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Sustainable Defence Efforts at Centre of First IFCEED Conference

EDA News - Tue, 09/06/2022 - 11:28

The circular economy is one of the building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe’s agenda for sustainable growth. During the first annual general conference of the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence (IF CEED), some 150 defence experts from over 20 European countries discuss how the defence sector can mitigate its environmental footprint by applying and promoting the principles of a more circular economy in European defence. Funded by the European Commission’s LIFE programme and the Directorate of Defence of Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, IF CEED is a two-year programme managed by the European Defence Agency (EDA). 

Since its establishment less than a year ago, the IF CEED has developed into a genuine European expert community on circular economy topics in defence, aiming to address the technological and organizational aspects needed to successfully implement the principles of a more circular economy in the European defence sector. This includes incubating public-private collaborative circular economy projects in European defence and promoting new circular-related knowledge and skills across all defence stakeholders. This should help to improve the designs and production processes of military capabilities and devices so that their components, parts and materials can be reused after use and their environmental impact can be minimized, helping the defence sector to become more sustainable over time.  

In the first 10 months of its existence, IF CEED has already built up a network of several hundred experts working in nine different thematic incubators, called “Project Circles”. These Project Circles cover domains such as critical raw materials, additive manufacturing, green procurement, spare parts management and sustainable eco-design. They represent key building blocks for achieving the forum’s goal and trigger transnational initiatives and projects through concrete roadmaps, partnerships and consortia. To that end, the various Project Circles will also develop operational benefits with existing EDA activities, for instance in the areas of industry engagement, sustainable energy, access to EU funding and strategic autonomy. 

Taking stock of achievements 

The IF CEED 1st Annual General Conference is being opened today by EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý, and his remarks are followed by keynote speeches of Rol Reiland, Deputy Director of the Luxembourg Directorate of Defence, Florika Fink-Hooijer, European Commission Director General, DG for Environment, and Kris Peeters, Vice-President at the European Investment Bank (EIB). 

In his welcome address, Mr Šedivý stresses the broad positive impact the IF CEED is expected to have, for instance on the defence sector’s contribution to the implementation of the EU’s Climate Change and Defence Roadmap. Other expected benefits include: strengthening Europe’s security of supply by mitigating dependencies on critical raw materials through enhanced circularity; developing the European Commission’s Roadmap on Critical Technologies, which also promotes the “smart and circular use of materials”; increasing potential future synergies with EDA innovation activities (especially the Hub for European Defence Innovation, HEDI, recently set up within the Agency); furthering the defence sector’s alignment with the EU’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria, a topic which matters for securing the European defence industry’s access to finance. The Incubation Forum could potentially also be called to play a role in EU-NATO cooperation.  

“We expect our collaboration to be further enhanced with the inclusion of climate change in the new EU-NATO Joint Declaration, to be agreed soon,” Mr Šedivý said. 

The Chief Executive recalls that the IF CEED is only one of several Agency activities to improve the defence sector’s ecological footprint, alongside the EDA’s Consultation Forum on Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS), the Energy & Environment Capability Technology Group (CapTech) or the recently established Environmental, Social and Governance Network, to name only a few. 

Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister François Bausch, underlines Luxembourg’s interest to support and participate actively in IF CEED: “Recent assessments have shown us that value chains in the defence sector contribute significantly to its heavy carbon footprint. Besides that, in a world of increased competition for raw materials, we urgently need to improve our systems of reusing and recycling materials. These facts have motivated Luxembourg to support the set-up of the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence. We see a great opportunity here to extend expertise gained in the civilian sector to defence. I am happy to see that several of Luxembourg’s SMEs and research institutions have become active in IF CEED’s Project Circles and we look forward to seeing collaborative projects materialize in order to boost circularity, sustainability and resilience in European defence.” 

European Commission Director General for the Environment Florika Fink-Hooijer highlighted the support from the Commission to the greening of the defence sector and the opportunities of the circular economy to the sector.  

She said: “The transition towards a circular economy envisaged by the European Green Deal is a truly systemic change and every sector has a role to play. The Incubation Forum is a great opportunity for the defence industry to reap the benefits of this transition. Increased resource efficiency, developing new materials, promoting secondary raw materials and more sustainable public procurement will lead to innovation and new business models. This will not only preserve the environment but also ensure security of supplies, create new jobs, reduce costs for companies and make the most of public spending. Transitioning to a more circular economy is a win-win for the defence sector. We must all work together to make this happen.” 

European Investment Bank Vice-President Kris Peeters said:” The EIB - the EU Climate Bank – supports all economic sectors in their effort to become more sustainable through its expertise in financing green projects. This also includes defence and security. Together with our institutional partners, we are happy to facilitate a green and circular economy approach to activities in this field that are eligible for EIB financing. We aim to contribute to the reduction of waste, emissions and energy consumption in Europe. Innovation will help us create a more sustainable environment also in defence and security. No sector should be excluded from the objectives of the European Green Deal.” 

EDA’s involvement in a more circular economy 

EDA has been increasingly involved in circular economy-related work at the EU level through the years. For instance, the Agency was a member of the Commission’s ‘Circular Economy Finance Expert Group’ which highlighted the potential of circularity in defence. It also contributed to the EU ‘Categorisation system for the circular economy’. In 2017, EDA also commissioned a study on the ‘Circular Economy in Defence’ from the University of Cambridge, which assessed the feasibility of the transposition of the principles of the circular economy in the defence sector. Furthermore, the Agency provided direct technical support to a €1.3 million circular economy project led by a Greek SME and originally put forward by the Hellenic Ministry of Defence. This project was aimed at developing a transferable Autonomous Composting Unit (ACU) for organic wastes, to be used in military missions. Benefiting from EDA’s expertise, it was successfully submitted and awarded funding under the European Structural Funds.

In January 2020, the EDA’s Steering Board then tasked the Agency to initiate and manage a Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence, in consultation with its participating Member States, to create a circular economy community consisting of participating Member States’ Ministries of Defence, European Commission, EU Agencies and bodies, defence industry, European Research Centres, academia, financial institutions and other relevant stakeholders. This led to the official launch of IF CEED in October 2021.   

Notes for Editors
  1. IF CEED website : IF CEED (
  2. EDA website: European Defence Agency (
  3. EIB website: Homepage | European Investment Bank (
  4. European Commission DG for Environment: DG ENV - DG for Environment | Knowledge for policy (
  5. Luxembourg Directorate of Defence website: Directorate of Defence // The Luxembourg Government (

Lockheed To Test AWS | Iranian Air Force wants to buy the Su-35 | Cyprus receives EMB-135BJ donated by Greece

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 09/06/2022 - 06:00

Lockheed Martin won a $17.6 million modification, which will exercise options for ship integration and test of the Aegis Weapon System (AWS) for AWS baselines through Advanced Capability Build (ACB) 16. Work will take place in New Jersey, Virginia, California, Washington DC, Mississippi, Florida and Maine. Estimated completion will be by May 2023.

Austal USA won a $11.4 million contract modification to exercise an option for littoral combat ship (LCS) industrial post-delivery availability support for USS Augusta (LCS 34). The LCS main purpose is to take up operations such as patrolling, port visits, anti-piracy, and partnership-building exercises to free up high-end surface combatants for increased combat availability. Work will take place in Alabama and Massachusetts. Expected completion will be by September 2023.

Middle East & Africa

Head of the Iranian Air Force, Brig. Gen. Hamid Vahedi, says his service is interested in acquiring the Su-35 fighter from Russia. Speaking to Borna news agency, he said Iran is no longer looking at the Su-30. Approval is still required from Iran’s Army Command and the Armed Forces General Staff Command. It was reported back in 2020 that Egypt and Algeria are scheduled to take delivery of Su-35s. The Su-35s for Iran if approved, could come from the existing airframes intended for Egypt.


