European Union governments today endorsed a Capability Development Plan (CDP) defining the future military needs and priorities of European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and agreed to use it to guide future national defence investment decisions and to seek opportunities to collaborate so as to address their short-to-longer-term military requirements coherently
In the simplest terms, EDA is the “back office” for the European Security and Defence Policy – ESDP. Its task is to improve the military capabilities needed to carry out ESDP operations
The European Defence Agency welcomes the efforts of the European Commission to further
support the development of a true European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM). The Defence
Package published today is complementary to the Agency’s own agenda for creating a more
effective EDEM and a stronger European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).
European Union Defence Ministers today welcomed a Long-Term Vision report from the European Defence Agency, designed to serve as a compass for defence planners as they develop the military capabilities the European Security and Defence Policy will require over the next twenty years in an increasingly challenging environment
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, in his capacity as Head of the European Defence Agency (EDA), today announced the appointment of Mr. Lo Casteleijn as Chair for meetings of the Steering Board of the European Defence Agency when it meets at the level of National Defence Planners and Policy Directors responsible for Capabilities.