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European Union

Ireland’s Yes vote ushers in a new era for women’s rights in Europe - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 09:18
EU institutions should be emboldened to take concrete actions to defend reproductive freedom across the whole of Europe after Irish citizens voted massively in favour of repealing the country’s abortion ban, writes Caroline Hickson.
Categories: European Union

Ukraine: Council endorses agreement on a further €1bn in loans

European Council - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 08:35
The Council endorsed an agreement with the European Parliament on a further €1 billion of macro-financial assistance for Ukraine.
Categories: European Union

Hungary moves to jail NGOs for helping migrants - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 08:18
Individuals or groups who help migrants not entitled to protection to submit requests for asylum or who help illegal migrants gain status to stay in Hungary will be liable to jail under legislation submitted to parliament on Tuesday (29 May).
Categories: European Union

Italian crisis felt in Spain and wider EU - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 08:04
Collapse of government talks in Rome triggered instability on eurozone markets and controversy over an EU commissioner's comments on Italian democracy.
Categories: European Union

Trilogue time for EU clean energy laws - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:58
EU negotiators will hope that this week is the breakthrough everyone has been waiting for in two crucial energy files on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Follow our liveblog for the latest developments, as well as to catch up on what has happened so far.
Categories: European Union

Soros to up campaign for fresh Brexit poll - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:57
The anti-Brexit group backed by billionaire philanthropist George Soros is set to intensify its campaign for a new referendum on whether the UK should stay in the EU.
Categories: European Union

At Paris talks, Libyan factions agree to 10 December elections - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:55
Rival Libyan factions agreed on Tuesday (29 May) on a declaration that would create a political framework to pave the way for UN-backed elections in December to end the country's seven-year-old conflict.
Categories: European Union

Brace for impact: Parliament starts scutinising EU’s regional budget reform - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:53
EURACTIV gathered a first round of reactions to the European Commission's proposal to reform the EU's €373 billion regional funding programme as part of the bloc’s 2021-2027 budget. One thing is certain: the proposed cuts will be a major issue of dissent in the European Parliament.
Categories: European Union

'Doing less' group may conclude EU should do more - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:46
Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the Committee of Regions, remains unconvinced that 'Brussels' should give back any powers to the member states.
Categories: European Union

Italy may return to polls as early as July, amid market rout - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:45
Italy may hold repeat elections as early as July after the man asked to be prime minister failed to secure support from major political parties for even a stop-gap government, sources said on Tuesday (29 May), as markets tumbled on the growing political turmoil.
Categories: European Union

Georgia cuts diplomatic ties with Syria after recognition of separatists - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:38
Georgia said on Tuesday (29 May) it had started procedures to sever diplomatic relations with Syria after Damascus recognised its breakaway regions as independent states, a move Tbilisi dubbed manipulation from Russia.
Categories: European Union

Digital success for Europe [Promoted content] - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 07:30
Digitalization holds huge potential for the citizens and the institutions of the EU. A modern and digital Europe will be built on reliable communication networks, secure data and digital trust.
Categories: European Union

Iraqi Kurdish diplomat: Helping Middle East now would be cost-effective for Europe - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 06:32
Europe should engage in the Middle East by providing technical aid and promoting investment and programmes that enhance tolerance and peaceful coexistence, says Falah Mustafa Bakir. "If we don't address the needs of people on the ground, they will become asylum seekers at the doors of Europe," he said in an interview.
Categories: European Union

Innovation in animal health: Sifting the tangible actions from the political ideas - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 06:28
Over the past fifty years, the EU has done a stellar job in moving from a very fragmented national approach to animal disease control to a progressively more harmonised system of animal health measures, disease surveillance, diagnosis and control, writes Roxane Feller.  
Categories: European Union

Commission proposes more spending on Italy and south, less on Visegrad Four - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 06:24
The European Union's executive proposed on Tuesday (29 May) to spend more of the bloc's money on Italy and other southern states hit by the economic and migration crises, while giving less to the Visegrad Four countries refusing to accept refugees.
Categories: European Union

MEP: We have to prevent games with multiple identities in Asylum System - Wed, 05/30/2018 - 06:21
Since 2016, the EU is working on the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Particularly tricky is the creation of a new Dublin IV agreement, clarifying which country is responsible for the asylum application of a person. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Categories: European Union

EU considers tariffs if Trump imposes quotas - Tue, 05/29/2018 - 19:01
The EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström told MEPs on Tuesday (29 May) that the EU would activate “immediate" rebalancing measures if US President Donald Trump decides to impose quotas on the EU’s steel and aluminium exports as an alternative to the tariffs as of Friday (1 June).
Categories: European Union

Hungary and Poland to lose quarter of EU funds - Tue, 05/29/2018 - 18:11
Reasons for the cut not political, EU executive said, but based on growth in regions in Hungary, Poland, and further afield.
Categories: European Union

Oettinger: Markets will show the way to shun populists in Italy - Tue, 05/29/2018 - 17:47
Markets will persuade Italians not to vote for the two populist parties that have tried and failed to form a government this month, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the anti-migrant Euroskeptic League, the EU's budget Commissioner in an interview with Deutsche Welle.
Categories: European Union


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