Greece has donated a EMB-135BJ to Cyprus for use by the latter’s president. Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, was at Elefsina Air Base to hand over the aircraft to Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades. Anastasiades and his entourage then boarded the aircraft for their return to Cyprus after the ceremony.

Spanish and German missile manufacturers are leading an effort to develop a new hypersonic defense interceptor as part of the European Defence Fund’s initial batch of sponsored projects. In July, the European Union announced the awards of its first slate of EF-funded projects, which included 61 research-and-development projects and over $1.2 billion in government funds.


India commissioned its first home-built aircraft carrier Friday as it seeks to counter regional rival China’s much larger and growing fleet, and expand its own indigenous shipbuilding capabilities. The INS Vikrant, whose name is a Sanskrit word for “powerful” or “courageous,” is India’s second operational aircraft carrier, joining the Soviet-era INS Vikramaditya that it purchased from Russia in 2004 to defend the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Not Su-30 but Su-35, ‘Most Sophisticated’ Su-35 Fighters To Iran

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Sikorsky To Provide VH-92 FTD | Embraer Flight Tested Portugal’s KC-390 | US Clears AIM-9X, AGM-84 Missiles Sale To Taiwan

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 09/05/2022 - 06:00

Sikorsky won a $40 million modification, which adds scope to provide production and installation of a VH-92A Flight Training Device (FTD) and updates to a previously delivered VH-92A FTD for the Marine Corps. The new Marine One, also referred to as VH-92A, is the next-generation presidential transport helicopter being developed for the US Marine Corps (USMC). Work will take place in New York, Florida, Connecticut, Virginia, Utah and various locations within the continental US. Expected completion will be in March 2024.

The US Air Force Research Laboratory recently carried out an in-flight vapor purge test in a F-15E last month. The objective of the test by the 711th Human Performance Wing was to  evaluate cockpit environmental conditions after a chemical weapon attack. “In order to develop the next generation of aircrew protective equipment we need to determine what level of protection aircrew members need,” said Joel Huddleston, 28th TES deputy division chief. “By aggregating this data, we will be able to specialize the suits and ensure the warfighter is unencumbered.” For the data collection process, liquid methyl salicylate, also known as oil of wintergreen, was sprayed into the idling jet prior to taxi. Crew members are then exposed to the chemical after the liquid was vaporized by engine heat and get sucked into the cockpit.

Middle East & Africa

According to Indian media reports, the Indian navy’s aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya has successfully launched Barak 1 surface-to-air missile (SAM). This appears to be the first time that a live firing test with Barak missiles was conducted on an aircraft carrier. So far, the tests in the Indian Navy have been conducted on frigates. Barak is an Israeli surface-to-air missile (SAM) designed to be used as a ship-borne point-defense missile system against aircraft, anti-ship missiles, and UAVs for relatively short range of about 12 km


Embraer has began the flight test program for Portugal’s first KC-390 transport aircraft. Once flight testing is completed, Portugal’s first KC-390, registered PR-ZDK, will be sent to Portuguese aircraft maintenance, repair, and operations service provider OGMA where it will be equipped with certified features to meet NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] standards.


South Korea intends to spend $295 million from 2023-2027 to buy tactical data links and fire control radar systems from the United States for its AH-64E fleet. The report from Yonhap did not specify the type of equipment to be bought.

The US government has cleared the sale of 60 AGM-84L-1 Harpoon Block II missiles and 100 AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder missiles to Taiwan on September 2. Congress was notified of three potential arms sales to Taiwan on that day and the most expensive one was the upgrade of the AN/FPS-115 PAVE PAWS radar for $665.4 million. The Pentagon says the Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) for the Surveillance Radar Program (SRP), to be executed by Raytheon, will provide “improved situational awareness and threat warning capabilities critical to regional security.”

Today’s Video

WATCH: Comparison of the Embraer KC-390 Vs the Lockheed Martin C-130J cargo plane.

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed To Provide Sight/Pilot Night Vision Systems For Apache | Gripen E fires Meteor Missile For 1st Time | Taiwan Forces Fire At Drones Over Island Near China

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 09/02/2022 - 06:00

Boeing won a $2 billion contract modification for KC-46A Air Force Production Lot 8 aircraft, subscriptions and licenses. The contract modification provides for the exercise of an option for an additional quantity of 15 KC-46A aircraft, data, subscriptions and licenses being produced under the basic contract. Work will take place in Washington. Expected completion date is November 30, 2025.

Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control deal for the purchase of Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Systems components and hardware for the Apache attack helicopter. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Estimated completion date is March 31, 2022.

Middle East & Africa

Boeing won a $927.5 million contract action for four KC-46A aircraft for Israel. This contract is also issued for the non-recurring engineering design and test for the Remote Vision System 2.0 and the Air Refueling Operator Station 2.0 mission equipment and installation, pre-delivery integrated logistics support, and technical publications. Work will take place in Washington. Expected completion date is December 31, 2026.


General Dynamics won a $9.6 million modification for Abrams Systems technical support. Work will take place in Michigan. Estimated completion will be August 31, 2024.

Saab has announced it successfully test-fired the Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) from a Gripen E fighter jet for the first time. The event occurred at the FMV Vidsel test range in northern Sweden around the end of May or beginning of June 2022, and saw the weapon launched from an altitude of approximately 16,500ft and striking a target as planned.


Taiwan’s military fired warning shots at drones from China flying over its outposts just off the Chinese coastline, underscoring heightened tensions and the self-rules island’s resolve to respond to new provocations. Taiwan’s forces said in a statement that troops took the action on Tuesday after drones were found hovering over the Kinmen island group. Dadan, one of the islands where a drone was spotted, lies roughly 15 kilometers (9 miles) off the Chinese coast.

Today’s Video

WATCH: The JAS 39 Gripen (Griffin) | 6th generation rival hidden in the Swedish Air Force

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Boeing To Upgrade Flight Control Computer For Hornets | Russia Received Iranian Drones | EU Considers Training Mission For Ukraine

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 09/01/2022 - 06:00

Sikorsky won a $36.4 million order, which procures spare parts and provides repair and maintenance support for the Lot 6 CH-53K low rate initial production configuration aircraft. Work will take place in Connecticut, Canada, Washington, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Missouri, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, West Virginia and California. Expected completion will be in December 2025.

Boeing won a $12.4 million deal to procure upgraded flight control computer operational flight program with automatic ground collision avoidance system capable software for the F/A-18C/D aircraft. The F/A-18 Hornet is an all-weather jet aircraft that is used by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as both a fighter and attack platform. In its fighter mode, the F/A-18 is used primarily as a fighter escort and for fleet air defense; in its attack mode, it is used for force projection, interdiction and close and deep air support. Work will take place in Missouri. Expected completion will be in June 2024.

Middle East & Africa

Russia has begun receiving Iranian combat drones to be used in the Ukraine war, but many of them have already proven faulty, the US military said Tuesday. Russia has begun receiving Iranian combat drones to be used in the Ukraine war, but many of them have already proven faulty, the US military said. After both sides have deployed and lost large numbers of surveillance and attack drones over the six months of the war, Russian are importing two types from Iran: the Mohajer-6 and the Shahed-series UAVs, according to the Pentagon.


The European Union is considering a new training mission aimed at providing more predictable and additional support to Ukraine in its defense against Russia. The proposal was announced Tuesday, as EU defense ministers gathered for an informal meeting in Prague to discuss ways to boost the bloc’s defense investment, the influence of Russian activity in Africa, and Moscow’s aggression against Kyiv.


