival, Dokufest – which opens on Friday – will be competing in the Balkan Dox program.
Categories: Balkan News

Artists Turn Bulgarian Village Into Open-air Gallery

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 06:35
Polish and Bulgarian artists are breathing new life into a small Bulgarian village, covering the walls with reproductions of famous artworks and portraits of well-known politicians and local villagers alike.
Categories: Balkan News

Secretive Fiscal ‘Reforms’ Worsen Moldova’s Shaky Reputation

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 06:33
 Controversial reforms – supposedly designed to encourage business – threaten to turn Moldova into a ‘paradise for criminals’ and a money laundering hub, critics warn.
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia Opposition Still Wavering Over ‘Name’ Referendum

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 06:29
Days after parliament set the historic ‘name’ referendum date for September 30, the main opposition party is still disputing the referendum question and undecided about whether to take part.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Serbs Kept in Dark Over Association Statute

Fri, 08/03/2018 - 06:28
Kosovo Serbs say they have no information about the content of the draft statute for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, which is due to be finished by Saturday.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Appeals Court Orders Retrial for Kelmendi’s Case

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 19:44
Kosovo Appeals Court has ordered a retrial in the case against Naser Kelmendi, who was sentenced for running a narcotics operation earlier this year.
Categories: Balkan News

Thaci’s ‘Corrections’ Call Raises Spectre of Kosovo’s Partition

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 19:05
Hashim Thaci’s talk of ‘correcting’ the border as part of a settlement with Belgrade has drawn strong condemnation from opposition politicians and experts – who believe it will play into Serbia’s hands.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbian Commission to Help Solve Wartime Journalists’ Killings

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 17:39
The Serbian government expanded the remit of the commission for solving cases of killed journalists to include murders and other crimes against media workers committed during the 1990s wars.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatian Police Accused Again of Brutality to Migrants

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 15:44
New reports emerged on Wednesday of the Croatian police using undue violence against migrants attempting to cross the border from Bosnia.
Categories: Balkan News

Zagreb ‘Most Relaxing’ Balkan City, Survey Says

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 14:12
Croatian capital scores highly in new list of ‘most relaxing cities’ in Europe for short breaks – though not all media agree with Sofia’s bottom place on the list.
Categories: Balkan News

Ukraine Names Moldovan Fighting for Russian Paramilitary Unit

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 12:26
Ukraine's intelligence service has named at least one Moldovan fighting with the privately-run paramilitary 'Wagner' group in eastern Ukraine and Syria.
Categories: Balkan News

Albanian Hero Monument Sparks Row in Montenegro

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 10:24
The announcement that a monument dedicated to the Albanian historical hero Skenderbeg will be built in Montenegro has yet again opened up a debate in the country about his origins.
Categories: Balkan News

While Bulgarians Argue About Gender, Injustice Thrives

Thu, 08/02/2018 - 06:36
A furious row about the ‘Istanbul Convention’ to prevent violence against women has overshadowed protests for social justice in Bulgaria, while the non-ratification of the convention will ensure that injustice continues.
Categories: Balkan News


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