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Defence`s Feeds

TURKEY : With elections due next year, Erdogan has ensured his allies stay in charge of the security forces

Intelligence Online - Thu, 30/06/2022 - 08:00
With the next parliamentary and presidential elections due in June 2023, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is looking to cover
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GERMANY/UNITED STATES/FRANCE/ISRAEL/SINGAPORE : The Tech Times: Sekoia at centre of CTI, Joel Bork joins Conquest Cyber, Günter Heiss leaves Labyrinth, Group-IB loses cyber chief, Hytera without consultant

Intelligence Online - Thu, 30/06/2022 - 08:00
Paris - Sekoia joins Thales on Big Challenge CTI project.According to our sources, French cybersecurity company Sekoia is part of
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Lockheed Martin, US Navy seek to develop operational concepts for ship-board laser

Jane's Defense News - Thu, 30/06/2022 - 06:50
As the US Navy (USN) and Lockheed Martin work through the installation of the company's High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS) on...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

India tests Abhyas HEAT system at low altitudes

Jane's Defense News - Thu, 30/06/2022 - 05:50
India has tested its locally developed Abhyas High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) off the country's east coast.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

In-Depth Analysis - Multilateralism and Democracy. A European Parliament perspective - PE 639.319 - Committee on Development - Committee on Foreign Affairs - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Subcommittee on Security and Defence - Committee on...

This analysis looks into the complex relationship between two trends in international governance: an increase in multilateral arrangements between countries in order to govern internationally on the one hand, and a lack of democratic control over the decisions taken by multilateral organisations or conferences on the other. Multilateralism in the modern sense refers to an international mode of operation involving peaceful negotiations and diplomacy, also referred to as a ‘rules-based international order’ or ‘rules-based multilateralism’. Several European countries have recently launched initiatives in support of multilateralism, in reaction to the increasingly unilateral behaviour of states undermining the existing rules-based international order. Apart from the European Union, no other multilateral organisation has a parliamentary body with the competence to block or amend its decisions, which indicates that there is a democratic deficit in these multilateral organisations. An initial response to such a democratic deficit is the involvement of national parliaments in international decision-making. This is known as ‘parliamentary diplomacy’. Secondly, the involvement of civil society in international decision-making through protests, petitions, consultations or participation can also enhance democracy. Thirdly, the organisation of national referenda on international decisions can be used by national governments or citizens’ initiatives to increase democratic legitimacy. Fourthly, a lack of democracy at international level can also be countered by creating an ‘alliance of democracies’, aimed at multilateral cooperation between democratic countries rather than the democratisation of multilateral organisations. These are mostly alliances of Western countries, which risks emphasising the differences between West and East or North and South. Three short case studies of parliamentary diplomacy with the strong involvement of the European Parliament (the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organization (WTO), delegations to the Conferences of Parties of climate change agreements and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly) show that enhancing multilateral democracy is not the only aim of parliamentary diplomacy and that each case reveals a different mix between the ‘parliamentary’ aspect of democratisation and the ‘diplomacy’ aspects of information exchange or influencing.
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

Indian Army orders mountain variant of WLR

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 14:05
The Indian Army has ordered six units of a new “mountain variant” of a weapon location radar (WLR) system developed by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Consultation Forum concludes first round of defence energy deliverables ​

EDA News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 14:04

More than 150 experts from 26 European countries and different institutions and organisations participate in the 4th  Conference of the third phase of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS III) which opened today. 

EDA is organising the 4th CF SEDSS III conference (29/ 30 June) under the auspices of the French EU Presidency and hosted by the Ministry of Armed Forces of France (FR MoD) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). For the first time since the project's inception in 2015, the plenary conference is combined with an Energy Technology Solutions (ETS) Conference on 1 July 2022 and an onsite exhibition on 30 June and 1 July.

The two-day CF SEDSS plenary conference takes place at a very challenging geopolitical moment, with energy prices skyrocketing and many countries reconsidering their energy supplies and routes as a result of the Russian war in Ukraine. Consequently, the conference presents an opportunity for participants to finalise the first cycle of the project deliverables and explore new areas for strengthening the defence energy resilience and autonomy. The conference will also present an update on the European Commission’s 'Fit for 55’ package and the state of implementing of the EU's Climate Change and Defence Roadmap concerning the CF SEDSS associated work strands. During the separate working group sessions, delegates will share their expertise and insights on the group's work plan and support the development of the key deliverables.

In his opening speech, delivered via video message, EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý emphasised that "now more than ever, the EU needs to fast track the green transition to avoid being held energy hostage. Similarly, in the spirit of the Versailles declaration and the REPowerEU Plan, the EU needs to increase its energy security by improving energy efficiency, diversifying its energy supplies and substituting fossil fuels by renewables". Despite this political momentum, "the green transition will only be successful if we bring fully on board the defence sector, which is an energy-intensive and large consumer of fossil fuel", he said. This becomes increasingly imperative as EU member states agreed in the Strategic Compass to develop national strategies to prepare the armed forces for climate change. Mr Šedivý expressed his satisfaction with the outstanding result of the Forum's first cycle of deliverables, including more than fifteen project ideas on defence energy-related projects, analyses of six research areas in sustainable energy and initial contributions to the Guidance Document on Sustainable Energy. He also commended the Forum’s substantial input to the EU's Climate Change and Defence Roadmap and reiterated the Agency's commitment to support the Ministries of Defence in advancing sustainable and circular energy models via EDA's key channels, namely the Energy Consultation Forum, the Energy and Environment Capability Technology Group and the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence.