Poland has finalized the purchase of main battle tanks and howitzers from South Korea to bolster its defenses amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Polish government signed the $5.76 billion contract, one of Poland’s largest defense orders in recent years, on August 26. The agreement includes 180 K2 Black Panther Tanks and 212 K9A1 self-propelled howitzers. The acquisitions are expected to be complete by 2025 and 2026.

The Indian Army has inducted new swarm drone systems into its mechanized forces for offensive and defensive operations. The development comes as Delhi bolsters its military capabilities amid border disputes with China. Equipped with the latest technologies, the swarm drone system uses artificial intelligence (AI) software to control several drones from the same station.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Meet The K2PL MBT Polish Future Main Battle Tank – Will Be One Of The World’s Best Tanks

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USAF Returns To Komatsu Airbase | GA To Provide UK With Reaper Logistics Support | US Might Provide Taiwan With Air-To-Air Missile

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 08/31/2022 - 06:00

The US Air Force has returned to Komatsu airbase, Japan for training for the first time in 3 years. According to the NHK, 6 US F-16s are in Komatsu till September 2 for joint exercise with Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

Communications and Power Industries LLC won a $36.5 million deal for the F-16 Traveling Wave Tube repair services. Work will be performed in Palo Alto, California, and is expected to be completed by January 30, 2029. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is an advanced aerial combat aircraft, which provides 4th generation fighter aircraft capabilities. Work will take place in California. Expected completion date is January 30, 2029.

Middle East & Africa

The US Department of Treasury and Israel’s Ministry of Finance finalized the terms of their new bilateral agreement that aims to fortify cyber resilience in both countries’ networks, and further extends an existing tech-centric bilateral agreement.


General Atomics won a $42.7 million option for MQ-9 Reaper contractor logistics support. The contractor will provide an additional period of contractor logistics support for the United Kingdom Royal Air Force. Work will be performed in Poway, California, and is expected to be completed by September 30, 2023. The requirement is 100 percent Foreign Military Sales for government of the United Kingdom.

Sweden’s participation in the UK-led Future Combat Air System (FCAS) is effectively on hiatus, with Saab’s President and CEO Micael Johansson saying on August 26 that the country is in “a hibernation period” on the multinational project. Johansson said that the initial promise of the project had not so far materialised, and that Saab and Sweden were taking a back seat while they consider their own future requirements at the same time as the other FCAS partners map out the future direction of the programme.


Lockheed Martin won a $503.7 million order, which provides for the production and delivery of 12 MH-60R aircraft for the Commonwealth of Australia. Work will take place in New York, Connecticut and Alabama. Expected completion is in October 2026.

President Biden will ask Congress to approve $1.1 billion in arms sales to Taiwan, according to Politico, which reports the weapons deal will include 60 Harpoon anti-ship missiles and 100 air-to-air missiles for Taiwan’s US-made F-16 fighter jets. The planned weapons sales come after China staged large-scale military war games around Taiwan in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Harpoon Missile : The World’s Most Accurate Anti-Ship Missile

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Sikorsky To Provide Improved Turbine Engines For Black Hawks | First Saudi Al Jubail Corvette Arrived | Germany Promised Ukraine More Military Weapons

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 08/30/2022 - 06:00

Raytheon won a $8.8 million deal for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Production Lot 35 Rectifier Filter Assembly Captive Air Training Missile Retrofit effort. Work will take place in Arizona. Expected completion date is May 30, 2026. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Dominance Division Contracting Office, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity.

Sikorsky Aircraft won an $8 million deal for procurement of services and data for the integration and qualification of the Improved Turbine Engine onto the UH/HH-60M Black Hawk aircraft. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. UH-60 Black Hawk is a multi-mission helicopter developed by Sikorsky that has been operational in the US Army since 1978. Work will take place in Connecticut. Estimated completion date is June 30, 2027. The US Army is the contracting activity.

Middle East & Africa

The Turkish Defense Ministry said in a statement that Greece’s S-300 air defense missile system had locked on to its F-16 fighters on August 23. The incident took place when the fighters were flying over the Mediterranean. The air defense system was located on the island of Crete. Greece refuted the statement by Turkey, saying that it scrambled four F-16s to intercept the five Turkish fighters that was interfering with B-52 bombers transiting Greek airspace.

The first Al Jubail Avante 2200-class corvette on order for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) has arrived in-country, marking an important milestone for the programme. Al Jubail (828) arrived at King Faisal Naval Base in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on August 25, the Saudi Press Agency announced the same day. Al Jubail is the first of the five 104 m corvettes being built by Spanish state-owned shipbuilder Navantia for the RSNF under a EUR1.8 billion (USD1.79 billion) contract signed in 2018.


Germany promised to provide Ukraine with new modern weapons and support in building its own air defense. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a corresponding statement in his “European speech” at Charles University in Prague on August 29. According to the German Chancellor, the latest security assistance package from Germany exceeds 600 million euros.


Initial delivery of the BrahMos missile system to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is expected in 2023, the Indian Embassy in Manila confirmed on the sidelines of India’s 75th Independence Day celebration in mid-August. “We are expecting the deliveries to happen sometime next year, we don’t have a specific date but we’re working towards next year,” India’s Ambassador to the Philippines Shambhu Kumaran was quoted as saying by the state-run Philippine News Agency.

Today’s Video

WATCH: How does a Military Helicopter work? (Pave Hawk)

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

GD To Supply Abrams Technical Support | DoS Approves Arms Deal To Morocco | Australia Cleared To Get UH-60M Helicopters

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 08/29/2022 - 06:00

General Dynamics won a $26 million contract modification for Abrams systems technical support. The M1 Abrams is a third-generation American main battle tank designed by Chrysler Defense and named for General Creighton Abrams. Work will take place in Michigan. Estimated completion date is September 30, 2025.

Piedmont Propulsion won an $11.6 million deal for maintenance and overhaul of the UH-60 Helicopter rotor hub. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is the US Army’s primary medium-lift utility transport and air assault aircraft. It is a twin-engined medium-lift utility helicopter. Estimated completion date is August 26, 2027. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order.

Middle East & Africa

Following the recent visit of US Major General Todd Wasmund to Morocco, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has reported on a possible new arms sale to Rabat. Included in this current cooperation would be Morocco’s purchase of wireless tactical and ground control systems at an estimated cost of $141.1 million. Morocco has requested to buy six Multifunctional Information Distribution System Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS-JTRS). Also included in the proposed deal are KY-100M Narrowband/Wideband Terminals; KIV-78 and KIV-77 Cryptographic Appliques; AN/PYQ-10 Simple Key Loader (SKL); additional secure communications, cryptographic devices, and precision navigation equipment as well as spares and training.


Dollars will start flowing toward Poland’s long-planned purchase of tanks, as the US Army taps General Dynamics Land Systems to make 250 Abrams in the newest configuration, the company announced. The $1.148 billion contract — awarded in late July, according to the Army — will get Poland new features in communications, firepower and armor for its future Abrams fleet, per an Aug. 25 company statement.


Australia’s attempt to replace the troubled MRH90 Taipan helicopter with the UH-60M has taken another step forward after the US government approved the potential Foreign Military Sale on August 25. The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in Transmittal No 22-51 that the proposed sale “will replace Australia’s current multi-role helicopter fleet with a more reliable and proven system.” In its justification to buy the UH-60M to replace the MRH90, former Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton said last year that the “performance of the MRH90 Taipan has been an ongoing and well-documented concern for Defence and there has been a significant effort at great expense to try to remediate those issues.”

Collins Aerospace has successfully completed the first flight test of a new variant of its MS-110 Multispectral Airborne Reconnaissance system. The press release says the test was carried for an undisclosed international customer, which could be Taiwan. The island had announced last year that it procure six MS-110 reconnaissance pods for its F-16 fleet.

