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Digital challenges for Europe [What Think Tanks are thinking]

Written by Marcin Grajewski,

© deepagopi2011 / Fotolia

The rapid development of digital technologies is posing a challenge to the European Union, spurring initiatives to catch up with the US and China in the area, notably in the context of the digital Single Market. Among the dilemmas are how to reconcile Europe’s sensitivity towards protecting private data with the need to use them in many algorithms, and ensure that automation and Artificial Intelligence strengthen rather than weaken labour market participation.

This note offers links to a series of some recent commentaries and reports from major international think tanks and research institutes on digital challenges. Many earlier papers on the issue can be found in a previous item of the series, published in July 2018. Many reports on cybersecuirty are available in a publication from October 2018

The case for intelligent industrial policy
Bruegel, October 2019

5G: What we talk about when we talk about trust, the EU risk assessment process
European Centre for International Political Economy, October 2019

Analytical report: Preparing the armed forces for disruptive technological changes
European Policy Centre, September 2019

On-location client-determined moderately skilled platform work
Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2019

Banking, FinTech, Big Tech: Emerging challenges for financial policymakers
Bruegel, September 2019

Blockchain is the real thing
Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2019

In an era of digitalisation, the Single Market needs a software update
Bruegel, September 2019

Jobs and robots: Europe’s debate over the destiny of the welfare state
Bruegel, September 2019

China’s digital trade success: Two different perspectives
European Centre for International Political Economy, September 2019

The end of techno-utopianism
German Marshall Fund, September 2019

Making the Single Market work: Launching a 2022 masterplan for Europe
European Policy Centre, August 2019

Artificial Intelligence prediction and counterterrorism
Chatham House, August 2019

Machine politics: Europe and the AI revolution
European Council on Foreign Relations, July 2019

How to strengthen Europe’s agenda on digital connectivity
Cligendael, July 2019

Creating a digital roadmap for a circular economy
European Policy Centre, July 2019

Europas nächste Schritte für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung der Digitalisierung
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, July 2019

Digitalisation and European welfare states
Bruegel, July 2019

Europe’s 5G wake-up call
Centre for European Policy Studies, July 2019

The impact of digitalisation on labour market inclusion of people with disabilities
Centre for European Policy Studies, July 2019

Exploring media literacy education as a tool for mitigating truth decay
Rand Corporation, July 2019

Sustainability in the age of platforms
Centre for European Policy Studies, June 2019

The EU’s security union: A bill of health
Centre for European Reform, June 2019

Harnessing artificial intelligence
European Council on Foreign Relations, June 2019

Zeit für ein Update: was die Menschen in Deutschland über Digitalisierung denken
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, June 2019

Europe and the digital arms race: Is winter coming?
Centre for European Policy Studies, June 2019

Digitalization and the future of work: Macroeconomic consequences
Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, June 2019

Europe’s digital future: United and determined to win
Friends of Europe, June 2019

Why all the Facebook fire? Because it is the most cynical
German Marshall Fund, June 2019

Digitalsteuer in der EU – wo stehen wir?
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Jacques Delors Institute, May 2019

The future of work? Work of the future! On how artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are transforming jobs and the economy in Europe
European Political Strategy Centre, May 2019

Europe: The global centre for excellent research
Bruegel, May 2019

Norm contestation in the digital era: Campaigning for refugee rights
Chatham House, May 2019

Do data policy restrictions impact the productivity performance of firms and industries?
European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, April 2019

A roadmap for a fair data economy
Lisbon Council, April 2019

Is this blog post legal (under new EU copyright law)?
Bruegel, April 2019

New digital threats to media pluralism in the information age
European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, March 2019

Security first, technology second: Putin tightens his grip on Russia’s Internet, with China’s help
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

Users, data, networks: Taxing the digital economy
Jacques Delors Institute , Bertelsmann Stiftung, March 2019

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics, governance and policy challenges
Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2019

Escaping the startup trap: Can policymakers help small companies grow to major employers
Progressive Policy Institute, February 2019

5G, Huawei und die Sicherheit unserer Kommunikationsnetze
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, February 2019

The European Digital Single Market: Delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses
Bruegel, January 2019

Transformation numérique de l’industrie: L’enjeu franco-allemand
Institut français des relations internationales, January 2019

Four internets: The geopolitics of digital governance
Centre for International Governance Innovation, January 2019

Digital Europe: Next steps, a European Agenda for the Digital-9+
Lisbon Council, November 2019

Read this briefing on ‘Digital challenges for Europe‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

Categories: European Union

Visions for Europe: ‘Buccaneering Brexit versus European civilisation’ - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 14:00
This essay is published as part of the project “20 Visions for Europe”, gathering unique visions from public officials, intellectuals, artists, diplomats, athletes, civic actors and business representatives. The project is part of EURACTIV’s celebration of 20 years of free,...
Categories: European Union

The EU dilemma with the GMO industry and independent risk research - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 13:27
The EU should give higher priority to the protection of health and the environment, but when it comes to genetically engineered plants, the current standards of risk assessment are not sufficient to fulfil the legal requirements, writes Christoph Then, executive director at Testbiotech.
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Almost 7,500 people forcibly returned to Libya in 2019 - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 13:25
The partly EU-financed and trained Libyan Coast Guard has intercepted 7,404 refugees and migrants at sea and returned them to the war-torn country so far this year, according to figures from the UN's International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Many are then sent to notorious Libyan detention centres amid an ongoing backlash from human-rights organisations. Some 45,700 refugees and asylum seekers in Libya are registered with the UN refugee agency (UNHCR).
Categories: European Union

[Ticker] Puigdemont released after responding to arrest warrant - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 13:01
The Catalan leader who led the failed bid for independence in 2017, Carles Puigdemont, was released with conditions by the Belgian authorities on Friday, after Spain's court issued a European arrest warrant for him earlier this week. According to El Pais, Puigdemont put himself at the disposal of the Belgian authorities on Thursday, who have queried Spain about Puigdemont's possible immunity.
Categories: European Union

Agenda - The Week Ahead 21 – 27 October 2019

European Parliament - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 12:40
Plenary session, Strasbourg

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: European Union

Debate: The US and Turkey negotiate ceasefire in northern Syria - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 12:25
US diplomats have negotiated a five-day ceasefire in northern Syria with the Turkish government. Under the agreement the Kurdish militia YPG is to leave the security zone Turkey is seeking to establish and Turkey is to end its offensive in the region. Some commentators are sceptical about what US President Trump is hailing as a great success.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Warsaw government wants to ban sex education - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 12:25
On Wednesday thousands of people protested in several cities across Poland against a bill that proposes imprisonment for teachers who teach sex education. The proposal was initiated by abortion opponents who are committed to "protecting children and adolescents from sexual corruption." Poland's commentators are as divided as its society.
Categories: European Union

Debate: No solution to the Catalonia Crisis? - Fri, 10/18/2019 - 12:25
Thousands of people in Barcelona protest daily against the Spanish Supreme Court ruling in which leaders of the Catalan independence movement were sentenced up to thirteen years in prison. A general strike and blockades are set for Friday. The conflict has reached an impasse, in which other European countries can be drawn into, commentators observe.
Categories: European Union


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