Franciaország kontra Parlament
Intézményi jog
The European Parliament may exercise some of its budgetary powers in Brussels, instead of Strasbourg, if that is required for the proper functioning of the budgetary procedure
Ministerio Fiscal
Criminal offences that are not particularly serious may justify access to personal data retained by providers of electronic communications services provided that that access does not constitute a serious infringement of privacy
Remarks by President Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 1 October on the ESM reform, national automatic stabilisers and Italy.
European Council President Tusk and NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg commented on the results of the consultative referendum on the name issue in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Council agrees on its negotiating position on the fight against unfair trading practices.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions, and press opportunities.
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 1-7 October 2018
The EU Council today adopted a regulation aimed at boosting high-performance computing by setting up a new European joint undertaking. This undertaking will oversee the pooling of resources within Europe to develop supercomputers for processing big data.
On 27 September 2018 the Council adopted a regulation on the European Solidarity Corps. The regulation establishes a legal framework for young people to volunteer or work in beneficial projects across Europe under the auspices of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC).
On 27 September 2018 the Council adopted a regulation setting up a single digital gateway. The new gateway will provide access to online information and procedures, assistance and problem solving services to individuals and companies.
Addressing the UN General Assembly on behalf of the European Union, President Tusk supported multilateral action in a number of areas: trade, security, climate change and human rights.
A salzburgi EU-csúcsról Theresa May brit kormányfő jókora pofonnal érkezett haza. Minden korábbinál valószínűbb, hogy a brexitről nem lesz megállapodás. A konzervatívok belső harcok elé nézhetnek, a Munkáspárt már egy új népszavazást sem zár ki.
Rittinger és társai
Állami támogatás
Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona proposes that the Court of Justice declare that the amendment to the criterion used for charging the fee which finances public service broadcasters in Germany does not constitute unlawful State aid
Philips és Philips France kontra Bizottság
In the context of the cartel in the smart card chip market, the Court refers the case involving Infineon Technologies back to the General Court to assess the proportionality of the fine imposed, and dismisses the appeal lodged by Philips
A francia elnök és a magyar kormányfő szópárbaja mögött egy teljesen átalakuló Európa képe látszik. Miről szól a két tábor csatája? És mi mozgatja most az európai politikusok és pártcsaládokat?
President Donald Tusk addressed the leaders gathered for a High-Level event on Action for Peacekeeping held in the margins on the UN General Assembly in New York City.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Psara kontra Parlament
Intézményi jog
Az EU Törvényszéke helybenhagyja a Parlament azon döntését, amellyel megtagadta az európai parlamenti képviselők napidíjára, az utazási költségeik megtérítésére, valamint a parlamenti asszisztensi költségeik megtérítésére vonatkozó dokumentumok hozzáférhetővé tételét
Letter of condolences from Presidents Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on the passing of President Tran Dai Quang of Vietnam
On 21 September 2018, President Donald Tusk issued a statement on Brexit negotiations.