Today’s Video

WATCH: 10 Facts about New Gigantic $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier Make It Indispensable

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

US Army Finishes Live-Flight Demo Of Zephyr UAS | Iran Launched Two-Day Drone Drill | Britain To Supply Micro-Drones To Ukraine

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 08/26/2022 - 06:00

Dyncorp International won a $30.3 million modification, which exercises an option to extend services to provide continued organizational level aircraft maintenance and logistics support for aircrew systems and subsystems, search and rescue equipment, and support equipment for the P-3 Orion, C-130 Hercules, F/A-18 Hornet, E/A-18 Growler, AV-8B Harrier II, H-60 Seahawk, and E-2D Hawkeye aircraft in support of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) Naval Test Wing Pacific. Work will take place in California, Hawaii, Florida, New Mexico and Maryland. Estimated completion will be in April 2023.

A recent US Army Futures Command live-flight demonstration of a solar-powered, stratospheric unmanned aerial system (UAS) could play into service-led efforts to extend intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, as well as enable new long-range, beyond-line-of-sight communications programmes. Officials from the command’s Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space (APNT/Space) Cross-Functional Team conductedan over two-month flight test of the Airbus-built Zephyr 8 ultra-long-endurance UAS, launched from the service’s Yuma Proving Ground experimentation facility in Arizona.

Middle East & Africa

The Iranian army launched a major nation-wide, two-day drone drill on Wednesday morning, using nearly 150 drones of various types, and including all four army branches as well as the Iranian air force. “These joint drills of the drones at the level of the four forces of the army and the joint air defense headquarters will take place for the first time, in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, from the south to the east, west, north and center of the country,” Rear Admiral Habibullah Sayyari, the Coordinating Assistant to the Commander of the Iranian Army, was quoted in the Tehran Times.


Britain is to supply a further package of weapons to Ukraine, including target-spotting micro-drones, outgoing U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced during a surprise visit to Kyiv. Ukraine’s Independence Day on August 24 saw Johnson reveal the planned delivery of unmanned surveillance systems, anti-tank loitering missiles and other equipment, adding to a long list of weapons contributed by the British government since Russia invaded its neighbor six months ago.


South Korea scrambled F-16s after Russian Tu-95 bombers entered the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) on August 23. Although South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) did not identify the type and number of aircraft, Russia’s Sputnik confirmed it was the Tu-95 and the planes flew over the Sea of Japan.

An improved version of the Cai Hong 4 (Rainbow 4, or CH-4) armed reconnaissance medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (MALE UAV) equipped with an indigenously manufactured heavy fuel engine (HFE) has completed its maiden flight, its manufacturer China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced. According to company specifications, the Lark HFE is a liquid-cooled engine with a dry weight of 98kg and includes features such as a high-pressure common-rail (HPCR) fuel system, full-authority digital electronic control (FADEC), and a mean time before overhaul rating of 2,000 hours.

Today’s Video

WATCH: The world record go-getters – Zephyr Solar powered UAS

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Chile Gets E-3D Sentrys From UK | Germany And Slovakia Sign Tank Swap Agreement To Arm Ukraine | US Will Provide $3B Military Aid To Ukraine

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 08/25/2022 - 06:00

Oshkosh Defense won a $22.6 million deal to exercise available options to support the fielding of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, packaged and installed kits, and trailers. Work will take place in Wisconsin. Estimated completion date is September 30, 2024. The US Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, is the contracting activity.

The Chilean Air Force has inducted into service two Boeing E-3D Sentry airborne early warning Mk 1 (AEW1) aircraft from the UK Royal Air Force. The two operational Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) aircraft were acquired along with a third aircraft to be used for spares, earlier in 2022.

Middle East & Africa

The US Coast Guard has received its last two of six Sentinel-class fast response cutters (FRC), rounding out the 5th Fleet stationed in Bahrain. The latest vessels were commissioned as USCGC John Scheuerman (WPC 1146) and USCGC Clarence Sutphin Jr. (WPC 1147) in February and April 2022. Each vessel measures 154 feet (47 meters) and is equipped with improved surveillance, advanced communication systems, and reconnaissance equipment.


Germany will supply legacy Leopard 2 tanks to Slovakia in exchange for that country sending Soviet-era fighting vehicles to Ukraine’s aid, the Defense Ministry in Berlin announced. The deal is one of several “ring swaps,” as German defense officials call them, in the making with Eastern European governments since the spring, following Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Slovakian and German officials signed an agreement August 23 approving the delivery of 15 Leopard 2 tanks in the A4 configuration to Bratislava.

The US will provide Ukraine with new air defense systems, counter-drone systems, radars, artillery systems and munitions as part of a $2.98 billion package US President Joe Biden announced Wednesday. The defense materiel falls under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which allows the Pentagon to contract with industry for it, apart from billions in equipment it has sent Ukraine from its stockpiles. It’s the single largest tranche since Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine six months ago.


USFI Inc. won a maximum 320 million contract for full-line food distribution. Location of performance is Korea. August 23, 2027 is the ordering period end date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2022 through 2027 defense working capital funds. The contracting agency is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Chile receives two donated E-3D Sentry planes from the UK

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

WLSP: Britain’s $1.2B E-3D AWACS Support Contract

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 08/25/2022 - 05:56

British E-3 Sentry
(click to view full)

Britain’s E-3D Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) is based on Boeing’s 707 family, and its ability to see and direct air operations within hundreds of miles provides vital strategic support. Since its introduction in 1992, the RAF’s fleet of 7 E-3s has been used in every major UK military operation, including Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

That availability depends on effective maintenance, and the UK MoD has a new approach. It’s meant to give them more flyable planes, while costing less money. The new Sentry Whole Life Support Program (WLSP) began in August 2005, when Northrop Grumman won a 20-year, GBP 665 million (then $1.2 billion) contract. Under that contract, NGC’s team is providing aircraft maintenance and design-engineering support services through 2025, in order to improve availability and reduce overall ownership costs. As is typical of recent British contracts, the government has chosen a public-private partnership founded on an unusual military combination: fixed base costs, and guaranteed time in-service percentages for the planes.

The Contract & Industry Team

RAF E-3, side
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Northrop Grumman was selected as the Preferred Bidder by the UK Ministry of Defence in July 2004, and deal was concluded just over a year later, in August 2005.

The contract is a fixed-price contract for the first 5 years, and the remaining 15 years of the contract are a target-cost incentive-fee structure that shares any savings below the targeted cost. The contract is fully funded for the entire 20-year term, and when it was signed, the participants believed that the Sentry Whole Life Support Programme would reduce the cost of supporting Britain’s E-3s by 12-20% over its 20-year run.

There was some basis for that optimism, as the BAE Systems CS&S’ GBP 75 million NISC (Nimrod Integrated Support Contract), availability of the Nimrod MR2 fleet was up by 40%, while support costs were down by 8%. The Minister for Defence Procurement at the time, Lord Drayson, said that:

“Effectively the new contract will halve the number of aircraft in the support hangar… This contract is also good news for the British taxpayer as it will reduce the cost of supporting Sentry by over 12% – saving GBP 90 million – whilst creating over 50 jobs here in Lincolnshire.”

Industry Team

These kinds of contracts need a close partnership between the Ministry of Defence and the industry team, especially for an essential platform like the E-3, which ranges far and wide.

Most of the jobs supported will be at Northrop Grumman, but not all. This innovative fleet availability contract makes Northrop Grumman responsible for all aircraft scheduled maintenance including the provision of spares world-wide, design authority services and management of the aircraft structural integrity work, technical publications and a training service for all Sentry maintenance personnel. Northrop Grumman also provides the radar and in-service support for the E-3D’s radar, and is the systems integrator for the replacement mission system.