In his keynote address, General Francois-Alain Serre, general officer for sustainable development at the Joint Staff of the French Ministry of Defence, expressed his appreciation  for hosting this conference under the auspices of the French EU Presidency. He said the event offered an opportunity to "focus on EU sovereignty and strategic autonomy in two extremely vital sectors: energy and defence." Consequently, several topics will be addressed, including energy efficiency and building performance, renewable energy sources, resilience of defence-related critical energy infrastructure, and innovative energy technologies. He stressed that "energy and climate security are fields with a high potential for cooperation, both at the European and international levels, and that the Consultation Forum plays a major role in fostering this collaboration".

Next Conference in 2022 

The 5th CF SEDSS III Conference is scheduled to take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on 30 November and 1 December 2022 under the auspices of the upcoming Czech EU Presidency.

About the CF SEDSS 

The Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS) is a European Commission funded initiative managed by the EDA. This Forum was established with the primary goal to create a defence energy-related community to share information, knowledge and best practices on improving energy management, increasing energy efficiency and buildings performance, utilising renewable energy sources in the defence sector and enhancing the resilience of defence-related critical energy infrastructure. To address these objectives, and with the support of the European Commission, EDA has implemented two phases: the first phase took place from October 2015 to October 2017 and the second one from October 2017 to August 2019. Building on the successful outcome of these two phases and to address emerging and future challenges in the field of energy, EDA and the European Commission launched on 1 October 2019 the third phase, which will run over a period of four ears until 30 September 2023. CF SEDSS phase III is funded by the European Union's (EU) horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 882171.

More information: 
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Parker's bid for Meggitt advances

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 13:20
UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Kwasi Kwarteng is “minded to accept” the commitments that Parker Hannifin Corporation is...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Update: PLA aircraft fly into Taiwan's ADIZ on ‘anti-carrier' exercises

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 13:05
Twenty-nine Chinese military aircraft flew into Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on 21 June, in what was the third-largest air incursion of the zone by...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

South Korea backs proposal to acquire additional F-35s

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 13:05
A defence subcommittee of the South Korean government has backed a proposal to purchase additional Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter jets.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

India tests locally developed laser-guided ATGM

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 13:05
India test-fired on 28 June its locally developed laser-guided anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) from an Arjun main battle tank (MBT), the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in New...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Vestdavit receives contract to supply telescopic davits for Royal Danish Navy frigates

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 12:05
Norwegian manufacturer Vestdavit has developed a new telescopic davit system that will be retrofitted onboard four of the Royal Danish Navy's (RDN's) Absalon- and...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/FRANCE/UNITED KINGDOM : Wallbrook, Ankura in with State Dept, JS Held develops crypto investigation, Alaco ditches security, Axiantis hires Egypt expert

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
Washington - Ankura close to Biden administration.Ankura Consulting, which is active in corporate intelligence, has a new in with US
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/IRAN : Fallout over scrapped oil contract exposes Iran's fallen oil tsar in US

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, the man who ran Iran's oil ministry from 1997 to 2005, was summoned to Tehran's criminal court in early June. This is the latest chapter in a long-running dispute between Crescent Petroleum, a UAE firm led by
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : Guidepost supports Cognizant in case against its former general counsel accused of corruption

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
A court in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) rejected a complaint filed by the computer company Cognizant against
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : K2 expert and JS Held come to SEC's aid in case against Queens real estate tycoon

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
According to our sources, the financial investigator Raymond Dookhie, of K2 Integrity, formerly K2 Intelligence, is helping the Securities and
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UNITED STATES/FRANCE/UNITED KINGDOM : The Corporate Intelligence Village Voice: Wallbrook, Ankura in with State Dept, JS Held develops crypto investigation, Alaco ditches security, Axiantis hires Egypt expert

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
Washington - Ankura close to Biden administration.Ankura Consulting, which is active in corporate intelligence, has a new in with US
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/FRANCE : CybelAngel targets sovereign UAE market from new Dubai base

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
The Paris and Boston-based data leak detection firm CybelAngel has planted a flag in Dubai, opening an outpost there earlier
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/GREECE : Athens ready to follow Washington's line on nuclear energy

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
Given the way Russia's war on Ukraine is evolving, Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is working to realign the country's
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

KAZAKHSTAN : Internal intelligence service sifts through the Nazarbayev clan

Intelligence Online - Wed, 29/06/2022 - 08:00
The formal confirmation on 22 June that Kazakhstan's internal intelligence service, the KNB, has opened an investigation into its own
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