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Press releases on debates and decisions in plenary and in committee
Updated: 1 hour 44 min ago

Press release - 2019 Lux Prize award ceremony at 13.00 on Wednesday

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 18:03
President David Sassoli will unveil the 2019 Lux Prize winner during an award ceremony on Wednesday, in the presence of the three finalist films’ directors.
Committee on Culture and Education

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Election of the new European Commission

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 17:03
Parliament is set to vote on the 2019-2024 European Commission by simple majority in a roll call vote at 12.00 tomorrow.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - 2018 Sakharov laureate Oleg Sentsov receives his award

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 13:33
The 2018 Sakharov Prize winner, Ukrainian film director and human rights activist Oleg Sentsov, received his award in Strasbourg on 26 November.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Sakharov Prize: 2018 laureate Oleg Sentsov receives his award

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 13:03
2018 Sakharov Prize laureate Oleg Sentsov was finally able to accept his award in person in Strasbourg on 26 November.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Children's rights: combatting exploitation, forced marriage and sexual abuse

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 13:03
MEPs call for more action to combat child trafficking and forced marriage, whilst stressing the crucial contribution that kids make in the fight against climate change.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Court of Auditors: MEPs back five members

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 12:53
MEPs on Tuesday voted to endorse two new members of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and renewed mandates for three members, including its president.
Committee on Budgetary Control

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Parliament closes legal loophole to stop excessive Ukrainian chicken imports

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 12:53
The Parliament agreed on Tuesday to modify the EU-Ukraine trade agreement to curb imports of cheap Ukrainian poultry meat entering the EU using a legal loophole.
Committee on International Trade

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Carbon neutrality and funds for EU programmes are EP priorities for EU summit

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 12:23
MEPs highlight the need for ambitious environmental objectives and appropriate financing for the future of the EU, ahead of European summit (12-13 December).

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs choose Wiewiórowski to be the EU’s data protection watchdog

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 10:53
Mr Wojciech Wiewiórowski was selected by the Civil Liberties Committee as their top choice to become the next European Data Protection Supervisor.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Opening of November II: take action to end violence against women

Mon, 11/25/2019 - 19:03
President Sassoli led a minute of silence for all women who have been victims of violence, at the opening of the November II plenary session in Strasbourg.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Oleg Sentsov to receive his 2018 Sakharov Prize

Mon, 11/25/2019 - 18:03
Parliament will hold an award ceremony on 26 November for last year’s Sakharov Prize laureate Oleg Sentsov, recently released from a Russian prison.
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Human Rights

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Orange the World: Parliament stands against rape

Mon, 11/25/2019 - 11:28
The European Parliament marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November by lighting its building in orange.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Coming up in plenary: new Commission, climate emergency, EU budget

Mon, 11/25/2019 - 09:33
MEPs will vote on the new European Commission, award the 2019 LUX Film Prize and decide on the EU budget for 2020 at the November plenary session in Strasbourg.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - The new Parliament and the new Commission

Thu, 11/21/2019 - 18:43
On 23-26 May, more than 200,000,000 voters in 28 EU countries went to the polls to elect MEPs.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - 2018 Sakharov laureate Oleg Sentsov to receive the award at ceremony in Parliament

Thu, 11/21/2019 - 16:44
Ukrainian film director and human rights activist Oleg Sentsov will be in Parliament on 26 November to pick up the 2018 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Parliament to vote on new European Commission

Thu, 11/21/2019 - 16:43
After assessing all the commissioners-designate, MEPs will decide 27 November whether to elect the Commission as a whole, allowing it to take office 1 December.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Parliament to vote on new European Commission on 27 November

Thu, 11/21/2019 - 14:03
The Conference of Presidents (President Sassoli and political groups’ leaders) closed the hearings process today. Parliament will vote on the new Commission on 27 November.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - ACP-EU : Agreement on climate change, migration and post-Cotonou

Thu, 11/21/2019 - 12:43
MEPs and African, Caribbean and Pacific MPs agreed on climate change, migration, sustainable growth and the post-Cotonou agreement.
Committee on Development

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Vote on Commission: press conference by President Sassoli on outcome of hearings

Wed, 11/20/2019 - 11:18
President David Sassoli will hold a press conference to announce the outcome of the evaluation of the Commissioners-designate hearings on Thursday at 12:30.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Rule of Law in Hungary: Council to update the Civil Liberties Committee

Wed, 11/20/2019 - 10:56
MEPs will discuss the Article 7(1) process, initiated by Parliament due to concerns about the rule of law in Hungary, on Thursday with the Council.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union


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