To accomplish these goals, and meet mission targets, NGC is drawing on its experience with the US Air Force’s Total System Support Responsibility Program for their 707-based E-8C Joint STARS ground surveillance aircraft’s . NGC’s Integrated Systems sector has engineering-support responsibility and design authority for the Sentry Whole Life Support Programme. Their Electronic Systems sector will provide radar expertise, while their Space Technology sector contributes sophisticated, interactive, electronic technical manuals and support.

British companies BAE Systems and FR Aviation in Bournemouth, plus the UK division of AAR Corp. based in Mitcham, will operate as sub-contractors, and create over 50 jobs based at RAF Waddington.

BAE Systems share of the total contract is expected to be worth close to GBP 100 million (USD $178.7 million) over the life of the program. Their role will be to provide depth maintenance, ground maintenance training and on-line technical information. Within the contract, BAE Systems is also responsible for the construction of a new hangar annex within the grounds of RAF Waddington, which is being built to co-locate the 150 person service team.

BAE Systems Customer Solutions & Support (CS&S) military air business will be applying the experience from their Nimrod MR2 maritime surveillance aircraft and VC-10 transport/tanker integrated support contracts. Technical information will be delivered through the CS&S Integrated Asset Management (IAM) service, which is also being used for Nimrod MR2 and Tornado fighter support and upgrade contracts. The IAM service uses CS&S’s trilogiView technical browser, which has already been chosen for 26 other UK MOD programmes, and by Lockheed Martin for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

FR Aviation Services, a subsidiary of Cobham plc’s Flight Operations and Services Group, will be the maintenance provider on E-3D under a partnering agreement with CS&S. This latter agreement is based on the relationship that FR Aviation Services and CS&S developed while supporting the Nimrod fleet at RAF Kinloss.


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August 25/22: Chile The Chilean Air Force has inducted into service two Boeing E-3D Sentry airborne early warning Mk 1 (AEW1) aircraft from the UK Royal Air Force. The two operational Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) aircraft were acquired along with a third aircraft to be used for spares, earlier in 2022.

May 2/14: IFF. Northrop Grumman announces that they’ve added Mode S to the E-3D fleet’s Identification Friend or Foe system, as part of the WSLP (q.v. Nov 12/10). Mode S is a civil signal that assigns each plane its own individual “squawk”. The ICAO has certain requirements for flying in civil airspace (a.k.a. “controlled airspace”), and Northrop Grumman had to figure out how to improve the onboard avionics without a complete mission computer replacement. It took a little while, but it’s done now. Sources: NGC, “Northrop Grumman Delivers Mode S Upgrade for the UK’s Sentry E-3D AWACS Mission System”.

June 2/13: Avionics. Northrop Grumman announces a 3-year, $17 million contract to design, develop, integrate, test and support a Fuel Quantity Indicator System (FQIS) on the RAF’s E-3Ds, as a task within the WLSP umbrella contract. Group Capt. Adam Northcote-Wright describes this as “a significant safety enhancement,” and the release reads like a new system. That’s not the case. We talked to Northrop Grumman about this, and they confirmed that this is an upgrade to existing fuel gauge systems.

Work will be carried out at RAF Waddington, UK, as well as at Northrop Grumman’s US facilities in Herndon, VA, and Melbourne, FL. NGC.

April 25/12: Oked. All of Britain’s E-3Ds are cleared to fly again. Presumably, the structural cracks were repaired, and no others were found. Defence Management.

April 19/12: Cracked up. The RAF has suspended E-3D flights unless they’re essential, after technicians found cracks in 2 planes where the structure supports the rotating radar. Technically, this only involves “non-operational routine flying,” and the rest of the fleet appears to be free of the fault. Caution is best when dealing with old planes, however, and there’s no planned date yet for resumption of routine flying. Conversations with Northrop Grumman are surely part of those decisions. Defence Management | Flight International | The Sun.

Partial flight suspension

Feb 21/12: Repaired in USA. Northrop Grumman finishes repairs to a U.K. E-3D’s cracked wing spar, which was fixed in the USA at the company’s Lake Charles Maintenance and Modification Center. That’s a first for the UK E-3 fleet, but that facility had a lot of experience with similar issues among the USA’s E-8Cs, and delivered the fix ahead of schedule. Northrop Grumman.

Nov 12/10: IFF upgrade. Northrop Grumman announces a 3-year, $64 million contract modification to design and develop the Mode S upgrade to the identification friend or foe interrogator system for the Royal Air Force’s Sentry E-3D AWACs aircraft. The contract modification was awarded under Northrop Grumman’s Sentry E-3D Whole Life Support Programme. Northrop Grumman said that this is the largest modification it has carried out to date for the Sentry aircraft fleet.

The work will be performed at RAF Waddington, UK, as well as at Northrop Grumman’s facilities in Herndon, VA; Warner Robins, GA; and Melbourne, FL.

Sept 16/09: Tough fix. The E-2D damaged in a December 2007 accident is ready to return to the fleet – but the GBP 3.5 million repair wasn’t easy. Keith Monslow, the Joint Sentry Support team’s operations manager, says in the UK MoD’s Desider article:

“It was the worst possible place to strike the aircraft – in the fuel gallery. The whole area was covered in fuel, which soaked right the way through to the lower lobe, contaminating the electrics. Opening up the aircraft to inspect the damage just made it worse. Fuel covered all the electrical areas. And some of the items needed in the repair aren’t even made any more so we knew we would be hunting all over the world for places to fabricate them.”

Sentry ZH106 required complete gutting of its electrical systems, 25 miles/ 40 km of new cabling, and around 2,200 new parts, all of which had to be performed with very careful attention to the aircraft’s balance as items were inserted and removed. There was also a bit of help from a nearby earthquake, which actually solved an ongoing problem with the aircraft. UK MoD.

Oct 22/08: ADRS update. Northrop Grumman announces a 3-year, $16 million contract modification to develop and install a replacement accident data recording system (ADRS) for the Sentry E-3D AWACS aircraft based at RAF Waddington. The contract modification was awarded under the company’s Sentry E-3D Whole Life Support Programme. The company will remove the existing ADRS and replace it with a solid state ADRS and will update the aircraft and training manuals and perform overall management and system engineering for the new ADRS. The ADRS includes a new aircraft data and cockpit voice recording unit, a backup cockpit voice recording unit and an emergency locator transmitter unit for each aircraft. In addition, an accident investigation kit and ground replay stations will be provided. T

he work will be carried out at RAF Waddington, UK, as well as at Northrop Grumman’s facilities in Herndon, VA; Warner Robins, GA; and Melbourne, FL.

Aug 1/08: Flight International reports that the Royal Air Force has decided against mothballing 2 of its 7 E-3D Sentry AWACS planes, and will instead look to cut costs and hours flown by reducing the number of aircrews assigned to the type. The RAF reportedly decided that mothballing the aircraft was a more expensive option in the long run.

The UK MoD is also considering an upgrade to the aircrafts’ computers, displays, and mission system, using open-architecture electronics bought off the shelf. The upgrades would be an additional budget item, but one of the ancillary benefits would be slightly lower through-life support costs.

Dec 21/07: Windy! So, what happens when unanticipated repair expenses hit the fleet? A pair of E-3Ds were apparently damaged when ground equipment items were not sufficiently secured, and high winds reportedly sent them crashing into an E-3D on the tarmac. A second aircraft reportedly received a glancing blow.

Now Northrop Grumman Corporation has announced a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence’s Sentry Integrated Project Team for the repairs. The NGC release refers to a contract issued under the existing Sentry E-3D Whole Life Support Programme (WLSP), though the contract itself sounds like a contract modification within the existing program. The repair will involve the replacement of 4 aircraft frame structural elements, which were crushed, and a major aircraft skin. In addition, a fuel system gallery and main electrical distribution panel were damaged.

