Internetes vásárlás, étel és kávé elvitelre... Egyre nő a csomagolási hulladék mennyisége. Tudja meg, hogyan akarja az EU visszafordítani a növekvő tendenciát!
Ligue des droits humains
Processing of personal data: decisions taken by a supervisory authority in the context of the indirect exercise of the rights of the data subject are legally binding
Ships in EU seas should face dissuasive fines not only for oil spills, but also for sewage and garbage discharge, Transport and Tourism Committee MEPs say. Committee on Transport and Tourism
Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on new rules on collection and data sharing on short-term rentals to help local authorities improve tourism services. Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
In view of the situation in Venezuela, the Council today decided exceptionally to extend its restrictive measures for six months only instead of one year, until 14 May 2024.
A Tanács megállapodott egy, a tűzoltó repülőgépek és helikopterek finanszírozásáról szóló uniós jogszabályról, amelynek keretében a tagállamok támogatást fognak kapni az erdőtüzek elleni küzdelemhez.
A Tanács elfogadta a mezőgazdasági fenntarthatósági információs hálózatról szóló rendeletet, amelynek célja az uniós élelmiszerrendszerek fenntarthatóságának javítása.
On Tuesday, the Civil Liberties Committee adopted its position on new measures to protect children online by preventing and stopping child sexual abuse. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
MEPs and the Spanish presidency of the Council agreed on plans to boost the supply of strategic raw materials, on Monday. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
The Council and the European Parliament today reached agreement on the EU’s annual budget for 2024. Next year’s budget strongly focuses on the EU's main policy priorities. Total commitments amount to €189 385,4 million. Total payments amount to €142 630,3 million.