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European Union


Council lTV - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 13:35

The EU has had a delegation office  in Mali since 1958. The two maintain relations based on political dialogue under the Cotonou Agreement, the Country Strategy Paper and on security and defence matters.

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Categories: European Union

Albania and Macedonia – a ray of hope and a warning for Balkans - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 13:21
Everyone was taken by surprise on Tuesday (26 June) when EU ministers agreed to set out a path for opening accession talks with Albania and Macedonia in June 2019. Many were doubtful this would be agreed, at a time when the EU is facing difficult challenges, write Adnan Ćerimagić and Zoran Nechev.
Categories: European Union

Is two too little or just right for Serbia? - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 12:36
Earlier this week, Serbia opened two more chapters in its EU accession talks. It also received another clear message that progress on the rule of law and the normalisation of relations with Kosovo were crucial for the pace of its advance towards membership. reports.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Can the EU summit resolve the row over migration? - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 12:28
The EU summit that begins today is supposed to bring a breakthrough in the row over asylum and migration policy. It will focus on the reform of the Dublin regulations and the policy on refugees arriving in boats. European media outlets put forward their proposals.
Categories: European Union

Debate: EU copyright reform: free Internet content in danger? - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 12:28
Users who want to upload copyrighted content on the Internet may soon be prevented from doing so by upload filters. The EU Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs last week voted in favour of a copyright law reform that would include this measure. Another controversial point is the ancillary copyright law. The European Parliament will vote on the legislation at the beginning of July. Commentators take a predominantly negative view of the reform.
Categories: European Union

Debate: New Czech government takes office - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 12:28
Eight months after the elections a second government under billionaire Andrej Babiš has been sworn in in Prague. The cabinet comprising members from the liberal Ano and the Social Democratic Party relies on the backing of the Communist Party. Commentators feel reminded of the past.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Poland waters down Holocaust law - Thu, 06/28/2018 - 12:28
In an expedited procedure Poland has watered down a controversial law that made the claim that the Polish state or Polish citizens were perpetrators in the Holocaust a punishable offence. Prison sentences will no longer apply. Israel was particularly vocal in its condemnation of the law. Commentators are at odds over whether it's a good idea to punish certain interpretations of history.
Categories: European Union


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