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European Union

Debate: Nobel Prizes in Literature: the right winners? - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:31
Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke have received the Nobel Prize in Literature. The awarding of the 2018 prize to the Pole Olga Tokarczuk and of the 2019 prize to the Austrian Peter Handke was announced simultaneously, since last year's award was postponed due to a scandal. Both prize-winners are controversial choices, as the press commentaries show.
Categories: European Union

Debate: EU Commission: Macron's candidate fails - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:31
The European Parliament has rejected the designated French EU commissioner Sylvie Goulard after a second hearing, citing doubts about Goulard's integrity. In France Goulard has been the target of criticism for some time because of a scandal involving feigned employment and on account of her activities as a consultant for a private investor for several years. European commentators suspect, however, that there were other motives behind the vote.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Romania's government toppled by no-confidence vote - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:31
Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă's social democratic cabinet was toppled by a no-confidence vote on Thursday. The government had lost its majority after the withdrawal of its coalition partner Alde. Dăncilă, who had been in office since January, was often criticised not just for her policies, but for her frequent grammatical errors. Romania's press is at odds over what comes next.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Turkey attacks Kurds in northern Syria - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:31
After US troops began their withdrawal, the Turkish army launched a new offensive against Kurdish militias in northern Syria on Wednesday. Thousands of civilians are now fleeing southwards. Commentators from the region doubt that Erdoğan is doing Turkey any favours with this campaign.
Categories: European Union

A risky game | Karar - Turkey - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:31
Categories: European Union

Tokarczuk’s Nobel is good news for Polish liberals ahead of Sunday’s vote - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 12:19
With this award, Europeans can see how strong, powerful, but most of all, resourceful, the liberal Poland is, writes Piotr Maciej Kaczyński.
Categories: European Union

Commissioner Hearings: Best Of - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 11:41
A compilation of some of the best moments of the 24 hearings.
Categories: European Union


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