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A globalisation that works for everyone? Penny Goldberg discusses the 2020 World Development Report

Written by Klemen Zumer with Paul Anton Kindermann,

Chief Economist of the World Bank (WB), Penny Goldberg, presented an exclusive snapshot of the 2020 World Development Report in the Library Reading Room at the European Parliament on 1 October 2019, discussing the economic challenges and perspectives of global value chains (GVCs) for economic development: what can policy makers do to facilitate sustainable growth through GVCs? This question is particularly pressing in the wake of continuous trade conflicts that dampen expectations for further growth. The high-level event with Penny Goldberg and EP Vice President Pedro Silva Pereira kicked off intensified EPRS cooperation with the World Bank that will spark many follow up initiatives.

GVCs constitute a central layer of today’s unprecedentedly interconnected world economy. In a GVC, countries do not simply trade products. They produce together, as different steps of a single production process are distributed to different locations around the world, and the parts produced in each place are shipped across the globe often crossing borders multiple times. GVCs extend the division of labour to an international scale. In the contemporary world economy, almost all countries participate in GVCs; at different stages of the economic chain, they export raw materials, semi-finished goods, or eventually goods ready for consumption. The steady emergence of these GVCs over four decades has powered an economic revolution that boosted economic growth.

In general, the World Bank finds comprehensive empirical evidence that GVCs facilitate major income growth in manufacturing countries. And in developing countries, GVC firms have contributed to significant poverty reductions. On the other hand, Penny Goldberg identifies two major problems that come as costs of participating in GVCs. First, the economic gains that result from GVCs are distributed unequally across and within countries: participation in GVCs disadvantages unskilled workers, and women and youth are generally placed in lower value-added segments of production. Second, the high transportation costs are a strain on the environment. Thus, policy-makers are called upon to ensure that benefits are shared and the environment protected – e.g. by a carbon tax or stronger regulations on particular industries and polluters. Only then can globalisation ‘work for everyone’.

While these policies are needed urgently, the profound potential of GVCs for further, sustainable economic growth can only be harnessed if the rule-based international trade system is maintained and strengthened. Penny Goldberg warned that the continuation of protectionist measures could push more than 30 million people into poverty and crush global income. In concert with EP Vice President Pereira, she emphasised that international cooperation on trade is critical for the sustainable growth of all countries and suggested several criteria that new deep trade agreements should fulfil – such as stronger rules on subsidies. Vice-President Silva Pereira recalled the problems of trade agreements which lacked public support and came under heavy scrutiny. Here, he said, the EP should, among other things, push for prominent placement of sustainable development chapters in new, comprehensive agreements.

Following a lively question and answer session, Penny Goldberg promised to be back at EPRS soon to discuss the report in more detail.

Categories: European Union

EU cancer plan will succeed if the right priorities are identified, official says - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 08:24
The much-awaited EU cancer plan will first have to identify specific needs at national level, seek funding and then be closely monitored in order to be successful, a high-ranking EU official has told
Categories: European Union

Animal health the biggest challenge in livestock farming, researcher says - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 08:15
Even more than climate change, animal welfare will be the main challenge for the future of livestock farming and will lead to reconsider the entire system around the health of animals, a French farming researcher told
Categories: European Union

Britain, EU enter make-or-break Brexit week - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 08:01
Britain and the European Union on Monday (14 October) enter a pivotal week that determines if they are still on course to reach amicable divorce terms -- and when Brexit might finally occur.
Categories: European Union

Why we should back the EIB on ambitious energy policy - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 08:00
As part of putting the Paris Agreement into action, the EU and its Member States should back the European Investment Bank’s proposal to cease fossil investments, writes Sir Graham Watson.
Categories: European Union

International alliance of cities commits to tackling air pollution - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 07:49
Poor air quality causes 422,000 premature deaths deaths each year in Europe and EU member states have repeatedly been singled out for exceeding pollution thresholds. At the C40 Summit on Friday (11 October), 35 cities decided to take the matter into their own hands. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Categories: European Union

Hungary’s opposition wins Budapest election, makes gains in other cities - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 07:45
Hungary's opposition scored its biggest election victory in a decade on Sunday (13 October) when liberal challenger Gergely Karácsony ousted ruling-party incumbent Istvan Tarlos as mayor of Budapest and opposition parties made gains in other major cities as well.
Categories: European Union

Macron, Merkel call for end to Turkish invasion in Syria - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 07:27
The leaders of France and Germany called Sunday (13 October) for an end to Turkey's offensive against Kurds in northern Syria, warning of dire humanitarian consequences and a boost for the Islamic State group.
Categories: European Union

Rioja president: ‘We will stand behind our wine producers’ in EU-US tariff war - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 07:17
Concha Andreu, the President of La Rioja region, made her first visit to Brussels last week, just after the US announced fresh tariffs on European exports, including wine produced in her region. She told she is confident that Europe will support the region, whose economy is heavily dependent on the wine sector.
Categories: European Union

Skills are the new currency in the changing world of work [Promoted content] - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 07:00
Solving the skills gap is essential in the changing world of work. The European private employment industry is already developing new solutions, from AI-based skills assessment to the matching of skills demand and educational offering. Now policy support has to follow.
Categories: European Union