“[Northrop Grumman’s team] will deliver to challenging time, performance and cost targets, with the aircraft due to be returned to service with the RAF in November 2008… The structural aspects of the repair and the electrical elements represent a considerable challenge, primarily due to the lack of availability of structural and other components that will necessitate significant manufacturing effort.”

Aug 11/05: Contract. The GBP 665 million deal is announced. It’s a fixed-price contract for the first 5 years, and the remaining 15 years of the contract are a target-cost incentive-fee structure that shares any savings below the targeted cost. The contract is fully funded for the entire 20-year term, and when it was signed, the participants believed that the Sentry Whole Life Support Programme would reduce the cost of supporting Britain’s E-3s by 12-20% over its 20-year run. UK’s Defence Logistics Organisation | Northrop Grumman | BAE Systems.

WLSP contract

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Saturn Arch QRC Finishes Final Mission | BAE Delivered Eurofighter To Qatar | Turkey Sends Kirpi Vehicles To Ukraine

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 08/24/2022 - 06:00

The Saturn Arch Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) aircraft has flown its final mission in support of the U.S. Army Central Command (CENTCOM) on July 31. The Saturn Arch aerial surveillance program was initiated by the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) to detect improvised explosive devices (IEDs) using hyperspectral, electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR), and high-resolution imagery (HRI) sensors. Since the program was transitioned to the Army in 2012, it has grown to a fleet of 10 aircraft.

Lockheed Martin has integrated the High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-Dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS) on guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88). The company announced on August 18 that the 60+ kW-class high energy laser with integrated optical-dazzler has been delivered to the sailing branch. A photo from the US Navy shows the HELIOS installed on the position in front of the ship’s bridge. This Phalanx CIWS occupy this spot on other destroyers of the same class.

Middle East & Africa

BAE Systems officially delivered its first Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft to the Qatar Armed Forces (QAF) during a roll-out ceremony at the company’s facility in Warton, UK. The Typhoon aircraft was delivered on schedule and will be transported from the UK to Doha later this month. BAE Systems and the UK see the delivery as a “significant milestone” under Qatar’s $5.08 billion program to acquire Eurofighter jets and Hawk advanced jet trainers.


According to Jane’s, a prototype armed version of the Vrabac (Sparrow) small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was unveiled during a display of domestic defence equipment held by the Serbian Armed Forces at the Military Academy in Belgrade. Speaking at the event on August 15, Nenad Miloradovi?, assistant minister of defence for material resources in the Serbian Ministry of Defense, told attendees that the armed Vrabac can carry up to six grenades that have an effective range of five metres, and a delayed-action fuze that triggers once the grenade rebounds to a height of 1.5 m after initial impact.

According to Defense News, the Turkish government has delivered 50 used mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles to the Ukrainian military. The delivery of the Kirpi vehicles was the result of a government agreement, rather than a deal between Ukraine and BMC, which makes the Kirpi, according to a government official.


Japan is considering the deployment of more than 1,000 long-range cruise missiles to increase its ability to counter growing regional threats from China, local newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun reported on Sunday. The country plans to upgrade its existing surface-to-ship missiles to extend their range from 100 kilometers (62 miles) to about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles), which would be enough to reach Chinese coastal areas as well as North Korea, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed sources.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Ukraine receives Kirpi MRAP vehicles from Turkiye

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Raytheon To Support DDG-1000 Combat System Activation | Cyprus To Reportedly Purchase Iron Dome | US And South Korea Started Joint Military Drills

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 08/23/2022 - 06:00

BAE Systems won a $13.5 million order, which provides for the ALR-56M radar warning receiver, C-130J Block Cycle F, operational flight program and mission data file generation updates and system services. Work will take place in Totowa, New Jersey. Expected completion date will be August 16, 2024.

Raytheon won an $11.2 million contract modification for Total Ship Computing Environment Lab hardware for modernization/technical refresh and Conventional Prompt Strike to support DDG 1000 Class combat system activation, sustainment and modernization. Work will take place in New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Expected completion will be by November 2023.

Middle East & Africa

The US Army awarded Versar Inc. a $7.6 million deal for fire and electric safety assessments. Bids were solicited via the internet with seven received. Work will take place in Kuwait. Estimated completion date is March 31, 2025.


Apparently, Cyprus has inked an agreement with Israel to acquire the latter’s Iron Dome air defense system, the Cyprus edition of the Kathimerini daily has reported. The exact number of systems being acquired was not disclosed, however. It will be used to defend the island against Turkish drones in particular. Kathimerini says Chief of the National Guard Lt. Gen. Demokritos Zervakis had a close up look at the Iron Dome during a visit to Israel this March.

The US on Friday announced it will send a slew of new weapons to Ukraine as part of a $775 million package, including new drones, armored vehicles and artillery. The shipments indicate that Washington and Kyiv expect hard fighting on the ground in the coming weeks. For the first time, the US is sending 15 ScanEagle surveillance drones to help the Ukrainians spot and correct the precision artillery and rocket strikes that have taken a toll on Russian forces in recent weeks.


The US and South Korea have begun their biggest joint military drills in years – a show of force that is expected to raise tensions with an increasingly hostile North Korea. The exercises, known as Ulchi Freedom Shield, are being seen as a sign of the allies’ determination to restore large-scale training after they had cancelled some regular drills and scaled down others to facilitate nuclear talks, and because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Cyprus reportedly strikes deal to purchase Israel’s Iron Dome system

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed Martin Space Tapped For Trident Work | Elbit Will Upgrade Main Battle Tanks for International Customer | Austria Might Get New Tanks

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 08/22/2022 - 06:00

Pacific Shipyards International won a $17.2 million contract modification for the accomplishment of post shakedown availability (PSA). The PSA is for one Arleigh Burke Class guided missile destroyer (DDG 120). The USS Carl M. Levin is the 70th destroyer overall for the class. Work will take place in Hawaii. Expected. Completion will be by September 2023. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, is the contracting activity.

Lockheed Martin Space won a $11 million deal for long-lead time material and the labor, planning, and scheduling necessary to support the fiscal 2023 Trident II (D5) missile production schedule. The contract award also benefits a Foreign Military Sale to the United Kingdom. Fiscal 2022 weapons procurement (Navy) in the amount of $9,7 million will be obligated on this award. Work will take place in Florida. Estimated completion date will be September 30, 2027.

Middle East & Africa

Israel’s Elbit Systems has received two contracts to upgrade main battle tanks (MBTs) for an international customer valued at $240 million. The first contract, worth $60 million, requires the firm to complete the work within two years. The second contract, for $180 million, requires the upgrades over a period of four years. According to the deal, the Israel-based company will also provide advanced electronic suites to modernize the vehicles.


Austria’as new army chief of staff Rudolf Striedinger wants to invest in air defense as well as new tanks. New jets additionally to the country’s Eurofighters cold be a possibility, according to Striedinger. He is counting on a higher budget and also wants to strengthen the militia. Striedinger has yet to be inaugurated as the army’s new chef of staff.

The Czech Republic will receive six second-hand AH-1Z and two UH-1Y helicopters from the United States. The European nation will only have to pay for the costs of transfer and modifications done to the rotorcraft. It had placed an order for four AH-1Z and eight UH-1Y helicopters and those aircraft are due to be delivered starting next year. It was previously reported that Czech wants to buy additional helicopters from Bell after Russia attacked Ukraine. The country had also donated its Mi-24 attack helicopters to Ukraine, creating an operational gap.


