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European Union

Austria unveils energy, environment work plan at EU helm - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 10:19
The Austrian Presidency of the EU will aim to reach agreement on two flagship pieces of legislation during its six-month stint at the EU helm – including new CO2 emissions standards for new cars and vans for 2030 and a controversial reform of the electricity market.
Categories: European Union

97/2018 : 3 July 2018 - Judgment of the General Court in joined cases T-379/10 RENV, T-381/10 RENV

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:52
Keramag Keramische Werke and Others v Commission
The General Court upholds the fine of €57 million imposed on Sanitec Europe and its subsidiaries in the context of the cartel on the bathroom fixtures and fittings market

Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Juncker: Austrian far-right does not fit with Salvini and Le Pen - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:30
EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has urged Austria's ruling coalition party to break relations with right-wing partners, Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen. "I wish that the FPO would leave this negative association [the ENF group]. For me it does not belong in this category," he said in Strasbourg on Monday. Austria's OVP conservative chancellor Sebastian Kurz speaks in parliament on Tuesday, as Austria takes over the rotating EU presidency.
Categories: European Union

European Parliament to keep public in dark on MEP expenses - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:29
Every year, MEPs spend some €40m of taxpayer money on things like restaurants and hotels amid public pressure for accountability, given numerous scandals. On Monday, EU parliament leaders decided to keep the public in the dark.
Categories: European Union

[Interview] EU populists not actually that 'popular', says global activist - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:29
"The populists are not popular. It's 14 percent of the vote in Germany and smaller percentages in other countries," says global campaigner Ricken Patel, considering to use his organisation, Avaaz, to raise turnout in next year's European parliament elections.
Categories: European Union

MEPs delay debate about 'killer robots' - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:18
"International regulation has to be agreed before the development gets completely out of hand," says one MEP as the European Parliament is due to vote on an EU defence fund that could see taxpayer-funded development of the controversial weapons systems.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Next EU Budget: let's back values with money - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:15
Quite a few of the Commission's proposals deserve endorsement. Others warrant adjustment and refining.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Macron sacks ambassador over pro-Orban comments - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 09:05
French president Emmanuel Macron has fired his ambassador to Hungary, Eric Fournier, after he wrote a memo to the Elysee praising the harsh migration policies of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban. The document was published by French investigative site Mediapart. Macron was alerted to the publication at an EU summit in Brussels last week and nominated a new ambassador, Pascale Andreani, over the weekend.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Merkel agrees to border camps for migrants - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 08:58
German chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on Monday to build border camps for asylum seekers and to tighten the border with Austria in a political deal with her Bavarian sister party, the CSU, to save her government. She also accepted to keep the CSU's leader, Horst Seehofer, as minister of the interior. The new policy is subject to the approval by the Social Democrats, the third party in Merkel's coalition.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] EU unemployment drops to lowest level since 2008 - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 08:50
Unemployment in the euro area dropped to 8.4 percent in May 2018 and to 7.0 percent in the whole EU, the lowest rates since 2008, according to Eurostat. The Czech Republic had the lowest unemployment (2.3 percent) followed by Germany (3.4 percent). The highest rates were observed in Greece (20.1 percent) and Spain (15.8 percent). In comparison the unemployment rate in the US was 3.8 percent in May.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Trump letters warn Nato allies to spend more on defence - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 08:49
US president Donald Trump has sent letters to the leaders of Nato countries, including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada, demanding that they increase their defence spending. The letters were sent in June and revealed by the New York Times ahead of the upcoming Nato summit in Brussels on 11-12 July. Trump wrote the US may otherwise consider a response, including adjusting the United States' military presence around the world.
Categories: European Union

Top US business group assails Trump’s handling of trade dispute - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:50
The US Chamber of Commerce on Monday (2 July) denounced President Donald Trump's handling of global trade disputes, issuing a report that argued tariffs imposed by Washington and retaliation by its partners would boomerang badly on the American economy.
Categories: European Union

Merkel settles migration row with Bavarian ally - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:35
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives settled a row over migration that threatened to topple her fragile governing coalition late on Monday evening after talks with her rebellious interior minister led him to drop his threat to resign.
Categories: European Union

Polish parliament approves changes to green energy law - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:28
Poland’s upper house of parliament approved an amendment to the country's renewable energy law on Friday (29 June) meant to remove obstacles to green energy investment and help Warsaw meet EU targets.
Categories: European Union

Europe’s silent shift to self-employment - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:19
Self-employment is becoming more diversified in Europe and covers an increasing number of activities. But this small revolution raises issues when it comes to social protection. reports.
Categories: European Union

Thailand: The rich world’s new dumpsite for e-waste - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:18
Thailand has become one of the largest dumpsites for electronic waste from developed countries since China’s January ban on the import of plastic waste. EURACTIV’s partner Le Journal de l’environnement reports.
Categories: European Union

Balkans should build on momentum, focus on reforms – EU ambassador - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:12
The attitude that the EU owes something to the candidate countries in the Western Balkans is wrong, as well as the belief that concerns over the growing Russian influence in the region will be enough to bring someone "closer to the EU”, according to the EU Ambassador to Montenegro, Aivo Orav.
Categories: European Union

Seek new data deal with EU immediately, MPs tell May - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:10
The UK government should immediately open talks to secure a Data Adequacy Decision from the European Commission, MPs said in a new report published on Tuesday (2 July).
Categories: European Union

MEP on connected car fight: Commission should focus on safety standards, not technology - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 07:02
The European Commission wants future connected vehicles to be able to run both on 5G and Wifi networks, claiming its upcoming legal proposal will remain "technology neutral". But a leading lawmaker warns this will in effect give preference to one technology over another.
Categories: European Union

EFPIA President: Next EU Commission should prioritise competitiveness in pharma innovation - Tue, 07/03/2018 - 06:20
The next European Commission should focus on the bloc’s role in the global context of innovation, as China is “decisive” about creating a reliable framework for intellectual property and connecting biotech start-ups and digital companies, EFPIA’s President Stefan Oschmann told in an interview.  
Categories: European Union


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