Something fishy this way comes - Mon, 10/14/2019 - 06:57
We can have more fish in the sea and secure a profitable future for our fishermen and women if we respect the sustainable limits of catches and let the stocks recover, writes Chris Davies.
Categories: European Union

Speech by President Donald Tusk upon receiving the Globsec European Award

European Council - Sat, 10/12/2019 - 03:37
During the 2019 Tatra Summit in Slovakia, President Tusk delivered a speech upon receiving the Globesec European Award.
Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

European Council - Sat, 10/12/2019 - 03:37
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 14 - 23 October 2019.
Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - General Affairs (Art. 50) and General Affairs Council meetings of 15 October 2019

European Council - Sat, 10/12/2019 - 03:37
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council of 14 October 2019

European Council - Sat, 10/12/2019 - 03:37
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades

European Council - Sat, 10/12/2019 - 03:37
President Tusk and President Anastasiades met in Nicosia ahead of the October European Council. They discussed the latest developments on Brexit and the situation of EU-Turkey relations, underlining EU solidarity for all its member states.
Categories: European Union

Origins of the 2019-24 EU Strategic Agenda: The Future of Europe debate and the Sibiu European Council

Written by Suzana Anghel and Ralf Drachenberg,

© Fotolia

The Sibiu Summit of 9 May 2019 and the subsequent adoption of the 2019-24 Strategic Agenda on 20 June 2019 constitute the end of the Future of Europe debate (at least in its current iteration), which was initiated following the June 2016 UK referendum on EU membership. Five milestone moments marked three distinct phases in the Future of Europe debate: 1) diagnostics and reflection (June to mid-September 2016); 2) deliberation and proposals (mid-September 2016 to March 2017); and 3) delivery and vision (April 2017 to June 2019).

One of the main findings of this study is that throughout the Future of Europe process, EU Heads of State or Government reiterated three core messages that also featured prominently in all the milestone documents: the need for unity, priority to EU citizens, and focus on (policy) delivery. Moreover, the three policy priorities – migration, security and the economy – identified in the Bratislava Declaration, have been the focus over the entire period of the Future of Europe process (June 2016 to June 2019), forming the European Council’s ‘rolling agenda’ of policy priorities. Despite developments in the European Council composition in that same period (as a result of the arrival of 16 new Heads of State or Government), the core messages remained almost identical, even though, often, different players were involved in drafting the related declarations and statements.

Another finding of the study is that both the European Council and the European Parliament emerged stronger from the three-year Future of Europe debate. The introduction of the Leaders’ Agenda and of the new working methods allowed EU leaders to ‘take things into their hands’ and to concentrate on solving sensitive issues by debating them well in advance at leaders’ meetings. The Parliament was active throughout the Future of Europe debate. In addition to adopting resolutions and expressing its vision in specific documents, it solidified its role as a forum for open debate by holding a series of plenary debates with EU Heads of State or Government.

An examination of the most recent phase of the Future of Europe debate (April 2018-June 2019) showed that three more or less parallel processes – the activities under the Leaders’ Agenda, the debates in the Parliament, and the citizens’ consultations – lasted throughout that whole phase and shaped the Sibiu Declaration and the subsequent (new) Strategic Agenda 2019-24.

The study identifies strong continuity between the new Strategic Agenda and its predecessor with regard to some policy issues, while also noting that other significant policy issues have been added and there has been a shift in focus within the different policy areas. Both the Sibiu Declaration and the new Strategic Agenda strengthen the policy focus on the EU’s role as a global player in actions related to climate change.

When comparing the 2019-24 Strategic Agenda with other milestone documents that were issued during the Future of Europe debate, a certain degree of continuity on horizontal and institutional issues can be observed. However, the Strategic Agenda envisages that the different EU institutions should revisit their working methods, indicating that some institutional evolution can be expected in the near future. In the case of the European Council, for instance, this could lead to the operationalisation of the 2019-24 Strategic Agenda through a new Leaders’ Agenda under the next President of the European Council.

Read this ‘study’ on ‘Origins of the 2019-24 EU Strategic Agenda: The Future of Europe debate and the Sibiu European Council‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

Categories: European Union

[Agenda] Brexit nail-biter and EU nominations This WEEK - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 17:49
British prime minister Boris Johnson will meet the 27 other EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday to try to clinch a last-minute Brexit deal.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Italy: EU cannot accept Turkish 'blackmail' - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 17:07
Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte said Friday that the EU must not accept the threats of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said he would push millions of Syrian refugees into Europe. "Turkish efforts to welcome in Syrian refugees cannot then become a tool of blackmail for a military initiative that we cannot accept and which must immediately stop," Conte said, adding that Erdogan should stop military operations in Syria.
Categories: European Union

The Brief, powered by the Martens Centre – Mind the gap (or lose) - Fri, 10/11/2019 - 16:59
Poland's ruling conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) is on track for a remarkable re-election win this Sunday, in what many call the country’s most fateful ballot in years.
Categories: European Union


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