An exclusive news report by Yomiuri Shimbun says the Japanese government is considering having over 1,000 of its long-range cruise missile that is under development. These missiles will be stationed from the Nansei Islands to Kyushu, with the aim of bridging the “missile gap” with China. The missile will be based on the improve Type 12 anti-ship missile and could enter service in FY 2024.

Today’s Video

WATCH: AH-1Z Viper Super Charged Air Assault Helicopter

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Rolls-Royce Tapped For T-45 Engines | 1st Saudi THAAD Sites Expected To Be Complete By 2026 | German Air Force Sent Fleet On Indo-Pacific Deployment

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 08/19/2022 - 06:00

Rolls-Royce won a $1 billion deal, which provides intermediate, depot-level maintenance and related logistics support for approximately 210 in-service T-45 F405-RR-401 Adour engines in support of the US Navy. Work will take place in. Mississippi, Texas, Florida and Maryland. Estimated completion will be in July 2027.

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has successfully integrated the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 E-Series turboprop engine on the MQ-9B. “Integrating their PT6 E-Series engine onto our MQ-9B SkyGuardian® aircraft offers an alternate option for future customers that includes a 33 percent increase in power, dual channel electronic propeller and engine control system, as well as all the benefits of the PT6 engine family,” said GA-ASI President David R. Alexander. The MQ-9B is currently powered by the Honeywell TPE331 but the PT6 is a more popular engine that can be found on the PC-7, PC-21, King Air and T-6 II

Middle East & Africa

According to Jane’s, the first four sites for Saudi Arabia’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems are expected to be completed by the end of 2026 and all seven by April 2028. A Request For Proposal by the US Army gave the estimate completion date for a storage facility for THAAD ballistic missile interceptions at Al Kharj as January 2025. The THAAD terminal (formerly theatre) high-altitude area defence missile system is an easily transportable defensive weapon system. It uses hit-to-kill technology whereby kinetic energy destroys the incoming warhead.

The Biden administration on Tuesday stopped short of threatening additional penalties following reports Turkey plans to receive the second batch of the Russian S-400 missile defense system. Turkey initially purchased the S-400 in 2017, plunging its relationship with the U.S. into crisis. As a result of the deal, the Trump administration expelled Turkey from the F-35 program.


The German Air Force has sent a fleet of aircraft around the world for its first-ever deployment to the Indo-Pacific region, a move meant to demonstrate its operational capability during two regional exercises and to show solidarity with its allies there. Six Eurofighter jets — painted with the flags of Germany, Singapore, Australia, South Korea, and Japan — left Neuburg Air Base Monday afternoon followed by four A400M multirole aircraft, and three A330 multirole tanker transport aircraft.


he United States and South Korea will begin their biggest combined military training in years next week in the face of an increasingly aggressive North Korea, which has been ramping up weapons tests and threats of nuclear conflict against Seoul and Washington, the South Korean military said Tuesday.

Today’s Video


Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Tyonek Tapped For B-1B Advanced Digital Station | Babcock Started LIFEX On HMS Argyll | SLAF Inducted Dornier 228 Into Service

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 08/18/2022 - 06:00

Tyonek Global Services won an $11 million deal for the B?1B Advanced Digital Test Station. The B-1B Lancer, also known as “The Bone”, is the US Air Force long-range strategic bomber developed by Rockwell International, now Boeing Defense And Space Group. The deal provides contractor logistics support services. Work will be performed in Warner Robins, Georgia, and is expected to be completed by August 7, 2027.

Sierra Nevada won a $9.6 million contract modification, which provides for the integration of a temporary Line of Sight Data Link-16 capability on HC-130J aircraft using portions of the Airborne Mission Networking. Work will take place in Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, Florida and California. Estimated completion date is October 15. 2023.

Middle East & Africa

VSE Corp. won an $86 million deal for Foreign Military Sales supportability follow-on technical support to provide eligible foreign navies access to a broad range of life cycle support, systems upgrades, systems integration, and other related efforts associated with the transfer and acquisition, operation, and maintenance of naval vessels and systems within their inventory. This ceiling increase is necessary to support an urgent sole source delivery order to VSE Corp. to provide material and labor in support of overhaul, maintenance, and repair of the Egyptian Navy long range maintenance plan schedule for four Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates (FFG-7 class ships), four fast missile crafts, and two mine hunter coastals. Estimated completion will be by March 2023.


The Yomiuri Shimbun says that Britain and Japan have decided that their next-generation fighter aircraft will share a common airframe and that the development plans are in final stages. The Japanese newspaper based its information on anonymous government sources. It says both countries’ requirements are nearly identical for their next fighter. It will lead to production efficiency and reduce costs. Italy might become a partner with defense giant Leonardo producing the jet’s radar with Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

Babcock International has started a post-life extension (LIFEX) on the UK’s Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigate HMS Argyll at Babcock Devonport’s Facility. It is the first Type 23 to begin its post-LIFEX upkeep, adopting a new innovative approach to re-certification at the  Frigate Support Centre (FSC). Babcock will be overhauling key equipment and carrying out design changes for new capabilities such as communications upgrades and mixed crewing.


The Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF) officially inducted a Dornier 228 maritime patrol aircraft into service at SLAF Base Katunayake on August 15. The aircraft is donated to Sri Lanka by India and the High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka attended the ceremony as well.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Slovak MiG-29 in action, part 12, go around and landing in pair by sunset and at night

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

461st Flight Test Squadron Receives New F-35A | Slovakia: MiG-29s Not Handed Over To Ukraine | Australia Commences Pitch Black Exercise

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 08/17/2022 - 06:00

A new F-35A was delivered to Edwards Air Force Base on August 1 for assignment with the 461st Flight Test Squadron (FLTS). It is the first of six F-35As that the squadron and the F-35 Lightning II Integrated Test Force will use to test the Technical Refresh 3 and Block 4 configurations. For all three variants of the F-35, the 461 FLTS is the lead developmental flight test unit for sensors, weapons, and software.

BAE Systems Land & Armaments won an $88 million contract for Amphibious Combat Vehicles (ACV). The total cumulative face value of the contract is $1,910,796,347. This contract modification procures labor and material for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle Mission Role Variant Medium Caliber Cannon (ACV-30) for post-critical design review design and development, production representative test vehicles, and support for test activities. Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Virginia, is the contracting activity. Work will take place in California, Maryland, Norway, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, California, Minnesota, Michigan, Phoenix, New Mexico, Italy and Mississippi. Estimated completion date is July 2025.

Middle East & Africa

Vertex Aerospace won a $62.8 million deal, which provides for organizational level and authorized intermediate level aircraft maintenance, logistics support, and limited repair of common support equipment for three KC-130J aircraft for the government of Kuwait. Kuwait flies its three KC-130Js on a mix of transport and tanker missions. Work will take place in Kuwait and Mississippi. Expected completion will be in August 2027.


Slovakia’s Minister of Defence has refuted media reports that the country’s MiG-29 fighters have been transferred to Ukraine. “Our MiG-29 fighters are not in Ukraine. This is false information. They are still at Slia?,” Jaroslav Na? was quoted as saying. He added that an official retirement ceremony for the MiG-29s will be held on Aug. 27 at the Slovak International Air Festival.


Philippine officials are considering a US offer to provide heavy-lift helicopters like its widely used Chinooks after Manila scrapped a deal to buy military choppers from Russia due to fears of Western sanctions, the Philippine ambassador to Washington said Monday. Then-President Rodrigo Duterte approved the cancellation of the signed deal to buy 16 Russian Mi-17 helicopters due to concerns over possible Western sanctions, which could hamper fast bank transfers of the income Filipino workers send home from the U.S. and other Western countries, Ambassador Jose Romualdez said.

