Italy's new agriculture minister Gian Marco Centinaio threatened on Thursday to not ratify the European free trade deal with Canada (CETA) - the EU's first major free trade deal since 2011. Speaking to La Stampa, the far-right League minister said the trade deal did not ensure sufficient protection of Italy's special foods. All 28 EU member states must approve the agreement for it to take full effect.
EU parliament and council negotiators reached Thursday a
provisional deal on new EU-wide rules granting asylum-seekers the right to work six months after registration of their application, instead of currently nine months. Access to language courses should be given from day one and access to health care secured. Children should enter school no later than two months after arrival. The deal forms part of a new European asylum system.
Certain antibiotics will be set aside for the treatment of infections in humans in order to preserve their effectiveness, according to new
EU regulations to stop the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) "through imports of products of animal origin". The proposal was approved by EU ambassadors on Wednesday and will now be passed to the European Parliament for a vote.
Russia welcomed the world to the soccer World Cup on Thursday as fans streamed in, the hosts savored a 5-0 victory on the pitch and President Vladimir Putin’s government derided Western efforts to isolate him.
Jean-Claude Juncker has been called many things during his premiership of Luxembourg and presidency of the European Commission, but probably never what he says US President Donald Trump called him at the weekend: "a brutal killer".
The creation of the EU guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief (2013) marked a turning point in the Union’s attitude toward this crucial fundamental right.
Italy's far-right interior minister Matteo Salvini has suggested that hundreds of migrants aboard a rescue convoy heading for Spain were on a "cruise", as an NGO condemned their plight as a symbol of the failure of the EU.
European People's Party MEP Elmar Brok has a “great understanding” of Greece’s New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who faces internal party problems and opposes the freshly agreed deal between Athens and Skopje on the name dispute. However, Brok told EURACTIV he hopes for a positive result in the end.
EU countries yesterday (14 June) approved a raft of tariffs targeting US goods including whiskey and motorcycles in retaliation against painful duties imposed by President Donald Trump on European metals. Europe’s move fuels a growing transatlantic trade war just days...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced a tense showdown yesterday (14 June) within her divided conservative camp over the flashpoint issue of immigration that could threaten her political future.
The opening of EU trade negotiations with both Australia and New Zealand presents an opportunity for the parties to strengthen their commitments to protect wildlife, natural habitats and the welfare of animals. The EU should look to TPP-11’s environmental provisions for inspiration, argue Joanna Swabe and Nicola Beynon.
G7 Summit shows international strain, if you’re going to Strasbourg, maybe don’t take the train and Euroean Plenary talks migration again. It wasn’t quite the last supper, but the G7 Summit certainly had a finality about it. I knew the...
With her reform proposals for a European Monetary Fund and an investment budget for the eurozone, Chancellor Angela Merkel only tentatively moves closer to French President Emmanuel Macron. But the proposals do not go far enough, German MP Franziska Brantner told
EURACTIV Germany in an interview.
While armed conflicts are on the rise around the world, Paris launched a new strategy for prevention, resilience and sustainable peace in developing countries, on 13 June. reports.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
The Council transposed into EU law sanctions adopted by the United Nations imposing a travel ban and an asset freeze on six human traffickers operating in Libya.
Coreper endorsed, on behalf of the Council, a mandate for negotiations on two regulations establishing a framework for interoperability between EU information systems in the area of justice and home affairs.
The standoff over the rescue boat, which is now heading to Spain, is part of a wider politically toxic narrative against refugees and migrants and a symptom of EU failures to reform asylum laws.
Italy will not ratify the free trade agreement with Canada as it does not sufficiently protect the country's food specialties, Italian Agriculture Minister Gian Marco Centinaio said in an interview on Thursday (14 June).
Unless the world economy undergoes "rapid and far-reaching" transition, the average global temperature increase will reach 1.5°C by 2040, according to a leaked draft version of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change quoted by Reuters on Thursday. The EU and most of the world's countries agreed in 2015 in Paris to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The draft said national pledges made in Paris were not enough.