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Updated: 2 hours 43 min ago

Patriarch’s Ukraine Bombshell Will Echo in the Balkans

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 18:08
The decision of global Orthodoxy’s nominal leader to grant the Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence from Moscow will pit Orthodox churches against each other in the Balkans.
Categories: Balkan News

Ukraine Church Independence Leaves Balkan Churches Lost for Words

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 17:50
After the leader of the global Orthodoxy, the Patriarch of Constantinople, announced he will grant the Ukrainian Church independence from Moscow, churches in the Balkans have remained silent for now.
Categories: Balkan News

Bulgarians Pay Last Tribute to Murdered Journalist

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 16:24
Mourners gathered on Friday in Ruse for the funeral of murdered reporter Viktoria Marinova – whose alleged assailant has confessed in Germany to assaulting her but denies having raped or killed her.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatian MP Sparks Debate on Women's Healthcare

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 16:13
Croatia's Health Minister survived a no-confidence vote on Friday – but the issue of women's healthcare has been thrust into the spotlight after an MP shared her own 'painful' experience of the hospital system.
Categories: Balkan News

Britain's Liberty to Buy Plants in Romania, Macedonia

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 14:50
The UK headquartered Liberty House Group announced on Friday that it wished to purchase four steel plants from ArcelorMittal, including those in Romania and Macedonia. 
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnia Court Jails Serb Ex-Policeman for 1992 Rape

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 14:12
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a first-instance verdict has jailed Dragan Janjic for seven years for rape in the Foca area of eastern Bosnia in 1992 – while acquitting him of other charges.
Categories: Balkan News

Rangelova: ‘Isolated VMRO DPMNE Has no Future’

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 13:22
The independent-minded opposition MP Daniela Rangelova says she does not regret voting in Macedonia’s recent ‘name’ referendum – and her party must also take European criticism of its actions seriously.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo President Claims Macron Supports Border Correction

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 11:57
President Hashim Thaci of Kosovo claims French President Emmanuel Macron supports his controversial proposal for a border 'correction' with Serbia – despite strong opposition to the idea at home.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnian Croats Protest Against Komsic's Election Victory

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 11:00
Numerous Bosnian Croats have staged a protest against the election of Zeljko Komsic as the Croat member of Bosnia's state presidency, saying he does not represent their community.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatian Writers Condemn Book Lauding Notorious Fascist Official

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 10:58
Writers in Croatia have slated the promotion of a new revisionist biography of the infamous commander of wartime concentration camps, Vjekoslav ‘Maks’ Luburic, which is being promoted in churches and other venues.
Categories: Balkan News

‘Barbarians’ Turned Macedonian Capital into ‘Comic Book’

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 08:06
Zlatko Teodosievski, member of working group set up to decide the fate of ‘Skopje 2014’, says the city-wide revamp was ill-informed and worked illegally – and most of its monuments should be scrapped.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnia Still Awaits Official Election Results

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 08:05
Almost a week after the general election in Bosnia, the Central Election Committee, CIK, has still not released the final results – prompting some critics to say that the process is too slow.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatia’s Muslims Spared Europe’s Growing Islamophobia

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 08:03
In regulating the rights and status of its 63,000 Muslims, Croatia is ahead of its European peers. The community says it faces little hostility, but the same cannot be said for the mainly Muslim migrants and refugees crossing Croatia’s borders.
Categories: Balkan News

Albania PM Orders Websites to Register by Monday

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 08:01
Prime Minister Edi Rama says websites must be 'legalized' by registering with the tax authorities by Monday as part of an 'anti-defamation package' that many media activists have condemned as muddled and contradictory.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbia Blames System's 'Abuse' for Restoring Visas for Iranians

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 16:41
The Serbian government has scrapped its visa-free regime for citizens of Iran, the authorities said on Wednesday, saying the system had been 'abused' by Iranians to get into the EU.
Categories: Balkan News

Four Serbs Charged with Attacks on Bosniak Villages

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 16:12
Three former Bosnian Serb policemen and a former soldier were charged with involvement in the murders of at least 16 Bosniaks and the persecution, torture and abuse of civilians in the Vlasenica area.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosniak Ex-General Dudakovic Charged with War Crimes

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 15:33
Atif Dudakovic, the former commander of the Bosnian Army’s Fifth Corps, was charged alongside 16 subordinates with crimes including over 300 murders and the destruction of Serb Orthodox churches.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnia Indicts Serb for Crimes Against Humanity in Kljuc

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 15:06
Former Bosnian Serb Army soldier Zoran Adamovic was indicted for crimes against humanity, including the murders and forced disappearances of Bosniaks and Croats, in the Kljuc area in the summer of 1992.
Categories: Balkan News

The Will of the People

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 14:44
Displays of the will of the people, as expressed through elections and referendums, are in no short supply as we digest the results of the Bosnian general elections – and their implications – while wrangles to interpret the will of the people continue in Macedonia. 
Categories: Balkan News

Dodik to Shun Bosnian Presidency HQ in Sarajevo

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 14:35
After winning the Serbian seat on Bosnia's state presidency, Milorad Dodik announced on Thursday that he will not be working at the Bosnian Presidency in Sarajevo – but at another residence in Serb-run East Sarajevo.
Categories: Balkan News


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