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European Union

Justice ministers divided over proposal for police access to real-time data - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 11:10
National justice ministers are pushing to create new powers for law enforcement authorities to intercept communication data in real time as part of their criminal investigations.
Categories: European Union

82/2018 : 5 June 2018 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-73/17

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 10:22
France v Parliament
Law governing the institutions
Advocate General Wathelet proposes that the Court should annul only the act by which the President of the Parliament declared in Brussels, and not in Strasbourg, that the general budget of the EU for 2017 was definitively adopted

Categories: European Union

81/2018 : 5 June 2018 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-210/16

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 10:21
Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein
Approximation of laws
The administrator of a fan page on Facebook is jointly responsible with Facebook for the processing of data of visitors to the page

Categories: European Union

80/2018 : 5 June 2018 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-673/16

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 10:09
Coman and Others
Citizenship of the Union
The term ‘spouse’ within the meaning of the provisions of EU law on freedom of residence for EU citizens and their family members includes spouses of the same sex

Categories: European Union

The Channel Tunnel: What economic value to European trade? - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:42
The Channel Tunnel provides a fast, frequent and reliable route accounting for €138 bn of trade and 21 million passengers each year. It has changed the way transport and logistics operate across the continent.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] UK parliament to vote on Brexit amendments - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:29
The UK Brexit bill will return to the House of Commons on 12 June, after the House of Lords rejected 15 amendments to the bill forcing the parliament to vote on them. MPs are expecting a "marathon session", with the vote going into the early hours of the following day. Shadow Brexit minister Jenny Chapman criticised having just a day to debate the bill.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Slovak EU commissioner enters race to succeed Juncker - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:29
Maros Sefcovic, Slovakia's EU commissioner confirmed on Monday that he is interested in succeeding Jean-Claude Juncker as the EU commission's president after the European elections next year. Speaking in the margins of the European Nuclear Forum in Bratislava he confirmed that he would seek the nomination as 'Spitzenkandidat' for European social democrats, promising to work for better relations between old and new member states.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Austria wants to reduce number of EU commissioners - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:29
Brussels should set a good example for saving, says Austria's chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, proposing in a Welt interview to downsize the European Commission from 28 to 18 members and to have only one seat for the European Parliament. "I think if we want to save in Europe, Brussels should set a good example and also reduce administrative spending," he said. Austria's takes over the EU presidency on 1 July.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] May delays Brexit plan until after EU summit - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:29
UK prime minister Theresa May's promise to publish "ambitious and precise" plans for Brexit ahead of the EU summit on 28-29 June will be broken due to cabinet infighting. Senior government officials told UK press that the 150-page white paper would not be ready for the summit, because ministers remain deadlocked over future customs relationship with the EU and how to avoid a hard border in Ireland.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Russia not aiming to divide Europe, says Putin - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:28
"We do not aim to divide anything or anyone in the EU," Russia's president Putin has said ahead of a visit to Vienna on Tuesday. "The more problems within the EU, the greater the risks and uncertainties for us," he told Austria's ORF station. Last week EU commission president Juncker said that "Russia-bashing has to be brought to an end". Austria takes over the EU presidency on 1 July.
Categories: European Union

Trump's new envoy to Germany under fire - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:27
Richard Grenell, the US ambassador to Germany, said he wants to empower other conservatives in Europe, sparking calls for his resignation.
Categories: European Union

[Investigation] US in denial over EU-US climate forum - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:24
An Obama-era climate change working group has been in limbo since Trump came into office - and other areas of transatlantic energy cooperation face major uncertainty as well.
Categories: European Union

EU ministers try to crack asylum deadlock - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:23
Redistribution of migrants remains the worst sticking point as EU ministers discuss the latest attempt to rewrite Europe's 'Dublin' asylum law.
Categories: European Union

Informal Meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers - June 2018

Council lTV - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 09:00

On Tuesday 5 June 2018, the Informal Meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers takes place in Sofia. The main discussion topic of the meeting is the Common Agricultural Policy in the new programming period after 2020 and attracting a new generation of agricultural workers in the agricultural sector.

Download this video here.

Categories: European Union

Commission hails similarities with Merkel’s eurozone proposals - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:59
European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s proposals to strengthen the euro area, noting the similarities between the Bundesrepublik's and EU executive’s ideas on structural reform and investment support.
Categories: European Union

Germany asks Trump envoy to clarify call to ’empower’ the right - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:59
Germany yesterday (4 June) said it had asked the new US ambassador in Berlin, outspoken Trump loyalist Richard Grenell, to clarify his reported comments on far-right website Breitbart that he wants to "empower" European conservatives.
Categories: European Union

EU energy chief eyes Commission top job - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:53
Slovakia's member of the European Commission declared his candidacy on Monday (4 June) to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as the EU executive's president, promising to try to ease tensions between western states and newer members from the ex-communist east.
Categories: European Union

Ahead of Austria visit, Putin says Russia wants ‘united and prosperous EU’ - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:51
President Vladimir Putin yesterday (4 June) downplayed suggestions Russia was seeking to disrupt the European Union's cohesion, saying it was in his country's interests for the bloc to remain "united and prosperous".
Categories: European Union

Window of opportunity for EU reform might shrink soon, experts suggest - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:34
As the European Union finds itself at a crossroads and Brussels looks forward to a decisive Council summit at the end of the month, a recent report entitled “Re-energise Europe” calls on EU leaders to overcome divisions and implement reforms.
Categories: European Union

EU needs to fight inequalities, new Spanish PM says - Tue, 06/05/2018 - 07:33
Spain's new Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said yesterday (4 June) the European Union should be a space of economic and social cohesion and that inequalities within the bloc must be reduced.
Categories: European Union


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