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European Union

China’s Belt and Road initiative, explained by Kazakhstan - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 16:38
Roman Vassilenko, deputy minister of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan, met on Wednesday (4 July) with a group of international journalists from around the world to field questions about his country's development and the China-promoted Belt and Road initiative.
Categories: European Union

The New Silk Road - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 16:37
The Belt and Road initiative largely replicates the Silk Road, a common historical heritage of China, Kazakhstan and all countries along its path. The economic potential of the initiative is huge, and so are its geopolitical effects.
Categories: European Union

Austria Presidency pushes for dialogue on US-EU trade dispute - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 16:17
Austria's EU Presidency is committed to preserving EU unity on the US trade dispute during its mandate but wants the European Commission to prioritise a transatlantic dialogue and avoid escalation.
Categories: European Union

Trump is wrong: Guns alone don’t make a superpower - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 15:30
Since his election, US President Donald Trump has been wreaking havoc wherever he goes and his next target is most probably NATO, warns Shada Islam.
Categories: European Union

MEPs show support for Parliament interpreters - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 15:27
Interpreters at the European Parliament are currently on strike, but can be requisitioned in case of a session. MEPs showed their support for them on Tuesday (3 July) by switching off their microphones for 30 minutes. reports.
Categories: European Union

We have the right to shape our own legal system, Polish PM tells EU - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 15:23
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki defended his country's recent overhaul of the judiciary on Wednesday (4 July), while laying out his vision for Europe's future.
Categories: European Union

Polish PM defends judicial witch-hunt - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 14:28
Poland's judicial purge was meant to punish former communists, its PM has said, in an angry EU debate that saw him ultimately promise to respect EU court rulings.
Categories: European Union

[Exclusive] How eight MEPs overruled 540 colleagues on office expenses - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 14:00
The EU parliament spends €40m a year on a lump sum for MEPs' expenses with barely any scrutiny. A majority of parliamentarians called for more transparency - but a handful of powerful MEPs mostly dismissed that request.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] MEPs approve first update of EP election rules since 1976 - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 13:51
MEPs at their plenary session in Strasbourg have approved the first modernisation of voting rules for European Parliament elections since 1976. The update will allow for postal and electronic voting, and member state citizens living outside the EU to vote. Countries will have the option to also display European political groupings on the ballot papers. The adopted provisions must now be approved by all member states.
Categories: European Union

Media advisory 2nd EU-CELAC Ministerial Meeting on 16 and 17 July 2018

European Council - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 13:48
Information about media programme and accreditation requirements for 2nd EU-CELAC Ministerial Meeting in July
Categories: European Union

Debate: What will the Seehofer-Merkel plan mean for Europe? - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 11:53
After Germany's CDU and CSU proposed setting up "transit centres", Vienna has announced that it will introduce tighter controls on its borders with Italy and Slovenia should the government in Berlin agree to the proposal. Commentators see a paradigmatic change of course in Germany's migration policy and believe that the repercussions will be felt throughout Europe.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Seeking the causes of the migration crisis - Wed, 07/04/2018 - 11:53
How could Europe come so close to splitting up over the question of how to deal with immigrants? Commentators examine the reasons, looking to the past but also analysing potential solutions.
Categories: European Union


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