About 100 aircraft and 2500 military personnel from 17 nations will arrive in Australia’s Northern Territory in mid-August to commence Exercise Pitch Black 2022. The German Air Force is set to travel to Australia to make its debut in the country’s multi-national exercise, marking the first time the German and Australian forces have trained together.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Slovak MiG-29 in action, part 12, go around and landing in pair by sunset and at night

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Bath Iron Works To Provide DDG-51 Lead Yard Support | Greece Sends LOR For F-16C/D Upgrade | Australia Unveiled New Bushmaster

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 08/15/2022 - 06:00

Bath Iron Works won a $35.4 million contract modification for lead yard support effort for the DDG-51 Class Guided Missile Destroyer program. Work will take place in Maine. Estimated completion will be in June 2023. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, is the contracting activity.

General Dynamics won a $59.8 million modification for multiple items used in the Abrams Main Battle Tank, Stryker Family of Vehicles, Light Armored Vehicle Family of Vehicles, Cougar, Buffalo and RG-31. The M1 Abrams is a third-generation American main battle tank designed by Chrysler Defense and named for General Creighton Abrams. Work will take place in Florida. Estimated completion date is July 29, 2029. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio.

Middle East & Africa

The German defense ministry said Friday it had suspended most of its operations in Mali after the local military-led government denied flyover rights to a UN peacekeeping mission. “The Malian government has once again refused to give flyover rights to a flight planned today” for the rotation of personnel on the ground, a ministry spokesman said at a regular press conference. In response, Germany had decided to “suspend until further notice the operations of our reconnaissance forces and CH-53 (helicopter) transport flights.”


In an interview with Finnish daily Iltalehti, Estonia’s Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur says his country will integrate its coastal anti-ship missile system with Finland. This will create a choke point for Russian warships in the Gulf of Finland. The widest point of the gulf is 120km and the narrowest is just 52km. The Blue Spear anti-ship missile has been ordered by Estonia and it has a range of 290km. Finland currently deploys the MTO 85M, which is the Saab RBS 15 anti-ship missile.

The Hellenic Air Force will soon send a letter of request (LOR) to the United States for the upgrade of 38 F-16C/D Block 50 fighters to the V variant. These fighters will be upgraded at Nea Anchialos Air Base while two Greek F-16s have completed their upgrade to the F-16V standard and will soon be used to train pilots. Older F-16 Block 30s that are in Greek inventory will not undergo the upgrade process.


The Australian Department of Defence unveiled the Bushmaster electric protected military vehicle (ePMV) reflecting an effort, it said, to ensure the Australian Army is ‘future ready’. The prototype was showcased on August 10 at the Chief of Army Symposium, a three-day event in Adelaide. The vehicle was developed by the Australian Army’s Robotic and Autonomous Systems Implementation & Coordination Office (RICO), working in collaboration with an Australian company, 3ME Technology, which specialises in lithium-ion battery systems for mining and military vehicles, and the DoD’s Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG).

Today’s Video

WATCH: Here is The New Generation of High-Tech, Heavily Armed DDG 51 Flight III Destroyers

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

US Army Integrating 20kW Laser System Into ISV | Mali Receives Military Aircraft From Russia | Taiwan Holds More Military Drills

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 08/12/2022 - 06:00

Lockheed Martin won a $12.9 million deal for AEGIS design agent field engineering services. Aegis is an integrated missile guidance system used on US Navy and allied ships to protect the battle group. Work will take place in Virginia, California, Hawaii, Japan, Washington and California. Estimated completion date is in September 2023.

The US Army is integrating a 20 kW-class laser weapon system into its new Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV) to help soldiers down smaller unmanned aerial systems (UASs), according to the director of the service’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office Lieutenant General Neil Thurgood. The three-star general spoke at the Space and Missile Defense symposium about a host of programmes under his purview including directed energy initiatives. At the event, he announced that senior service leaders recently approved the development of an Army Multi-Purpose High Energy Laser (AMP-HEL) prototype that they want completed by the end of September 2023.

Middle East & Africa

Mali on Tuesday received military jets and a combat helicopter from Russia. During a ceremony, L-39 and Sukhoi-25 jets as well as Mi-24P helicopter gunships were displayed. No information was disclosed about the conditions for acquiring the gunships. Previous Russian arms deliveries made public this year, were helicopters and surveillance radars as well as mobile radar systems.


Babcock International has signed it’s second deal in a fortnight to aimed at offering Israeli technologies for British defense programs. The British company’s latest agreement with Israel Aerospace Industries and its subsidiary Elta Systems is aimed at proposing a radar for the Defence Ministry’s Serpens program.

The Spanish military took delivery of a THeMIS robotic vehicle, made by Estonia’s Milrem Robotics, to gauge how unmanned ground technology can improve operations of its ground forces, the company announced August 9. The evaluation comes as some European armies are in the market to equip their soldiers with robots for anything from cargo carrying to surveillance and attack missions.


Taiwan’s army held another live-fire drill Thursday after Beijing ended its largest-ever military exercises around the island and repeated threats to bring the self-ruled democracy under its control. China announced carrying out fresh military drills around Taiwan Monday, days after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island escalated tensions between the two powers.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Mi-24P In War Thunder : A Basic Review

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Boeing Books Delivery Order For Hornet Aircraft Parts | Côte d’Ivoire Displays New Vehicles | Philippines Confirms Russian Helicopter Deal Cancellation

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 08/11/2022 - 06:00

BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems won a $13.5 million order, which provides for the ALR-56M radar warning receiver, C-130J Block Cycle F, Operational Flight Program and Mission Data File Generation updates and system services. Work will be performed in Totowa, New Jersey, and is expected to be completed August 9, 2024.

Boeing won a $278 million ordering agreement for the procurement of F/A-18 aircraft consumable parts. This is a five-year base contract with one five-year option period. The performance completion date is August 8, 2027. Using military service is the Navy. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2022 through 2027 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Boeing has provided over 430 F/A-18E/Fs to the Navy since the early 2000s. The aircraft serves as the frontline strike fighter of the service branch, supporting air combat operations from aircraft carriers.

Middle East & Africa

Several types of previously unseen armoured vehicle and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) were displayed during a parade held by the Armed Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FACI) on August 7. TV coverage of the parade in Yamoussoukro to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the country’s independence showed it included 20 of the FACI’s new Otokar Cobra II light armoured vehicles (LAVs), including an ambulance and a recovery vehicle.


Lockheed Martin won a $524 million modification, which increases the ceiling to procure long-lead time materials, parts, components, and effort for the production of seven Lot 15 F-35A aircraft, two Lot 15 F-35B aircraft, seven Lot 16 F-35A, and two Lot 16 F-35B aircraft for the government of Italy. Work will take place on Texas, California, the UK, Italy, Florida, New Hampshire, Maryland and Japan. Estimated completion will be in June 2025.


South Korea’s government stressed Wednesday it will make its own decisions in strengthening its defenses against North Korean threats, rejecting Chinese calls that it continue the polices of Seoul’s previous government that refrained from adding more US anti-missile batteries that are strongly opposed by Beijing. The differences between South Korea and China underscored a reemerging rift between the countries just a day after their top diplomats met in eastern China and expressed hope that the issue wouldn’t become a “stumbling stone” in relations. Bilateral ties went downhill in 2017 when South Korea installed a missile battery employing the THAAD, in response to nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.

The Philippines has scrapped an order for 16 Russian military helicopters, an official confirmed Wednesday, following reports former president Rodrigo Duterte decided to cancel it due to US sanctions on Moscow. Manila agreed in November to pay $228 million for the Mi-17 helicopters, as it seeks to modernize its military hardware.

Today’s Video

WATCH: Philippines cancels Russian helicopter deal due to US sanctions

Categories: Defense`s Feeds


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